A E Kyle

Submitted by: Dane Walls

The Decatur Daily
Tuesday, April 16, 1929

Finds Husband Dead After He Goes to Spring

A. E. Kyle is Found By Wife

Attack of Heart Cause

Missing her husband after he had gone to the spring for water and then calling him, Mrs A. E. Kyle, of Battle Ground community, then started out to search for him Sunday morning.
She found the body of her 45-year-old husband crumpled at the spring, the bucket of water which he had gone after setting at the side of his body.

Mr Kyle, prominent in the Battle Ground community, is believed to have succumbed to an attack of the heart. He is survived by his wife and two sons.

The unfortunate man had been troubled with heart attacks for some time, but was feeling unusually well early Sunday morning, the tragedy following a short time later.

(Albert Kyle was married to Sarah Ball

Last Update Friday, 29-Mar-2019 07:56:57 MDT

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