Edd McClanahan
Submitted by: Dane Walls
Hartselle Enquirer, Sep 24, 1942
Edd McClanahan Is Killed by Fast Train
Edd J. McClanahan, age 64, was instantly killed this morning when he was struck
by the North bound "South Wind" passenger train.
Mr. McClanahan was returning home from a cotton gin where he had carried a bail
of cotton to be ginned, he was driving a pair of mules in a wagon and probably
thought the train he heard was the freight switching on the side-track.
The wagon was stuck center, the mules were not hurt, while Mr. McClanahan was
thrown about 50 feet in front of the train and to one side of the track. The
tragedy occured at the crossing between the freight and passenger depots.
Mr. McClanahan is the son of Rev. John D. McClanahan, Morgan county's oldest
Confederate veteran, who is nearing his one hundredth birthday. Other survivors
are the widow; three sons, Aulton, Gilman, and Harold McClanahan, all of
Funeral arrangements will be announced later by Drinkard.
Last Update Friday, 29-Mar-2019 07:57:05 MDT
County Coordinators:
Triller &
Joseph T. Richardson