TROUP'S GENERAL STORE LIST 12/1835 - 12/1838
I want to thank the members of the Morgan County Genealogical Society, Inc.
for providing this information. If you should have questions reguarding this
information; you can contact them at: Morgan County Genealogical Society, 624
Bank Street NE, Decatur, Alabama 35601. If you know of any information that
needs to be added please email me
HudsonK@hughes.net. Please be sure to list the subject area "Morgan County"
so I will not overlook it by mistake. Thank you.
A partial list of customers who bought goods from TROUP’s GENERAL STORE,
located at Somerville, Alabama from December 1835 to December 1838. Some names
are repeated, but the list identifies the customer as being in the area at a
given time.
December 1835
H. L. Goff |
E. M. Glenn |
Thomas Lowery |
Eli Allen |
Jonathan Sharp |
Wm. Bean |
Thos. D. Harwell |
Wm. Patten |
Robert Thompson |
James Barkley |
Alfred Jones |
Samuel Francis |
Robert Francis |
E. B. Stanback |
Benj. H. Philpot |
Richard Miller |
Walter Troup |
Wm. Raney |
James Wright |
M. W. Troup |
Isiah Blevins |
A. Nesbit |
January 1836
James McClung |
D. W. Brown |
John Meyers |
John Black |
Wm. A. Rodgers |
David Adams |
Jesse Bowers |
M. M. McKinsie |
A. B. Deleach |
Wm. Nelson |
John L. Brooks |
John Troup Jr. |
John Wilcocks |
Smith Martin |
John B. Coleman |
Davis Alfred |
Robert Wells |
John Fowler |
E. M. Glenn |
Jonathan Sharp |
John Troup Sr. |
Thos. E. Price |
Joseph Willis |
Elijah Crockett |
Wm.. Asher |
F. M. Roby |
Milton Brooks |
John W. Williams |
Mathew Bailey |
Ewd Beauchamp |
Samuel Yeager |
Edward Gandy Sr. |
Alexander Nesbit |
Wm. A. Rose |
M. M. Mooney |
Thos. Sanford |
J. D. Beauchamp |
Joel Tatom |
F. J. Wright |
A. G. Roby |
James Milwee |
Wm. Patten |
Riley L. Davis |
W. W. Clift |
Samuel G. Brooks |
C. Humphreys |
T. D. Harwell |
Thos. C. Skidmore |
Wm. J. Carelan |
Jese Evans |
Abram Stout |
Ol D. Newman |
Wm. Campbell |
Dunkin McCall |
Buron King |
E. Fulgham |
Joseph Bishop |
John Crockett |
February 1836
Robert M. Barnitt |
E. B. Stanback |
Edwin Powell |
Aron Perry |
Amse Gedden |
Nathaniel Evans |
Moses B. Couch |
Merron Perry |
Abbie F. Gedden |
Isaac Lane |
Wm. Harris |
Miss Sarah Cartright |
Wm. P. Rutledge |
Elizabeth Clay |
Pleasant Key |
Wm. Hargrave |
Robert W. Griffith |
Geo. W. Marshall |
Thos. Sharp Jr. |
Christopher E. Russell |
Joseph Blevins |
John Harris |
John T. Rather |
Mrs Sarah Vinsant |
Walter Grantland |
Brooka Waldrip |
Mathew M. Delk |
William G. Gillespi |
Emily Brooks |
Edmund Fulgham |
March 1836
Miss A. F. Gedden |
John M. McCroskey |
Henry Miller |
Walter Grantland |
Wm. Reed |
Walter Troup |
James Day |
James C. Hubbard |
John D. Fuller |
C. F. Winder |
Jese Brown |
Wm. P. Watkins |
Lewis Johnson |
W. W. Lindsey |
Thomas R. Price |
Nathan N. Montgomery |
James McDowd |
John L. McCarty
Samuel Barkley |
Samuel Patterson |
Wm. J. Gilbert |
Joseph Hunter |
Wm. pl Rutlege |
David H. Williams |
James Morrow |
H. Dent |
George Francis |
B J. Duke |
Mathew Dilk |
Thos. J. Franklin |
John Vinsant |
Richard Black |
December 1836
Wm. E. Jackson |
John H. Lundy |
John D. Jones |
Joel Tatum |
Stuart Brown |
John Maples |
John Hankins |
John E. Sullivan |
John B. Rice |
R. C. Griffith |
Uriah Couch |
Sarah Vinsant |
Jesse Bowers |
Samuel Rhea |
John Vinzant |
James Brantley |
James Lundy |
February 1837
Gideon Lyle |
Frances Rose |
John Crockett |
Elija Crockett |
John E. Sullivan |
Milton Brooks |
C. E. B. Strode |
Abraham Skidmore |
Wm. A. Rogers |
Green T. Rice |
Lewis Rene |
Hiley Garrison |
James Barkley |
M. H. Mooney |
Lewis Johnson |
William Winton |
Joseph Terny |
A. G. Roby |
James Carnes |
Nicholus Ballew |
Joseph Spain |
William Nelson |
April 1837
James Milwee |
Iry Yager |
Miss F. E. Clark |
Joseph Hampton |
Dunkin McCall |
Wm. Gay |
H. Dent |
Daniel Summers |
Henry L. Brown |
M. C. Houston |
Ephram Leath |
Mary A. Longstreet |
May 1837
Horatie Philpot |
John Thompson |
Carlisle Humphreys |
Daniel McCall |
Terry S. Morrow |
J. D. Coffee |
Ruben Chapman |
Martha P. Goff |
James A. Watson |
Joseph Wallas |
John W. Williams |
Lossen Garner |
June 1837
L. C. Caughman |
William Morrow |
B. F. Tervin |
Sevear Underwood |
F. J. Knight |
James Brantley |
Robert Wells |
Joseph Hampton |
August 1837
Smiley Wright |
John Waggoner |
Henry Livingson |
David Ballew |
Isaac Johnson |
Jonathan Burleson |
Dennis Holmes |
Wm. T. Cobbs |
September 1837
Walter Troup |
W. Tapscott |
Ephream Leath |
John E. Dunn |
Samuel Guier |
James Orms |
David Stentson |
John A, Tunstale |
Andrew Lynn |
Mary A. Longstreet |
Mary A. Longstreet
(Mother of Gen. JamesLongstreet) |
David McGlathery |
Miles Hays |
John A. Tunstil |
Jomes McLean |
Taylor Kyle |
M. L. Goff |
December 1837
John Stubbs |
Joseph Spain |
R. A. Stuart |
Joshua Blankingship |
Hesakiah Burns |
Henry Burns |
John Hawkins |
Mrs. Sarah Hawk |
January 1838
James Fergarson |
John Collins |
George Tapscott |
Wm. A. Jones |
Absulum Speegle |
John Blackwell |
Augustus Beacham |
Greenberry Wilson |
John Stubbs |
John Maxwell |
George Lemley |
February 1838
William Spain |
Robert G. Griffith |
Bowling L. Dillard |
Joseph Hunter |
Matthew T. Chunn |
David McKerby |
March 1838
William Spain |
Ephriam Jackson |
Joel Dickson |
Pleasant Key |
Bartlett Collins |
John Tatum |
H. H. Killingsworth |
Wm. F. Gillespi Co. |
Wm. Blackwell |
C. N. Collinworth |
A. Nesbitt |
C. F. Winder |
Thomas Holt |
Benj. Allen |
James Dandy |
J. N. Alford |
ThomasJ.McKerley |
David McCarley |
Samuel B. Yager |
David Ratliff |
Robert Barkley |
D. T. Briscoe |
C. F. Winders |
F. W. Sykes |
Last Update
Friday, 29-Mar-2019 07:59:04 MDT
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