Richard Tubb
SOURCE: pages, W. Stuart Harris "Heritage of Perry County", 1991.
p12-In the summer of 1818, a company of militia was organized in the vicinity of Cahawba Old Town as a part of the Dallas County Militia with Richard Tubb serving as Captain. Daniel Tubb was Lieutenant, and Moses Brock as Ensign. All of these men lived in Perry County."
fn16 - A land owner in the Old Town Creek community,
["a"] Richard Tubb married Nancy Underwood on April 12, 1821. In 1830, he was the owner of 10 slaves.
p13- "Richard Tubb and John Johnson were sworn in as constables on May 30, 1820."
[end Harris quotes]
in RE
Kat Davis wrote 20 Mar 1997 that there were TWO Richard Tubb; one married Margaret Davidson; one married Nancy Underwood. Contact her for clarification, Harris does not distinguish. Kat writes that, in the main, the above is correct for the Richard Tubb who married Margaret Davidson. (fpm)
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