Some of the information for this page came from old microfilm records of unknown origin. Anyone wishing to add information to this page is encouraged to contact Betty Miller or Betty Phillips your host for Pickens County, AL. Typographical and transcription errors will be happily corrected, however, no alterations will be made to the original document, additional information will be added as submitter's notes or as additional informational material.

Buried at Marvin Chapel, Pickens County, Alabama: Matthew Lee (b. 29 Nov 1843, d May 1910); son of Edward Lee , born South Carolina 1 March 1808, died Pickens County, Alabama 4 September 1874. Date received from Emmett Lee of Reform, Pickens County, Alabama, 1951.

Thomas H. Lee was born April 1836; died March 1902.

Benjamin Lee married in St. Clair County, Alabama 1832 to Peggy Elder. Went to Pickens County, Alabama about 1830, then to Marion County, Alabama where they died.

Mrs. Narcissa Lee died 16 June 1876 in Pickens County, Alabama.

John J. Lee was born Union County, South Carolina January 1814, went to Alabama in 1817, elected Senator 1853, lived on Robert Jemison's Garden Plantation, chopping with Mr. Jemison.

Miss Mary Elizabeth Lee married Clifton Gregory in Pickens County, Alabama in 1938. She was a descendant of the Windham family of Pickens County.

James Stanton married 1824 Nancy Foy born 1810, died 1873. He was born 1791, died 1843. Their children were: Elvira Stanton (1835-1926); Frances Stanton (1831-1894); Matilda Stanton (m. 1st. John Hargrove cousin of Bishop R. K. Hargrove. 2nd. Capt. Lee of Pulaski, Tennessee).

This page created 21 May 2001. Last Updated 29 January 2013.

Pickens County Website maintained by

Betty Teal Miller Betty Pickens Phillips