The Sentinel
Thursday, March 16, 1882
Editor: N.A. Graham
During last week we paid the thriving village of Longview
a visit, and spent a most pleasant day with its, enterprising and hospitable
citizens; and it has occurred to us that perhaps many of our readers would like
to know something of this place and the enterprises there in progress.
This village is located in this county, on the line of
the S. & N. Division of the L. & N. railroad, seven miles above Calera and
twenty-six miles south of Birmingham. It contains a population of 250 or 300
persons. The Longview Lime Works is the principal feature; Mr. B.B. Warren is
the proprietor of these Works. They consist of two large kilns, with a capacity
each of one hundred barrels daily, a saw mill with a capacity of fifteen or
twenty thousand feet of lumber daily, and barrell machinery, &c. There is, also,
a large mercantile business, conducted by Messrs. Warren & Brame, their trade
aggregating twenty-five or thirty thousand dollars annually. Mr. W.W. Brame
gives his whole attention to the mercantile business, and is beyond doubt a good
merchant and a fine business man. His partner, Mr. Warren, gives his attention,
almost exclusively, to the management and control of the Works, and the success
that has attended his management of these Works, the superior quality of lime
manufactured, and the rapid growth and improvement of the village, are the very
best evidences that he not only understands the business thoroughly, but that he
is a useful and enterprising citizen, eminently fitted to conduct a
manufacturing enterprise, and a man who is thoroughly and heartily interested in
the development and upbuilding of his section, and the prosperity and welfare of
his country. At this time he is giving employment to about seventy hands in and
about his Works. (The Shelby Sentinel, dated Thursday, January 20, 1881 advertisement:
"New Goods! Just Opened" at the store of Warren & Brame, Longview, Whiting
Station, S. & N. R.R. Shelby County, Alabama. A large stock of first class
goods, consisting of Staples and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats,
Caps, Notions, Hardware, Groceries, Tobacco, &c., on hand and for sale at BOTTOM
PRICES. We have everything on hand to suite the trade and are determined not be
be undrsold. The Highest Cash Price Paid for Cotton. We are also Dealers in
Shelby Lime. Give us a call and you will be convinced that we are offering
bargains. Warren & Brame, Longview, Shelby Co., Alabama.")
INSERT: Bedford Brown Warren died Ocotber 6, 1897. The obituary, The Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama, dated Thursday, October 7, 1897, "The condition of Mr. B.B. Warren has been one of solicitude
to his friends for several days, and when on yesterday he passed away there was little surprise, but general sadness throughout the city. He suffered from Bright's disease, and has been critically
ill for about ten days. The end came at about 2 o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. Warren has lived in this city for many years, and has recently been prominently associated with its
commercial interests, being one of the largest and most successful wholesale merchants. He came here from North Carolina, where members of his immediate family now reside. He has one brother, Mr. J.R.
Warren, which whom he was for many years associated in business. In 1872 he was married to Miss
Turner of Lowndesboro, to whom six children were born, and with the mother survive him. The
furneral will take place this morning at 11:00 o'clock at the Court Street Methodist Church."
The village of Longview is healthfully located, and
derives its name from the fact that for some three miles or more the railroad is
as straight as an arrow, affording a long view of approaching and departing
trains. (The Shelby Guide, Thursday, October 22, 1874
"A new post office called Longview has been established at Whiting on the South and North Alabama Railroad,
in this county and Mr. James M. Reynolds appointed post master." ... The Evening News, Birmingham, Alabama, Saturday, April 20, 1889, "The Louisville
& Nashville railroad has just erected a new depot at Longview." ... The Birmingham News, Wednesday, November 7, 1906, "The Louisville
& Nashville Railroad has agreed to build a passenger and freight depot at Longview." ... The Birmingham News, Tuesday, January 8, 1907, "Montgomery, Ala., At a meeting of the
railroad commission today which was attended by President Comer and Associates Sanders and Tunstall, an order was made requiring the Louisville & Nashville to construct a depot at
Longview within eight hundred feet of the present site ....")
Exhaustless beds of the finest lime rock lie in close
proximity, and immense forests of magnificent timber are near at hand. In
addition to the lands already owned by him, Mr. Warren recently purchased
several thousand acres of valuable timbered lands lying in the vicinity of Camp
Branch Church, a mile or two to the southeast of the village, and just beyond
his rock quarries. These he proposes to utilize next fall, and contemplates
converting the train way now connecting his quarries with his kilns, into a
narrow gauge railroad, placing a small steam engine upon it, and extending it
down into said timber. This will be an improvement that will add much both to
the convenience as well as the value of the Works.
Messrs. H.C. (Henry Clay Reynolds, 1838-1920, one of the organizers and
former president of the Montevallo Girls School) & (his brother) J.M. Reynolds
(James Mosley Reynolds, 1841-1915), of Montevallo, settled
Longview, located a lime kiln and saw mill there about 1870, and engaged in the
manufacture of lime and lumber for four or five years, when they sold out. (In August 1877 "J.M. Reynolds, of Shelby County, has removed to Athens to go into merchandising.") After
the Messrs. Reynolds sold out, these Works changed hands two or three times, if
we mistake not, in as many years, up to the year 1879, when the present
proprietor, Mr. B.B. Warren, purchased them. At this time the Works had run down
very much, and were considerably out of repair, therefore at the very
commencement of his management, Mr. Warren had to labor under many disadvantages
and embarrassments; but by the exercise of pluck, energy and perseverance, he
has during the 3 years he has owned them and given them his attention, put them
in thoroughly good repair and added threefold to their value by additional
improvements, having built a new kiln (The Weekly Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama, dated Tuesday, March 22, 1881, "SHELBY COUNTY. Mr. B.B. Warren, at Whiting Sation, had just
completed a new lime-kiln having the capacity of 80 or 100 barrels of lime per day. With his new kiln and his old one he can now turn out
about 200 barrels of lime per day."), thereby doubling the capacity, added to
the saw mill, and built many new cottages, making them all the time profitable,
yielding a handsome per cent. on the investment, as well as giving remunerative
employment to a large number of people. These Works, under their present
management, are indeed a blessing to the section in which they are located. Not
only do they furnish employment to a large number of persons, but they also
afford a market for country produce right at the doors of the farmers of the
vicinity. The farmers appreciate this, and are proud of the village of Longview.
The proposed new railroad of the Shelby Iron Company,
from Columbiana, will tap the South & North railroad at or near this place. It
is earnestly hoped by the citizens of Longview and vicinity that the Shelby Iron
Company may see that it will be to its interest to tap the S. & N. with their
proposed new road at Longview. At this point a far greater amount of freight
would be secured and many other advantages be enjoyed by it that other points
near could not afford. We hope that the Iron Company will build this
contemplated road, and that Longview will be selected as its objective point.
Already the production and sale of lime has materially
increased at the Longview Works, and even during the dullest seasons of the past
few years these Works have been run successfully, paying a handsome per cent,
and the indications are that the additions and improvements still contemplated
by their proprietor will continue to increase their capacity and add to their
importance. In addition to the narrow gauge railroad, a steam gin and grist mill
is put down, so we are informed, on the programmed of improvements for the
present year. Mr. Warren is at present erecting a commodious and comfortable
dwelling house for himself, that, when finished, will be an ornament to the
During our short visit we enjoyed the generous
hospitality of Mr. Warren and his estimable lady. We also had the pleasure of
meeting Messrs. W.W. Brame, S.B. Holt, Lenard, Armstrong and others to whom we
are indebted for courtesies extended us. Especially would we acknowledge the
kindness shown us, and the interest manifested in the Sentinel, by Mr. Brame, to
whom we are indebted for a large list of new subscribers. Success and prosperity
to Longview and its enterprises.
(The Birmingham News, Friday, June 16, 1939, "Services for James B. Adams, 72, president and owner of the Longview-Saginaw Lime Works, who died at the residence on
Shades Mountain Wednesday after a long illness were conducted in the Southside Baptist Church today by the Rev. Dr. J.E. Dillard, with burial in Elmwood Cemetery ...."
JAMES BEECHER ADAMS, born February 12, 1867, died June 14, 1939.)