History of Thompson High School

Siluria, Shelby County, Alabama

Researched by Bobby Joe Seales
~ Class of 1963 ~

I have spent many hours doing this research
to be sure it is as accurate as possible.
If you use this information please be courteous
and give "credit where credit is due."
Thank you.

First Thompson High School
First Thompson High School Building

1921 ~ 1951

[First Day of School was October 3, 1921]
[First Gaduation Ceremony was May 21, 1922]


Prior to 1920 there was an elementary and junior high school at Siluria, Shelby County Alabama, consisting of a five-class room building. The need was keenly felt for a high school. Owing to the generous donation of property and personal funds from Thomas Carlyle Thompson, the school was named Thompson. The Peoples Advocate, dated Thursday, June 9, 1921, "Another School Building for Siluria, Arrangements have been made for the erection of another large school building at Siluria, the same to be completed in September. The new building will be located near the one built a few years ago, which is too small to accommodate the large number of pupils that attend this school. The Buck Creek Cotton Mill Company and the citizens of Siluria are furnishing the money to put up the new school building."

Before the beginning of Thompson High School there was a one-room school in Elliottsville, located about one mile south of Siluria. This building was torn down and the students were transferred to the "new school" in a covered wagon, called The Transfer, drawn by two mules and were first driven by Mr. J. Walter Foust, 1888-1926, and Mr. Jacob Zuiderhoek, 1849-1936. This was the first "school bus" that Thompson High School had and was used until 1934.

The Transfer
"The Transfer"

Mr. Samuel Perry Williamson, (born July 8, 1868, died May 26, 1937), was the Superintendent of Education at the time Thompson became the second consolidated school in Shelby County Alabama. The Peoples Advocate, dated Thursday, August 25, 1921, "Notice to Teachers, October 3rd, 1921 is the uniform date set by the County Board of Education for the public schools of Shelby County to open. S.P. Williamson, County Superintendent." Mr. Jesse Richardson was the first principal of the consolidated school with a total of ten faculty members. Miss Olivia Young was a member of this faculty and continued teaching there until her retirement some eighteen years later. Many of the people in the community would proudly boast that Miss Young taught them in the sixth grade. On May 24, 1922 the first Thompson High School graduation ceremony was held. This graduating class consisted of (1) Mr. Floyd Truman Harper, 1903-1985. (2) Mrs. Lena Grace (Roy) Zuiderhoek, 1904-1984, married Cecil Brown Zuiderhoek. (3) Mrs. Lucy Jane (Zuiderhoek) Nabors, 1903-1989, married Burr Billings Nabors. (4) Mrs. Elma (Still) Sharp, 1905-1988. (5) Mrs. Onzelle (Foust) Templin, 1904-1984. (6) Mrs. Pauline (Scott) Rogan Towery, 1903-1996. In 1933 she returned to Thompson High School and taught Home Economics for about nine years. The Peoples Advocate, dated Thursday, May 18, 1922, "Commencement At Siluria High School: The Siluria Public School will close Friday, May 19th. The pupils of the primary and intermediate grades will present a very interesting program Friday afternoon. Commencement Sermon Sunday, 11:00 a.m. - Dr. Battle. High School Play, Kicked Out of College, Monday evening 8 o'clock. Graduating Exercises Wednesday evening 8 o'clock. Dr. Orr will deliver the address to the Senior class."

Mr. John R. Slaughter, (1902-1988), came to Thompson as principal in the fall of 1922 and during that year the school was added to the accredited list of high schools. In 1923-1924 Mr. Wright Belt Slaughter, (1888-1960), who taught science, became the principal and remained through the school year 1929-1930. In 1926-1927 Thompson High School was one of three accredited high schools in Shelby County Alabama, had an enrollment of 263 with good daily attendance record, and was one of the best equipped schools in the whole county. Associated with Mr. W.B. Slaughter was his faculty consisting of Miss Willodeen Richardson, Miss Mary Sparks, Miss Verther Long, Henry Grady Steely, Miss Olivia Young, Miss Daisy Ross, Miss Rosa Patterson, Miss Claude Alice Kirkland, and Miss Sudie Ozley. Mrs. May R. Price came after this time to teach history in the high school and it was during her teaching career there that some very beautiful Christmas pageants were staged and May Day Celebration was begun. A common sight on May Day Celebration was at the end of the festival when it was not unusual to see six beautiful May Poles being wound to perfection at the same time.

In the fall of 1930 Mr. James Arnold Harmon, born December 1, 1895 and graduated from Alabama Polytechnic Institute in Auburn, Alabama, became the principal and remained for the next six years. As noted in the 1932 Class History, by William Sorrell,  "... Then along came our Junior Year (1930). Our school was almost completely transformed, for a new faculty was among us. Mr. Harmon, our new principal .... "During his stay as principal the addition of two rooms were added to the existing high school building and both buildings received their first coat of white paint. For heat a steam furnace which burned coal was installed to replace the big coal heaters that were in each room. The restrooms were located outside. Shelby County Reporter, Thursday, June 25, 1931, "A contract has been let by the county board of education for the erection of two additional class rooms for Thompson High school at Siluria ... Work is to be started right away and it is expected that the new rooms will be ready for use at the opening of school in September ... Thompson High is one of the four fully accredited senior high schools in Shelby county. Last year the enrollment was about 200 as compared with 75 enrolled five years ago. Notwithstanding this unusual growth the school has done with the same four class rooms and the same equipment that it had five years ago. Thompson High school was built several years ago by the late T.C. Thompson, owner of Buck Creek Mills, and named in his honor." As indicated in the 1946 yearbook, Thompson P.T.A. (Parent-Teacher-Association) was organized in 1932 with Mrs. George Scott as the first president .... "The Home Economics Club was organized in 1932 under the leadership of Miss Doris Holman, the Home Economics teacher at that time. The 1946 yearbook was "Dedicated" to Miss Martha Houston. It states, "For the past two years, Thompson High School has been fortunate in having Miss Martha Houston as one of its faculty members. Miss Houston was graduated from Thompson in 1936, after which she attended Mississippi Southern College ... To the Senior Homeroom teacher, our Glee Club director, our adviser and friend, we deign to dedicate the Thompson Warrior of 1946, to Miss Martha Houston." As indicated in the 1938 yearbook, "The club has been a success from the beginning with only eight charter members. The name Fuhoma was selected and has been used ever since. Its aim has been to stimulate interest in all Home Economics activities." During this time, football, baseball, and basketball were started. Basketball was played on outdoor courts. In 1932 "Published weekly by the students of Thompson High School, Siluria, Alabama" was the "Thompson High Lights" [a weekly school paper]. As noted in the school paper dated Saturday, October 14, 1932, Vol. 1, No. 4, "This year Thompson students will be graded by letters instead of numbers.... "In the school year 1932-1933 Mr. Joseph Crockett "Joe" Hodges, 1913-1993, was the captain of the first football team, with Mr. Don Milam Busby, 1914-1989, as the co-captain. The first football coach was Mr. John T. Greene. In 1982 Coach Greene corresponded to Thompson High School, "I would like to congratulate you and your football team on winning the 3A Championship. You evidently have a very fine football team. I am proud for you. As memory takes me back across 51 years to 1932, I have some pleasant memories of Thompson's first football team. At that time I only had one boy on the equal that had ever seen a football game. That was Joe Hodges. Since he had seen a game, he became the first quarterback. If I remember correctly, Don Busby scored the school's first touchdown. We played our first game in a hayfield .... "Shelby County Reporter, Thursday, October 6, 1932, "Shelby High Wins In Game With Siluria ... Coach Ed Jenkins of Shelby County High School alternated two complete squads in handling Thompson High, Siluria a 40-0 defeat in the latter's opening game, played on Shelby High grounds Friday afternoon. Thompson out-weighed the Shelby High starting team but lacked experience ... Thompson offered stubborn resistance twice when Shelby High was in scoring position ... Thompson's only scoring threat came near the end of the game on a long pass that put the ball into Shelby's territory ... This is the first year that Thompson High School has ever had a football team, and in view of the fact that ninety percent of the Siluria boys had never seen a game, their showing was complimented highly by a large number of Columbiana people who saw the game. One feature of the game that was particularly commented upon was the clean football played by both teams. Although the Siluria boys lacked experience they made it plain all through the game that it was their desire to play hard but square. Siluria did some of the hardest tackling that was witnessed during the whole game, and on several occasions the Thompson boys put up a defense fight that would have done credit to any team. Judging from the comments about the county, everyone is glad to see Thompson High School put out a football team, and during the game Friday the comment was heard several time, "just watch Siluria." ... Line-ups ... Thompson High: Lacey and Cox, ends; Nolan and E. Bentley, tackles; Hand and Street, guards; Thompson, center; Hodges, quarter; Hines and Busby, halves; G. Bentley, full back ... Substitutes for Thompson: Sims, guard; Wyatt, end; Langston, half .... "Their second game, Shelby County Reporter, Thursday, October 13, 1932, "Montevallo Wins From Thompson High ... Montevallo High scored its first victory of the season Saturday in rolling up a score of 38-0 on Thompson High of Siluria. Faced by a green inexperienced team, Montevallo met little trouble on its touchdown marches ... The Thompson team, playing its first season of football, deserves much credit for the stubborn fight it put up. Cox at right end looked good in stopping Montevallo backs by smearing play after play around his end. Hodges, at quarterback, was best of Thompson's ball carriers, and figured well on the defense."  Their third game, Shelby County Reporter, "Thompson High Defeats Ridge Grove ... Playing their third football game of the season, Saturday, October 15, in a steady down pour of rain and on a field several inches deep in mud, Thompson High School won from Ridge Grove 19-0. This is the first year that Thompson has had a football team, and after losing to Columbiana and Montevallo, the victory over Ridge Grove was very encouraging to both team and followers. Although the crowd that saw the game was very small the comments heard along the side-line were that Thompson's team had improved greatly since the first game, and it is believed by many that Siluria will have an excellent team before the season is over. Another feature of the game that was partially commented upon was the clean football played by both teams. There was only one penalty during the entire game, and that was given Thompson early in the first quarter for off-sides. Siluria's first touchdown was made just before the first quarter ended, and the extra point was added by a line back. Because of the bad condition of the playing field both Siluria and Ridge Grove made extensive use of line plays, but one exception was a sweeping end run that resulted in a touchdown for Siluria. Most of the end plays and passes tried by both teams were unsuccessful. Thompson's other two touchdowns were made in the third and fourth quarters after successful line drives." That same school year, 1932-1933, the first football sponsors, which later became known as "Homecoming Queens," were Mrs. Willie Lavera (Brasher) Yeager, 1915-1982, escorted by Mr. Joe Hodges, and Mrs. Julia Margaret (Allan) Finch, 1915-2011, escorted by Mr. Don Busby. The first football field was the same field that was used by the "famous" Buck Creek Baseball Team. This field was not lighted. In the fall of 1949 the field was moved to Phillips Field, which was located at the present day Buck Creek City Park, and was located there through the school year 1962-1963. Shelby County Reporter, Thursday, September 12, 1963, "The Thompson Warriors will be host to Glenn High School in the first football game of the season Friday night, September 13th at the new Thompson High Football Stadium." As noted in the 1964 yearbook, the class of 1963-1964 dedicated the new and existing stadium and on October 30, 1992 the stadium was dedicated and named Larry Simmons Stadium. Mr. James Larry Simmons came to Thompson High School in the fall of 1968 as an athletic coach, won the "State 3-A Football Championship in 1982" as head athletic coach, and served as principal from the fall of 1986 through the school year 1991-1992. I must add, on December 4, 2019 Thompson High School under Coach Mark Freeman won, second state championship in school history, the "State 7-A Football Championship." The school colors were red and white, however, in the early years each class had their own class colors. For example, the 1936-1937 Senior Class colors were green and pink, their class flower was the pink rose, and their class motto was "He conquers who conquers himself." Later, on November 5, 1948 the "first" football homecoming became a popular annual event, consisting of a parade "through the business section of Alabaster" with elaborate floats, cheerleaders, the marching band, majorettes, and a homecoming queen and her court. The Montevallo Times, Thursday, November 4, 1948, "Thompson High School will commence Homecoming festivities at eleven o'clock on Friday, November 5, on the old football field at the high school and will close with the football game in the evening. Mrs. Rebecca McGaughy, Chairman of the Program Committee announces the following program for eleven o'clock. Band, Mrs. W.L. Anderson, majorettes. Junior High School Glee Club, welcome and recognition of visitors and Alumnae, Mr. R.H. Johnson, Jr. What Thompson High School means to the community, Mr. Hershal Dunlap [a THS 2022-2023 alumni]. What Thompson High School meant to me, selected Alumnae. Sr. High School Glee Club, pep session with cheer leaders, and Alma Mater. 'The Tour of Peace' a parade including floats from high school and elementary groups will pass in review starting at 12:45. Thompson vs. Vincent at Buck Creek Park at 7:30. [Did Thompson win that game? I don't know.] Tickets for the game may be secured from any Thompson student. The program at the half will feature the crowning of the Homecoming Queen, Miss Mary Jo Butler. The band and marching units will also perform. All alumnae and friends of the school are cordially invited for the day and evening." The last Thompson High School annual homecoming parade was held on Friday afternoon, October 21, 1966. Shelby County Reporter, Thursday, October 20, 1966 indicates "Thompson High School will have its annual Homecoming on Friday, October 21, 1966. The Thompson Warriors will be playing West Blocton. A homecoming parade will begin at 1:30 pm from Thompson School and will march through Siluria and Alabaster...." Beginning in the October 1967 THS Homecoming Highlights was a "mini-parade" followed by a gigantic bon-fire on Thursday night before the Friday night game. (A photo of "the unforgettable mini-parade" is in the 1968 THS yearbook.) The first known male Thompson High School football cheerleader was Edward Gordon Blackmon, 1920-1983, Class of 1939-1940 and the second known male Thompson High School football cheerleader was Charles Farris Lint, 1931-1991, Class of 1948-1949. The "first" Alabaster City School Thompson High School Parade was September 25, 2013. I (Bobby Joe Seales, a 1963 THS Alumni) was privileged and honored to be selected as the Grand Marshal of the Alabaster City School THS Homecoming Parade on October 10, 2018.

CLICK HERE for PART 1  and  CLICK HERE for PART 2 to view videos of the 1948-1949, 1949-1950 and 1950-1951 school year "Homecoming" Parades, Football Games and a Faculty Softball Game. In addition, photos of the "first" THS Homecoming Parade on November 5, 1948 are in the 1949 yearbook. These two videos were copied from a large movie reel found when moving from the "old" Thompson High School building to the "new" Thompson High School building in 1987. It was copied first to a cassette video and later I converted to a DVD. Watch closely ... the November 5, 1948 parade has my brother, Wilburn A. Seales, on a float pretending to be Robin Hood holding a bow and arrow and shooting at the apple that is on the head of Billy Hoskins; Charles Lint, who was the second male cheerleader, is on the float with the other cheerleaders, Hattie Huttchison, Bobbye Sue Gray, Alice Ann Lacey, Frances Wood, Rebecca Evans and Sue Harwell. My sister, Jewel Seales Brasher, was a majorette in these parades. Jewel was a Thompson High School majorette from 1948-1949, 1949-1950, 1950-1951 and 1951-1952, and graduated in 1951-1952. You may recognize others. Please take the time to watch both of these videos because you can sometimes see the school buildings in the background and you can see what Siluria was like in those days. This was prepared for your enjoyment by Bobby Joe and Diane Seales. Sorry, I cannot slow the videos any more than what they are now. I have several short videos of other years of THS Homecoming Parades on YouTube - check it out!

Homecoming Parade 1948
Wilburn Seales, right, pretending to be Robin Hood
holding a bow and arrow and shooting at the apple
that is on the head of Billy Hoskins, left.

Siluria was the birth place for Ann M. Steely, born July 6, 1923, and is where she lived her first seven years and attended the first grade at Thompson. After her father's death in 1935 in Dallas County Alabama she later moved with her mother and brother to Oklahoma and then in 1944 "packed her bags to try her luck in Hollywood. " Ann Steely changed her "acting name" to Cathy O'Donnell and made her screen debute in the Best Picture of 1946 in The Best Years of Our Lives. Her final film before retiring from the screen was another classic Hollywood's greatest, the Best Picture of 1959 and winner of eleven total Oscars, was Ben-Hur. Her parents were Harold Grady "Henry" Steely and Ora Lecher Steely. The April 3, 1930 Siluria Village, Shelby County, Alabama census indicates Harold G. Steely, age 37 years, born in Alabama, his parents born in Alabama, married at the age of 29 years, "School Teacher" and his wife, Ora L., age 24 years, born in Alabama, her parents born in Alabama, married at the age of 17 years, and their two children, all born in Alabama, (1) Ann M., daughter, age 6 years, and (2) Joe C., son, age 4 years 7 months. Living with them as "boarders" were two 21 year old single school teachers, Mary S. Burkette and Eva Johnson. In a May 2005 interview with Fred F. Phillips, who moved to Siluria in 1927, the Steely's "Mill Village House" was located next to the Community House. Some of their neighbors were Arnold C. Edwards, Homer Stanley, Alice Cofer, Berry Cofer, Riley Cofer, Samuel W. Huddleston, Lester Williams and James C. Goff. Mr. Steely was not only a school teacher at Thompson but also was the local theatre operator, located in the Community House, in Siluria. Ann married Robert Wyler, brother of director William Wyler. Ann S. Wyler died April 11, 1970 in West Hollywood, Los Angeles County, California. Her husband, Robert Wyler, died January 16, 1971. They had no children. For more information about "Cathy O'Donnell" CLICK HERE.

Mr. James N. Castleberry came as the principal to Thompson in September 1936. The senior class of 1936-1937 edited the first yearbook, The Warrior, with Mrs. Pauline (Scott) Rogan as their faculty advisor and the Editor-In-Chief was Mrs. Annie Lucille (Scott) Farris. I must add at this time, the 1937 graduating class valedictorian was Mrs. Annie Lucille (Scott) Farris and the salutatorian was Mr. Luther Nunnally. The 1937 yearbook dedication, "The student staff respectfully dedicates this first issue of The Warrior to Thompson High School, with the hope that following classes will continue to write the past in the present to serve the future." CLICK HERE to view a complete copy of the 1937 First Yearbook Edition scanned for your enjoyment by Bobby Joe and Diane Seales. CLICK HERE to view a complete copy of the 1938 First Yearbook Edition scanned for your enjoyment by Bobby Joe and Diane Seales. CLICK HERE  to view a complete copy of the 1939 First Yearbook Edition scanned for your enjoyment by Bobby Joe Seales. During the World War II years the classes of 1941-1942, 1942-1943, 1943-1944, and 1944-1945, and again the Class of 1955-1956, did not publish a yearbook. The Band was organized in the fall of 1937 under the direction of Miss Alice McNutt and consisted of thirteen members, (1) L.W. Kendrick, trumpet. (2) Douglas Cofer, trumpet. (3) C.P. "Red" Walker, trumpet. (4) Talmadge Houston, trumpet. (5) Elizabeth Hines, saxophone. (6) Shearer Hines, saxophone. (7) Walker Reach, alto horn. (8) Sonny Rutledge, alto horn. (9) Howard Broadhead, trombone. (10) Ray Floyd Hinds, trombone. (11) James Castleberry, Jr., clarinet. (12) Billy Evans, baritone horn. (13) Ampless Houston, bass horn. The 1938 yearbook indicates "The Band has played for a number of programs, at the teachers' meeting, P.T.A. meeting, and the Four-H Club rally." In the school year 1938-1939 Mr. William Poe came to Thompson serving as principal and it was during this year the "rock building" for the elementary school came into existence and was ready for occupancy in September 1939. In the school year 1931-1932, Gladys Viola (Grubbs) Bentley, Class of 1932, wrote the words, four verses and chorus, to The Alma Mater. In 1940-1941 it was set to music and the words, three verses and chorus, first appeared in the 1941 yearbook. The third verse, as it was originally written, was omitted; "As the teachers watch o'er us, a mother they have been. We will always look upon them as a friend of friends." The school paper, "Campus Highlights" began in the school year 1940-1941 and The Beta Club, a national honor society, was added to the school during this period. (Mr. Bobby Joe Seales served as president of the Thompson High School Beta Club in 1962-1963. It was this 1962-1963 graduating class that started the tradition of the Thompson High School graduating honor society members "wearing a gold tassel" with their cap and gown.) The next principal was Mr. Leon Hicks, who served one term, 1941-1942, and was beginning the year 1942 when Uncle Sam called him to join the United States Army. His successor was Mr. Curtis Matthews who finished that year and served as principal through June 1944. In the fall of 1944, Mr. O.T. Weeks, Sr. was the next principal and it was while he was there that the "T Club" was organized. However, the Athletic Association, consisting of high school students, had its beginning in September 1936 under the leadership of Coach A.L. Connatser. The aim of the Athletic Club " is to stimulate interest and offer the best support to all forms of athletic activities for the purpose of promoting clean, wholesome sport and fair play." The lunchroom was started in 1947 and the Vocational Department was created under Mr. Jack Tucker.

Robert H. Johnson, Jr. came to Thompson in September 1948 and served as principal the following six years. There was a big wooden building for Senior High students and a smaller wooden building for Junior High students, and the elementary school was a rock building. Among the accomplishments of Dr. Johnson was a building program in 1949-1950 that included a modern brick building with eight new rooms. The old "Band Room" Building," was constructed during this same building program. (This construction is shown in the 1949-1950 YouTube video linked above. The old school building was probably remembered best for "the many beautiful trees in front of the school." Oh yes, I must not fail to mention the sun dial that first appeared in the 1946-1947 school yearbook, located in front of the old building, many "courtships" were made there... and Thompson's airplane that arrived on the front lawn shortly after World War II, a photo of it appeared in the 1946-1947 yearbook.

On Tuesday, January 23, 1951, at about 10:15 p.m. tragedy struck in the form of a fire, totally destroying both school buildings. Shelby County Reporter-Democrat, Thursday, January 25, 1951, "Thompson High School Destroyed By Fire Tuesday - Tuesday evening a fire, reported to have started in the school lunch room, completely destroyed both school buildings in Siluria. Thompson High School is rated as one of the most progressive schools in the county and was on the agenda for many long-needed improvements. Bids are advertised this week in the Reporter-Democrat. We are reliably informed that the loss is a total one, including most of the equipment. Supt. P.B. Shaw is in Siluria investigating the amount of damage."

As a result of this fire, a beautiful brick building was constructed as an addition to the existing modern eight-room brick building that was built in 1949-1950 and was not destroyed by the fire. It was completed in 1952 and was used until November 1987. The class of 1951-1952 was the first graduating class at this building. Mr. James Houston "Jim" Davenport, better known as Peanut, born August 17, 1933 in Shelby County Alabama was in that graduating class. Jim "Peanut" Davenport later became an award-winning third baseman for the San Francisco Giants, and later the World Series, and in 2010 was living in San Carlos, California. He was "inducted into the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame" on May 20, 2006. He was the son of Walton Stewart "Walt" Davenport, 1908-1969, and Helen Virginia Wooten Davenport, 1911-1964. (Jim Davenport and fellow Siluria native Willie Charles Kirkland debuted with the Giants in the 1958 season, their first in San Francisco. The Thompson High School baseball stadium bears Davenport's name, along with a pizzeria opened in Mountain Brook in 1964 by fellow Thompson graduate Rex Hollis.) Jim Davenport died February 18, 2016 in San Mateo County California and is buried in Skylawn Memorial Park Cemetery in San Mateo County California. Willie Charles Kirkland, born February 17, 1934 in Siluria, Alabama. a former right fielder in Major League Baseball, played for the San Francisco Giants (1958-1960), Cleveland Indians (1961-1963), Baltimore Orioles (1964) and Washington Senators (1964-1966). However, because of segregation at that time Kirkland never attended Thompson High School. In 2010 he was living in Detroit, Michigan. The Student Council was organized at Thompson High School in the school year 1951-1952. For many years Thompson High School served five feeder schools, (1) Helena, (2) New Hope, (3) Pelham, (4) Camp Branch, and (5) Maylene. With the many principals that have followed... Thompson High School continues to grow. The Thompson High School, located at 100 Warrior Drive, had the first graduating class at this building in the school year 1987-1988. The "old" building was completely remodeled and until 2009 was the home of The Linda Nolen Learning Center, located at 1411 Montevallo Road. This building then became known as the Thompson Sixth Grade Center. As indicated in the Shelby County Reporter, dated January 30, 2022, the City of Alabaster Council Members voted during their January 24, 2022 meeting to approve the purchase from the Alabaster City School System approximately 24 acres that include the old Thompson Sixth Grade Center, the old Thompson Intermediate School and the Larry Simmons Stadium in the amount of approximately $8 million. The School Board's Central Office, now located in the old Sixth Grade Center, will move within the next two years from its current location and into a new location near the current Thompson High School. After their move the City of Alabaster plans to house the new Recreation Center in the old Sixth Grade Center, sell a portion of the property in the old Intermediate School to a developer for future retail space, add ample paved parking and green space, use the Larry Simmons Stadium for city sports and examine the possibility of constructing a new city library.

It is with pride that I make mention of Rebecca Luker, a 1979 graduate from Thompson High School, who became known from her starring role on Broadway in the hit "The Music Man." In 2001 she was inducted into the Alabama State Hall of Fame in Tuscaloosa. Rebecca is the daughter of Norse Doak Luker, Jr. and Martha Baggett Luker Hales. She married Broadway actor Danny Burstein. Rebecca Luker died December 23, 2020 at the age of 59, months after announcing ALS diagnosis. For more information about Rebecca Luker and her accomplishments CLICK HERE.

Charles Phillips "Red" Walker, Sheriff of Shelby County Alabama from 1959-1978, was a 1943 Thompson High School graduate. He also played trumpet in the first Thompson High School Band that was organized in the fall of 1937.

Bobby Joe Seales, a 1963 graduate from Thompson High School, became known as a noted local Shelby County and Alabama historian and received many awards and recognitions for his leadership, research and work. He and his wife, Diane Brandenberg Seales, a 1964 Thompson High School graduate, are also well known for their local preservation of history through publications and books.

In addition, I should mention Wendy Lou Holcombe that attended Thompson High School through the 10th grade (1979). Wendy was "a highly talented musician, singer, and songwriter and learned to play her father's banjo at an early age." She was born in Alabaster, Alabama on April 19, 1963. By 1980 Wendy had accomplished what "other hungry pickers" have dreamed about for years. She had played in the Grand Ole Opry, the Strip in Las Vegas, "The Porter Wagoner Show," "Pop! Goes The Country," a private party in a swank New York mansion, in a Walt Disney production, "Big Blue Marble" and at the Music City News Cover Awards Shows. Wendy's death was on February 14, 1987 in Alabaster, Shelby County, Alabama, at the age of almost 24 years, of cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart). The obituary of Wendy Holcombe Blosser is in the Shelby County Reporter dated February 19, 1987. Later, her father built in Alabaster the Lonesome Dove Ranch in memory of Wendy. The Birmingham News obituary, dated March 27, 2006, of Thomas Yoshiro Blosser, "Accomplished local musician, Thomas Yoshiro Blosser, died suddenly of natural causes on Thursday, March 23, 2006. Born November 3, 1951, in Muroran, Japan, he became a naturalized US Citizen, was married to the late Wendy Holcombe ...." Wendy Lou Holcombe is buried in the Cedar Grove Cemetery in Alabaster, Shelby County, Alabama. For more information about Wendy Holcombe and her life and accomplishments CLICK HERE.

Also, I should not fail to make mention of James "Jim" Redfield, a 1968 graduate and Senior Class President of Thompson High School. He is the author of "The Celestine Prophecy," along with several other books. However, this book gained high priority in the "New Age Community" and after Warner Books bought the rights to the book in 1993 the sales sky-rocketed and eventually made it to the top spot on the New York Times Best Seller List. Jim was the son of James E. and Sarah Fulton Redfield.

Did you know that Eula "Martine" Vanderslice Durbin placed second in the International Women's Parachute competition in 1966 in Varna, Bulgaria? She was born in Shelby County Alabama and her parents were J.V. and Mary Alice Moore Vanderslice. Martine was a 1959 graduate of Thompson High School and married in Shelby County Alabama on December 7, 1958 to Henry Cortez "Corky" Durbin, class of 1958. When the "first" shopping center in Alabaster opened in November 1964 Martine was the owner of Marteen's, an "upscale ladies dress shop". PFC Martine Durbin, joined the Army in October 1968, and competed in the 1969 Adriatic Cup Meet in Yugoslavia to decide the world parachute standings. [See the Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, September 18, 1969.] After his divorce and on her second marriage she became Martine Robertson.

For the first time in the history of Shelby County, Ryan Peppins, a Thompson High School Senior wide receiver received the annual "Mr. Football" award on January 13, 2022 presented by the Alabama Sports Writers Association. 

When the sport soccer first "made it big" in Shelby County Alabama the local team was known as The Warrior Soccer Club and was not affiliated with the school. However, in the spring of 1991 the sport became "the new kid on the block" at Thompson High School and soccer became into existence in the 1990-1991 Thompson High School athletic program. As a Spring Sport, noted in the 1992 yearbook, "Soccer ~ New Kid on the Block in '91 ~ Even the Iraqis could not stop our soccer team. When the original coach was called to active duty, it seemed as though the team would fold. In the confusion of trying to find a new coach, several weeks passed before Amy Jones took over the team; therefore, the boys only got one week to practice before their first game. In our first year we won only one game but played quite well considering the number of injuries and the more experienced teams we played. Throughout the season, all the boys kept their spirits up and held their heads high as they were cheered on by their coach, parents, friends, and other supporters. These high spirits paid off as Thompson was nominated for the Metro Conference Sportsmanship Award. Also, Bob Martin and Mike Mitchell were nominated for the All Metro Conference Team, and Eric Houze received a place on the All Metro First Team."

In addition to the "Alabaster & Siluria: The Early Years ~ A Pictorial History" book published in 2017 by Bobby Joe & Diane Seales (now in the Library of Congress) there have been two additional excellent books published in 1977 and 1978 by the Local History Class, Thompson High School, Alabaster, Alabama "Good Morning Yesterday, Volume 1 and 2."

If you have any further historical information, old yearbooks or photographs concerning Thompson High School or if you have further information or corrections on any of the people, dates, or events mentioned above please contact Bobby Joe or Diane Seales.

The Alabaster City Council voted during its October 17, 2011 meeting to form an Alabaster School District separate from the Shelby County School District, and to raise the city's sales tax by 1 cent beginning December 1, 2011. On March 5, 2012 the Alabaster City Council appointed Linda Church, Melanie Shores, John Myrick, Adam Moseley and Ty Quarles to serve on the city's first school board. During the first school board meeting on April 16, 2012 Melanie Shores was elected as the board president. The Alabaster Board of Education voted unanimously during a July 20, 2012 meeting to temporarily hire Dr. Phillip Hammonds as the city's interim superintendent. Kari Johnson was the second district's interim superintendent; the first Alabaster School Superintendent was Dr. Wayne Vickers. July 1, 2013 marked the first full day of operations for Alabaster City Schools after the city finalized its split with the Shelby County School System. On August 16, 2013 was the first public displays of the new Alabaster City Schools logo and tagline: "Champions of our Future." The first day of school for the Alabaster City Schools was August 19, 2013. On September 25, 2013 the first "Alabaster City School Homecoming Parade" was held.

The ribbon cutting for the new Thompson High School building located at 1921 Thompson Road in Alabaster was held on February 24, 2018 and the students first day to attend these new facilities was February 26, 2018.

Gov. Kay Ivey declared a state of emergency in Alabama stating that "Alabama will close its Pre-K and K-12 public schools effective at the end of Wednesday, March 18, 2020 amid increasing civic measures to limit Alabamians' exposure to the novel coronavirus and adequately fund a public health response to the rapidly spreading respiratory illness." The end results, the schools did not re-open the remaining of the 2019-2020 school term. Thompson High School did not have their Junior-Senior Prom scheduled for April 25, 2020. However, Thompson High School held a "special graduation ceremony" for their 544 graduating seniors on Tuesday evening May 19, 2020.

To listen to the recording of the Thompson High "Warrior" Band in concert that was recorded in 1959-1960 CLICK HERE.

Thompson High School to Celebrate 100 Years .... Alabaster City Schools is commemorating the 100th anniversary of Thompson High School with multiple events during the 2021-2022 school year. Watch this THS Centennial Invitation on YouTube with Dr. Wayne Vickers.

Copyright - Bobby Joe Seales - 2000
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