Armstrong Family Cemetery

Shelby County, Alabama

Cemetery Burial Information
Dated 1979

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Go approximately 1-1/2 miles Southwest of Shelby County Highways 42 and 86 Junction, off Shelby County Highway 86. Turn left on the dirt road between pastures and go approximately 1/2 mile to hill top and first house. The cemetery is below the house in the pasture about 200 yards North of the gate.

The cemetery is a 20 ft. x 20 ft. fenced plot; about 8 neatly spaced unmarked graves. It is on the original "May Plantation".

Some of the people buried in this cemetery

(1) The obituary, Thursday, January 26, 1882, The Shelby Sentinel, "DIED, At his home near Shelby Iron Works, in this county, of congestion of the lungs, on Saturday morning, the 12th inst., Mr. Wesley Armstrong, an old and respected citizen. He was a native of Tennessee and was born July 21st, 1812. When he was about four or five years of age his father moved to this State and settled in the neighborhood in this county where he grew to manhood, spent his riper years, died, and was buried. At the date of his death, Mr. Armstrong was aged 69 years and 6 months to the day. He united with the Missionary Baptist Church when he was about 45 years of age, and from that time lived a consistent member of that church up to his death. He was always a moral, upright man, a good citizen, a kind husband and an affectionate parent. He was twice married, and leaves a widow with several sons and daughters, the issue of his first marriage, and a daughter, the issue of his second, and many friends to mourn his death. He was the father of Mr. Levi Armstrong, and the stepfather of Mrs. Jno. W. Johnston and Mrs. H.M. Millstead, of this place, and Mr. Elijah Price, who resided with him...."

(2) The obituary, The People's Advocate, August 23, 1893, "Lafayette Armstrong, a well known and highly respected citizen of this county, died at his home about three miles below Shelby last Friday and was laid to rest in the old family burying ground near his home Saturday. His death was caused from typhoid fever, but was quite sudden, as he was up the day previous. The family and friends have the sympathy of our community in the affliction."

(3) The obituary, The People's Advocate, February 4, 1915, "BARNEY ARMSTRONG DIES WITH PNEUMONIA, "Mr. Barney Armstrong died at his home a few miles west of Shelby last Thursday morning with pneumonia, aged 64 years. Mr. Armstrong had been a citizen of that community nearly all of his life, and was well known and highly esteemed. He leaves a wife, two sons, one daughter and many relatives to mourn his death. The funeral services were conducted last Friday by Rev. J.A. Davis, and interment was made in the family cemetery near Spring Junction."

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