Shelby County Historical Society

Shelby County Museum and Archives

History and Information

Organized January 18, 1974

History of Shelby County
News from the Past in Shelby County
General Suggestive Guide for Planning a Shelby County Alabama Historical Marker Dedication Ceremony
Shelby County's 1854 Old Courthouse in Columbiana get a new address, improvements ... published January 31, 2013 by
Seales takes great care of history ... Shelby County Reporter dated March 7, 2011
Alabama History Podcast Episode 005 ... Information about the Shelby County Historical Society in 2013
Profile: Keeper of our past ... Shelby County Reporter dated March 6, 2014
"Mr. Shelby County" hanging up his hat: Seales to retire ... Shelby County Reporter dated October 21, 2015
After 15 Years of Service Bobby Joe Seales Retires ... November 1, 2015
Mayor Handley proclaims Nov. 1 as Bobby Joe Seales Day ... Shelby County Reporter published November 19, 2015
Letter to the Editor Shelby County Reporter from Commissioner Dan Acker
Olive is new president of Shelby County Historical Society ... Shelby County Reporter dated November 11, 2015
Shelby County Historical Society celebrates 50th anniversary ... Shelby County Reporter dated February 11, 2024

To view searchable digital archives of the Shelby County Historical Society's Magazines, Newsletters and Society Programs
[April 1974 thru May 2016] furnished through Alabama Department of Archives & History


The following list are the old original Shelby County Alabama courthouse books and records available for research at the Shelby County Museum & Archives,
maintained by the Shelby County Historical Society, Inc., located at 1854 Old Courthouse, Columbiana, Alabama.
Shelby County Alabama Courthouse Old Original Books and Records

Shelby County Museum & Archives   Shelby County Old Courthouse Historic Marker 1982
The "old" Shelby County courthouse built in 1854 houses the Shelby County Museum &Archives

The Shelby County Historical Society, Inc., a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization, is dedicated to the discovery, collection, and preservation of all things related to the history of Shelby County Alabama; to the encouragement, promotion, and sponsorship of historical research and the public dissemination of that research; to the acquisition of physical artifacts and documents and provision of their public display; and to the presentation of educational programs and other activities for our citizens and visitors about our past history and our heritage." Recognition and much appreciation to two of Shelby County Historical Society's Charter Members William Earl Evans, 1923-2013, and Madine Evans, 1930-2012, for giving their many years of service as the "first" Archivists of the Shelby County Museum & Archives. A wonderful article can be found in the January 2000 issue of the Shelby County Historical magazine published by the Editor Diane (Brandenberg) Seales, pages 15-17, taken from the Shelby County Reporter - Progress, dated February 24, 1999, by Jennifer Park, Reporter Staff Writer. To view searchable digital archives of the Shelby County Historical Society's Magazines, Newsletters and Society Programs dated April 1974 thru May 2016 furnished through the Alabama Department of Archives & History CLICK HERE.

As a second attempt to form a Shelby County Historical Society a group of interested people met on January 18, 1974 at the home of Kenneth Ray Penhale in Helena to discuss the formation of a Shelby County Historical Society. It was on that night, January 18, 1974, that the Shelby County Historical Society was founded by the guidance and support from Margaret Lee (Davidson) Sizemore-Douglass, 1910-1998. Sizemore was Dean of Women at Samford University from 1950-1970 and served as Assistant to the President from 1970 to retirement in 1986. The first general meeting of the Shelby County Historical Society was held on February 15, 1974 and the turnout for the meeting was remarkable. Penhale was elected as the first president of the Shelby County Historical Society. On February 18, 1974 the Shelby County Historical Society was Incorporated. Charter membership closed on March 1, 1974 with an impressive 200 charter members. The society experienced rapid growth and by January 1978 became the sixth-largest historical society in Alabama. Various projects were initiated by the society to document all historic buildings and sites in the county and a "Save the courthouse campaign" committee was organized to preserve this historic site that soon became in full-swing. This committee was chaired by Mrs. Elsie M. (Archer) Jones, 1902-1993. (Mrs. Jones was the daughter of Harmon Ellington Archer, 1874-1954. Mr. Archer was a life-long resident of Westover in Shelby County Alabama and a widely known merchant. He was Westover's first postmaster and for many years served as a justice of the peace.) The Shelby County Historical Society's next project was to form a committee to collect "town histories" in Shelby County Alabama. As noted in the Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, March 27, 1975, "Courthouse Added To Historic Register. The 121-Year-old Columbiana City Hall, a two-story brick structure built in the shape of a cross, has been added to the National Register of Historic Places. The building originally served as the Shelby County Courthouse and became Columbiana City Hall in 1955. It also has been used at times as a hotel, a boarding house and an apartment building. The structure was built of clapboard in 1854 and covered with brick in 1881." (On February 7, 2010 the 1854 Shelby County Courthouse was listed on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage that currently serves as the home of the Shelby County Museum and Archives.)

On January 11, 1979 an Open House was held in the "first and new" office of the Shelby County Historical Society located in Jeter Hall on the University of Montevallo campus. This building housed the history department of the University.

In 1980 the first "Cemetery Census of Shelby County Alabama" books (Volumes One and Two) were compiled and completed under the direction of John Gates Reese, 1916-2002, and his wife Mary Katherine "Kate" (Crowell) Reese, 1918-1994. These books were the first of its kind in Alabama and contained a total of 183 cemeteries in Shelby County Alabama.

As noted in the January 1983 Shelby County Historical Society magazine, page 3, "December 12, 1982 was a red letter day for the Society. Open house was held in our old Courthouse. Two rooms have been restored, the front of the building has been painted, heat installed. A historical marker was unveiled in front of the building during the open house. Over 400 guests came to share the happy occasion with us. This old building is the home of the Museum and Archives." The July 1984 Shelby County Historical Society magazine, page 1, reports "Grand Unveiling Sunday August 12th (1984). Three additional museum rooms, the Jones Research room, the vault and new office are furnished at the old Courthouse and they are beautiful. (Tom Oliver Caldwell, MD, 1926-2008, donated the office furniture and typewriter.) We invite all society members to the opening on August 12th. A short business meeting will be held at the Columbiana City Hall, then open house at the Archives and Museum will be held from 2:30 to 4:30. Refreshments will be served and the public is invited to bring a friend if you wish. The Museum will be staffed through the summer on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The Archives will keep regular hours, which will be announced by the meeting on August 12th. The office, which has been moved from the University of Montevallo is now located in the 1854 Old Courthouse. If any member wishes to volunteer to be a guide at the Museum in the fall, call the office and arrange for scheduling. See you on Sunday August 12th." It was in 1984 that Probate Judge Thomas Alvin "Tommy" Snowden, Jr., 1932-2008, allowed the original "old" courthouse records to be moved from storage at the existing courthouse to the 1854 Old Courthouse to be maintained in the Shelby County Museum & Archives by the Shelby County Historical Society. Also, at this time Miriam (Rogers) Fowler, 1939-2022, served as the curator taking the leadership role toward the collection and setting-up of the Shelby County Museum.

The Shelby County Historical Society received on April 15, 1994 the "Local Historical Society Award" from the Alabama Historical Association. The Local Historical Society Award honors a local historical society in Alabama for outstanding achievement in historical preservation and for significant contributions to a greater appreciation of the history of the community and state.

It was on November 7, 1999 that Bobby Joe Seales was nominated from the floor by John Robert Walker, 1929-2024, and was elected to be the next President of the Shelby County Historical Society. Seales retired as President of the Shelby County Historical Society and as Executive Director of the Shelby County Museum & Archives on November 1, 2015; thus, being the first to serve as both President of the Shelby County Historical Society and as Executive Director of the Shelby County Museum & Archives. CLICK HERE for more information and to read further about "Bobby Joe Seales Retirement." During his tenure, membership grew to a record high, with 15 years of consecutive membership growth, becoming the largest historical society in Alabama. Bobby Joe Seales early accomplishments are supported by: (1) The recognition that was presented on April 28, 2010 by the State of Alabama Governor Bob Riley, through the Alabama Historical Association, a Certificate of Appreciation to the Shelby County Historical Society (see photo and award below). "This certificate is presented in appreciation of your longstanding and successful efforts to collect, preserve, and disseminate information on historical Shelby County records, newspapers, and artifacts through your operation of the Shelby County Museum and Archives. Because of the hard work of your volunteers, these historical records are available to the citizens of Alabama and will be preserved for future generations. (2) The Shelby County Historical Society received on April 12, 2012 the James Ray Kuykendall Historical Society Award that is the Most Outstanding Local Historical Association Recognition Award presented from the Alabama Historical Association (see photo and award below). "In recognition of outstanding achievements and significant contributions to a greater appreciation of community and state history." (3) At his retirement on November 1, 2015, with a very large number in attendance, the Foyer of the Shelby County Museum & Archives was named "SEALES ROOM" and dedicated in honor of Bobby Joe and Diane Seales. In addition, they were given "Honorary Membership" to the Shelby County Historical Society, Inc. Special proclamations and certificates of appreciation and recognition were given to Seales from the Congress of the United States and many State, County and Local government and organizations. A "Key to the City of Alabaster" and a "Key to the City of Columbiana" were also presented to Seales. Bobby Joe Seales was often referred to as "Mr. Shelby County." He was known for his top hat and period attire. In his Farewell Address Seales outlined his productive 16 years with the Society and the Museum & Archives and thanked his many friends and supporters."
February 7, 2010

A Shelby County Historical Society Quarterly Meeting was held at the Shelby County Museum & Archives on February 7, 2010, that was also the 192nd birthday of the founding of Shelby County Alabama Territory. The "Ribbon Cutting Ceremony" began at 1:45pm at the front entrance of the Shelby County Museum and Archives, followed by an "Open House and Dedication" of the Shelby County Museum & Archives. The Birmingham Genealogical Society noted, "A proud history challenges us to preserve the legacy of Shelby County Alabama. Within the past five years (1904-1909) the Shelby County Historical Society acquired financial support through grants [including the sale of engraved bricks that are located in front of the old courthouse], and have obtained many more displayed artifacts for this History Museum. With the support from the Shelby County Commission and the Probate Office the Archives was updated and became one of the best in the state of Alabama. The original old Shelby County courthouse books and records are maintained here .... A plaque was permanently placed giving recognition of the business (JDW Cabinet Company) in Shelby County that custom built all the mahogany display cabinets and to those individuals, organizations and corporations that made this project possible through their financial support."

Shelby County Museum & Archives Ribbon Cutting - 2010   Shelby County Museum & Archives Dedication Crowd - 2010
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with Open House and Dedication
of the Shelby County Museum & Archives
February 7, 2010

The former Historic Shelby Association that operated the Shelby Iron Works Park became a part of the Shelby County Historical Society in June 2018. As a result of the merger, the Shelby County Historical Society is now the overseer of the Shelby Iron Works Park. In 2024 the Shelby County Historical Society Officers and Board of Directors formed a Shelby County Historical Society Board with the Society Offices becoming "Board Officers" and the Board of Directors retained the same title.
For any additional information, including hours of operation, concerning the Shelby Iron Works Park or the Shelby County Museum & Archives
please contact the Shelby County Museum & Archives at (205) 669-3912.

Visit the Shelby County Museum & Archives
"A History Museum"
Maintained by the Shelby County Historical Society, Inc.
1854 Old Courthouse Circle ~ Columbiana, Alabama
(205) 669-3912

Effective November 1, 2015 Dr. J. Fred Olive, III took office as
President of the Shelby County Historical Society
and Mrs. Jennifer Maier became the new
Executive Director of the Shelby County Museum and Archives
upon the retirement of Bobby Joe Seales.

Shelby County Historical Society, Inc. Receives Recognition From State of Alabama
Alabama Department of Archives & History ... Local Government Records Commission

"Governor Bob Riley State of Alabama Has Presented This Certificate of Appreciation To Shelby County Historical Society"
This certificate is presented in appreciation of your longstanding and successful
efforts to collect, preserve, and disseminate information on historical Shelby County
records, newspapers, and artifacts through your operation of the Shelby County
Museum and Archives. Because of the hard work of your volunteers, these historical
records are available to the citizens of Alabama and will be preserved for future generations.

Shelby County Historical Society, Inc. Receives Most Outstanding Local Historical Association Recognition Award
The Alabama Historical Association
"James Ray Kuykendall Historical Society Award"
Presented To Shelby County Historical Society
in recognition of outstanding achievements and significant contributions
to a greater appreciation of community and state history
Huntsville, Alabama ... April 13, 2012

Listen to the Alabama History Podcast Episode 005
Shelby County Historical Society
Kuykendall Award

The Shelby County Historical Society received on April 15, 1994 the "Local Historical Society Award" from the Alabama Historical Association.
The Local Historical Society Award honors a local historical society in Alabama for outstanding achievement in historical preservation and for significant contributions
to a greater appreciation of the history of the community and state.

(1) Kenneth R. Penhale; 1974-1975, 1980, 1983-1988, 1991-1993, 1998-1999
(2) Barbara Baker Roberts; 1976-1977
(3) Miriam Rogers Fowler; 1978-1979 (4) Tom O. Caldwell, M.D.; 1981-1982
(5) Mary Roach; 1989-1990. During her term in 1990 she had a stroke and First Vice-President Jane Martin served as acting President
(6) Charles A. Butler; 1994-1996. During his term he died on October 25, 1996 and his wife, Nancy Butler, who was First Vice-President, completed his term through 1997
(7) Bobby Joe Seales; 2000-2015 (8) Dr. J. Fred Olive, III; 2016-2019
(9) David L. Nolen; 2020-Current

Copyright - Bobby Joe Seales - 2016

  • History of Shelby County
  • My Connections to Shelby County ~ By Bobby Joe Seales
  • Bobby Joe Seales Retires After 15 Years of Leadership and Service
            with the Shelby County Historical Society and the Museum and Archives
    ~ November 1, 2015
  • Return to Shelby County ALGenWeb Home Page