Talladega County Alabama
Part of the American History & Genealogy Project

Fifth Alabama Cavalry Regiment Confederate States Army

by Gene Cantrell


In writing this history of the Fifth Alabama Cavalry, the author has attempted to be as accurate as to place and date events occurred. The narrative style has been used to make the story more readable. Since there is no living eyewitness to the events here recorded, every effort has been made, to research as many sources as were available, to insure accuracy.'

Footnotes have been left out of the text. This should make the text easy to read. The list of reference materials is included as well as other appendage material.

It is the hope of the author that this material will help to keep alive the memory of his wife's Great Grandfather, Samuel Addison Gardner Walker, who enlisted at Allen Factory, Alabama, on September 9, 1862, and served until the end of the war. He was in the battles around Selma, Alabama, and was either captured there or surrendered at Danville, Morgan County, Alabama at the end of April 1865.

Sherman, Texas

Dedicated to my:
Children: Patricia, Thomas, Nancy, and James;
grand-children: Susan, Jennifer, Randy, John Thomas, Joseph, Katie, Kerrid, Blair and Tate.
and to my wife Betty, whose Great-grandfather this book is about, for her understanding during the writing of this book.

About the Author

Gene Cantrell, the author, was born in Hackleburg, Marion County, Alabama. A member of a large extended family, he heard stories about his Great-grandfather's wounding in the Civil War. He was educated in the public schools of Hackleburg, and attended Florence State Teachers College in Florence, Alabama. He married Betty Evans in 1947. After a short period in St. Louis, Missouri, he began a career in 1951, in the manufacture of cotton gin machinery. He is the father of four children. The family moved to Sherman, Texas in 1965. He retired as the President of a company in Lubbock, Texas, in 1995. He has always been a history buff and on retirement decided to research both his and Betty's Great-grandfathers service in the Civil War. This book, about the unit in which Betty's Great-grandfather served, is a product of his effort.


©  Copyright 1997, Gene Cantrell

Talladega County

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