28. Willie, wife of Jesse P. Daniel,
May 24,1813 - September 19, 1883, age 70 years, 3 months and 25 days
29. W. C. Hulsey, April 20,1876 -June
1, 1913
30. Virginia May, daughter of R.
G. and Rebecca Bonds, March 6 - October 10, 1892
31. Alice P. , daughter of E. P.
and t.1. P. Pool, March 18, 1868 -June 22,1868
32. Ervin P. Pool, October 4,1825
- September 4,1902
33. Wm. T., son of E. and Lydia A.
Lawley, July 28,1860 -March 19, 1863
34. John, son of Peter and Rebecca
Lawley, April 1,1836 -September 17, 1857, age 21 years, 5 months and 17
35. Wm. P. son of Peter and Rebecca
Lawley, December 24,1830 -February 19,1851, age 20 years, 1 month and 25
36. Peter Lawley, November 16,1803
-April 24, 1858, age 54 years, 5 months and 19 days
37. Mary Lawley, July 13,1760 -July
3,1852, age 91 years, 11 months and 20 days
38. Margret Rob, August 14,1799 -
May 22,1872
39. J. J. Lindsey, April 18,1829
-December 14,1917
40. R. J., wife of J. J. Lindsey,
May 4,1834 -January 20, 1914
41. Nancy, wife of E. P. Evans, December
29,1833 -January 4,1919
42. Sam P. Evans, November 20, 1872-
July 18,1874
43. James E. Evans, Octoher 31,1878
-June 26,1879
44. Modella, daughter of S. P. and
E. E. Evans, November 26,1880 - October 27,1888
45. Kittey B., daughter of S. P.
and E. E. Evans, January 14,1887 - October 25,1888
46. J. D. son of S. P. and E. E.
Evans, June 19,1878 -October 28,1892
47. Eddie Elvira, wife of S. P. Evans,
April 2,1855 -July 27,1892
48. N. E., daughter of J. W. and
M. E. Evans, october 11,1882 -October 7,1898
49. Infant of J. W. and M. E. Evans,
June 10- July 4,1899
50. Neil, son of z. w. and T. C.
Snider, October 3J, 1860- February 27, 1887
51. Temperance Caroline Snider, March
28,1837 -May 22, 1921
52. Z. W. Snider, August 11,1826
-September 6,1887
53. Wm. S. Wells, April 14,1862 -June