32. A. J. Chandler, April 30,1811
-January 11, 1859,14-9-11
33. Daniel Chandler, September 8,1799
-January 21, 1851, age 51-5-20
34. Mrs. Catherine Chandler Miller,
November 16,1812 -November 11, 1889
12 miles north on U.S.43
1. Mattie S. Cowden, May 18,1888 -April
2. Elizabeth Dodson Cowden, Decefi1ber
11,1852 -October 12, 1930
3. S. M. Cowden, husband of E. S.
Cowden, September 10, 1846- October 8,1897
4. marker unreadable
5. marker unreadable
6. Jane, wife of J. D. Palmer, January
29,1798 -August 19, 1889
7. Joshua D. Palmer Departed this
life May 16,1860 in his 60th year
8. Clysta May, daughter of Wm. Y.
and Minnie Cowden, February 8, 1899- July 14,1899
Turn left at Binion Creek Bridge,
1 mile on left, turn after passing school, near Wells family
1. Lusindy, wife of C. C. Harkey,
June 5,1860 -April 28,1889
2. John w. Harkey, November .1, 1827-
January 20,1877 age 49-2-19
About 2 miles west toward Coker
Road past Mrs. Albert Smith on Ridge
Road, turn right go about 1/2
mile and grave is on left of road
1. Robert Dunlap, born in Abbeville
Dist., South Carolina 1788,
married Anna Mitchell
April 15,1810. Removed to Tuscaloosa Co. ,
Alabama 1820. Baptized
November 2,1845. Married Sarah C. Burton
September 11,1850, died
January 1,1862
2. Anna Dunlap, daughter of Joseph
Mitchell and endeared wife of
Robert Dunlap, born
in Union District, South Carolina A.D. 1792.
Married April 15, .1810.
Removed to Tuscaloosa Co., Alabama 1820.
Baptized in Grant's
Creek July 3,1837 after having an orderly
pious and a devoted
member of Grant's Creek Church untill December
14,1848, she died.