1907 Confederate
Soldier Census in Walker County, Alabama
The 1907 Census of Confederate Soldiers was compiled from the records of the Alabama State Department of Archives and History. The typical entry indicates the 1907 address, a date of birth and a synopsis of military service.
Akins, John Calvin | 25 April 1832 | 56th AL Cav |
Allison, Zachariah Deason | 13 September 1843 | 28th AL Inf |
Allums, Stephens | 1 May 1846 | 7th AL Inf |
Andrews, Richard Harrison | 18 August 1844 | Musgrove's Battalion |
Appling, James Chandler | 6 June 1844 | 9th AL Cav |
Atkins, William | 11 May 1837 | 10th AL Cav |
Atkins, William Columbus | 3 July 1847 | 10th AL Cav |
Baggett, Stephen Samuel | 19 November 1835 | 25th AL Inf |
Ballard, James | 16 October 1836 | 1st NC Inf |
Bankhead, John Hollis | 13 September 1842 | 16th AL Inf |
Banks, Sanford | 20 April 1836 | 53rd GA Inf |
Barrentine, Leander Chappell | 27 January 1847 | 1st GA Inf |
Barton, James Allen | 11 March 1844 | Roddy's Command |
Barton, William Wallace | 4 February 1839 | 28th AL Inf |
Beaty, James Louis | 11 November 1843 | 2d Miss Inf |
Beddingfield, William Henry | 28 December 1833 | 19th GA Inf |
Bennett, Jesse Livingston | 23 February 1839 | 16th AL Inf |
Bennett, Miles | 16 May 1830 | 9th GA Inf |
Blackson, James B. | 27 February 1828 | 43rd AL Inf |
Blackwell, Alexander Henry | 10 February 1834 | Hewlett's Battalion |
Blackwell, William Raleigh | 20 December 1845 | 56th AL Cav |
Blanton, Elijah | 17 November 1846 | 8th AL Cav |
Bonner, George Madison | 30 Mar 1845 | 4th AL Cav |
Boshell, James Bennett | 15 April 1833 | 56th AL Cav |
Bradley, Thomas | 2 April 1836 | 28th AL Inf |
Brakefield, Thomas Christenb'ry | 15 February 1841 | 4th SC Cav |
Bridgemon, John Henry | 7 August 1840 | 28th AL Inf |
Brown, Ebenezer | 25 December 1837 | 50th AL Inf |
Brown, Ensley Litle | 5 June 1846 | 4th AL Cav |
Brown, Isaac | 15 March 1846 | 4th MISS Cav |
Bryan, William Pearson | 8 November 1832 | 23rd GA Inf |
Bryson, Richard | 8 March 1830 | 56th AL Cav |
Burkett, Benjamin Franklin | 11 February 1844 | 28th AL Inf |
Burrell, William Richard | 14 March 1846 | 26th AL Inf |
Burton, John | 20 December 1828 | 56th AL Cav |
Butt, Washington McDonald | 19 October 1847 | Musgrove's Battalion |
Butt, William | 24 February 1824 | 56th AL Cav |
Buzbee, William | 15 February 1830 | 9th AL Inf |
Byars, Joseph | 10 November 1836 | 9th AL Inf |
Calvin, Daniel John | 3 May 1845 | 38th AL Inf |
Cannon, Elisha Barton | 22 September 1838 | 26th AL Inf |
Carter, James Wilkins | 14 May 1844 | 10th AL Cav |
Carroll, Castleberry Charles | 4 March 1844 | 4th AL Cav |
Cheatham, Jonathan Evans | 29 December 1841 | 56th AL Cav |
Cheatham, James Wyatt | 3 November 1837 | 56th AL Cav |
Christian, Thomas Anthony | 24 April 1834 | 28th AL Inf |
Clark, Rufus | 21 May 1844 | 5th AL Cav |
Clark, William Richard | 15 December 1841 | 50th AL Inf |
Clowers, James Madison | ca. 1839 | 4th AL Cav |
Coggin, John Washington | 17 August 1832 | 47th AL Inf |
Coker, William Henry | 12 July 1840 | 53rd GA Inf |
Colburn, Reason | 3 September 1843 | 40th AL Inf |
Cole, Joseph Marion | 15 December 1833 | 28th AL Inf |
Cole, James Richard | 14 January 1843 | 50th AL inf |
Cooner, James Carroll | 25 December 1835 | 56th AL Cav |
Cordell, William Jackson | 10 June 1837 | 48th AL Inf |
Courington, James Benjamin | 21 March 1847 | 62nd AL Inf |
Courington, Randolph | 27 September 1839 | 50th AL Inf |
Courington, Robert | 29 December 1832 | 50th AL Inf |
Cranford, Chesley Hardy | 5 February 1833 | 56th AL Cav |
Crawford, John E. | 11 February 1837 | 13th AL Cav |
Creel, Thomas Jefferson | 29 September 1831 | 44th AL Inf |
Crownover, Joseph Berry | 15 May 1845 | 10th AL Cav |
Crump, Henry Caly | 7 January 1846 | 28th AL Inf |
Cunningham, Alford William | 9 February 1845 | 20th AL Inf |
Cunningham, William Carter | 12 June 1842 | 56th AL Cav |
Daniel, William Jefferson | 15 May 1833 | 22nd AL Inf |
Davis, George Jackson | 8 September 1838 | 43rd AL Inf |
Davis, Ira Benjamin | 27 March 1840 | 18th AL |
Davis, James George | 25 August 1835 | 14th Miss Inf |
Davis, John Milton | 31 January 1846 | 28th AL Inf |
Davis, Jesse Tyra | 16 June 1844 | 5th Miss Cav |
Davis, Thomas | 8 May 1826 | 56th AL Cav |
Davis, William Lias | 18 November 1835 | 56th AL Cav |
Dickert, Francis Marion | 10 Feb 1838 | 20th South Carolina |
Dobbins, Joseph Hughes | 17 June 1840 | 31st AL Inf |
Dobbs, Leonidas M. | 6 March 1846 | 26th AL Cav |
Dodson, Ezekiel Koscindco | 15 December 1831 | 51st AL Cav |
Dotson, Robert Edward | 26 February 1846 | 5th AL Cav |
Doggett, Calvin Dee | 15 April 1834 | 10th AL Inf |
Donaldson, Carroll Staples | 26 February 1842 | 3rd AL Cav |
Downey, Thomas Johnson | 17 July 1851 | home guard |
Dozhier, William Jackson | UNKNOWN | 56th AL Cav |
Drummond, Thomas Madison | 25 August 1839 | 38th AL Inf |
Drummond, William | 12 June 1843 | 28th AL Inf |
Drummond, William Harrison | 2 October 1837 | 8th AL Cav |
Duffee, William Henry | 9 December 1832 | Stewart's Battalion |
Duncan, William | 15 March 1831 | 9th WV Inf |
Durham, William Butler | 11 September 1839 | 4th SC Inf |
Dutton, William | 1 May 1838 | 28th AL Inf |
Edgil, Joseph | 20 December 1834 | 56th AL Inf |
Elliott, James Hutcheson | 2 April 1845 | 8th AL Cav |
Ellis, William Henry | 12 July 1840 | 53rd GA Inf |
Elmore, Christopher W. | 20 June 1848 | 40th AL Inf |
Evans, Thomas Hampton | 7 February 1842 | 26th AL Inf |
Faught, Joseph Inman | 2 November 1836 | 22nd AL Inf |
Ferguson, Benjamin | 11 August 1828 | Home Guard [Chester SC] |
Ferguson, Elijah Adams | 17 November 1843 | 10th AL Cav |
Ferguson, Joseph Walston | 4 June 1834 | 22nd Al Inf |
Ferguson, Henry | 9 September 1832 | 13th AL Cav |
Files, Richard Manley | 10 January 1844 | 50th AL Inf |
Franklin, John Gurganus | 24 January 1834 | 28th AL Inf |
Frost, Edward Benton | 27 January 1840 | 56th AL Cav |
Frost, Stephen Orr | 17 October 1845 | 10th AL Cav |
Gabbert, Thomas Leander | 3 February 1834 | 56th AL Cav |
Gaines, George Shipp | 8 Decemebr 1828 | Capt Cole's Cav |
Gaines, William | 15 January 1826 | 50th AL Inf |
Gallagher, John Wright | 9 July 1842 | 43rd AL Inf |
Ganons, Benjamin Franklin | 25 August 1841 | 27th GA Inf |
Gant, William | 3 May 1842 | 50th AL Inf |
Gardner, Joseph William | 4 January 1837 | 4th FL Inf |
Gibson, Daniel James | 26 October 1836 | 50th AL Inf |
Gilliam, Newton Campbell | 12 February 1840 | 6th TN Inf |
Goss, James Wilson | 17 October 1837 | 29th AL Inf |
Grace, James Andrew | 11 February 1833 | 10th AL Inf |
Grace, Nathan Pennington | 7 May 1842 | 50th AL Inf |
Grablee, Harvey Jackson | 18 February 1847 | Musgrove's Battalion |
Grablee, John David | 15 December 1841 | 56th AL Cav |
Green, Caleb John | 12 June 1843 | 57th GA Inf |
Gregg, David Sharpe | 16 October 1842 | 7th AL Cav |
Grizzell, James Polk | 5 September 1844 | 4th TN Cav |
Gurganus, Isaac | 16 September 1840 | 6th LA Inf |
Gurganus, John Washington | 27 April 1831 | 50th AL Inf |
Guttery, George Houston | 15 September 1847 | 56th AL Cav |
Guttery, Joseph G. | 14 May 1836 | 56th AL Cav |
Guttery, John WillisCav | 24 February 1838 | 22nd AL Inf |
Guttery, Martin Van Buren | 6 September 1842 | 56th AL Cav |
Haley, James Franklin | 28 February 1831 | 3rd Battalion [GA] |
Hallman, Daniel | 25 Feb 1839 | 20th AL Inf |
Hamilton, Jacob | 8 November 1843 | 28th AL Inf |
Handley, Andrew Talbot | 6 July 1843 | 10th AL Cav |
Harbin, James Lonis | 13 March 1836 | 50th AL Inf |
Harris, Phillip Archibald | 3 December 1831 | 28th AL Inf |
Hawkins, Josiah | 31 October 1835 | Wagon Mechanic |
Hayes, John Henry | 13 October 1843 | 50th AL Inf |
Hendon, James Harvey | 19 October 1834 | 10th AL Inf |
Hendrix, Martin Thomas | 25 December 1841 | 4th AL Inf |
Henson, Eli | 14 February 1828 | 56th AL Cav |
Henson, John | 22 August 1833 | 28th AL Inf |
Hensley, Charles Marion | 15 January 1833 | 16th AL Inf |
Herron, Aaron | 15 May 1835 | 2nd AL Cav |
Herron, Joseph | 13 May 1844 | 50th AL Inf |
Hicks, Daniel | 18 February 1842 | 28th AL Inf |
Highsaw, Nathaniel | 11 April 1839 | Lumsden's Battery |
Hill, William Henry | 21 October 1840 | 44th GA Inf |
Holbrook, Jacob Elijah | 9 February 1848 | 20th Miss Inf |
Hood, Andrew Jackson Willis | 6 Aug 1844 | 56th AL Cav |
Hopson, Alexander | 5 Jan 1847 | 34th AL Inf |
Howard, John Henry | 15 April 1845 | 11th GA Cav |
Hulsey, John Bayless | 8 March 1839 | 50th AL Inf |
Hutto, Charles | 25 September 1825 | 28th AL Inf |
Hyche, Harmon Liscom | 3 January 1843 | 50th AL Inf |
Hyche, Jackson Eli | 6 June 1848 | 26th AL Inf |
Hyche, Thomas Banes | 6 August 1835 | 56th AL Cav |
Ivy, Warren Hill | 17 October 1841 | 56th AL Cav |
Ivy, Young Marion | 10 April 1844 | 56th AL Cav |
Jennings, Rufus Henry | 27 December 1826 | 41st AL Inf |
Jetton, Joseph Sylvester | 17 March 1830 | 56th AL Cav |
Johnson, James Allen | 25 October 1825 | 4th AL Cav |
Jones, Daniel Lee | 16 March 1845 | 56th AL Cav |
Jones, Jasper Riley | 3 April 1825 | 56th AL Cav |
Jones, Paul Pinkston | 15 April 1846 | 56th AL Cav |
Jones, Rufus Lloyd | 23 February 1838 | 56th AL Cav |
Keeton, John | 19 January 1841 | 56th AL Cav |
Keeton, Reuben | 26 April 1832 | 56th AL Cav |
Kelley, Benjamin DeKalb | 16 December 1843 | 4th AL Cav |
Kendrick, James Elijah | 26 May 1836 | 29th AL Inf |
Key, Thomas | 8 September 1832 | 56th Al Cav |
Kilgore, Isaac | 17 August 1845 | 50th AL Inf |
Kilgore, William Parker | 10 February 1843 | 24th AL Inf |
King, Thomas Jordon | 2 November 1820 | 56th AL Cav |
Kingsberry, William Luther | 1 January 1845 | 19th AL Inf |
Knight, Richmond Townley | 12 March 1845 | 10th AL Cav |
Lamkin, Thomas Peters | 2 March 1844 | 16th AL Inf |
Lamon, James Washington | 21 April 1844 | 56th AL Cav |
Latham, Thomas Marion |
4th AL Cav |
Lathan, James Leander | 14 February 1845 | 29th AL Inf |
Lawley, William Franklin | 9 September 1847 | 8th AL Cav |
Lawson, Albert Gallatin | 15 May 1834 | 56th AL Cav |
Leeth, Francis Marion | 8 February 1838 | 10th AL Cav |
Leonard, James Louis | 21 August 1845 | Musgrove's Battalion |
Lethers, Abram | 22 August 1830 | 14th AL |
Linn, Julius Weston | 30 August 1839 | Lorings Brigade |
Miller, Ira Levi | 27 June 1837 | 12th AL Cav |
Mooney, Jonathan Paul | 28 December 1833 | 10th AL Cav |
Moore, William Zachariah | 1 December 1848 | Roddy's Escort Co. |
Morgan, Henry Terrell | 22 October 1843 | 56th AL Cav |
Morgan, Mastin C. | 10 September 1837 | 28th AL Inf |
Morgan, Robert Jasper | 6 May 1834 | 56th Al Cav |
Morgan, Reuben Marids | 8 March 1837 | 56th AL Cav |
Morris, David | 29 August 1843 | 50th AL Inf |
Morris, James | 22 Jan 1839 | 56th AL Cav |
Morris, James Harvey | 11 March 1845 | 50th AL Inf |
Morrow, John Quincy | 23 July 1824 | Musgrove's Battalion |
Murray, Richard Henry | 7 August 1834 | 33rd AL Inf |
Myers, John Henry | 20 May 1845 | 10th AL Cav |
McCarty, Phillip Watson | 18 August 1844 | 56th AL Cav |
McCauley, John | 15 January 1842 | 22nd WV Cav |
McCoy, William | 9 May 1835 | 14 AL Inf |
McCullars, Andrew Marbell |
30th AL Inf |
McCullar, William Henry H. | 31 August 1840 | 26th AL Inf |
McDade, James Decatur | 29 March 1828 | 10th AL Cav |
McDaniel, James William | 29 October 1845 | 35th GA Inf |
McGough, John | 9 February 1839 | 43rd AL Inf |
McMillan, Francis Marion | UNKNOWN | Fowler's Battery |
McNutt, Peter Franklin | 20 September 1845 | 10th AL Cav |
Nations, Joseph | 19 August 1831 | 56th AL Cav |
Nelson, Andrew Jackson | 3 August 1820 | 10th AL Cav |
Nelson, John Martin | 16 December 1844 | 10th AL Cav |
Norris, Joseph Zachariah | 16 March 1827 | Hewlett's Battalion |
Odom, James Ira | 1 October 1841 | 50th AL Inf |
O'Rear, John | 7 May 1846 | 10th AL Cav |
O'Rear, William Byrd | 3 September 1839 | 50th AL Inf |
Parnell, John Allen | 11 October 1843 | Avery's Sharpshooters |
Parteridge, Thomas Oscar | 8 March 1832 | Tallapoosa Home Guards |
Parvin, John Lawrence | 25 December 1837 | 9th AL Inf |
Patton, William | 18 November 1846 | Musgrove's Battalion |
Pearson, Joseph Leigh | 23 October 1840 | 4th LA Inf |
Pearson, Robert R | 18 December 1840 | 58th AL Inf |
Phillips, Jefferson |
56th AL Cav |
Phillips, John Washington | 31 January 1840 | 56th AL Cav |
Phillips, William | 27 July 1840 | 56th AL Cav |
Pike, Joseph Carroll | 8 December 1833 | 22nd AL Inf |
Posey, Louis Holmes | 10 January 1843 | 43rd AL Inf |
Plylar, James Burton | 27 December 1843 | 50th AL Inf |
Price, James Monroe | 18 February 1844 | 26th Miss Inf |
Randolph, John Brown | 5 March 1840 | 28th AL Inf |
Randolph, Thomas Brown | 10 November 1842 | 28th AL Inf |
Reagan, Henry Burton | 30 September 1840 | 7th GA Inf |
Reed, George Washington | 2 September 1830 | 28th AL Inf |
Rhea, William Barclay | 27 October 1842 | Musgrove's Battalion |
Rice, James LaFayette | 17 December 1838 | 2nd TN Cav |
Richardson, John | 10 October 1844 | 50th AL Inf |
Richardson, John | 14 September 1839 | 43rd AL Inf |
Richardson, William | 16 September 1840 | 50th AL Inf |
Rigsby, Allen Blair | 18 May 1826 | 10th GA Cav |
Robertson, Benjamin Allen | 9 September 1845 | 21st GA Inf |
Robinson, Mark Louis | 7 November 1835 | Carroll Coast Guards [GA] |
Roebuck, William Bruce | 25 December 1840 | 29th Miss Inf |
Rogers, John Wesley | 13 January 1840 | 32nd AL Inf |
Rolo, Jackson H | 2 May 1834 | Battle's Brigade |
Rutledge, David | 14 July 1839 | 56th AL Cav |
Rutledge, James | 4 November 1832 | 28th AL Inf |
Rutledge, James Daniel | 12 February 1846 | 10th AL Cav |
Ryan, John Camak | 27 January 1839 | 56th AL Cav |
Sanders, Marquis De Lafayette | 27 April 1827 | 29th AL Inf |
Sergeant, William Penn | 14 February 1840 | 10th AL Inf |
Sartain, John Ramage | 1 December | AL Inf 50th AL Inf |
Savage, James Winn | 23 July 1844 | Fowler's Battery [AL] |
Shaw, James Marion | 17 October 1837 | 14th AL Inf |
Shaw, Seborn Jackson | 12 May 1837 | 42nd GA Inf |
Shepperd, Wilson | 2 May 1840 | 50th AL Inf |
Sherer, John Minter | 20 December 1841 | 16th AL Inf |
Sherer, Joseph Thomas | 8 April 1848 | 4th AL Cav |
Sherer, William Thomas | 20 January 1847 | 4th AL Cav |
Shields, John Brabson | 25 August 1840 | 59th TN Inf |
Short, Daniel | 20 February 1846 | 50th AL Inf |
Sides, Audy Allen | 17 July 1827 | Home Guard |
Smith, Alvin A. | 9 March 1832 | 43rd AL Inf |
Smith, Leondis Kirksey | 8 April 1838 | 56th AL Cav |
Snoddy, Samuel | 21 November 1845 | 10th AL Cav |
Snow, Francis Asberry | 23 February 1847 | 56th AL Cav |
Sparks, Richard Thomas | 27 July 1847 | 56th AL Cav |
Spear, John | 12 February 1841 | 9th TN Inf |
Springfield, Robert | 1 February 1832 | 56th AL Cav |
Stacks, John Morgan | 29 September 1842 | 5th AL Cav |
Steedman, John Bunzan | 2 January 1835 | Hewlett's Battalion |
Stewart, Samuel | 28 December 1832 | 56th AL Cav |
Sturgis, Joshua Franklin | 30 December 1840 | 56th AL Cav |
Summer, Reuben Franklin | 30 November 1845 | 28th AL Inf |
Sutton, William | 8 October 1837 | 28th AL Inf |
Swindle, James Wesley | 10 August 1845 | 10th AL Cav |
Swindle, John Holly | 26 February 1843 | 50th AL Inf |
Taylor, Robert | 15 December 1841 | 28th AL Inf |
Terrell, John Davis | 25 September 1841 | Phillips Legion [SC] |
Thaxton, George Washington | 10 February 1848 | 53rd AL Cav |
Thomas, Andrew Jackson | 15 October 1838 | 28th AL Inf |
Thomas, Benjamin Franklin | 20 November 1844 | 56th AL Cav |
Thomas, James Raines | 11 January 1841 | 2nd Battalion [NC] |
Thompson, William Alexander | 10 November 1831 | 43rd AL Inf |
Tingle, Benjamin Franklin | 27 March 1844 | 12 AL Cav |
Tipper, James Willis | 25 August 1838 | 56th AL Cav |
Treadaway, Francis Marion | 16 September 1833 | 26th AL Inf |
Tubb, Daniel Lee | 25 October 1842 | 56th AL Cav |
Tucker, Henry Leverett | 28 December 1835 | 26th AL Inf |
Tuggle, Edward Harrison | 19 Feb 1842 | 56th AL Cav |
Turner, Elihu | 5 May 1831 | 36th AL Inf |
Turner, John Oliver | 9 January 1845 | 3rd GA Inf |
Usrey, James William | 8 March 1826 | [Co. B ?] |
Vinson, Granberry | 25 November 1830 | 2nd AL Cav |
Wade, John Landum | 17 August 1846 | 8th AL Cav |
Wait, Richard Hampton | 10 May 1841 | 11th AL Inf |
Wakefield, James Monroe | 12 April 1846 | 4th AL Cav |
Walker, Thaddeus Monroe | 22 August 1836 | 4th AL Cav |
Watts, William Martin | 1 July 1840 | 22nd AL Inf |
Webb, Jiles Carroll | 24 February 1840 | 56th AL Cav |
Weems, Joseph Harrison | 27 December 1846 | 2nd AL Reserves |
Wethington, William Wesley | 10 June 1841 | 28th AL Inf |
White, Thomas Jefferson | 4 April 1834 | 10th AL Cav |
Whitehead, Matthew | 5 January 1845 | 28th AL Inf |
Williams, Augustus Alexander | 14 October 1841 | 56th AL Cav |
Williams, James Perry | 22 April 1830 | 56th AL Cav |
Williams, John | 16 January 1848 | 1st AL Reserves |
Williams, Leroy | 25 May 1832 | 38th TN Inf |
Williams, Napoleon Bonaparte | 12 May 1844 | Cobb's Legion [GA] |
Willingham, Isaac Jason | 2 July 1839 | 30th AL Inf |
Windham, James Edward | 24 July 1831 | 56th AL Inf |
Wood, John Archibald | 12 October 1840 | 56th AL Inf |
Worthington, Wilson | 24 March 1835 | 28th AL Inf |
Wright, Seborn Jones | 7 September 1835 | 56th AL Inf |
Wright, John Lanier | 4 October 1841 | 56th AL Inf |
Wright, William | 30 May 1832 | 8th AL Cav |