1907 Confederate Soldier Census in Walker County, Alabama


Submitted by Wes Keat







The 1907 Census of Confederate Soldiers was compiled from the records of the Alabama State Department of Archives and History.  The typical entry indicates the 1907 address, a date of birth and a synopsis of military service. 



 Akins, John Calvin  25 April 1832  56th AL Cav
 Allison, Zachariah Deason  13 September 1843  28th AL Inf
 Allums, Stephens  1 May 1846   7th AL Inf
 Andrews, Richard Harrison  18 August 1844  Musgrove's Battalion
 Appling, James Chandler  6 June 1844  9th AL Cav
  Atkins, William  11 May 1837  10th AL Cav
 Atkins, William Columbus  3 July 1847  10th AL Cav
 Baggett, Stephen Samuel  19 November 1835  25th AL Inf
 Ballard, James  16 October 1836  1st NC Inf
 Bankhead, John Hollis  13 September 1842  16th AL Inf
 Banks, Sanford  20 April 1836   53rd GA Inf
 Barrentine, Leander Chappell   27 January 1847  1st GA Inf
 Barton, James Allen  11 March 1844  Roddy's Command
 Barton, William Wallace  4 February 1839  28th AL Inf
 Beaty, James Louis  11 November 1843  2d Miss Inf
 Beddingfield, William Henry  28 December 1833  19th GA Inf
 Bennett, Jesse Livingston  23 February 1839  16th AL Inf
 Bennett, Miles  16 May 1830   9th GA Inf
 Blackson, James B.  27 February 1828  43rd AL Inf
 Blackwell, Alexander Henry  10 February 1834  Hewlett's Battalion
 Blackwell, William Raleigh  20 December 1845  56th AL Cav
Blanton, Elijah  17 November 1846  8th AL Cav
 Bonner, George Madison  30 Mar 1845  4th AL Cav
 Boshell, James Bennett  15 April 1833  56th AL Cav
 Bradley, Thomas  2 April 1836  28th AL Inf
 Brakefield, Thomas Christenb'ry  15 February 1841  4th SC Cav
 Bridgemon, John Henry  7 August 1840  28th AL Inf
 Brown, Ebenezer  25 December 1837  50th AL Inf
 Brown, Ensley Litle  5 June 1846  4th AL Cav
 Brown, Isaac  15 March 1846  4th MISS Cav
 Bryan, William Pearson  8 November 1832  23rd GA Inf
 Bryson, Richard   8 March 1830  56th AL Cav
 Burkett, Benjamin Franklin  11 February 1844   28th AL Inf
 Burrell, William Richard  14 March 1846  26th AL Inf
 Burton, John  20 December 1828  56th AL Cav
 Butt, Washington McDonald  19 October 1847  Musgrove's Battalion
 Butt, William   24 February 1824   56th AL Cav
 Buzbee, William  15 February 1830   9th AL Inf
 Byars, Joseph  10 November 1836  9th AL Inf
 Calvin, Daniel John  3 May 1845  38th AL Inf
 Cannon, Elisha Barton  22 September 1838   26th AL Inf
 Carter, James Wilkins  14 May 1844  10th AL Cav
 Carroll, Castleberry Charles  4 March 1844  4th AL Cav
 Cheatham, Jonathan Evans  29 December 1841  56th AL Cav
 Cheatham, James Wyatt  3 November 1837   56th AL Cav
 Christian, Thomas Anthony  24 April 1834  28th AL Inf
 Clark, Rufus  21 May 1844  5th AL Cav
 Clark, William Richard  15 December 1841  50th AL Inf
 Clowers, James Madison  ca. 1839  4th AL Cav
 Coggin, John Washington  17 August 1832  47th AL Inf
 Coker, William Henry  12 July 1840  53rd GA Inf
 Colburn, Reason  3 September 1843  40th AL Inf
 Cole, Joseph Marion  15 December 1833  28th AL Inf
 Cole, James Richard  14 January 1843  50th AL inf
 Cooner, James Carroll  25 December 1835  56th AL Cav
 Cordell, William Jackson  10 June 1837  48th AL Inf
 Courington, James Benjamin  21 March 1847  62nd AL Inf
 Courington, Randolph  27 September 1839  50th AL Inf
 Courington, Robert  29 December 1832  50th AL Inf
 Cranford, Chesley Hardy  5 February 1833   56th AL Cav
 Crawford, John E.  11 February 1837  13th AL Cav
 Creel, Thomas Jefferson  29 September 1831  44th AL Inf
 Crownover, Joseph Berry  15 May 1845  10th AL Cav
 Crump, Henry Caly  7 January 1846  28th AL Inf
 Cunningham, Alford William  9 February 1845   20th AL Inf
 Cunningham, William Carter  12 June 1842  56th AL Cav
 Daniel, William Jefferson  15 May 1833  22nd AL Inf
 Davis, George Jackson  8 September 1838  43rd AL Inf
 Davis, Ira Benjamin  27 March 1840  18th AL
 Davis, James George  25 August 1835  14th Miss Inf
 Davis, John Milton  31 January 1846  28th AL Inf
 Davis, Jesse Tyra  16 June 1844  5th Miss Cav
 Davis, Thomas  8 May 1826  56th AL Cav
 Davis, William Lias  18 November 1835  56th AL Cav
 Dickert, Francis Marion  10 Feb 1838  20th South Carolina
 Dobbins, Joseph Hughes  17 June 1840  31st AL Inf
 Dobbs, Leonidas M.  6 March 1846  26th AL Cav
 Dodson, Ezekiel Koscindco  15 December 1831  51st AL Cav
 Dotson, Robert Edward  26 February 1846  5th AL Cav
 Doggett, Calvin Dee  15 April 1834  10th AL Inf
 Donaldson, Carroll Staples  26 February 1842  3rd AL Cav
 Downey, Thomas Johnson  17 July 1851  home guard
 Dozhier, William Jackson UNKNOWN  56th AL Cav
 Drummond, Thomas Madison  25 August 1839   38th AL Inf
 Drummond, William  12 June 1843  28th AL Inf
 Drummond, William Harrison  2 October 1837  8th AL Cav
 Duffee, William Henry  9 December 1832  Stewart's Battalion
 Duncan, William  15 March 1831   9th WV Inf
 Durham, William Butler  11 September 1839  4th SC Inf
 Dutton, William  1 May 1838  28th AL Inf
 Edgil, Joseph  20 December 1834  56th AL Inf
 Elliott, James Hutcheson   2 April 1845  8th AL Cav
 Ellis, William Henry  12 July 1840  53rd GA Inf
 Elmore, Christopher W.  20 June 1848  40th AL Inf
 Evans, Thomas Hampton  7 February 1842  26th AL Inf
 Faught, Joseph Inman  2 November 1836  22nd AL Inf
 Ferguson, Benjamin  11 August 1828  Home Guard [Chester SC]
 Ferguson, Elijah Adams  17 November 1843  10th AL Cav
 Ferguson, Joseph Walston  4 June 1834  22nd Al Inf
 Ferguson, Henry  9 September 1832  13th AL Cav
 Files, Richard Manley  10 January 1844  50th AL Inf
 Franklin, John Gurganus  24 January 1834  28th AL Inf
 Frost, Edward Benton  27 January 1840  56th AL Cav
 Frost, Stephen Orr  17 October 1845  10th AL Cav
 Gabbert, Thomas Leander  3 February 1834  56th AL Cav
 Gaines, George Shipp  8 Decemebr 1828  Capt Cole's Cav
 Gaines, William  15 January 1826   50th AL Inf
 Gallagher, John Wright  9 July 1842  43rd AL Inf
 Ganons, Benjamin Franklin  25 August 1841  27th GA Inf
 Gant, William   3 May 1842  50th AL Inf
 Gardner, Joseph William  4 January 1837  4th FL Inf
 Gibson, Daniel James  26 October 1836  50th AL Inf
 Gilliam, Newton Campbell  12 February 1840 6th TN Inf
 Goss, James Wilson  17 October 1837  29th AL Inf
 Grace, James Andrew  11 February 1833  10th AL Inf
 Grace, Nathan Pennington  7 May 1842  50th AL Inf
 Grablee, Harvey Jackson  18 February 1847  Musgrove's Battalion
 Grablee, John David  15 December 1841   56th AL Cav
 Green, Caleb John  12 June 1843  57th GA Inf
 Gregg, David Sharpe  16 October 1842  7th AL Cav
 Grizzell, James Polk  5 September 1844  4th TN Cav
 Gurganus, Isaac  16 September 1840  6th LA Inf
 Gurganus, John Washington  27 April 1831   50th AL Inf
 Guttery, George Houston  15 September 1847   56th AL Cav
 Guttery, Joseph G.  14 May 1836  56th AL Cav
Guttery, John WillisCav  24 February 1838  22nd AL Inf
 Guttery, Martin Van Buren  6 September 1842  56th AL Cav
 Haley, James Franklin  28 February 1831  3rd Battalion [GA]
 Hallman, Daniel  25 Feb 1839  20th AL Inf
 Hamilton, Jacob  8 November 1843  28th AL Inf
 Handley, Andrew Talbot  6 July 1843  10th AL Cav
 Harbin, James Lonis  13 March 1836   50th AL Inf
 Harris, Phillip Archibald  3 December 1831  28th AL Inf
 Hawkins, Josiah  31 October 1835 Wagon Mechanic
 Hayes, John Henry  13 October 1843   50th AL Inf
 Hendon, James Harvey  19 October 1834  10th AL Inf
 Hendrix, Martin Thomas  25 December 1841  4th AL Inf
 Henson, Eli  14 February 1828  56th AL Cav
 Henson, John  22 August 1833  28th AL Inf
 Hensley, Charles Marion  15 January 1833  16th AL Inf
 Herron, Aaron  15 May 1835   2nd AL Cav
 Herron, Joseph  13 May 1844  50th AL Inf
 Hicks, Daniel  18 February 1842  28th AL Inf
 Highsaw, Nathaniel  11 April 1839  Lumsden's Battery
 Hill, William Henry  21 October 1840  44th GA Inf
 Holbrook, Jacob Elijah   9 February 1848  20th Miss Inf
 Hood, Andrew Jackson Willis   6 Aug 1844  56th AL Cav
 Hopson, Alexander  5 Jan 1847  34th AL Inf
 Howard, John Henry  15 April 1845  11th GA Cav
 Hulsey, John Bayless  8 March 1839  50th AL Inf
 Hutto, Charles 25 September 1825 28th AL Inf
 Hyche, Harmon Liscom  3 January 1843  50th AL Inf
 Hyche, Jackson Eli  6 June 1848  26th AL Inf
 Hyche, Thomas Banes  6 August 1835  56th AL Cav
 Ivy, Warren Hill  17 October 1841  56th AL Cav
 Ivy, Young Marion  10 April 1844  56th AL Cav
 Jennings, Rufus Henry  27 December 1826  41st AL Inf
 Jetton, Joseph Sylvester  17 March 1830  56th AL Cav
 Johnson, James Allen  25 October 1825   4th AL Cav
 Jones, Daniel Lee  16 March 1845  56th AL Cav
 Jones, Jasper Riley  3 April 1825  56th AL Cav
 Jones, Paul Pinkston  15 April 1846  56th AL Cav
 Jones, Rufus Lloyd  23 February 1838  56th AL Cav
 Keeton, John  19 January 1841  56th AL Cav
 Keeton, Reuben  26 April 1832  56th AL Cav
 Kelley, Benjamin DeKalb  16 December 1843  4th AL Cav
 Kendrick, James Elijah  26 May 1836  29th AL Inf
 Key, Thomas  8 September 1832  56th Al Cav
 Kilgore, Isaac  17 August 1845  50th AL Inf
 Kilgore, William Parker  10 February 1843  24th AL Inf
 King, Thomas Jordon   2 November 1820  56th AL Cav
 Kingsberry, William Luther  1 January 1845  19th AL Inf
 Knight, Richmond Townley  12 March 1845  10th AL Cav
 Lamkin, Thomas Peters  2 March 1844  16th AL Inf
 Lamon, James Washington  21 April 1844  56th AL Cav
 Latham, Thomas Marion

 4th AL Cav
 Lathan, James Leander  14 February 1845  29th AL Inf
 Lawley, William Franklin  9 September 1847  8th AL Cav
 Lawson, Albert Gallatin  15 May 1834  56th AL Cav
 Leeth, Francis Marion  8 February 1838  10th AL Cav
 Leonard, James Louis  21 August 1845  Musgrove's Battalion
 Lethers, Abram  22 August 1830  14th AL
 Linn, Julius Weston  30 August 1839   Lorings Brigade
 Miller, Ira Levi   27 June 1837  12th AL Cav
 Mooney, Jonathan Paul  28 December 1833  10th AL Cav
 Moore, William Zachariah  1 December 1848  Roddy's Escort Co.
 Morgan, Henry Terrell  22 October 1843  56th AL Cav
 Morgan, Mastin C.  10 September 1837  28th AL Inf
 Morgan, Robert Jasper  6 May 1834  56th Al Cav
 Morgan, Reuben Marids  8 March 1837  56th AL Cav
 Morris, David  29 August 1843  50th AL Inf
 Morris, James  22 Jan 1839  56th AL Cav
 Morris, James Harvey  11 March 1845  50th AL Inf
 Morrow, John Quincy  23 July 1824  Musgrove's Battalion
 Murray, Richard Henry  7 August 1834  33rd AL Inf
 Myers, John Henry   20 May 1845  10th AL Cav
 McCarty, Phillip Watson  18 August 1844  56th AL Cav
 McCauley, John  15 January 1842  22nd WV Cav
 McCoy, William  9 May 1835  14 AL Inf
 McCullars, Andrew Marbell

 30th AL Inf
 McCullar, William Henry H.  31 August 1840  26th AL Inf
 McDade, James Decatur  29 March 1828  10th AL Cav
 McDaniel, James William  29 October 1845  35th GA Inf
 McGough, John  9 February 1839  43rd AL Inf
 McMillan, Francis Marion UNKNOWN  Fowler's Battery
 McNutt, Peter Franklin  20 September 1845  10th AL Cav
 Nations, Joseph  19 August 1831  56th AL Cav
 Nelson, Andrew Jackson  3 August 1820  10th AL Cav
 Nelson, John Martin  16 December 1844  10th AL Cav
 Norris, Joseph Zachariah  16 March 1827  Hewlett's Battalion
 Odom, James Ira   1 October 1841  50th AL Inf
 O'Rear, John   7 May 1846  10th AL Cav
 O'Rear, William Byrd  3 September 1839  50th AL Inf
 Parnell, John Allen  11 October 1843  Avery's Sharpshooters
 Parteridge, Thomas Oscar  8 March 1832  Tallapoosa Home Guards
 Parvin, John Lawrence  25 December 1837  9th AL Inf
 Patton, William  18 November 1846  Musgrove's Battalion
 Pearson, Joseph Leigh  23 October 1840  4th LA Inf
 Pearson, Robert R  18 December 1840  58th AL Inf
 Phillips, Jefferson

 56th AL Cav
 Phillips, John Washington  31 January 1840  56th AL Cav
 Phillips, William  27 July 1840  56th AL Cav
 Pike, Joseph Carroll  8 December 1833  22nd AL Inf
 Posey, Louis Holmes  10 January 1843  43rd AL Inf
 Plylar, James Burton  27 December 1843  50th AL Inf
 Price, James Monroe  18 February 1844  26th Miss Inf
 Randolph, John Brown  5 March 1840  28th AL Inf
 Randolph, Thomas Brown  10 November 1842  28th AL Inf
 Reagan, Henry Burton  30 September 1840  7th GA Inf
 Reed, George Washington  2 September 1830  28th AL Inf
 Rhea, William Barclay  27 October 1842  Musgrove's Battalion
 Rice, James LaFayette  17 December 1838 2nd TN Cav
 Richardson, John  10 October 1844  50th AL Inf
 Richardson, John  14 September 1839  43rd AL Inf
 Richardson, William  16 September 1840  50th AL Inf
 Rigsby, Allen Blair  18 May 1826  10th GA Cav
 Robertson, Benjamin Allen  9 September 1845  21st GA Inf
 Robinson, Mark Louis  7 November 1835   Carroll Coast Guards [GA]
 Roebuck, William Bruce  25 December 1840  29th Miss Inf
 Rogers, John Wesley  13 January 1840  32nd AL Inf
 Rolo, Jackson H  2 May 1834  Battle's Brigade
 Rutledge, David  14 July 1839  56th AL Cav
 Rutledge, James  4 November 1832  28th AL Inf
 Rutledge, James Daniel  12 February 1846  10th AL Cav
 Ryan, John Camak  27 January 1839  56th AL Cav
 Sanders, Marquis De Lafayette  27 April 1827  29th AL Inf
 Sergeant, William Penn  14 February 1840  10th AL Inf
 Sartain, John Ramage  1 December  AL Inf 50th AL Inf
 Savage, James Winn  23 July 1844  Fowler's Battery [AL]
 Shaw, James Marion  17 October 1837  14th AL Inf
 Shaw, Seborn Jackson  12 May 1837  42nd GA Inf
 Shepperd, Wilson  2 May 1840  50th AL Inf
 Sherer, John Minter  20 December 1841  16th AL Inf
 Sherer, Joseph Thomas  8 April 1848  4th AL Cav
 Sherer, William Thomas  20 January 1847  4th AL Cav
 Shields, John Brabson  25 August 1840  59th TN Inf
 Short, Daniel  20 February 1846  50th AL Inf
 Sides, Audy Allen  17 July 1827  Home Guard
 Smith, Alvin A.  9 March 1832  43rd AL Inf
 Smith, Leondis Kirksey  8 April 1838   56th AL Cav
 Snoddy, Samuel  21 November 1845  10th AL Cav
 Snow, Francis Asberry  23 February 1847  56th AL Cav
 Sparks, Richard Thomas  27 July 1847  56th AL Cav
 Spear, John  12 February 1841   9th TN Inf
 Springfield, Robert  1 February 1832  56th AL Cav
 Stacks, John Morgan  29 September 1842  5th AL Cav
 Steedman, John Bunzan  2 January 1835  Hewlett's Battalion
 Stewart, Samuel  28 December 1832  56th AL Cav
 Sturgis, Joshua Franklin  30 December 1840  56th AL Cav
 Summer, Reuben Franklin  30 November 1845  28th AL Inf
 Sutton, William  8 October 1837  28th AL Inf
 Swindle, James Wesley  10 August 1845  10th AL Cav
 Swindle, John Holly  26 February 1843  50th AL Inf
 Taylor, Robert  15 December 1841  28th AL Inf
 Terrell, John Davis  25 September 1841  Phillips Legion [SC]
 Thaxton, George Washington  10 February 1848  53rd AL Cav
 Thomas, Andrew Jackson  15 October 1838  28th AL Inf
 Thomas, Benjamin Franklin  20 November 1844 56th AL Cav
 Thomas, James Raines  11 January 1841  2nd Battalion [NC]
 Thompson, William Alexander  10 November 1831  43rd AL Inf
 Tingle, Benjamin Franklin  27 March 1844  12 AL Cav
 Tipper, James Willis  25 August 1838  56th AL Cav
 Treadaway, Francis Marion  16 September 1833 26th AL Inf 
 Tubb, Daniel Lee  25 October 1842  56th AL Cav
 Tucker, Henry Leverett  28 December 1835  26th AL Inf
 Tuggle, Edward Harrison  19 Feb 1842  56th AL Cav
 Turner, Elihu  5 May 1831  36th AL Inf
 Turner, John Oliver  9 January 1845  3rd GA Inf
 Usrey, James William  8 March 1826  [Co. B ?]
 Vinson, Granberry  25 November 1830  2nd AL Cav
 Wade, John Landum  17 August 1846  8th AL Cav
 Wait, Richard Hampton  10 May 1841  11th AL Inf
 Wakefield, James Monroe  12 April 1846  4th AL Cav
 Walker, Thaddeus Monroe  22 August 1836  4th AL Cav
 Watts, William Martin  1 July 1840  22nd AL Inf
 Webb, Jiles Carroll   24 February 1840  56th AL Cav
 Weems, Joseph Harrison  27 December 1846  2nd AL Reserves
 Wethington, William Wesley  10 June 1841  28th AL Inf
 White, Thomas Jefferson  4 April 1834  10th AL Cav
 Whitehead, Matthew  5 January 1845  28th AL Inf
 Williams, Augustus Alexander  14 October 1841  56th AL Cav
 Williams, James Perry  22 April 1830  56th AL Cav
 Williams, John  16 January 1848  1st AL Reserves
 Williams, Leroy  25 May 1832  38th TN Inf
 Williams, Napoleon Bonaparte  12 May 1844  Cobb's Legion [GA]
 Willingham, Isaac Jason  2 July 1839  30th AL Inf
 Windham, James Edward  24 July 1831  56th AL Inf
 Wood, John Archibald  12 October 1840  56th AL Inf
 Worthington, Wilson  24 March 1835  28th AL Inf
 Wright, Seborn Jones  7 September 1835  56th AL Inf
 Wright, John Lanier  4 October 1841  56th AL Inf
 Wright, William   30 May 1832  8th AL Cav

Your Host for Walker County, Alabama

Betty T Miller