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Compiled by Thomas M. Owen, Director, State of Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Alabama. The Brown Printing Co, Printers and Binders, 1911
It is believed that the publication of this compilation will be of much practical service to large numbers of people interested in a study of the personal records of the Heroes of the American Revolution. And this is true, although the lists are manifestly incomplete, and the sketches are wanting in many desirable details.
The lists have been made up from altogether reliable and authentic sources. These consist of contemporary obituaries, drawn from old newspaper files, the Revolutionary Pension Roll, published by the U. S. Government as Senate Document 514, 3 volumes, 23rd Congress, 1st Session 1833-34; the Census of Pensioners, taken officially in 1840, and published by the U. S. Government in 1841, in one volume; inscriptions from tombstones; well authenticated data taken from published family histories; and the manuscript, Pension Book, kept officially by the State Branch Bank at Mobile. A few other sources have been drawn upon. Citation of the authority or authorities has been given in each case.
In 1904 Mrs. P. H. Mell published a paper containing thirty sketches, entitled Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Alabama. It appears as pp 527-572, Vol. iv, Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society, 1899-1903. Mrs. Mell had been State Historian of the Alabama Division of the Daughters of the American Revolution. While limited in numbers, her paper was prepared with great care. The sketches appear in their proper places in the list here presented, with due credit. Although a few lists of names, either by counties or localities, had been compiled, no pretentious effort, prior to the work of Mrs. Mell had been undertaken.
Inasmuch as this is but a preliminary effort looking to a complete and exhaustive record, the attention of the Department should be brought to any and all errors, to dates and places of death, to places of burial, to the names of those who removed from the State, and to all others whose names ought to be included.
Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 30, 1910
ALEXANDER, JEREMIAH, aged 113 (evidently an error for 71). and a resident of Morgan County; private, Massachusetts Militia State Troops; enrolled on September 17, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $33.33; sums received to date of publication of list, $83.32.Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34. He resided in Walker County, June 1, 1840, aged 76. Census of Pensioners, 1841, p. 150.
GARISON, STEPHEN, aged 83, resided in Walker County, June 1, 1840, with Silas Garison. Census of Pensioners, 1841, p. 150.
LAWLER, JACOB Appeared before the Circuit Court of Walker County, Ala., November 1837, applying for a pension but was rejected because he did not serve six months in a regularly organized corps. He was born in the State of North Carolina, had no record of his age, was living in Burke County, N. C., when he volunteered under Capt. Francis McKorkle, Colonel McDowell; marched to Catawba River; later was drafted, but hired a man to take his place; again volunteered in Burke County, N. C., under Captain Davidson, Colonel McDowell. He remembers a Colonel Daniel McIsik and Col. George Davidson. He did not receive a discharge but was dismissed each time. This record is in the National Archives, Washington, D. C.Information from Mrs. Maud May Brown Williams, Quitman, Miss.
MABGLY, VARDER, aged 102, resided in Walker County, June 1, 1840, with Robert Mabgly. Census of Pensioners, 1841, p. 150.
MANASCO, JEREMIAH , a native of Wales, who came to Virginia during Colonial times, was a Captain in the Revolutionary Army, subsequently lived in North and South Carolina and in Alabama, and has many descendants in Walker County, Alabama Dombhart's History of Walker County, Alabama, pp. 276.
NELSON, ANDREW, aged 72, and a resident of Morgan County; private, Virginia Continental Line; enrolled on July 2, 1833, under act of Congress of June 7, 1832, payment to date from March 4, 1831; annual allowance, $35.44; sums received to date of publication of list $106.32.Revolutionary Pension Roll, in Vol. xiv, Sen. Doc. 514, 23rd Cong., 1st sess., 1833-34. He resided in Walker County, June 1, 1840, with Robert Howard, aged 76. Census of Pensioners, 1841, p. 150.PAYNE, MATHEY, aged 76, resided in Walker County, June 1, 1840. Census of Pensioners, 1841, p. 150
SIDES, HENRYborn in 1734, was of a Holland Dutch family that immigrated to America shortly before the Revolutionary War, and family tradition states that Henry Sides served with distinction during that war. About 1818, while Alabama was still a territory, Henry Sides, then of advanced age, came to Walker County with several married sons and their families, among these sons being Henry, William, Levi, John, and Moses. He made his home with his son, William, who settled south of Pleasant Grove, and when he died he was buried in the Sides Graveyard on the old home place. Sides Family Tradition. Gravestone.Dombhart's History of Walker County, Alabama, page 342.
WALLING, DAVID, aged 76, resided in Walker County, June 1, 1840. Census of Pensioners, 1841, p. 150