Wilcox County Deeds

Deed from Elizabeth Staples and family to William H. Linam
Wilcox County, Alabama
16 Jan 1857

Contributed by Joshua C. Tate

Deed Book v. M, pp. 306­07

State of Alabama
Wilcox County

This Indenture made the sixteenth day of January 1857 between Elizabeth Staples Elizabeth J Staples Hulehy Staples Philipi J Staples Archibald Staples Robert A Staples of the one part and William H Linam of the other part all of State and County aforesaid. Whereas the said Elizabeth Staples Elizabeth J Staples Hulehy A Staples Philipi J Staples Archibald Staples Robert A Staples is partly indebt ed to said William H Linam in the just and full sum of seven hundred and seventy three and a half dollars due the first day of January Eighteen hundred and fifty eight and date the sixteenth day of January 1857. is willing to assign a certain tract or parcel of Land viz the NW1/4 of the SE1/4 of S 24 T 11 R 10 containing 40 29/100 acres and the SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of S 19 T 11 Range 11 containing 39 83/100 acres the E1/2 of the SE 1/4 of S 24 T 11 of R 10 containing 80 52/100 acres and the E1/2 of SE1/4 of S 19 in T 11 of R 11 containing 79 66/100 acres and the NW 1/4 of ?W1/4 of Sec 19 in T 11 R 11 containing 39 80/100 acres containing in all two hundred and eighty acres more or less all in the district of land subject to sale at Cahaba Ala. also for his the said W H Limans benefit Now this indenture witnesseth that the said Elizabeth Staples Elizabeth J Staples Huldy A Staples Philipi J Staples Archibald Staples Robert Staples as well in consideration of theirs(?) of the premises and for the purpose of better securing the said William H Linam in the said debt hath granted bargained sold assigned transferred set over and by these Presents do grant bargain sell assign and set over unto the said William H Linam and to his heirs and assigns the above named and described tract or parcel of land to have and to hold and (???) and (???) the same to the said Wm H Liman his heirs and assigns to the proper use and benefit of the said William H Linam his heirs and assigns forever In trust however and to the intent and purpose that he the said William H Linam shall on the first Monday in January next appear and sell the said tract or parcel of land before described at Court House in the Town of Camden by public outcry to the highest bidder for each after giving one months notice by advertisement in three public places or more in the County and the proceeds applied to his own the said William’s proper use for the payment of the said debt of seven hundred and seventy three and a half dollars due the first day of January 1858 and the ballance if any after satisfying said debt to be paid over to the said Elizabeth Staples her heirs and assigns claiming the same In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal
This January 16th, 1857

Elizabeth Staples
Elizabeth J Staples
Philipi J Staples
Huldah A Staples
A B Staples
R A Staples

The State of Alabama
Wilcox County

I J T Cook a Justice of the Peace hereby certify that Elizabeth Staples Elizabeth J Staples Philipi J Staples Huldy J Staples A B Staples and R A Staples whose names are signed to the foregoing conveyance and who are known to me acknowledged before me on this day that being informed of the con- tents of the conveyance they executed the same voluntarily on the day the (???) date given under my hand
This January 16th 1857 J T Cook J.P.
Filed Jany 20th 1857

Jnr a Jackson
Judge **

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