
Bibb County, ALGenWeb

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Oliver Cromwell Cleveland

Oliver Cromwell Cleveland
Distribution of Estate ~ Final Settlement of Estate

Final Settlement of Estate

Submitted by Katherine Danner

This document was found in a folder titled "Cleveland, Oliver Cromwell" in the basement of the Bibb County Courthouse Annex.

The State of Alabama
Bibb County

Probate Court Special Term
September 19th 1854

The acpt and vouches of Charles P. Findly administration of the Estate of Oliver C Cleveland Deceased having been heretofor filed for allowance and final settlement which was received examined & Stated for allowance and final Settlement on this day and notice having been given by posting up notices at the Court house door and then other public places and no person appearing to contest the acpt the same is allowed as stated in which the administration charges himself of having Received into his hands as cash assets from all sorces the sum of Twenty three hundred and fifty five Dollars and 84 cents and claims credits for monies paid out on debts as per vouchers filed numbering from one to 12 and Court costs administrators fees and to W.W.C. Cleveland guardian of Patrick C Henry an amount in the hands of intestate at the time of his death as guardian of Patrick C. Henry the sum of six hundred and twenty three Dollars and 16 cents which being deducted from the amount of receipts leaves in the hands of the administration the sum of Seventeen hundred & thirty two Dollars and 68 cents and it appearing to the Court that upon a division of the slave property and a portion of the land that a portion of the Distributees fell short of Receiving their amount in property to make them equal with the rest as follows: Martha Cleveland widow of Deceased fell short including interest the sum of Seventy Seven Dollars & 37 cents and that Lucinda Kersh fell short the sum of one hundred and eleven Dollars and 96 cents and that Louisa P Frost fell short the sum of 57 cents and that Patrick C Henry fell short the sum of five hundred and fifty seven Dollars & 28 cents This ordered by the Court that the said administrator pay to the said parties the Several amount to make them Equal with the other heirs in the Division of the property which will leave in the hands of the administrator for Distribution among the heirs the sum of nine hundred and Eighty five Dollars & 40 cents and it approving by a list of heirs filed that the deceased left a widow & Seven heirs the widow being entitled to one fifth which is one hundred & ninety seven Dollars & 8 cents which being deducted from the amount in the hands of the administrator leaves the sum of seven hundred & eighty eight Dollars & 32 cents for Distribution among the following seven heirs

Total amount of Receipts of the Estate of O C Cleveland $235584 .
. . .
Total Disbursements 62316 .
. 173268 .
. . .
Pay to Martha Cleveland widow 7737 .
Lucinda Kersh 11196 .
Louisa Frost 57 .
Patrick C Henry 55728 $747.28
. . $985.40
. . .
Widow Share one fifth 19708 .
. . .
For distribution 788.32 .
. . .
Each Heirs share is 112.61 5/7 .
Jackson S Cleveland . .
Carter W Cleveland . .
DWC Cleveland . .
WWC Cleveland . .
Lucinda Kersh wife of Martin P Kersh . .
Louisa P Frost wife of SR Frost . .
Patrick C Henry . .

Each heirs share being one hundred and twelve Dollars and 61 5/7 cents

This ordered by the Court that Charles P Findley administrator aforesaid pay to Martha Cleveland the sum of one hundred and ninety seven Dollars & 8 cents and that he pay to Jackson S Cleveland the sum of one hundred and twelve Dollars & 61 5/7 cents and to Carter W Cleveland the sum of one hundred and twelve Dollars & 61 5/7 cents and to David W C Cleveland the sum of one hundred and twelve Dollars & 61 5/7 cents and to W W C Cleveland the sum of one hundred and twelve Dollars & 61 5/7 cents and to Martin P Kersh and Lucinda Kersh for the use of Lucinda Kersh the sum of one hundred and twelve Dollars & 61 5/7 cents and to Shadrick R Frost & Louisa P Frost for the use of Louisa P Frost the sum of one hundred and twelve Dollars & 61 5/7 cents and to Patrick C Henry the sum of one hundred and twelve Dollars & 61 5/7 cents being their Distribution Shares of said Estate and that he pay the least of said administration for all of which Execution may issue this further ordered by the Court that this settlement be made final and Entered of record.






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