Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery

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Howell, S. H. Hughes, Marvy M. Jordan, Martha A.
Howell, Samuel H. Hughes, W. M. Jordan, Martha Ann Smith
Howell, Samuel, Jr. Hughes, William M. Jordan, Martha W.
Hudson, Callie M. Hyatt, Inf son Jordan, Mary Frances
Hudson, Charles V. Hyatt, Lucy S. Jordan, Rebeckah Murphy
Hudson, John Benjamin Hyatt, Oscar W. Jordan, W. F.
Hudson, Mabry A. Jacks, Amy Jordan, W. H.
Hudson, Mildred E. Jobson, Alice A. Jordan, William F.
Hudson, Robert Hughes Jobson, Annie Zue Jorden, Benjamin
Hughes, Alice E. Garrett Jobson, Joseph K. Kayden, Benedict A.
Hughes, Birthia Lee Jobson, Victoria T. Kayden, Gladys L.
Hughes, Curnal Sand-- Jobson, Wilmer Kellum George Jr.
Hughes, Darby Johnson, Gordon L. Kellum, Margaret H.
Hughes, Dovie Johnson, John E. King, William G.
Hughes, E. Johnson, Myrtle Knox, Cyntha
Hughes, Emily E. Johnson, Nellie L. Knox, Samuel
Hughes, Emily Harrison Johnson, Ronald Lambert, C. M.
Hughes, Fred N. Jordan, Amy Lambert, Nannie Lou
Hughes, Gordia Mansel Jordan, Asa Lambert, W. F.
Hughes, John W. Jordan, Elizabeth Lee, Bessie N.
Hughes, Lorine Jordan, Eugene W. Lee, Eddie
Hughes, Margaret Richey Jordan, Joannah Lee, James E. Jr.
Lee, James T. McCullars, R. Sherman Morgan, James C.
Lee, Martha McCullars, Sarah Nellie Morgan, Joseph Chester
Leggett, Albert D. McGill, Carl Hubbard Morgan, Mamie L.
Leggett, Susan C. McKee, Deanna Morgan, Matthew L.
Legon, Amos McKinney, Curtis Morris, Al
Legon, Amos U. McKinney, Edward Morris, Isaac G.
Legon, Carl E. McKinney, Ernest A. Morris, Julia B.
Legon, Lula Mae McKinney, Mae Murphy, Rebeckah
Legon, Nora McKinney, Mae S. Murray, Charles A. "Chuck"
Ligon, Bart Medders, Ola Murray, G. Hellen
Long, D. A. Mellon William E. Murray, Jerry J.
Long, Willie Mattie Mellon, Estha C. Murray, Luther W. Sr.
Mallory, Alice Miller, Carolyn Gamel Murray, Marjorie O. "Margie"
Mallory, E. J. Milligan, Baby Murray, Morris A.
Mallory, Inf dau Milligan, Mrs. H. A. Nicholson, William Otis
McClanahan C. Milligan, Rev. M. G. Norman, Lucile Perry
McClanahan, Cleveland [2] Mitchell, Harett Norman, Virginia
McClanahan, Julia Downing Mitchell, W. C. Norton, Alice Fairburn
McCord, Maxie L. Moore, John H. Norton, Efford Clinton
McCormick, Ernest M. Moore, Leona Anniebell Norton, James Willis
McCormick, Margaret M. Moore, Leona H. Norton, T. G.
McCullars, Jessie D. Moore, Ruth Norton, W. G.
O. L. E. Pierce, Howard W. Rhodes, Amy E.
O'Shields, Leonard J. Pierce, Louis R. Rhodes, Annie Maude
Oneal, Ann T. W. Pierce, Margaret Nell Rhodes, Davis
Parker, Reba E. C. Pierce, Minnie B. Rhodes, Eddie
Parmalee, Aunt Mary Pilcher, Rebeckah Rhodes, Elizabeth
Parnell, Edward Lee Pittman, Ruby Coleman Rhodes, Esther
Parnell, Johnie Vester Poole, Nancy Beulah Faulkner Rhodes, Ethel E. Clay
Parnell, Maggie Lee Poole, William Douglas Rhodes, Harold Lofton
Parnell, Rhoda Price, Fannie Rhodes, Henry G.
Peirce, John E. Price, James A. Rhodes, Henry Wilborn
Petty, Donald E. Randall, Jack L. Rhodes, Inf dau
Petty, Donald J. Jr. Randall, Zilphil G. Rhodes, Inf son
Petty, Jesse James Record, Henry Phillip Rhodes, J. D.
Petty, John Thomas Record, Maude Louise Rhodes, J. R.
Petty, Lula Mae Reese, Annie May Rhodes, J. T.
Phillips, Amazoma H. Reese, George Perry Rhodes, J. V.
Phillips, Arthur L. Reese, George W. Rhodes, Jeptha T.
Phillips, H. L. Reid, James R. Rhodes, L. P.
Phillips, Joe Arthur Reynolds, Caleb Rhodes, Martha Adelia
Phillips, John J. Rhodes, A. A. Rhodes, Mary Elizabeth
Phillips, Ruth Moore Rhodes, A. K. Rhodes, Mattie J.
Pierce, Herbert H. Rhodes, Adelia Rhodes, Mattie L. Sharp


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