Fayette County, Alabama
~  Waldrop Family of Wesley Chapel ~

William Wilburn WALDROP and his wife Jane Amanda RAINWATER were settlers in Fayette County, Alabama, in the mid 1840s.  They were of Scotch-Irish descent and were born in Spartanburg, South Carolina — William on December 15, 1822, and Jane on July 14, 1826.  Not long after they were married in Spartanburg on March 20, 1845, they traveled by wagon train with a group of RAINWATERs to Alabama where they settled on a land grant from the U.S. government.

William and Jane built a large log house on their 240-acre homestead, which was mostly woodlands.  There they raised a family of nine children despite the fact that the poor, sandy soil of their homestead made farming difficult.  Even though farming of their land required the help of all of the family, their children attended the little one-room schools in the community a few weeks each year because William and Jane believed in the importance of educating their children.

At the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, William enlisted in the Confederate army and attained the rating of Sergeant in Company I, 8th Alabama Calvary Regiment (later the 9th when the 8th was absorbed into the 9th Alabama Cavalry Regiment).  While he was gone, his wife and their six children had to work hard to make a living on their farm and suffered hardships and deprivations in those difficult times.  However, William must have made it back home several times during the war as two more children were born before he was honorably discharged from military service at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, in 1865.  During the four years he was fighting the war, he received two flesh wounds in his legs and possibly was given furloughs allowing him to recover at home.

Jane died May 25, 1896, and was buried at the Wesley Chapel (Methodist Church) Cemetery located in Fayette County, Alabama, near Covin.  Five years later on December 8, 1901, William married his second wife Bethany EARAHART, a widow with a young son.  They had no children together.  Four years later, William died on September 15, 1905, at age 81 and is buried next to Jane at the Wesley Chapel Cemetery. 

William Wilburn WALDROP had a younger brother Robert who was born in South Carolina around 1828 and married a much older woman Joanna (or Jona), born in South Carolina in 1807.  Because Robert joined a Georgia Regiment of the CSA, he may have migrated first to Georgia and then later to Lamar County, Alabama, where he and Joanna resided in 1880.  They are both buried in the Wesley Chapel Cemetery with William and Jane.  About four years after Joanna died (early 1894), Robert married 20-year-old Millie M., and they had a daughter Alma WALDROP in 1899. 

Census data indicates that a Francis WALDROP, his wife Julie and their five small daughters lived next to William W. WALDROP in 1860.  Francis was born in South Carolina around 1824 and may have been another brother or cousin of William W. WALDROP.  But there is no family record of a blood relationship with Francis like there is for Robert.

Children of William Wilburn WALDROP and Jane Amanda RAINWATER:

•  Silas Murphy WALDROP
          b. May 20, 1848, Lamar County, Alabama
          d. January 08, 1927, Lamar County, Alabama

•  Mary Jane WALDROP
          b. May 30, 1850, Lamar County, Alabama
          d. November 28, 1930, Lamar County, Alabama

•  Sarah WALDROP
          b. April 15, 1852, Lamar County, Alabama
          d. September 13, 1855, Lamar County, Alabama

•  Miles Calvin WALDROP
          b. April 02, 1854, Lamar County Alabama
          d. 14 Jan 1929 (December 12, 1928, per headstone), Lamar County, Alabama

•  Lucretia Mariah WALDROP
          b. April 01, 1856, Lamar County, Alabama
          d. July 04, 1934

•  William Samuel WALDROP
          b. January 31, 1858, Lamar County, Alabama
          d. Abt. 1893, Lamar County, Alabama

•  Starling Van Buren WALDROP
          b. March 03, 1860, Sanford County, Alabama
          d. August 01, 1944, Sulligent, Lamar County, Alabama

•  Nancy Catherine WALDROP
          b. June 18, 1862, Lamar County, Alabama
          d. November 08, 1957, Lamar County, Alabama

•  Albertha Elizabeth WALDROP
          b. November 14, 1864, Lamar County, Alabama
          d. date unknown

Below is an article on the WALDROP family that was published probably in a Fayette County or Lamar County newspaper around 1976, based on the fact that it mentions the death of Charlie WALDROP which occurred in 1976.  The article is not always accurate and corrections have been inserted in brackets as NOTEs.

The photographs below did not appear in the article but have been inserted near passages that discuss the subjects or their parents.  All but one of the photos are owned by Bill SHEPHERD, a grandson of Starling WALDROP and great-grandson of William W. WALDROP. 

The photograph of Jane Amanda RAINWATER and William Wilburn WALDROP with probably some family members is owned by Faye WALKER, a great-granddaughter of Nancy C. WALDROP SMITH and great-great-granddaughter of William W. WALDROP.  The identities of the other people in that photo are not known.  It is presumed that the two people seated are Jane and William WALDROP, but that woman looks much older than 70, the age at which Jane died.  Indeed, the woman looks much older than the man seated next to her.  According to 1880 Census data, William’s younger brother Robert was married to Joanna, a woman 19 years older than Robert.  Is it possible that the couple seated are Joanna and Robert WALDROP, and the man with the mustache standing just behind the woman wearing the white top is William WALDROP?  Both of these men strongly resemble the pictures of Miles C. and Starling V. Waldrop.  Maybe Jane Amanda is the woman in the white top. 

If anyone can identify any of the people with William and Jane Waldrop in the photograph below,
or if anyone has other photos and/or stories about this WALDROP family to share
or information about the parents and siblings of William Wilburn and his brother Robert,
please contact me, Lynn Fusinato.

The Waldrop Family: Winding Trails
by Sharlene McGee Foster

"On Sunday, July 16, I had the pleasure of attending the third annual Waldrop Family Reunion. This event took place at the Meadow Branch Church near Kennedy.  It was attended by many of the descendants of Miles Calvin Waldrop and his wife Elizabeth Trull.

"The Waldrops are an early Fayette County family.  They settled near the Wesley Chapel community out from Covin about 1844.  This area was settled by many families in the 1840s and most of were from Spartanburg and Union counties in South Carolina.

"Family story states that William Wilburn Waldrop, his brother Robert and wife and several Rainwaters came to Fayette county together.  Many of, their kinfolks also settled here but perhaps they didn't all move here together in the same wagon train.
Below: Oscar Rainwater (circa 1900),
nephew of Jane Amanda Rainwater Waldrop and son of her brother Silas Rainwater of Lamar County, Alabama.

Oscar Rainwater (circa 1900)
Below: Alma Waldrop (circa 1900),
daughter of William Waldrop’s brother Robert Waldrop and Robert’s second wife Millie M. of Lamar County, Alabama.

Alma Waldrop (circa 1900)
"William Wilburn Waldrop was born December 15, 1822, in Spartanburg, South Carolina.  It is not known whom his parents were.  William’s wife was Jane Amanda Rainwater, who was also born in Spartanburg, South Carolina, on July 14, 1826. William and Jane were married shortly after settling in the dense wilderness of early Fayette County [NOTE: Actually they were married in Spartanburg, SC, before moving to Alabama].  This marriage took place on March 20, 1845, and produced at least nine children.
Below: Jane Amanda Rainwater, William Wilburn Waldrop
and others before 1896.  Can you identify the "others"?  See notes above.

Waldrop family (1890s)

"Very little is known about several of their children.  There was a daughter Mary Jane who died in 1930.  She married first to a Windham and second to Billy Thomas.  A daughter, Sarah, died while very young.  There was a daughter Elizabeth which we do not know anything about.  One of the younger children was Nancy Catherine who died in 1957.  She married a Smith [NOTE: John Thomas Smith] from Lamar County.
Below: Nancy C. Waldrop and John Thomas Smith
with granddaughter Loraine Bryant,
and daughters Naomi, Tuley, Frankie and Lois Smith, around 1911.

John T. Smith family
"Lucretia Mariah is a daughter whom is well remembered and was called "Aunt Lou" by everyone.  She was a dwarf and she never married.  She died in 1934.  William Samuel, their son died in 1893. 

"The other three sons are all well remembered and I've found many details on each.  They, like their father, were farmers.  Their father owned land near the present Wesley Chapel Church.  In 1864, according to the tax records, he owned 90 acres and had other assets of $500.  His land was taken over by his sons after his death in 1905.

"Silas Murphy Waldrop, was perhaps the oldest or next-to-oldest child.  He was born in 1843 [NOTE: 1848] and died in 1927.  He was a preacher as well as a farmer.  His first wife, Nancy Yarbrough, died at the age of 39 and Silas then married Mary Stillman.  Silas and Nancy had five children.  They were Dela, Coleman, Milton Miles, Sara Bertha and Samuel Murphy.   Coleman married twice to Virginia Ray and Ethel Collins.  He lived near Bluff as did his sister Sara Bertha and her husband William B. Holliman.  Milton Miles married Alice Laster.  Samuel Murphy married Mattie Collins.  Both of these ladies were from the Wesley Chapel area and, therefore, these two couples remained near Covin.  [NOTE: Silas and his second wife Mary had at least one daughter, Elora.]

"Miles Calvin Waldrop was born in 1854 and died in 1929.  His wife was Elizabeth McKenneth Trull [NOTE:  daughter of Griffin H. Trull and Sarah Shepherd].  They lived near Kennedy and raised a family of five. Miles and Elizabeth's children were Irene, Henry Griffin, Charlie A., Kittie Lou and Sally.  Irene married Walter Holliman [NOTE: Holloman] and moved to Mississippi and raised six [NOTE: actually seven] children. Henry Griffin also moved to Mississippi.  He and his wife Isabelle Agnew had three children.  Charlie married Mattie McDaniel and remained in this area.  They raised seven children. Charlie died several months ago around the age of 88 or 89 [NOTE: he died in 1976].  Kittie married James Wafford "Judge" Richards.  They made Kennedy their home and there they raised their three sons and five daughters.  Sally married Floyd Miller from Millport.  They moved to Oklahoma and had only two children.
Below: Elizabeth M. Trull and Miles C. Waldrop
with children Kitty Lou, Charles A., Sally Jane, Henry Griffin Waldrop
and Winona Irene Waldrop Holloman, granddaughter Ruth Holloman
and son-in-law Walter Holloman (taken between September 1908 and July 1909).
See earlier (circa 1895) photo here.

Miles C. Waldrop family

"The youngest of William and Jane's sons was Starling Van Buren Waldrop.  He was born in 1860.  In 1886, he married Roxanne Godfrey.  Starling lived near the old Waldrop settlement for many years but finally moved to Sulligent in order to send his large family to a good school.  Starling’s children were: Willlam Carey, Virgie Lou, Thomas Madison, Madorah Elizabeth, Delia Jane, Sam Ray, Noah Miles, Herman Brian, Lucy Irene, Chester Starling, Annie Grace, Arvel Gray, Len and Barney Lorene.  These fourteen children would make a separate story which I hope to write later on.  Perhaps the best known of Starling's children was Delia Jane.  She married Robert L. Mosley and taught school for many years at Fayette.  She died recently.  Lucy, who married Gaston Golsan, presently lives in Fayette.  Madorah "Dora" is also alive.  She is in a nursing home and is the widow of Zeb Rowland."
Below: Starling Waldrop’s family and his sister “Aunt Lou,” who lived with them, around 1910.
Seated: “Aunt Lou” Waldrop, Starling and wife Annie Waldrop, youngest children
Annie Grace and Arvel Gray Waldrop.  Standing: Lucy, Virgie, Dora, Thomas,
William, Herman, Delia, Chester and Sam Waldrop.
Starling V. Waldrop family

Please send additions/corrections to
Lynn Fusinato

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This page last updated 23 Mar 2004.