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Bankhead Family Bible
submitted by Sabra N. Sudberry 6/22/02
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Transcription of this bible by
Sabra N. Sudberry 6/22/02
Also see: Hollis Family Bible Records

Transcription of the James Greer Bankhead Family Bible
by Sabra N. Sudberry 6/22/02
Donnie (Donzella) Summers Bankhead born Aug. 4, 1859, died
Oct. 29, 1900
Greer Evans Bankhead born Oct. 19, 1853, died Apr. 19, 1915.
Nancy Knighton was wife of Capt. John Hollis of the Rev.
born in Fairfax Co., VA. Her father was Moses Knighton.
This was written on the last page of the Old Testament.

Dated 1844, Apr. 14, 1861 Marriages
John Hollis was married to Lettecia Holladay the 14th of
January 1819
Martha W. Hollis was married to Thos. C. Moore the 9th of
April 1835
Susannah F. Hollis was married to James G. Bankhead March
the 9th 1837
Harriett C. Hollis was married to Reuben Fleming July 2nd
A.D. 1836 (looks like 3 is written over 4)
Arty A. Summers was married on the 1st day of May 1856.
Gideon E(vans) Bankhead was married to Madge Box Oct. 24,
Agnes E. Bankhead and Clarence E. Courtney married June 17,
Martha Susan Bankhead, daughter of Gideon E. Bankhead, was
married to Daniel Wilson Molloy Apr. 4, 1945.

Harriett Fleming Bankhead was born the 12th of August in the
year of our Lord 1846
Green Evens Bankhead was born Oct. 17th the year 1853.
Sinah Ann Bankhead was born the 20th of Oct. 1855 (Jarrett)
John Thomas Flemming son of Reuben & Harriet C. Flemming was
born the 19th day of August 1852
James F. Bankhead was born 12 of Oct. 1857
Reuben F. Bankhead was born the 22nd day of July 1860
Gidion E(vans) Bankhead born May 20 1883
J. Grover Bankhead born July 5th 1884
Aggie (Agnes) A(twell) Bankhead was born Dec 24th 1890
James G. Bankhead was born the 27 of April 1812
Susan F. Bankhead was born the 25 of Jan 1822
John Hollis was born June 14, 1796
Letticia Hollis was born June 14, 1795
Martha W. Hollis was born Nov 8, 1819
Powell McRa Hollis was born June 22, 1826
Harriett C. Hollis was born Oct 15, 1830
Tallulah Brockman Bankhead was born Dec 12, 1844
Martha Jane Bankhead was born the 15 of August 1838
Mary Eliza Bankhead was born November the 3rd in the year of
our Lord 1839
William Thos. Bankhead was born the 18th of January in the
year of our Lord 1841
John Hollis Bankhead was born the 13th of September in the
year of our Lord 1842
Mary C. Hollis was born Dec 7, 182?
Thomas Collins Hollis was born July 30, 1835
Martha Jane Bankhead, daughter of James & Susan Bankhead,
departed this life on the 12th of November 1838
William Thomas Bankhead, son of the above, departed this
life on the 14th of August 1841
Mary Eliza Bankhead, daughter of the above James Anderson
Bankhead, departed this life on the 25th of November in the year of our Lord
Thomas Collins Hollis departed this life the 27th day of May
1845. age 9 years & 10 months
James G. Bankhead departed this life on the 31th December
James F. Bankhead departed this life on the 13th day of
February 1864
Powel McRa Hollis departed this life the 12th day of Sep.
1845 age 19 years
Mary C. Hollis wife of Richard Jarrett departed this life on
Wed. morning five o'clock 23rd day of April 1880. age 21 years 4
months 16 days
Job Thomas Flemming departed this life the 2nd day of May
1853 son of Reuben & Harriett C. Flemming

In margin of New Testament page:
Daniel Wilson Molloy was the son of Dr. Daniel Murrah
Molloy and ?
Gladys Pierce Barker (?) Molloy, Daniel Wilson Molloy Jr.
the son of Martha and Daniel Molloy (listed above) was born Jan 10, 1949
Daniel Wilson Molloy Sr. husband of Martha Susan Bankhead
died Jan 21, 1952