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Cantrell/Webb Church Cemetery
Corrected, Updated, and Completed July 11, 2005
Located in Beaverton, Lamar County, just off County Highway 16 (Henson
Springs Rd) and Four Oaks Road at Webb Independent Missionary Church in T12
R14 SEC 09
Surveyed completed by Veneta McKinney (
If anyone knows of corrections please let me know.
MORROW, CHARLEY M. , son of Mr. And Mrs. J. A. MORROW March 24, 1886 - April
24, 1918 - Come Ye Blessed In the Glooming of my darling. Gone But Not
MORROW, LULA A - wife of LESTER WARLICK May 18, 1890 - Sept. 17, 1917 - Gone
But Not Forgotten
MORROW, BEA M. - March 10, 1888 - May 18, 1911
ROLLINS, JANE, wife of W. M. ROLLINS - Born April 7, 1888 - Died July 28,
1900 - Gone But Not Forgotten
ROLLINS, ICIE E. - daughter of W M VADIE (?) ROLLINS Born Jan. 9, 1912 Died
June 8, 1913 - At Rest
WEST, RHODY - Sept 21, 1845 - Dec 18, 1933 - Gone But Not Forgotten
TERRELL, ELLIOT - June 28, 1865 - April 26, 1936 - (Same Headstone as
Francis Terrell) - Peacefully Sleeping
TERRELL, FRANCES - Sept 24, 1892 - Dec 7, 1957- (Same Headstone as Elliott
Terrell) - Peacefully Sleeping
TERRELL, BETTIE E. March 13, 1908 - Asleep In Jesus
TERRELL, TIP - Oct. 11, 1902 - Oct 30, 1975 - PVT US ARMY WORLD WAR II -
Earth Has No Sorrow That Heaven Cannot Heal
TERRELL, FOY - Sept 13, 1916 - Dec 26, 1964 (Same Headstone as Vertie
TERRELL, VERTIE M. - Nov 16, 1916 - Jan 13, 1982 (Same Headstone as Foy
CARTER, LINDA GAIL - Sept 24, 1954 - (Same Headstone as Cleatis Carter) -
Precious Lord Take My Hand
CARTER, CLEATIS RAY - Aug 28, 1943 - Oct 23, 1992 - (Same Headstone as Linda
WHITEHEAD, EZRA - Feb 19, 1915 - Jan 18, 1998 (Same Headstone as Carrie
WHITEHEAD, CARRIE L. - Sept 26, 1908 - Dec 11, 1972 (Same Headstone as Ezra
BOYETTE, ROBERT MITCHELL - Born and Died Dec 6, 1965
JEFFREYS, TEMPIE - Jan 13, 1904 - Aug 25, 1971 - Peacefully Sleeping
DUNCAN, ROY - April 14, 1909 - May 23, 1995 (Same Headstone as Delia Duncan)
DUNCAN, DELIA FRANCIS - Aug 10, 1914 - February 27, 2005 (Same Headstone as
Roy Duncan)
MORROW, THURMAN, son of Mr. And Mrs. JOHN W. MORROW June 27, 1937 Sept 14,
MORROW, BETTIE F. 1854 - 1933 (Same headstone as James Morrow)
MORROW, JAMES A. 1856 - 1931 (Same Headstone as Bettie Morrow)
TERRELL, LULA MAUDE - April 21, 1899 April 27, 1955 - Gone But Not Forgotten
Nov 7, 1954
TERRELL, ZORAH 1875 - 1925 (same headstone as L. B. Terrell) - At Rest
TERRELL, L. B. 1871 - 1953 (same headstone as Zorah Terrell) - At Rest
LILLIE L. WEBB, wife of JOHN W. MORROW - May 30, 1893 Nov 18, 1927 - We will
Meet Again
MORROW, JOHN WALTER April 26, 1895 July 17, 1988 - PVT US ARMY WORLD WAR I
WEBB, GLADYS July 15, 1912
NELLIE , wife of ? Born April 22, 1848 Died May 16, 1899 (broken headstone)
- As a Wife Devoted As A Mother Affectionate As a Friend Ever Kind and True
SUMMERS, JOHN G. - Born Nov 25, 1840 Died Aug 23, 1862
HARRIS, EVILEE - April 4, 1907 April 5, 1907
HARRIS, WILLIE LEE - March 26, 1913 Sept 2, 1914
HARRIS, ELITHA Feb 8, 1884 Sept 19, 1922 (same headstone as Robert Lee
HARRIS, ROBERT LEE Jan 16, 1886 Jan 7, 1919 (same headstone as Elitha
PEOPLES, MARY JANE - Sept 5, 1871 - Aug 16, 1919
SEALES, GANNERLEE, son of M. & M. J. SEALES Aug 28, 1917 Feb 26, 1920
MCDONALD, Son of L.S. and A. G. MCDONALD Born and Died April 16, 1923 (Same
Tombstone as Daughter)
MCDONALD, Daughter of L.S. and A. G. MCDONALD May 15, 1924 Jan 6, 1925 (Same
Tombstone as Son)
MINOR, VESTUS H. - Oct 19, 1910 - Nov 17, 1913
CAIN, MARY E. - 1857 - 1946 Mother
CAIN, JOHN P.- Born Jan 9, 1850 Died Jan 27, 1926 - Christ Loved Him and
Took Him Home
CAIN, DALTON M. 1903-1983 (same headstone as Dezzie E. Cain)
CAIN, DEZZIE E. 1909 - 1998 (same headstone as Dalton M. Cain)
Broken Headstone - no name
MINOR, W. O. - Born Oct 4, 1851 - Died Nov. 22, 1927
MINOR, MARY M. - Born April 19, 1859 Died Mar 19, 1935
TAYLOR, Infant son of G. A. and M. T. TAYLOR. Born and Died Feb. 10, 1906
CAIN, BEATRICE SITILLA - Born Dec. 24, 1924 - Died July 15, 1926 Darling We
Miss Thee
CANTRELL, D. E. - Born March 29, 1865 Died May 6, 1924 Our father He sleeps
but still liveth.
CANTRELL, A. E. - Born June 15, 1873 Died Feb 28, 1956 Our Loving Mother
Sweetly Sleeps
CANTRELL, G. A. - Born Jan 3, 1906 Died June 5, 1906
CANTRELL, M. A. - Born Sept 18, 1894 Died Sept 25, 1894
CANTRELL, M. I. - Born Aug 13, 1889 Died Aug 1, 1890
WEBB, T. V. - Dec 7, 1856 - Dec. 9, 1898
WEBB, A. L. - Born Dec 21, 1857 Died Feb 12, 1902 45 yrs 1 month 22 days old
WEBB, JOHN W. - July 26, 1896 - Dec. 15, 1897 (This tombstone is very hard
to read)
WEBB, B. A. - Born Aug 26, 1898 Died Aug 12, 1899
WEBB, W. A. - Sept 18, 1865 - Sept 11, 1938 - Our Father
WEBB, SARAH - Aug 12, 1861 - April 28, 1908
WEBB, STELLA - April 1914 - May 1916
WEBB, EDNA - Mar 1, 1889 Feb 17, 1979
TERRELL, FANNIE - May 23, 1907 - Nov 11, 1953 - Like A Ship That's Left Its
Mooring and Sails Bravely Out To Sea So Someone Dear Has Sailed Away In Calm
Serenity But There's Promise of Greater Joy Than Earth Could Have In Store
For God Has Planned A Richer Life Beyond The Unseen Shore
TERRELL, SALLIE - Nov 15, 1880 Aug 9, 1929 (same headstone as Jim Terrell)
TERRELL, JAMES FRANKLIN (JIM) Oct. 22, 1873 Aug 20, 1965 (same headstone as
Sallie Terrell)
DUNCAN, CLAUDIE - JR. - July 6, 1929 June 20, 1937
DUNCAN, CLAUDE S. - Aug 13, 1929 April 23, 1984 (same headstone as Effie Mae
DUNCAN, EFFIE MAE - Dec 6, 1906 April 27, 1978 (same headstone as Claude S.
CANTRELL, Maggie Mae - Aug 5, 1904 Jan 5, 1977 (same headstone as Bill
Cantrell) - Sons And Daughters Weep Not For Me In Glory Will Be Waiting For
CANTRELL, W. L. "Bill" - June 12, 1897 Feb 20, 1979 (same headstone as
Maggie Cantrell) - Sons And Daughters Weep Not For Me In Glory Will Be
Waiting For Thee
CANTRELL, ROGER DALE - Oct 5, 1945 - April 2, 1971 - He Is Gone From The
Walk Of This Life To Live With Jesus In Eternal Life He Was the Sunshine of
Our Lives
OTTS, BENNIE L. TEC 5 US Army - Sept 21, 1921 Nov 24, 1974 (same headstone
as Vera Otts)
OTTS, VERA Sept 8, 1923 (same headstone as Bennie Otts)
WEBB, ELSIE R. - July 19, 1898 - Sept 30, 1962
WEBB, BAILEY A. - Oct 1, 1891 - Aug 12, 1976
WEAVER, Infant son of RALPH AND IRMA WEAVER Feb 12, 1940
FORRESTER, DORA MARIE - July 27, 1923 - June 1, 1945
WEBB, ANNIE BELL - June 1, 1910 Sept 23, 1930
WEBB, T. H. - Born March 4, 1868 - Died Aug. 22, 1899
WEBB, F. V. - Dec. 7, 1856 - Dec. 9, 1898
WEBB, DORA A. - Aug 15, 1874 March 20, 1932
WEBB, CHARLES A. - Jan 24, 1864 June 8, 1937 - Rest Is Thine
WEBB, QUINTON M. - 1907 - 1918
DUNCAN, Infant son of BEN and ROSIE DUNCAN 1896 - 1896
WEBB, MARTHA E - Born March 10, 1832 Died April 25, 1908
WEBB, WILLIAM M. (NEW HEADSTONE reads Born 1826 Died 1881 He donated the
land for the Webb Cemetery and was the first to be buried here) There is
also a flat stone but its broken and can't read)
WEBB, WILLIAM B. - No dates - Broken Stone
WEBB, M. E. - wife of ?
WEBB, VICTOR son of B. H. and C. D. WEBB Born Jan 12, 1896 Died April 15,
WEBB, LULIA - daughter of ? WEBB Born Jan 24, 1898 Died Dec 27, 1899 (broken
headstone - can't read)
WEBB, BETTY - 1875 - 1964
WEBB, WILLIAM H. - 1866 - 1936 - At Rest
WEBB, BEN H. - Born March 28, 1857 Died Nov 15, 1899 - Although He Sleeps
His Memory Doth Live And Cheering Comfort To His Mourners Give
PLUNKETT, E. C. - Born July 12, 1900 Died Jan 8, 1923
LACY, ELVIE CANTRELL - June 7, 1914 - She Gave Her Today For Our Tomorrow
CANTRELL, PANKIE E. - 1888 - 1938 - Our Mother Is Gone But Will Be
CANTRELL, JOHN T. - Nov 28, 1877 - Dec 28, 1946
PLUNKETT, BERTHA - Jan. 1896 - Jan. 24, 1947
OTTS, GERALDEEN - April 7, 1933 April 5, 1955
CANTRELL, MARY NELL, Jan 3, 1945 July 24, 1963 - Buddeth On Earth To Bloom
In Heaven
CANTRELL, RAY Dec 11, 1927 (same headstone as Ruby G. Cantrell)
CANTRELL, RUBY G. Oct 8, 1930 July 24, 1963 (same headstone as Ray Cantrell)
CANTRELL, SHELBY RAY- JR - Feb. 9, 1948 - Feb. 10, 1948 - Son of Mr. and
CANTRELL, GENE - Dec 29, 1928 - Aug 27, 1987 (Same Tombstone as Inez Duncan)
CANTRELL, INEZ DUNCAN - Oct. 26, 1926 (Same Tombstone as Gene Cantrell)
CANTRELL, LARRY GENE - Feb 24, 1960 Dec 21, 1983 - Rest In Peace
FRANKS, JANIE - Jan 1, 1879 Aug 10, 1969
DUNCAN, R. HALEN - March 4, 1898 July 4, 1971 (same headstone as Myrtle
DUNCAN, MYRTLE F. April 4, 1902 Jan 16, 1972 (same headstone as R. Halen
WEBB, ELSIE R. - July 19, 1898 Sept 30, 1962
HENRY, GRACE SANDERS - May 6, 1917 April 30, 2001
SANDERS, ANNIE MAE Daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J. W. SANDERS - Aug 3, 1896 -
Oct 1, 1957
VANN, ROXI Daughter of Carl R. VANN Born Dec 19, 1928 Died Feb 18, 1929 -
Our Darling Babe
SANDERS, J. W. - Feb 23, 1860 July 11, 1939 (same headstone as Joanna Austin
SANDERS, JOANNA AUSTIN - Nov 3, 1874 Sept 7, 1931 (same headstone as J. W.
SANDERS, MAGGIE - Aug 18, 1900 Aug 22, 1924
Unmarked Stone
FLYNN, GEORGE OZELL, son of F. M. and S. A. FLYNN Born June 23, 1918 Died
Nov 18, 1918
HARDIN, MARTHA J. - Feb 18, ? (too old to read)
WEEKS, CHARLES Jr. son of C.M. and DELLA WEEKS May 23, 1894
WEEKS, MARY H. - Nov 29, 1901 - Dec 13, 1901
WEEKS, JONATHAN J. - April 15, 1910 April 27, 1910
WEEKS, Infant daughter of J. J. and M.C. WEEKS May 1912
WEEKS, EDMOND - 1832 - 1907
WEEKS, C. M. - Aug 29, 1917 - Sept 9, 1917
WEEKS, MARJORIE M. - Feb 21, 1929 - March 8, 1929
WEEKS, JAMES J. - Feb 16, 1862 Sept 21, 1948 (same headstone as Mary C.
WEEKS, MARY D. - March 4, 1869 Aug 1, 1924 (same headstone as James J.
WEEKS, Infant daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J. B. WEEKS 1928
WEEKS, TAIMAGE M. - Jan 12, 1930 Dec 15, 1931
WEEKS, SHIRLEY E. - Jan 27, 1937 May 24, 1938
CANTRELL, MAGGIE E. Nov 5, 1903 Jan 25, 1979 (Same Headstone as William
CANTRELL, WILLIAM - Oct. 2, 1903 - April 22, 2004 (Same Headstone as Maggie
ROY LEALON CANTRELL - July 23, 1936 May 16, 1996
GREEN, ELVIE MINOR Jan 20, 1900 (same headstone as Curtis Green)
GREEN, CURTIS W. March 9, 1901 July 8, 1952 (same headstone as Elvie Green)
WEBB, JACK Feb 12, 1913 Dec 29, 1999 (same headstone as Nellie Webb)
WEBB, NELLIE Aug 12, 1917 Nov 6, 1997 (same headstone as jack Webb)
WEBB, CONNIE G. - July 10, 1947 - Dec 22, 1990
WEBB, HARLEY DALE- Son of JACK and NELLIE WEBB March 7, 1952
ROBERTS, RUBY M. -. Oct 2, 1911 Jan 16, 1976
CANTRELL, DESSIE I. - Aug 23, 1894 Feb 22, 1959
CANTRELL, W. F. - Sept 10, 1868 May 24, 1947
CANTRELL, MARGARET J. May 19, 1874 - April 28, 1953
CANTRELL, PLURA - April 6, 1909 Sept 5, 1930
JOHNSON, JOE - 1904 - 1952 (same headstone as Alice Johnson)
JOHNSON, ALICE 1902- 1938 (same headstone as Joe Johnson)
SEALS, Infant son of V. V. and F. L. SEALS Born and Died June 12, 1936
CANTRELL, J. R. July 12, 1879 - May 15, 1921 - He is Not Dead But Sleepeth
CANTRELL, DEZINA - Nov 23, 1872 - Nov 1922 - Gone Home
CANTRELL, ALPHA, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. W. F. CANTRELL July 1901 Aug 1915
MUSGROVE, LYDIA C. - Born April 1, 1812 Died Sept 5, 1859
SUTTON, W. R. Born Oct 8, 1837 Died Aug 23, 1916 - Upright and Just He Was
In All His Ways A Bright Example In Degenerate Days
SUTTON, ALGAR SIDNEY - Sept 28, 1872 - Sept 27, 1941
SUTTON, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. SUTTON - Born June 27 Died July 5,
SUTTON, Infant daughter of A.S. and S. F. SUTTON March 5, 1887
SUTTON, SARAH F. - wife of AS Sutton Born Aug 20, 1873 - Died Jan 23, 1901
HUGHES, ICIE T. - June 30, 1911 - Dec 3, 1956
TERRELL, JULIUS B. Oct 24, 1897 - Oct 17, 1970 (same headstone as Georgia
Terrell) At Rest
TERRELL, GEORGIA C. July 4, 1899 - April 30, 1982 (same headstone as Julius
Terrell) At Rest
STANFORD, FELTON - March 3, 1930 Sept 24, 1984 SGT US ARMY KOREA
STANFORD, ELAINE - Aug. 6, 1931
DUNCAN, DOROTHY GRAY - June 15, 1929 - March 3, 2002 (same headstone as
Quinton Duncan)
DUNCAN, A. QUINTON - Nov 18, 1922 - Dec 13, 1984 (same headstone as Dorothy
MIXON, ADDIE - Oct 22, 1910 - Nov 14, 1992 (same headstone as Dewey Mixon) -
Woodmen of the World Memorial
MIXON, DEWEY April 9, 1905 - July 22, 1958 (same headstone as Addie Mixon)
MAYO, J. G. May 10, 1892 - May 9, 1975 (same headstone as Berthie Mayo)
MAYO, BERTHIE - Feb 29, 1896 - Jan 18, 1930 (same headstone as J. G. Mayo)
MORROW, SILAS - Born June 23, 1913 Died Jan 7, 1934 - To Know Him Was To
Love Him
MORROW, P.M. Feb 22, 1907 April 21, 1927 - Christ Loved Him And Took Him
MORROW, J. M. April 15, 1897 Nov 19, 1926 (same headstone as J. E. Morrow) -
He Was Beloved By God And Man
MORROW, J. E. Jan 5, 1902 Nov 19, 1926 (same headstone as J. M. Morrow) -
She Was The SunShine Of Our Lives
HOLCOMB, VERLIE F. Nov 6, 1894 Nov 30, 1924 - Sleep On Dear Mother And Take
Thy Rest God Called You Home He Thought It Best
MORROW, ROSIE E. - Jan 27, 1875 Nov 15, 1946 (same headstone as John D.
MORROW, JOHN D. - Feb 14, 1854 May 12, 1923 (same headstone as Rosie Morrow)
MORROW, Infant daughter of J.D. and R. E. MORROW Jan 22 - Feb 28, 1905
MORROW, Infant son of JD and RE MORROW Dec 18 Dec 27, 1891
MORROW, FRANCES BARTON - Jan 14, 1832 - Nov 15, 1904
MORROW, JAMES - Aug 2, 1816 - March 14, 1897
CANTRELL, I. H. - Dec 3, 1854 May 31, 1919 - Asleep In Jesus
CANTRELL, MARGARET C. July 29, 1874 Feb 13, 1956 - Asleep In Jesus
WEBB, NANCY E. - Dec 27, 1890 Feb 5, 1991 (same headstone as Norman Webb)
WEBB, NORMAN H. - Sept 6, 1894 April 17, 1982 (same headstone as Nancy Webb)
CAUDLE, EMILY F. 1865 - 1922
CANTRELL, EMMET M. - Sept 25, 1894 - May 26, 1976 (same headstone as Ella
CANTRELL, ELLA - March 12, 1899 - Dec 6, 1941 (same headstone as Emmet M.
WEBB, M. M. (WILLARD) - Sept 22, 1904 April 24, 1948
WEBB, JAMES RILEY, son of Willard and Flara Webb Feb 4, 1939 Feb 6, 1939
WEBB, CARLOS V. Nov 1, 1916 (same headstone as Lula B Crowe Webb) - Married
Feb 28, 1940
WEBB, LULA B. CROWE - May 23, 1922 Feb 12, 2003 (same headstone as Carlos
Webb) - Married Feb 28, 1940
CANTRELL, MAGGIE - Oct 11, 1892 Nov 24, 1979 (same headstone as Willis
CANTRELL, WILLIS Oct 31, 1891 June 7, 1961 (same headstone as Maggie
WEBB, J. T. infant son of J. and MYRA WEBB April 6, 1952
ROW 10
EASTMAN, Clifton C. June 26, 1921 May 14, 1996 PFC US Army WWII
EASTMAN, MARY LOU - April 18, 1929 - Feb. 26, 2005
EASTMAN, LINDA JANE - Aug. 10, 1942
MASON, GRADY G. April 4, 1913 Jan 8, 1988 (Same Tombstone as Gertrude Mason)
Wed Nov. 18, 1934
MASON, GERTRUDE S. - Feb 16, 1917 - Dec. 15, 2003 (Same Tombstone as Grady
SEABORN, R. HOMER Oct 21, 1918 Nov 19, 1968 PVT CO M 345 INFANTRY WORLD WAR
II (same headstone as Louise E. Seaborn)
SEABORN, LOUISE E. Dec 10, 1913 Dec 21, 2002 (same headstone as R. Homer
SEABORN, C. C. (KIT) Oct 25, 1879 May 3, 1942 (same headstone as Margaret E.
SEABORN, MARGARET E. Aug 15, 1891 Aug 15, 1940 (same headstone as CC
CAIN, SARAH E. June 11, 1897 May 9, 1986 (same headstone as Oscar Cain) - A
Wonderful Mom And Dad
CAIN, OSCAR P. July 14, 1893 April 11, 1959 (same headstone as Sarah E.
Cain) - A Wonderful Mom And Dad
STANFORD, WILBA LEA - July 2, 1921 Aug 17, 1922 - Of Such Is The Kingdom Of
WEEKS, ROBBIE G. - 1923 - 1924 Daughter of ANDY G. and DELLA M. WEEKS
WEEKS, HUBERT Oct 22, 1926 Jan 29, 1929
WEEKS, WILLIAM - July 20, 1918 - Nov 4, 1918
WEEKS, Infant son of WG and REBECCA WEEKS (No Date Given)
WEEKS, ROLLIE, son of WG and REBECCA WEEKS (No Date Given)
WEEKS, Infant son of WG and REBECCA WEEKS April 9 - 13, 1906
WEEKS, REBECCA Feb 11, 1877 - June 1, 1917
WEEKS, GLOVER - Jan 9, 1885 - Feb 18, 1962
SIMMONS, MILLIE P. - Nov 7, 1874 Nov. 19, 1910
CHAMBERS, HATTIE V. Dec 8, 1904 Nov 28, 1985
STANFORD, D. L. (DESS) June 29, 1880 Sept 6, 1957 (same headstone as WE
STANFORD, W. E. (MANT) Oct 7, 1874 April 5, 1958 (same headstone as DL
STANFORD, VIOLET RAY - Feb 27, 1919 - April 4, 1929 - Resting In Peace
STANFORD, LAWRENCE - Nov 18, 1895 Jan 8, 1977 (same headstone as Madaline E.
STANFORD, MADALINE E. Dec 1, 1900 - Feb 6, 1994 (same headstone as Lawrence
ROW 11
MIXON, MILDRED R. April 17, 1915 July 16, 1984 (same headstone as Elmer R.
Mixon) In My Father's House Are Many Mansions
MIXON, ELMER R. - July 19, 1913 May 23, 1992 (same headstone as Mildred
Mixon) In My father's House Are Many Mansions
MIXON, CECIL S. Nov 7, 1935 April 28, 1973 - (Has Photo of Mr. Mixon on
Tombstone) Waiting With Jesus
15, 1968
MIXON, PAUL May 10, 1907 Sept 8, 1958 (same headstone as Mertis Mixon)
MIXON, MERTIS Feb 9, 1910 (same headstone as Paul Mixon)
SEALS, VEWIS Nov 30, 1905 Jan 18, 1982
SEALS, FLORENCE April 12, 1905 April 29, 1958
SEALES, BERTIE, wife of J. J. SEALES Feb 9, 1887 March 30, 1907 (1937?)
SEALS, ETHEL - Oct 31, 1911 (same headstone as Josh Seals)
SEALS, JOSH J. - Sept 22, 1880 April 25, 1965 (same headstone as Ethel
MAY, NAOMI Daughter of WW and IRA M MAY Born Jan 1, 1923 Died Jan 31, 1923
MAY, CHRISTINE, Daughter of WW and IRA MAY Jan 14, 1922 March 12, 1922
WEEKS, EARNEST Sept 9, 1911 June 18, 1913
SMITH, SARAH ANN 1850's - 1900's
SMITH, VERNON HESTER Dec 6, 1911 April 4, 1913
WEEKS, PETER A. Aug 25, 1859 June 14, 1927 (same headstone as Florentine
WEEKS, FLORENTINE - July 4, 1859 Nov 27, 1939 (same headstone as Peter
WEEKS, MINNIE F. 1900 (same headstone as Ruben Weeks)
WEEKS, RUBEN P. 1898 - 1950 (same headstone as Minnie Weeks)
WILLIAMS, CLARIE Sept 15, 1904 Oct 3, 1985 (same headstone as Edd Williams)
WILLIAMS, EDD - Sept 4, 1889 July 6, 1959 (same headstone as Clarie
ESTILL, CLYDE - Nov 6, 1914 Jan 10, 1948
HOLCOMB, LEE 1885 - 1952 (same headstone as Betty Holcomb)
HOLCOMB, BETTY 1894 - 1977 (same headstone as Lee Holcomb)
PORTER, EVELYN May 24, 1910 Nov 9, 1962 (same headstone as Lonnie Porter)
PORTER, LONNIE Feb 7, 1911 March 16, 1998 (same headstone as Evelyn Porter)
HOLCOMB, HAROLD GENE Aug 31, 1935 May 19, 1996 PFC US ARMY
ROW 12
MINOR, WILLIAM C. Oct 14, 1881 Feb 6, 1973
MINOR, ARRA Sept 7, 1885 Feb 17, 1957
VANDERFORD, VELMA DUNCAN Dec 4, 1920 Aug 11, 2000
DUNCAN, LOIS L. Aug 9, 1902 April 2, 1993
DUNCAN, CORDIE E. June 5, 1914 Mar 2, 1979
DUNCAN, GARNER LEE April 15, 1908 Dec 17, 1963
DUNCAN, LUANNIE June 23, 1900 Oct 3, 1962
DUNCAN, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Aug 20, 1866 Sept 5, 1949 (same headstone as Rosie
Webb Duncan)
DUNCAN, ROSIE WEBB Sept 30, 1874 Nov 11, 1967 (same headstone as Benjamin
COTTRELL, VELVIA M. DUNCAN Nov 4, 1930 Aug 18, 1952
DUNCAN, ALVAN EUGENE - April 15, 1943 Jan 15, 1944
DUNCAN, DAVID ANDREW April 13, 1905 April 16, 1989
DUNCAN, NEDRA MAE - July 1915 March 6, 1982
WARREN, PEARL S. Oct 21, 1893 May 10, 1953 (same headstone as Charles
WARREN, CHARLES W. Oct 11, 1881 Dec 30, 1962 (same headstone as Pearl
WARREN, TILLMAN, son of CW and PEARL WARREN Aug 13, 1931 April 5, 1932
SMITH, LEE A. Feb 20, 1881 Sept 19, 1966 (same headstone as Josie Smith)
SMITH, JOSIE E. May 4, 1889 June 17, 1944 (same headstone as Lee Smith)
SMITH, OSCAR S. ALA PFC 1956 ORD DEPOT C. AVN WWII April 16, 1916 Feb 21,
STANFORD, LEWIS J. Nov 4, 1925 April 23, 1926
STANFORD, LEONA R. Sept 16, 1904 Jan 29, 1935 (same headstone as Lue
STANFORD, LUE ELLIOTT July 25, 1881 Nov 25, 1939 (same headstone as Leona
WEBB, ALMA A. July 5, 1888 April 7, 1941
STANFORD, LONNIE - June 3, 1900 Dec 30, 1982 (same headstone as Avleen
STANFORD, AVLEEN March 7, 1920 (same headstone as Lonnie Stanford)
STANFORD, TROY A. Nov 23, 1901 March 20, 2000 (same headstone as Gertrude B.
Stanford) Wed. Feb. 10, 1929
STANFORD, GERTRUDE B. July 15, 1911 - Dec. 21, 2003(same headstone as Troy
STANFORD, JUNIOR GLEN - Feb 24, 1924 Sept 24, 1978 (same headstone as Myrtle
STANFORD, MYRTLE LOU - July 6, 1925 July 2, 1984 (same headstone as Junior
LOCKHART, ROBERT FREASURE - PFC US ARMY WWII Jan 8, 1927 May 25, 1984 (same
headstone as Doris Lockhart)
LOCKHART, DORIS STANFORD - May 26, 1929 (same headstone as Robert Lockhart)
MCKAY, MABEL M. - May 8, 1904 Jan 12, 1974 (same headstone as J. Dewey
MCKAY, J. DEWEY - Jan 25, 1901 Feb 1, 1963 9same headstone as Mabel McKay)
ALDRIDGE, ADDIE M. - Jan 28, 1901 April 12, 1963 (same headstone as Elsie
ALDRIDGE, ELSIE R. - Dec 25, 1909 July 18, 1999 (same headstone as Addie
ALDRIDGE, LEON (TIP) Sept 11, 1930 June 13, 1986 (same headstone as Dimple I
Aldridge) Wed July 5, 1952
ALDRIDGE, DIMPLE I April 26, 1936 (same headstone as Leon Aldridge) Wed July
5, 1952
ALLEN, JOHN T. May 2, 1903 Dec 10, 1939
YOUNG, VIOLA - May 27, 1900 March 23, 1957 (same headstone as George Young)
YOUNG, GEORGE W. Nov 13, 1874 Sept 8, 1967 (same headstone as Viola Young)
CANTRELL, RAYFORD H. Feb 2, 1939 March 8, 1942
CANTRELL, PERLIE MAE - Oct 27, 1911 March 28, 2000 (same headstone as Dee
Foy Cantrell)
CANTRELL, DEE FOY - Oct 9, 1912 Aug 25, 1974 (same headstone as Perlie
SMITH, SANDRA FAYE - 1951 - 1952
HAWKINS, TERRY RANDY - July 12, 1970 Sept 19, 1970
SCOTT, JUSTIN E. Sept 14, 1981 Jan 10, 1982 son of EDDIE AND NELL - Our
Darling Son
DUNCAN, HELEN C. Dec 14, 1939 Feb 6, 1986
DUNCAN, GREGORY SCOTT - Oct 6, 1966 Oct 8, 1966
DUNCAN, CURTIS RAY - June 14, 1962 June 14, 1962
DUNCAN, TERRY WAYNE - Feb 18, 1967 Feb 19, 1967
AVERY, Infant son of VESMER AVERY May 11, 1956 - Our Little Angel
HAWKINS, ALONZO Dec 15, 1880 April 11, 1962 (same headstone as Eva Hawkins)
HAWKINS, EVA May 21, 1898 Jan 7, 1977 (same headstone as Alonzo Hawkins)
WEBB, VELMA - Jan 11, 1897 Aug 11, 1972
WEBB, THOMAS - Feb 11, 1895 Sept 12, 1979
WEBB, AREL B. S SGT US ARMY WWII KOREA Sept 6, 1918 April 11, 1992
WEBB, KELLY Jan 20, 1893 Oct 25, 1987 (same headstone as Effie Webb)
WEBB, EFFIE F. Sept 10, 1894 May 11, 1974 (same headstone as Kelly Webb)
WEBB, FELIX ANDERSON Dec 7, 1902 Oct 29, 1983 (same headstone as Edna Webb)
WEBB, EDNA GRAY June 5, 1912 (same headstone as Felix Webb)
The graves in this part of the cemetery are not laid out in rows. Graves run
in all directions. I have tried to keep groupings of graves together and
survey in semi-vertical rows.
CANTRELL, WM. CARL - Jan 26, 1925 - Aug. 13, 1989
CANTRELL, ANN. M. - Mar. 27, 1932 -
PRICE, DOROTHY JEAN TERRELL - Jan. 4, 1943 - Mar. 25, 1998 - Mother - Asleep
In Jesus
CANTRELL, EARNEST H. - Feb. 28, 1931 - Sept. 18, 1994 (Same Headstone as
Dorothy Cantrell) Wed. Jan 24, 1953
CANTRELL, DOROTHY S - Mar. 13, 1935 (Same Headstone as Earnest Cantrell)
Wed. Jan 24, 1953
CANTRELL, WM. E. - April 29, 1906 - Oct. 20, 1993 (Same Headstone as Ludie
CANTRELL, LUDIE - Feb. 28, 1909 - April 10, 1992 (Same Headstone as Wm. E.
CANTRELL, ERIE E. - June 26, 1911 - Oct. 31, 1997 (Same Headstone as Clemmie
Cantrell) In Loving Memory
CANTRELL, CLEMMIE - June 21, 1911 - April 26, 2002 (Same Headstone as Erie
LUCAS, ROBERT LEE - May 22, 1930 - Nov. 8, 1991 - SGT US ARMY KOREA - (Same
Headstone as Mary Sue Lucas)
LUCAS, MARY SUE - June 8, 1935 (Same Headstone as Robert Lucas) Our Father
Which Art In Heaven
WOODHAM, LEO - Dec. 19, 1913 - Jan. 8, 2001 (Same Headstone as Ella Woodham)
Our Father Which Art In Heaven
WOODHAM, ELLA - Feb. 11, 1917 - Aug. 3, 2000 (Same Headstone as Leo Woodham)
HARBOR, JAMES MICHAEL - Aug. 7, 1949 - Jan. 14, 2003 (Same Headstone as
Donna Harbor)
HARBOR, DONNA FAYE - Feb. 5, 1951
COOPER, CLARENCE H. - March 24, 1902 - Feb. 6, 1992 (Same Headstone as Lucy
COOPER, LUCY M. - Aug. 4, 1911 - Aug. 21, 1993 (Same Headstone as Clarence
(Note: Clarence and Lucy Cooper are the parents of Marva Lee (Cooper)
ALDRIDGE, HERSHEL PAUL (PEWE) - Mar. 17, 1937 - Nov. 23, 2004 (Same
Headstone as Marva Lee Aldridge)
ALDRIDGE, MARVA LEE - May 2, 1939 - June 23, 1999 (Same Headstone as PeWe
RYLAND, ELTON MURRELL - Feb. 29, 1920 (Same Headstone as Maxine Ryland)
RYLAND, MAXINE ALDRIDGE - May 22, 1927 - Mar. 20, 2002 - Beloved Wife,
Mother, and Nanau - (Same Headstone as Elton Ryland)
SEALS, MICHAEL ALLEN - Aug. 1, 1961 - Sept. 22, 2004
SEALES, FLOYD E. (GENE) - Aug. 17, 1927 - Oct. 2, 1990 - Father-(Same
headstone as Mary Alice Seals)
SEALES, MARY ALICE - Oct. 13, 1928 Mother - (Same Headstone as Gene Seales)
WEBB, GRADY LEE - April 15, 1908 - July 8, 1993 (Same Headstone as Eather
Webb) - Wed Jan. 13, 1929 - By God's Amazing Grace
WEBB, EATHER RYE - Dec. 8, 1910 - Nov. 29, 1997 (Same headstone as Grady
MAYS, GARY WAYNE, SR. - Aug. 9, 1945 - Feb. 28, 1980 (Same Headstone as
Judith Mays) Married May 31, 1968
MAYS, JUDITH WEBB - Oct. 4, 1947 (Same Headstone as Gary Mays) - Married May
31, 1968
(Same Headstone as Ennis Stanford)
STANFORD, ENNIS MAYS - 1899 - 1982 (Same Headstone as Claborn Stanford)
SEALES, MITCHELL DEAN - March 9, 1927 - April 12, 2005 - 78 Years, 1 Mth, 3
BROWN, RICHARD BRANDON - Jan. 29, 1986 - July 22, 1998 - Gone Home - If
Tears Could Build A Stairway and Memories A Lane, I'd Walk Right Up To
Heaven and Bring You Home Again (Picture of Him on the tombstone)
MCCLESKY, JOE D. - Oct. 31, 1933 - Feb. 14, 1987 (Same headstone as Jewel
McClesky) - Wed. June 16, 1980
MCCLESKY, JEWEL S. - Sept. 9, 1929 (Same Headstone as Joe McClesky) Wed June
16, 1980
HAWKINS, MARY RENA - April 11, 1999 - April 12, 1999 - Our Beloved Daughter
BUSHA, MILDRED COLEMAN - July 1, 1931 - Jan. 16, 1996 - Our Mother Forever
In Our Hearts
DUNCAN, JOHNNIE L. - June 8, 1927 - April 28, 1998 S2 US NAVY WORLD WAR II -
Absent From The Body is To Be Present With The Lord (Same Headstone as Faye
DUNCAN, FAYE M. - June 15, 1929 - (Same Headstone as Johnnie Duncan)
CAIN, SAMUEL ALREE - July 15, 1927 - Dec. 19, 1985 - WORLD WAR II - Precious
Lord Take My Hand - Your All Invited To My Mansion Over There - (Same
Headstone as Betty Cain)
CAIN, BETTY SUE - Jan. 11, 1928 (Same Headstone as Samuel Cain)
BURNETT, GLOE ETTA WEBB - Mother - Dec. 31, 1918 - (Same Headstone as
Christopher Burnett)
BURNETT, CHRISTOPHER S. - Son - June 13, 1960 - July 3, 1974 (Same Headstone
as Gloe Burnett)
WEBB, DAVID P. - Dec. 4, 1896 - March 26, 1986 (Same Headstone as Florence
Webb) In My Father's House Are Many Mansions
WEBB, FLORENCE T. - July 25, 1901 - Nov.16, 1990 (Same headstone as David
SMITH, ROBERT A. - Oct. 11, 1924 - Apr. 26, 1992 - ROBERT ADDISON SMITH -
SC3 US NAVY WW II - (Same Headstone as Ruby Smith)
SMITH, RUBY M. - Jan. 31, 1928 - June 3, 1993 - (Same headstone as Robert
OTTS, FELIX A. - June 4, 1919 - May 22, 1991 - PVT US ARMY WW II (Same
Headstone as Verla Otts) - Precious Lord Take My Hand
OTTS, VERLA M. - April 2, 1921 (Same Headstone as Felix Otts) Precious Lord
Take My Hand
SMITH, JAMES E. - June 5, 1935 - Feb. 7, 1993 - (Same Headstone as Judy
Smith) - Married May 7, 1955 - Together Forever
SMITH, JUDY B. - Sept. 27, 1939 - May 28, 1997 - (Same Headstone as James E.
Smith) - Married May 7, 1955 - Together Forever
SMITH, NORA M. - March 16, 1916 - April 28, 1995 (Same Headstone as James C.
SMITH, JAMES C. - July 30, 1905 - Jan. 19, 1974 (Same Headstone as Nora
OTTS, LULA MAE - July 23, 1891 - May 20, 1983
Red Brick with name HAWKINS scratched on it. It was decorated with a flag,
but no other information on it.
PUGH, ERNEST - Aug. 25, 1925 (Same Headstone as Erleen Pugh)
PUGH, ERLEEN - Feb. 17, 1928 - June 26, 2002 (Same headstone as Ernest Pugh)
KING, NOMA LEE MAYO - July 13, 1920 -
JONES, KRISTOPHER ROBIN - May 11, 1977 - Oct. 29, 2002 - Gal 5: 22-23 (Has
his picture engraved on the tombstone) - Picture of Winnie the Pooh engraved
on back
JONES, WARREN G. H. - Jan. 5, 1921 - Jan. 29, 1987 - SGT US ARMY WWII (Same
headstone as Rose Ella Warren) - Has picture of both engraved on tombstone
JONES, ROSE ELLA - Oct. 27, 1922 - Oct. 29, 2002 - (Has a US Army Marker for
her footstone as well) (Same Headstone as Warren Jones) - Has Picture of
both engraved on tombstone
JONES - No name (Could be marker for future use)
PAYTON, ETHELENE - Feb. 14, 1943 - Dec. 1, 2003 - Loving Daughter, Sister,
and Aunt
HAWKINS, CLEARMON - Feb. 8, 1922 - May 31, 1997 (Same Headstone as Myrtle
HAWKINS, MYRTLE E. - Sept. 17, 1924 - June 4, 1998 (Same Headstone as
Clearmon Hawkins)
TUCKER, TOMMIE A. - Feb . 25, 1952 (Same Headstone as Sondra Tucker)
TUCKER, SONDRA G. - July 28, 1952 - Dec. 16, 2002 (Same Headstone as Tommie
CANTRELL, OLLIE R. - Nov. 20, 1924 - Nov. 29, 1997 (Same Headstone as Bessie
CANTRELL, BESSIE L. - Mar. 18, 1915 (Same Headstone as Ollie Cantrell)
EASTMAN, AILEEN - Sept 17, 1925 -
EASTMAN, W. ALVIN - Oct. 19, 1902 - March 26, 1992 (Same Headstone as Grodie
Eastman) - Gone But Not forgotten
EASTMAN, GRODIE B. - Aug. 9, 1906 - Sept. 21, 1980 (Same Headstone as Alvin
Eastman) - Gone But Not forgotten
BURKS, WM. HERMAN - Apr. 26, 1909 - Aug. 5, 1979 (Same Headstone as Flora
BURKS, FLORA A. - Mar. 3, 1909 - Mar. 1, 2002 (Same Headstone as Herman
AVERY - Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. STEVE AVERY - Nov. 23, 1979 - Nov. 23,
CANTRELL, WILLIAM DOUGLAS - Aug. 19, 1956 - Feb. 21, 1984
CANTRELL, MARVIN J. - June 14, 1901 - May 13, 1972- (Same Headstone as Vera
Cantrell) -Wed. Aug. 9, 1930 - Rest Is Thine And Sweet Remembrance
CANTRELL, VERA B. - Jan. 8, 1910 - June 16, 1998 (Same Headstone as Marvin
Cantrell) -Wed. Aug. 9, 1930 - Rest Is Thine And Sweet Remembrance
MAY, WILLIE W. - Aug. 4, 1898 - Mar. 30, 1977 (Same headstone as Tince May)
- Gone But Not Forgotten
MAY, TINCE - Feb. 18, 1900 - Nov. 28, 1995 (Same headstone as Willie May) -
Gone But Not Forgotten
COOK, LARRY DEWAYNE - Sept. 29, 1981 - Nov. 18, 2004 - Precious Memories -
(On Back - Our Sons Devin and Drake)
HAWKINS, FURMAN (BILL) - Oct. 10, 1923 - June 12, 1987 (Same Headstone as
Julia Hawkins) - Together Forever
HAWKINS, JULIA - July 24, 1938 - Oct. 25, 2004 (Same Headstone as Bill
Hawkins) - Together Forever
PLUNKETT, ESKER - Aug 1902 - Feb. 2, 1968
HAWKINS, CLYTEE "YANK" - Apr. 28, 1928 - Nov. 7, 2004 - 76 Years, 6 Mths, 10
NOE, KIMBERLY KAY, Daughter of DONALD and LINDA NOE - Sept. 14, 1974 - Sept.
HAWKINS, JEREMY LYNN - infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Stonnie Hawkins - Feb. 13,
HAWKINS, STONNIE L. - Oct. 4, 1961 - Jan. 8, 1998 - (Same Headstone as
Barbara Jo Hawkins) Married Nov. 14, 1980
HAWKINS, BARBARA JO - Sept. 24, 1961 - (Same Headstone as Barbara Jo
Hawkins) Married Nov. 14, 1980
FLYNN, JOE S. - Oct. 6, 1932
PLUNKETT, CLEARMON A. - May 12, 1925 - June 12, 1976 - An Inspiration to All
Who Knew Him
PLUNKETT, DEBRA JEAN Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clearmon Plunkett - Aug. 29,
1959 - July 8, 1966 - Her Soul is God's Her Memory is Mine
PLUNKETT, LONNIE M. - Dec. 24, 1932 - April 8, 1998 (Same Headstone as Helen
Plunkett) Married Oct. 3, 1953 - Earth Has No Sorrow That Heaven Cannot Heal
PLUNKETT, HELEN H. - May20, 1939 - July 24, 1963 (Same Headstone as Helen
Plunkett) Married Oct. 3, 1953 - Earth Has No Sorrow That Heaven Cannot Heal
SEALES, WILLIE F. - Aug. 23, 1907 - Sept. 21, 1988 - Mother
MAYO, RUTH GRICE - Oct. 25, 1892 - Nov. 23, 1966 - Strength and Honor Were
Her Clothing
OMARY - TRENT E. - Dec. 22, 1955 - Oct. 2, 2000 (Same Headstone as Verla
Omary) Wed July 21, 1972
OMARY, VERLA M. - Sept. 18, 1955 (Same Headstone as Verla Omary) Wed July
21, 1972
OMARY, CLOVIS E. - Feb. 16, 1932 - Sept. 28, 1974 - Father (Same Headstone
as Bertie Omary)
OMARY, BERTIE M. - Jan. 12, 1938 - Dec. 23, 1996 - Mother (Same Headstone as
Clovis Omary)
EASTMAN, DONALD T. - July 12, 1905 - Jan. 25, 1996 (Same Headstone as
Florence Eastman)
EASTMAN, FLORENCE A. - Jan. 11, 1908 - Nov. 16, 1978 (Same Headstone as
Donald Eastman)
HAWKINS, HENRY - Feb. 25, 1950 - Nov. 10, 2004 - In Remembrance of Daddy -
#1 Pawpaw
HAWKINS, TOMMIE LEE - July 24, 1937 - June 7, 1999 (Same Headstone as Ruby
HAWKINS, RUBY GLOW - Nov. 17, 1935 - (Same Headstone as Tommie Hawkins)
WEEKS, J. MORGAN - Sept. 29, 1907 - Dec. 31, 1984 (Same Headstone as Nettie
WEEKS, NETTIE MAE - Jan. 26, 1910 - (Same Headstone as Morgan Weeks)
WEEKS, CARRIE - Oct. 5, 1914 - Feb. 16, 2002
WEEKS, LILLIE LOU - Oct. 31, 1898 - April 11, 1981 - In Loving Memory
REEVES, ROY SHELTON - April 16, 1924 - May 19, 1975 - US NAVY WW II (Same
Headstone as Willie Ivolene Reeves) Married Dec. 30, 1954
REEVES, WILLIE IVOLENE II - (Same Headstone as Roy Reeves) Married Dec. 30,
9, 1924 - Nov. 25, 1997
HOLCOMB, BENNIE REX - Jan. 3, 1939 - Aug. 29, 1971 (Same headstone as
Shirley Holcomb) My Love Goes With You and My Soul Awaits To Join You
HOLCOMB, SHIRLEY MAE - June 22, 1940 - (Same headstone as Bennie Holcomb) My
Love Goes With You and My Soul Awaits To Join You
HOLCOMB, JAMES ADDISON - Sept. 3, 1916 - Aug. 26, 1985 PVT US ARMY WW II
(Same headstone as Maggie Holcomb)
HOLCOMB, MAGGIE MARIE - Dec. 18, 1919 (Same Headstone as James Addison
STANFORD, TROY V. - 1900 -1974 (Same Headstone as Odell Stanford)
STANFORD, ODELL T. - 1907 - 1988 (Same Headstone as Troy Stanford)
SEALS, VICTOR LEE - Feb. 4, 1907 - Sept. 28, 1994 (Same headstone as Nettie
Seals) - Wed Apr. 27, 1928
SEALS, NETTIE M. HARRIS - Aug. 19, 1911 - Apr. 14,1994 (Same headstone as
Nettie Seals) - Wed Apr. 27, 1928
SEALES, JESSE - Dec. 7, 1910 - Mar. 6, 2000 - At Rest
CANTRELL, ALBERT HAROLD - 1898 - 1966 (Same Headstone as Ethel Cantrell)
Precious Memories - Wed Oct. 3, 1931
CANTRELL, ETHEL ROSELLA - 1911 - 1998 (Same Headstone as Albert Cantrell)
Precious Memories - Wed Oct. 3, 1931
CANTRELL, VERDIE HAROLD - Jan 2, 1936 - Sept. 16, 1991 (Same Headstone as
Donna Cantrell)
CANTRELL, DONNA LEE - Aug. 13, 1938 - Sept. 25, 1990 (Same headstone as
Verdie Cantrell)
STANFORD, HAROLD DEAN - Jan. 15, 1935 - Oct. 25, 2002 - Serve and Protect -
ADJA US NAVY VIETNAM (Same Headstone as Doris Stanford)
STANFORD, DORIS M. - Sept. 21, 1928
STANFORD, CHARLIE B. - Sept 19, 1903 - Oct. 6, 1996 (Same Headstone as
Mellie Stanford) How Great Thou Art
STANFORD, MELLIE C. - May 7, 1905 - Nov. 15, 1979 - (Same Headstone as
Charlie Stanford) How Great Thou Art
STANFORD, ARBIE L. (RALPH) - Oct. 16, 1920 - Mar. 3, 1997 - PFC US ARMY WW
II - LOVINGLY KNOWN AS RALPH - (Same headstone as Auddie W. Stanford)
STANFORD, AUDDIE W. - Feb. 22, 1921 - April 18, 1997
WARREN, GLADIS - Feb. 19, 1916 - June 23, 2005 - 89 Yrs, 4 Mths, 4 Days
WARREN, VERA MAE - Jan. 31, 1914 - Feb. 21, 1995 - In Loving Memory
WARRNE, ROBERT H - June 29, 1927 - Feb. 17, 1989 - In Loving Memory
MINOR, AULCIE - April 7, 1919 - Nov. 9, 1993 (Same Headstone as Lillian
MINOR, LILLIAN - April 8, 1919 - Feb. 4, 1990 (Same Headstone as Aulcie
MINOR, BILLY GEAN - April 22, 1950 - Jan. 17, 1969 - Gone But Not Forgotten
WARREN, HAROLD DEAN - May 9, 1938 - Oct. 30,1988 - In Loving Memory
WARREN, WILLIAM LOYD - June 18, 1912 - Sept. 10, 1976 (Same Headstone as
Altha Warren) Wed. June 17, 1935 - Dear Parents Tho' We Miss You So Much We
Know You Rest With God
WARREN, ALTHA MARIE - March 1, 1916 - May 23, 2001 (Same Headstone as Altha
Warren) Wed. June 17, 1935 - Dear Parents Tho' We Miss You So Much We Know
You Rest With God
WARREN, WILLIAM LOYDE - PVT US ARMY WW II - June 18, 1912 - Sept 10, 1976
TAYLOR, JESSIE O. - May 15, 1900 - May 11, 1984 (Same Headstone as Sammie
TAYLOR, SAMMIE L. - Feb. 12, 1914 - Aug. 1, 1990 (Same Headstone as Jessie
TAYLOR, JIMMY L. - Dec. 14, 1934 - (Same Headstone as Mary Jo Taylor)
(Picture of both on tombstone) Jesus Saves - Our Sons Craig and Neil
TAYLOR, MARY JO D. - May 22, 1938 - (Same Headstone as Mary Jo Taylor)
(Picture of both on tombstone) Jesus Saves - Our Sons Craig and Neil