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43rd Ala Inf. Co. I
Submitted by Elisa Barnes Shizak
43rd Al Inf Co I
I Company, May 12, 1862 Rendezvous at Tuscaloosa. May 13-June 4, 1862 Remained
in camp. June 5-9, 1862 Left Tuscaloosa with orders to join the regiment in
Mobile. Marched to Newbern fifty-one miles, took railroad to Selma about ten
miles and took a steamboat to mobile about 300miles.June 10, 1862. June 11-24,
1862 Remained in camp in Mobile until ordered to Chattanooga. June 25-29, 1862
took a steamboat from Mobile to Montgomery, Thence by railroad to Chattanooga.
June 30, 1862 arrived at Chattanooga at night and pitched tents at Camp Forney,
where we are now stationed.
Capt. William A. Fitts, Resigned Feb. 24, 1863
Capt. Edward F. Comegys, Promoted from 1Sgt.
Capt. Joseph A. Sylvester, Killed July 1, 1864
2ndLt Lewis Ballenger, Absent sick Fayette Co. Ala Left June 5,1862,Resigned
August 9, 1862, Died Sep. 11, 1862
3rdLt John Stephenson,Resigned Aug. 3, 1863
2ndLt. George W. Godfrey,
2Lt. Lewis Ballenger,
1stLt. Robert S. Walker,
2ndSgt Thomas J. Shackleford,
3rdSgt William Gwyn,
5thSgt John H. Corbett, Absent Montgomery Left June 29,1862
Sgt. H.S. Awtry, Paroled at Appomattox C.H.
Sgt. John H. Corbett,
Sgt. Thomas J. Godfrey,
Sgt. Samuel H. Hawkins,
Sgt. Noah J. Morrison,
1stCorp Lewis E. Corbett, Absent sick left in Montgomery by order of surgeon
2ndCorp James M. Brock, Absent sick in Tuscaloosa June 5,1862
4thCorp James M. Oakes,
Pvt./Cpl. Brittin Van Buren McDaniel, Died Jan 1, 1891 Meadow Branch Cem. Lamar
Co. Al
Cpl. John T. Allen,
Cpl. David C. Hawkins,
Pvt Josiah H. Allen,
Pvt. Nathaniel F. Allen,
Pvt. Andrew Anderson,
Pvt. Alex Atkins,
Pvt. James Atkins,
Pvt. William G. Bailey,
Pvt. Hamilton Ballenger,
Pvt. Edwin Barmes,
Pvt. Jacob D. Barnes, Rock Island Prison Confederate Cem. Feb 12,1864
Pvt. James P. Barnes,
Pvt. Jesse L. Barnes,
Pvt. Jesse P. Barnes,
Pvt. Jethro Barnes, Mobile Ala. July 11,1862
Pvt. John Barnes, Roll of Honor Chickamauga
Pvt. J.M. Barton,
Pvt. Jacob Barton,
Pvt. William E. Billingsley,
Pvt Alfred A. Billingsly, Oakwood Cem. Chicago Ill. 12/22/1864
Pvt. Clayton W. Billingsly,
Pvt. James E.M. Billingsly,
Pvt. John B. Billingsly,
Pvt. Andrew S. Black,
Pvt. Tilman Bobo, Oct.29,1864 Blandford Church Cem. Va.
Pvt. C. Botts,
Pvt. William L. Bowman,
Pvt. John A.B. Brown,
Pvt. William Brown,
Pvt. James P. Burgan,
Pvt. W.H. Burgime,
Pvt. Moses Burgin, Montgomery Ala. 1862?
Pvt. John F. Burrow,
Pvt. Cicero J. F. Cain,
Pvt. T.C. Caydell,Transfer from G co
Pvt. Jacob Clearman,
Pvt. John P. Clement,
Pvt. James H. Clements,
Pvt. John P. Clements, Transfer from H co.
Pvt. John B. Coleman,
Pvt. Robert W. Collins,
Pvt. Robert L. Conally,
Pvt. Andrew J. Corbett,
Pvt. Lewis E. Corbett,
Pvt. Thomas G. Davis,
Pvt. Charles C. Dodson,
Pvt. James J.M. Dodson,
Pvt. John T. Dodson,
Pvt. Bemjamin S. Finch,
Pvt. Thomas H. Finch,
Pvt. W.A. Grime,
Pvt. Alson Wesley Guin,Born May 6, 1838, Died Oct 14,1908 Greenwood Springs
Monroe Co. Ms Easter Family Cem.
Pvt. Jeremiah M.Guin Sr.,Born may 13,1831 Tuscaloosa Ala Died Jan 20,1890 Guin,
Marion Co Ala Guin City Cem.
Pvt. John A. Guin,Discharged Sep 19 1863 wounded in rigfht arm losing use of
same arm.
Pvt. Thompson G. Hardin,
Pvt. Jonathan Hawkins,
Pvt. Thomas B. Hawkins,
Pvt. William E. Head,
Pvt. Jeptha V. Hester,
Pvt. Hillary Higdon, Paroled at Appomattox C.H.
Pvt. John W.M. Hill,
Pvt. John A. Hogan,
Pvt. Milton P. Hudson,
Pvt. Andrew C. Jackson,Paroled at Appomattox C.H.
Pvt. Samuel H. Jackson,
Pvt. Samuel R. Jaggers,
Pvt. Robert G. Jones,
Pvt. William R. Jordan,
Pvt. John R. Kelly,
Pvt. James E. Lawrence,
Pvt. Alfred Lucas,
Pvt. N. McClellan,
Pvt. Nathaniel M. McClung,
Pvt. Robert McCoy,
Pvt. Raymond R. McDaniel,Buried Crystal Falls Tx. Nov 7,1907
Pvt. James T. Mitchell,
Pvt. T.D. Monroe,
pvt. J.A. Morgan,
Pvt. John Morris,
Pvt. Thomas A. Morrow,
Pvt. Thomas J. Oakes,
Pvt. John J. Oakes, Paroled at Appomattox C.H.
Pvt. Alfred P. Odam,
Pvt. Elijah B. Otts,
Pvt. Jasper Otts,
Pvt. Michael Otts,
Pvt. Michael C. Otts,
Pvt. Newton Otts, Knoxville Confederate Cem. Tn.
Pvt. Robert J. Otts,
Pvt. William Otts Jr.,
Pvt. Benjamin S. Pace,
Pvt. Willaim A. Palmer,
Pvt. Francis M. Pennington,
Pvt. James W. Price,
Pvt. Jeremiah C. Randolph,
Pvt. Amos J. Rector,
Pvt. Henry H. Roland,
Pvt. Hiram M. Roland,
Pvt. Jesse H. Self,
Pvt. William A. Self,
Pvt. Andrew J. Shackelford,
Pvt. John J. Shackelford,
Pvt. Thomas J. Shackelford,
Pvt. Joseph Shaw,
Pvt. Thomas J. Shaw,
Pvt. Henry Shirey,
Pvt. George W. Smith, Paroled at Appomattox C.H.
Pvt. George W. Smith 1st,
Pvt. George W. Smith 2nd,
Pvt. Isaac A. Smith,
Pvt. P.W. Smith,
Pvt. William G. Smith,
Pvt. George H. Spence,
Pvt. William W. Spence,
Pvt. J.E. Steward,
Pvt. James H. Stewart,
Pvt. Benjamin Stovall,
Pvt. George Thomas,
Pvt. Ramsom G. Ursery,
Pvt. thomas G. Vandiver,
Pvt. Alexander Vick,
Pvt. Benjamin F. Williams,
Pvt. Henry C. Williams,
Pvt. W.C. Wilson