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Microfilm Ref Call #373 Microfilm Order #M1992.4466 from The Alabama Department of Archives and History THE VERNON CLIPPER VOLUME I. VERNON, LAMAR CO., ALABAMA DECEMBER 19, 1879 NUMBER 42 (COLUMN NUMBER ONE IS MISSING-CUT OUT) (COLUMN NUMBER TWO IS CUT OUT HALF WAY DOWN) A HUNDRED DOLLAR ADVERTISEMENT – from Denver News Apropos of the coming circus, the agent of the company, while in this city, related his experience with a country publisher in Iowa, whom he approached for the price of a column display advertisement. The price was $100.00. “How much for two columns?” “One hundred dollars” was the reply. “How much for half a column?” “One hundred dollars” “That’s very singular.” said the agent. “How much for a single square?” “One hundred dollars” replied the publisher unmoved. “To tell you the truth,” he continued, “the day your show gets here I’ve got a note for $100 to meet in back. I’ve been waiting for you to come along, and I see no other way to pay it. You can have the whole paper of a single inch, just as you like, but it will cost you just $100. Casual thoughts are sometimes of great value. SUNK BY A WHALE – THE STORY OF THE ESSEX AS IT IS TOLD BY THE LAST SURVIVOR OF THE CREW A correspondent in the New York Sun says: We boarded this summer at the house of Captain Thomas G. Nickerson, in Nantucket, the last survivor of the crew of the whaling ship Essex, which was sunk by a whale in the Pacific Ocean somewhere about the year 1820. The story, as he tells it, is a thrilling one. The Essex was nearly new, reached the Pacific fishing grounds in good order, took and tried out one large whale, and cleared the ship, as usual, for further captures. One morning the lookout from the mast-head sighted a large school and sperm whales. The boats were lowered and manned for pursuit, and the captain’s harpooner succeeded in striking a whale. He was then some three miles from the ship, and the mate’s boat was hastening to his assistance. One of the men, happening to glance toward the ship, saw flying, not only the signal to return, but the signal of distress. The mate’s boat hurried back with all speed. Getting on board, they were informed that the ship had been struck by an immense sperm whale, and the water was rushing into the hold in a frightful manner. While they were endeavoring to ascertain the extent of the injury, the same fish, a monster is size, appeared, swimming directly toward them again at a furious speed. The creature seemed to be in great agony, or in a fearful rage. He lashed the water to white foam with his tail, writhing and lifting his immense body half out of it, bringing it down again with a report like a cannon, and rushing straight upon the devoted ship. The first blow had been in the bows, and the shock had thrown the men off their feet and dashed everything from its fastenings, as though the ship in a gale had struck a sunken rock. The whale himself had seemed stunned for a moment. This second time he struck the ship on the harboard side, crushing in her timbers and making her shiver from stem to stern. For a moment he thought the whale had killed himself; he turned on his back, panting heavily; then, recovering himself for a last effort, he backed away and came at them a third time, with strength enough to open still wider the yawning gaps he had already made. After that, apparently satisfied that he had done his work, he swam slowly away toward the distant school, leaving the Essex with the water pouring in. The men kept firing guns as signals of distress, and the captain, having left the wounded whale, hastened to the scene of the disaster. They had barely time to load their frail whale-boats with the necessaries of life before the ship sank. More than three months after, having endured the utmost suffering and hardship that human nature can bear, and having in that time traversed nearly 4,000 miles of water and lost half of their number, they were at last picked up. Captain Nickerson does not like to talk of this fearful passage in his life, and at the horrors of it have left a permanent impression on his mind. He is living in the town of Nantucket, where most of the survivors lived, and are well remembered by the inhabitants. He expresses the opinion that his ship is not the only one that has met her death by the anger of a whale, and that the victims of those monsters number far more than landsmen suppose. ANGLO-IRISH TROUBLES There is evident anxiety in England over the discontent and the positively insurrectionary spirit among the Irish tenantry. The British Government has found Ireland excessively troublesome ever since that island became a part of the kingdom. There has been much that is radically wrong in the management of Ireland. Bad government has been at the bottom of the Irish unrest. The Irish threat comes at a time when England can least afford to have a war of rebellion on her hands at home. Her recent foreign policy has brought her into many serious complications abroad. He financial distress is appalling. She is not necessarily fatally crippled by these things. She has been in a worse condition. She was in a worse position during the last century, in the period of the great continental wars England’s present distress, however, although temporary, is Ireland’s opportunity, and the land question throughout the United Kingdom will probably receive an early solution, or at least the process of solving it will be commenced. The solution of these difficulties of the agriculturists lies in emigration. Other counters produce bread and meat cheaper than the British farmer and stock-raiser can produce there. The greater portion of British farmers will emigrate. With a revival of business England will resume her place as the great workshop, and she can afford to buy the greater part of her bread and beef abroad. The Irish tenantry are not able, generally, to emigrate. They must pay their rent or suffer eviction, which has a peculiarly terrible meaning in Ireland. They propose to stay on their land, and will possibly resist eviction. The land-owners will do better by reconstructing their system. Mrs. Scoggins – “How did your mamma like that butter I sold her, Miss Lucy?” Miss Lucy – “The butter was not good at all, Mrs. Scoggins, and was all sorts of different colors.” Mrs. Scoggins – “That ain’t nuthin’. If you was to see my cows yew’d find ‘em a big sight more speckelder’s my butter.” The beauteous, buxom Bertha Bangs Is one of our divinest girls; She bangs the doors and bangs the chairs, And like wise bangs her auburn curls, She bangs on the pianny, too And bangs upon the light guitar- But, oh, of all the bangs she bangs, She mostly bangs her auburn hair Oh, banging, bouncing, buxom belle – [St Louis Times-Journal] A REVIEW OF GRANT’S TRIP AROUND THE GLOBE Gen Grant, accompanied by his wife and oldest son, left Philadelphia on the 17th of May, 1877, on the steamship Indiana of the American Steamship Line, to begin his tour around the world. The trip to Liverpool was made in eleven days. From Liverpool he went to London, and on ht 26th of June dines with the Duke of Wellington. During his stay in England Queen Victoria honored the General by an invitation of dine with her, and on the 26th of June the reception took place. On the 26th of July the General and his party arrived in Geneva Switzerland. He afterward crossed the Simpleton Pass, made the tour of the northern part of Italy and returned to Regatz by the 14th of August. Thence he made a flying trip through Alsace and Lorraine. Returning to England, the General on the 5th of July, left London for Ostend, where King Leopold tendered the party the use of the royal car to Brussels. On the 7th of July King Leopold, of Belgium, called on Gen. Grant at his hotel. The visit was returned the next day at the palace. The party arrived at Palermo, Italy, on the 23d of December, 1877. Here they spent Christmas and dined on board the United States ship Vandalia. On the morning of January 19, 1878, the Generals and his companions entered Siout, Egypt, and were welcomed by the American Vice-Consul and his son. From Egypt the General proceeded by ship to Jaffa, on the Mediterranean, and thence made the tour of the Holy Land. He embarked from Beyrout (sic), in Syria, for Constantinople, and arrived there immediately after the treaty of San Stefano, which ended the late Russo-Turkish War. Thence he proceeded to European Turkey, and arrived at Stamboul on the 5th of March, 1878. In the latter part of March, Gen. Grant sailed for Italy, arriving at Rome soon after the election of Leo XIII to the Pontificate. Having visited the principal cities of Italy, the Grant party left for France, and arrived in Paris on the 7th of May, and thence soon after for Holland. From Holland the party went to Germany, arriving at Berlin on the 26th of June, where they were met by the late minister, Bayard Taylor. The General reached Hamburg by rail, on July 2, when followed his tour through Denmark, Sweden and Norway. After a visit to Portland, Gen. Grant reached Vienna, Austria, on the 18th of August, thence he proceeded to Switzerland, through Southern France, and, finally, to Spain. In January of the present year the General and party visited Ireland, and returned thence to Paris. On the 24th he embarked at Marseilles for Bombay, India, where he arrived on the 12th of February. On the 17th Gen. Grant proceeded to Burmah, and thence to China. The party arrived at Hong Kong, Lincoln of Canton, Charge d’ Affaires Holcomb and deputation’s of citizens of various countries, including Japan. The party was received at Canton on May 6 by the Consular officials, and conducted to the Viceroy’s residence. They left Hong Kong for the North of China on May 11, reached Yokohama, Japan, about the 1st of last July, and on the 4th was admitted to an audience with the Emperor and Empress. The party left Yokohama on the 25th of August, and arrived at San Francisco on the afternoon of September 20. THE UNHAPPIEST MAN – from New York Times The unhappiest man in Birmingham a fortnight ago was F. UNDERWOOD, a coal merchant. He quarreled with JAMES PALMER, lost his temper and sacrificed his dignity. Palmer had him arrested for using vituperative language, and not satisfied with gaining his action in court by the help of witnesses who knew nothing at all about the matter, told him that he would be the death of him, that he would smash him, and that he would put a document in the paper that would ruin him. This threat was executed in a novel way. He inserted in a city journal an advertisement asking “donkeys for a picnic party,” telling all whom it might concern to “apply, with donkey” at the addresses of Underwood. The result was that Mrs. Underwood was besieged with donkeys. It was intolerable; life was not worth having with a whole herd of donkeys braying around her door. The magistrate, however declined to interfere between Underwood and the donkeys, but advised him to take -----out against Palmer for the threats he alleged had been uttered. POEM (TOO SMALL TO READ) A CANDID CONFESSION “Are you an Englishman?” queried his Honor, severely. “I am not.” “Are you a German?” “No, sir.” “Are you a Yankee?” “Hardly ev—“ When the Policeman got done mashing him for that, the Judge mildly exclaimed, “What are you then?” “A snoozer, sir” The court adjourned. PUTTING PLANTS TO SLEEP – from London Times The idea of subjecting the remarkable Sensitive plant to the action of anaesthetic was natural, and several experiments of the kind are reported, the plant having been placed in vapors of ether or chloroform. Recently M. Arloing has made some interesting observations of the effect of chloral, chloroform and ether presented for absorption by the roots. The pots were sprinkled with aqueous solutions of these substances, then covered with care to prevent escape of the vapors. After absorption of chloroform or ether, one notes primary and secondary effects; the former are phenomena of excitation similar to those arising from mechanical irritation, and comparable to those in animals when anaesthetized. They occur successively from the bottom to the top of the stem. In thirty to sixty minutes the common petioles (or leaf stems) straighten and the leaflets separate, beginning from the top of the stem; but the plant is now found to have lost its sensibility. The secondary effects consist of elimination of the anaesthetic. The sensibility often does not return for one and a half or two hours. Chloral does not act anesthetically on the sensitive plant. These observations afforded Mr. Arloing an opportunity of ascertaining the velocity of liquids in the stem and branches of plants under strictly physiological conditions, whereas past experiments on the subject have been made with withered or mutilated plants. If the leaves are in a good state, the common petioles bend down suddenly and successively from below upward in the plant as the absorbed chloroform reaches them. Hence, knowing the dimensions of the plant, the velocity of the chloroformized water in the stem and primary petioles can be easily calculated. Within the stem, the velocity is modified by the state of the tissues and foliage, the temperature, etc. It is found, in different cases, at the rate of 0.90 metres, 2.22m, 2.40m. 2.76m per hour. The velocity increases from the base to the top of the stem in the ratio of 1 to 1.25 or 1.50, and it is 1 ½ times to twice as great in the petioles as in the stem. The time of absorption by the roots was found to vary from 2 to 6 ½ minutes. A TRAMP’S PRESENCE OF MIND A case has just come to light wherein a tramp, contrary to custom and precedent, has made himself a hero. The weary traveler tells his story as follows: He had been tramping seven days on his weary way to Louisville, Ky, following the trace of the O. and M. Railway, and was at an early hour “on the road.” He had passed Claremont, and had walked about three miles, when he came to a trestle, and in the dull light of morning discovered a horse fastened in it, evidently having tried to cross, and fallen through, leaving the larger portion of his body above the trestle. He walked out to him and endeavored to frighten him so he would make an effort and extricate himself. Failing in this, he decided to repair to the station and alarm the railway authorities. He had hardly started, however, when he heard the rumbling of an approaching train, which proved to be the No. 4 eastbound express, which at full speed was rushing into this fearful danger. With not a moment to lose, he endeavored to discover some means of signaling the engineer. It was so dark he could not be seen until the flash of the headlight came upon him. At his wit’s ends, he thought of a piece of old newspaper in his pocket. Taking this and applying a match, he held it up in the faint hope that the eye of the engineer would be attracted, but it burned out so abruptly that his heart sank within him. Faint as it was, however, the vigilant eye of the engine driver caught it, and reversing his engine, stopped his train in time. A brief time was taken to set the now thoroughly frightened animal free, when the hero of the hour was put upon the train, and whisked over what otherwise would have been a weary footsore tramp to Louisville. A WOMAN WHO BURIED SEVEN HUSBANDS An excellent old gentleman named BENJAMIN ABBOTT died in Smyrna, Delaware, the other day, aged eighty-two. He was a good man, but the only notable feature of his placid existence appears to be the fact that he was the seventh husband of his wife who survives him. This repeated and life long, or as we may better say, intermitted has been successively MRS. TRAUX, MRS. RIGGS, MRS. FARROW, MRS. WALLACE, MRS. BERRY, MRS. PRATT, and MRS. ABBOTT. In every instance save the first, she has married widowers, some of them with a good many children, but she never had any children of her own. All her life ahs been spent in Smyrna, and “all her husbands,” says the local paper, the Smyrna Times, that some years ago Mrs. Abbott, etc. etc. had a vision in which eight men stood before her in a peculiarly impressive manner, which she has ever regarded as prophetic of the number of conquests she was to make. Number seven having been safely laid away, one can imagine the trepidation that exists among available bachelors, especially widowers, in Smyrna, pending the choice of number eight. AFFECTIONATE CREATURES – from Benson Times A Benson lover, as soft as mush, kissed his girl about forty times right along, the other evening, and when he stopped, the tears came into her eyes, and she said in a sad tone of voice: “Ah! John, I fear you have ceased to love me.” “No, I hain’t” replied John, “but I must breathe.” Moral – Breathe before the start is again attempted. CLIPPED PARAGRAPHS Spiritual comfort – a glass of whisky. Marriage is no uneven game. It is a tie. The kangaroo enjoys a beautiful spring. Close contest – one woman trying to out-dress another. Drive your cattle on the ice if you want cowslips in the water. After all, the shingles on a roof cover the most laps. The man who lays by any “dust” must wade through considerable mud. “He passed in his checks,” but had them returned by the cashier for want of funds. People will talk and sing about the “flowing bowl” when it isn’t the bowl that flows at all. It is vulgar to call a man “bow-legged.” Just speak of him as a parenthetical pedestrian. “Oh, that my father was seized with remittent fever,” sighed a young spendthrift at college. When a corner loafer dies in Tennessee the newspaper say: “Another old landmark gone.” Counsel (to witness) – “You’re a nice sort of a fellow, you are!” Witness – “I’d say the same of you, only I’m on my oath.” Politics are a great blessing to society. What else is it that makes men shake hands and be nice to each other? Dime novel writers do not make as much money as wood-sawers. Not half as honorable an occupation either. “Alas! This is a drop to much,” said the fellow who was about to be hanged. And undoubtedly it was, in a noose sense. Mistress – “Bridget, did you hear me call?” Bridget – “Yis, mum; but you towld me the ither day niver to answer ye back – and I didn’t.” A physician of this town was heard to remark the other day, that if he were with General Miles’ command, he’d scalpel out the Indians. “What are the best stories?” “That depends. When you are telling them the long ones are; when you are listening, the short ones.” “When the corn is waving,” means when a superabundance of grain, in a liquid state, causes the sidewalk to oscillate. Anthony Comstock sighs sadly because he can’t prosecute the spirituelle society beauties who speak of the bare idea of anything – [N. Y. Star] “We old maid,” remarked Miss Stevins, “love cats because we have no husbands, and cats are almost as treacherous as men.” A negro of Murfreesboro, Tenn., aged one hundred and three, has just married his seventh wife, who is thirty-two. The old man has twenty-seven children. “Of what use is the casket when the jewel is gone?” asked the tramp, as he took the last swallow of the whiskey, and threw the bottle over in the corn field. “Silence in the court,” thundered a Kentucky Judge the other morning. “Half a dozen men have been convicted already, without the court having been able to hear a word of the testimony.” “That man has a great deal of character in his nose,” said one. “He must have it in his nose,” said another, “for he hasn’t got it anywhere else. – [Cincinnati Saturday Night.] Three hundred barrels of illicit whiskey were emptied into a creek by a revenue collector, at Waco, Texas. A crowd of men plunged into the stream and drank all of the liquor possible before it flowed away. They got enough of it to make them all very drunk. We see by the Smyrna (Del) Times, that the railroad company has erected a platform at the Dover Fair Grounds, “for visitors two hundred feet high.” Visitors two hundred feet long. That’d be a curiosity anywhere. A subscriber to a southwestern paper died recently, leaving four years subscription unpaid. The editor appeared at the grave and deposited in the coffin a palm-leaf fan, a linen coat and a thermometer. “Men should not allow their wives to split wood,” says a contemporary. This is rather inconsiderate. How can a man refuse when his wife come sup with tears in her eyes, and says, “Now do, dear, let me go down cellar and split wood for an hour to get up an appetite.” “Thank God for a free Gospel,” said an old church member, suddenly carried away by the eloquence of the preacher. “Five-and-twenty years have I been a church member, and it has not cost me as many coppers.” “May the Lord forgive your stingy soul!” says the preacher. “Is there a letter here in a scented envelope for my wife?” he asked the postmaster, while the green fire from his eyes made the office look like a leafy forest. “Yes, sir” answered the postmaster, as he handed it out. The jealous man tore it open at once, when, lo and behold! It was the milliner’s bill for fifty dollars. No succeeding chapters. PAGE 2 THE VERNON CLIPPER ALEXANDER COBB, Editor & Proprietor ALEX. A. WALL, Publisher $1.50 per annum. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1879 A man cannot recover the face value of a note if he paid less than that for it. So says the United States Supreme Court. The desire of one or two Democrats in Congress to pass a bill creating the rank of captain-general of the army, and authorizing the President to appoint Gen. Grant to the position, does not meet with hearty response from members of either party. Many of them desire to think of the question before voting in favor of it. Ours is not a government for creating high titles and lordly estates, nor useless pensioners. General Grant has been, says a Northern exchange, paid for his services. His rewards have been of the highest known in this Union. If the object of creating an extraordinary military rank for him is to get him out of the Presidential line, it is a poor way of dealing with that question. The people do not want any more high and costly officers created, nor do they desire any more high salaried officers, with great military powers, placed over them and their interests. And it is not advisable for Congress to crowd such offices or officials upon them. Certainly the people have not asked for either. – [Mont. Adv] The Mont Adv. says: The first female student to enter the Nashville Medical College is MRS. R. M. LYTLE, widow of DOCTOR LYTLE, a distinguished physician of that city. Mrs. L. entered the college a few days ago for a primary course of lectures and expects soon to be license as an M. D. As this is something of a novelty in the sunny South, we copy the following remarks of the Nashville Banner on the subject: “And let us here ask, why she may not be a great success in the new profession she has chosen? – In the fields of literature Mrs. Lytle is entitled to a front place, having climbed step by step up the ladder of fame. She ahs mastered elocution, and is now a popular teacher of the art. Withal she is a lady of brilliant mind and intellect, positive in her character, and we opine with a nerve that will enable her to become “au fait” in handling the surgeon’s knife or obstinate as any other physician in administering medicine according to her settled opinion. In advance, we hail the new doctress, and wish her unbounded success. May she prove to be a ministering angel at the bedside of the afflicted.” At Reno, Nevada, a few nights ago, a man was suddenly aroused in the night to go for the doctor, and when he reached the physician’s residence no one was at home but the latter’s wife. On hearing a knock at the door she inquired who was there, but the man being very deaf did not hear the question. He then tried the front door, and afterwards the rear door and windows, whereupon the woman, being alarmed, threatened to shoot if he did not leave. Not hearing this threat either, he continued rattling at the door, whereupon the woman thoroughly frightened, raised a pistol and fired, the ball passing through the door killing the visitor almost instantly. A tragedy similar to his occurred in Barbour county a few weeks ago, the particulars of which, as our readers will remember, were printed in the CLIPPER at the time. In this case it was a brother who, being deaf, was killed on the supposition that he was a burglar. IF YOU GET DRUNK Dec. 25th, you will not be celebrating the Christ-mas but Devil-ism. A NEW DOUBLE BABY – from The Times of India There is at present in Bombay a living object among the most curios phenomena of nature. At a house in Mazagon may be seen a pair of female twins, separate in every respect bu t from the breast bone to the lower part of the abdomen, which is closely joined. The upper breast bone of each infant is linked into the other, the outer skin covering both trunks. the twins are joined front to front. Shoulders, arms, lover limbs, and feet perfectly formed, and developing healthy, while the heads are well shaped and the faces really pretty, with beautiful eyes, large and bright. The twins are six months and twenty days old, are in perfect health and measure twenty inches in height, one appearing – but in a very trifling degree – larger than the other. Both have vigorous appetites, and take kindly to the feeding bottle, are extremely lively and appear good tempered. The pulses beat in unison, they generally fall asleep of keep awake together, and their actions are unusually simultaneous, though sometimes one would cry while the other was quietly drawing at the mouthpiece of its bottle. The strangely united pair were born at Dapooli, in the Rutnagherry Collectorate, the father being a Mohammedan and a seafaring man, while the mother has besides a pretty little daughter about ten. According to the former’s account, he called in a native doctor at Rutnagherry, whose opinion was that there was a connection internally between the abdomens, so that of whatever substance the one took a portion passed to the other. However that may be, the infants feed separately, each having a bottle to itself, and draw vigorously at their nourishment. This same doctor also declared it would be impossible to separate them without extinguishing life. The twins have up to this time never been ill, and to every appearance are likely to grow up. THE EXPLANATION of a mysterious disappearance twenty-nine years ago is now offered. At Point Rock, near Lampasas, Texas, the skeleton of a man named JOHN ROAN was found in a cavern late in November. Near the skeleton was a rusty blade of a bowie knife, with the handle rotten with age. On a smooth limestone rock was carved in capital letters the following: I fell in here four days ago when the Indians were running me. I am starving. If Bill don’t’ find me tomorrow I will run this knife through my heart. I can’t stand to starve to death. JOHN ROAN. The date of the inscription was November 1, 1850. The man had fallen twenty-five feet into the cavern. HAS A PARENT of guardian the right to dictate what branch of study a child or ward shall omit in a public school course? The Judge of a court in Pomeroy, Ohio, thinks this right exists. WILLIAM TUCKER sued the Board of Education and recovered $35 damages, for depriving his daughter of the privilege of the public school. The Board had decided that all pupils should learn drawing. Tucker give notice to the teacher that his daughter must not study that branch, and the Board, in consequence expelled her. The editor of one of our most valued exchanges, proud of the telephone connecting his house and office, shouted to his wife. “Mr. Skidd will dine with us today,” and turning to the prospective guest, said, “Now you can say a word to her,” but as he was about to do so, the words came distinctly, “Tell him we don’t keep a restaurant on washing day.” Skidd made an excuse and went to an eating house. A TRULY RURAL ROMANCE – from St. Louis Republican Wellsville, Alleghany County, New York, lately developed a rural romance out of the usual way. William Freeman had worked as a boy several years for farmers in the vicinity of Wellsville. He was a good boy, and the people called him “Handsome Billy” on account of his fine face. He finally rented a small farm, engage a widow as housekeeper and her nephew as a farm hand. There were several burglaries and robberies in Wellsville, and some of the goods stolen were found in Freeman’s house. He stoutly denied the robberies, but the grand jury found a bill of indictment. At the trial he pleaded guilty, and was sent to the penitentiary for eighteen months. But after all the people of Wellsville did not believe that Freeman did the crime to which he pleaded and for which he was suffering imprisonment. The actions of his housekeeper’s nephew had opened their eyes, and Gov. Robinson was appealed to for a pardon, which was finally granted, and William Freeman was set free. He immediately disappeared, and there came to Wellsville a handsome woman, who knew all the people very well, although all the people very well, although they did not at first know her. It was “handsome Billy” in petticoats, as she now introduced herself as Mary Ann Safer. She gave her history previous to her appearing among them as a boy. She was the daughter of German immigrants; her father died soon after they landed; her mother married again; her step father would not support her, and, at eleven years of age she donned a boys suit, and left home to seek her fortune. She was then twenty-three, and for twelve years she had concealed her sex, and run on canal boats and worked on farms for a livelihood. In regard to the robberies, for which she was sent to prison, she said they were committed by the housekeeper’s nephew, who visited her in jail and declared that if she did not plead guilty he would kill her, and she believed he would carry out his threat, and that the safest place for her was in the penitentiary. That was the cause of her pleading. When she was pardoned and released she thought the safest refuge would be her own proper woman’s apparel. And she made as pretty a woman as “Handsome Billy” had been a boy. The Wellsville merchant, whose store she was charged with robbing, and who had been the cause of her wrongful imprisonment, made her all the reparation in his power. He met her, apologized, loved, proposed, and married her. The Uniontown Press states that not a great while since, down in Marengo, a colored practitioner of the Healing Art, having been called upon by one of his friends who was suffering with the dropsy, proceeded to treat the case in the following manner: He dug a hole in the ground about feet deep (sic), filled it with brush and rubbish, which were burned. This process made the hole pretty warm. The patient was then placed in this hole on a chair, and his head carefully covered over with blankets and quilts. This treatment was designed to get off the dropsical water by perspiration. It is called the treatment by exurdation. It would have succeeded admirably, but the patient’s breath happened to exude from his body sooner that the dropisical waters. For as simple a thing as this, it is said the practitioner will be arrested. “O tempora! O mores!” Treeless Iowa is being transformed into a forest-covered country by a law which remits certain taxes for five years on every acre of fruit and ten years on every acres of forest trees planted and kept alive. Over 75,000 acres of fruit and forest trees have been planted, and $200,000 dollars have been remitted in taxes. A SHORT TIME SINCE COL. A. F. GEORGE, of Barbour County, employed a man by the name of J. M. HORNE to paint his house. Col. George resides about five miles from Spring Hill, on the Montgomery and Eufala Railroad. During the time Horne was employed in painting the house, COL. G. missed eleven hundred dollars in cash, which he had tucked up in a private drawer. He suspected that the painter had discovered the whereabouts of this money and had stolen it out and concealed it, but he said nothing, keeping a close watch on the fellow and his movements. When Horne had completed the work and was on his way to the depot to take the cars, Col. George followed and overtook him and charged him with having stolen the money. Horne was completely taken by surprise, and in his fright confessed that he had stolen the money, and had the most of it concealed about his person. Col. George made him hand over all the money he had, which amounted to something over $900. What became of the remained the painter could not or would not tell. He was taken by COL. GEORGE to Clayton where, in default of bond in the sum of $1,000, he was lodged in jail to wait the action of the next grand jury. HORNE belongs to that numerous class of persons known as tramps – the most of whom have lost all sense of honor and shame. When given honest employment they do not appreciate it, but take advantage of the opportunities thus given tem to steal everything valuable they can get their hands on. the conduct of this fellow should serve as a warning to all who employ this sort of characters to keep a close and constant watch on them – [Mont. Adv] The Mont. Adv. says: The following interesting item appears as a communication in the Opelika Observer of the 11th inst. There is enough romance about this event that would eclipse anything Mrs. Southworth has ever given the public: Messr. Editors: On the 24th of November last, while on the cars from Montgomery to Opelika, I was introduced by our townsman and brother, I. D. HOUSER, to a MR. F. M. POOSER, of Montgomery County, Ala., who was on his way to South Carolina, to meet and marry MISS KATE CURRY, which meeting would be the first in their lives. The entire courtship was carried on by mail, and upon an exchange of pictures, they agreed to end their romance by being made husband and wife, and a postal before me now of the 2nd of December, informs me that they were married today at 11 ½ o’clock. Mr. Pooser says, “She is even more than I dared to hope for. She possesses all that it sound in lovely woman.” JOHN A WHITAKER, Opelika, Ala., Dec 6, 1879 MISS LAFLEACHER, a daughter of White Eagle, head of the Omaha Indians, in a talk recently with a newspaper man said of the Indian question: “You hear but one side. We have no newspaper to tell our story. I tell you the soldiers do things with the prisoners or the dead as horrible as any Indian could think of. Then you people are almost always the aggressors. I’ll tell you a case I know of. Two young white men met an Indian with a basket of potatoes. One of them said he would like to say when he went home to the East that he had shot an Indian. The other told him to shoot this one. He drew a revolver and shot him. The Indian was an Omaha. Oh, I tell you, if it had been a Sioux or a Cheyenne you would have heard of it. But we knew we would gain nothing, and nothing was done. I propose that you white people tray us on a platform of plain honesty, and let us be citizens. We now are farmers, and are doing well. We want to stay there and want assurance that we can live like other farmers. We have deposed the chiefs, and want to be just like any other citizens of the state.” The TOWN COUCIL of Warrior have placed the license on retail liquor dealers at $300 for 1880. BURRIS & BRO. No. 49 Main Street Columbus, Miss. We have now in store a full stock of general merchandise which we offer for sale very low, for the cash. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we hope by selling our goods much lower than in the past to be able to add largely to our already numerous list of patrons. Call and see our mammoth stock. (LARGE PART OF COLUMN CUT OUT) (engraving of possibly Santa Claus with huge ELGIN watch) BUDER BROTHERS, watch makers, and manufacturing jewelers, and dealers in diamonds, fine watches, jewelry and silverware. Repairing done neatly and warranted. Under Gilmer Hotel, No. 43 Main ST, Columbus, Miss. PAGE 3 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1879 It is requested that the Democratic Executive Committee meet in convention in town on the 2nd Saturday in January. MR. and MRS. D. L. SPROUSE’S little infant baby was seriously burnt on the back of its head one day last week by crawling into the fire while its mother was in an adjoining room. We hope it may soon recover. The latest musical instrument in town is at the resident of friend DR. W. A. BROWN. The organette. It beats any hand organ in town. G. C. LAWRENCE and STEVE CASH gone to Columbus. DR. BROWN and Mr. J. THOMAS BURROW returned Wednesday from an extended trip east. They saw GRA-NT (sic). Lake the horse that was operated upon some weeks since is in a doubtful condition. The place where the tumor was is dreadful to look at. His suffering is intense. D. J. LACEY gone to Columbus. We’ll venture he went through in a day, for he’s a dri-ver, and business, strictly. By a private letter from our friend and brother, REV. JAS. T. MILLER, we give below the various appointments enacted by the late M. E. Conference at Tuskaloosa: Tuskaloosa District – L. M. WILSON, Presiding Elder Tuskaloosa Station – ROBT. T. NABORS North Port Circuit – T. G. SLAUGHTER North River Mission – C. S. D. LASSITER Sheffield Circuit- J. L. FERGUSON Gordo Circuit – C. M. LIVINGSTON Clear Creek Mission – G. W. HEWITT Carrollton Circuit – W. M. P. RIPPEY Jasper Circuit – J. E. ANDREWS Yorkville Circuit – Z. GODBY Fayette Circuit – D. S. MCDONALD Vernon Circuit – J. J. CROW Luxapilila Circuit – E. F. S. ROBERTS Bexar Circuit – JAS. T. MILLER Pikeville Circuit – T. G. CANSLER The next Conference meets at Oxford. The Jasper Eagle says: On Monday night of last week some one or more persons entered MR. STANLEY’S store by boring the lock out of the back door. The blacksmith bellows, sledge hammer, punches, etc., from Williams shop were carried down, and a grand effort made to open the combination safe. The safe was thrown on the back, a rough forge of bricks built on the door, and the idea seemed to have been to “melt the thing.” But it wouldn’t “melt” worth a cent. The combination bolt and knob were knocked off of the door, which now prevents the safe being opened except by force. This is certainly the most daring adventure we have had practiced in our town. The night was very favorable, and they came “as a thief in the night.” Several articles were taken from the store. A wagoner slept on a cotton platform not twenty yards off; he heard the noise, but paid no attention to it. Somebody’s going to get hurt about this place yet! Birmingham Iron Age: We learn that some fiend in human shape went to the lot of W. H. WOOD, Esq, on Sunday last while the family were at church and ruined a fine young horse by cutting out his tongue almost at the root. A wretch who would be guilty of such a deed deserves swinging to the nearest limb. If you do need glasses, be sure that you get Buder’s perfect fitting spectacles or eye glasses, they are the best, because the lenses are pure, hard and brilliant, and will not dazzle the eye. If you cannot read distinctly your eyes need help, your sight can be improved and preserved by purchasing one of Buder Brothers perfect fitting spectacles. Gilmer Hotel Corner, Columbus, Miss. Two century plants have recently been planted near the capitol building. Cuban Chill Tonic is the great Chill King. It cures Chills and Fever of every type, from the shaking Agues of the North to the burning Fevers of the Torrid Zone. It is the great standard. It cures Billiousness and liver Complaint and roots out diseases. Try it – if you suffer it will cure you and give you health. Sold by your druggists. W. L. MORTON & BRO. ANNUAL SETTLEMENT State of Alabama, Lamar County Probate Court, Special Term, Dec. 8, 1879 In the matter of the estate of ARTHUR T. YOUNG, late of said county, deceased. This day came SAMUEL G. YOUNG, administrator of said estate and filed his account, current and vouchers in annual settlement of his administration. Whereupon it is ordered by the court that the 14th day of January, 1880 be and is a day set for examining and passing upon said account, when and where all parties interest can contest the same if they think proper. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Letters of administration was by the Probate Court of Lamar County on the 15th of March, 1878, granted the undersigned on the estate of ARTHUR T. YOUNG, late of said county deceased. This is therefore to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to me for payment, properly proven up as the law directs, or they will be barred. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment to me. This 8th Dec. 1879. SAM’L G. YOUNG, Administrator SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued by JAMES MIDDLETON, a Justice of the Peace in Lamar County, Alabama, I will offer for sale for cash at the Court House door of said county on the 24th day of December, 1879, one Sewing Machine levied on as belonging to the Singer Manufacturing Company, and will be sold to satisfy a claim in favor of GEORGE S. EARNEST. Sale within the usual hours. This 10th day of December, A. D. 1879 D. J. LACY, Sheriff At Louis Roy is selling more goods than any house in Aberdeen, he can on that account sell ten percent cheaper than any other house in the place. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Letters of administration was this day granted to the undersigned by Hon. ALEXANDER COBB, on the estate of WILLIAM WALKER, deceased. This is therefore to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them within the time prescribed by law, or they will be barred, also all persons indebted to said estate will make payment to me. This 15tjh day of November, 1879. JOHN D. WALKER, Admr. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE State of Alabama, Lamar County Probate Court, Special Term ’79 In the matter of the estate of BENJAMIN WINSTEAD late of said county, deceased. This day came JOHN WINSTEAD, administrator of said estate, and filed his amount statement and vouchers in final settlement of said estate. Whereupon it is ordered by the Court that the 8th day of January, 1880 be and is a day set for the passing upon said amount, it appearing from said amount that ELIZABETH MCDANIEL, B. W. WEBB, JOHN H. WEBB, ELIZA ANN RODEN, and FRANCIS WINSTEAD are heirs at law of said estate, and live beyound the limits of this State so that the ordinary process of Law cannot be served upon them. It is ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Vernon Clipper a newspaper published in this county for three successive weeks prior to said day notifying said nonresidents and all others interested of this proceeding and of the day for the making of said settlement when and where they can contest said settlement if they think proper. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate, Nov. 27 APPLICATION TO SELL LAND State of Alabama, Lamar County Probate Court, Special Term November 24th, 1879 In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM WALKER late of said county, deceased. This day came JOHN D. WALKER, administrator of said estate and filed his petition in writing and under oath praying for an order and proceedings to sell certain lands as belonging to said estate for the purpose of a division among the heirs thereof. When it is ordered by the court that the 7th day of January 1880 be and is a day set for the hearing and passing upon said application and the proof in the support of the same, when and where all persons interested can contest the same if they see proper. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate Remember when you visit Aberdeen, to go to the house of Louis Roy and examine his stock. That popular house has a great name for integrity and honesty, and never uses humbug. Every article of dry goods shoes and boots, clothing, hats, and fancy goods is fresh, and warranted to give satisfaction. PARENTS READ THIS. Nine-tenths of the sickness of childhood is caused by worms. Thousands of children die yearly from worms in the stomach that could have been saved by the timely use of Parker’s Santonine Worm Lozenges. They save thousands of children. They drive out the worms without pain. They cleanse the stomach, and make the little ones bloom and blossom as the rose. The are the finest and best medicine ever made. Thousands of parents all over the land use nothing but Parker’s Lozenges. Buy nothing but Parker’s. Give no other Worm Medicine to children but Parker’s Lozenges. They are the cheapest, best, and safest. Sold by your druggists, W. L. Morton & Bro. Family Groceries. The undersigned has opened a family grocery store in the old Goodwin house on Main Street. Where he will be able to furnish the county and town with everything usually kept in a first class house: Such as bacon, lard, flour, sugar, coffee, molasses, tobacco, cigars, powder, lead, shot and a great variety of canned goods: Such as pine apples, peaches, tomatoes, pickles, &c., &c. Cheese and crackers in abundance, all of which I am determined to sell lower than they can be bought elsewhere. Give me a call. No trouble to show goods. Terms cash. G. C. LAWRENCE CITATION NOTICE State of Alabama, Lamar County Probate Court, Special Term, ’79 In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM WALKER, late of said county, deceased. This day came JOHN D. WALKER, administrator of said estate, and filed his petition under oath setting forth that deceased died sized and possessed of the following lands to wit: N E ¼ of SE ¼ and NE ¼ and NW ¼ of SE ¼ Sec. 35 and SW ¼ of NW ¼, Sec 36, T17, R 16, and that MARTHA WALKER widow of said deceased claims dower in the same. Whereupon it is ordered by the Court that the 15th day of December next be a day set for hearing and passing upon said petition, and it appearing that S. P. WALKER, LUCINDA MANN, and the children of REBECCA SHIRLEY are heirs at law of said estate, and live beyond the limits of this state so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon them. It is ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Vernon Clipper a newspaper publishes in said county for three successive weeks, prior to said day notifying all persons interested, when and where they can contest the same if they think proper. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate Nov. 27, 1879 NON-RESIDENT NOTICE State of Alabama, Lamar County Circuit Court, Fall Term 1879 GEORGE G. WEIR, Executor of the last Will and Testament of DIADEMA COX, deceased. vs Attachment RICHARD H. COX Came the Plaintiff by his attorney and Defendant shown to be a non-resident of this state. It is ordered by the Court that notice be given to the Defendant of this attachment and levy of same on lands of Defendant by publication in the Vernon Clipper a weekly newspaper published in this county for four consecutive weeks, and that a copy of said notice be sent to the defendant if his post office can be ascertained. A true copy of the Minutes. This 19th Nov. 1879 JAMES MIDDLETON Clerk Circuit Court for Lamar County THE BEST PAPER! Try it! Beautifully Illustrated. 35th Year. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. The Scientific American is a large first-class weekly newspaper of sixteen pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid engravings, representing the newest inventions and the most recent advances in the arts and sciences; including new and interesting facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms, $3.20 per year, $1.60 half year, which includes postage, Discount to Agents. Single copies, ten cents. Sold by all news dealers. Remit by postal order to Munn & Co., Publishers 37 Park Row, New York PATENTS. In connection with the Scientific American, Messrs Munn & Co., are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 35 years experience, and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the Scientific American of all Inventions patented through this agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. Any persons who has made a new discovery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Munn & Co. We also send free our Hand book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. Munn & Co., 37 Park Row New York. Branch office, Cor. F & 7th Sts, Washington, D. C. TAX NOTICE I will attend at the Precinct in the several beats in this county at the following times for the purpose of collecting the State and County Taxes for the present year, 1879, to wit: TOWN BEAT NOV 1 NOV 19 STRICKLANDS “ “ 3 “ 20 STEINS “ “ 4 “ 21 MILLPORT “ “ 5 “ 22 VAILS “ “ 6 “ 24 TRULL’S “ “ 7 “ 25 WILSONS “ “ 8 “ 26 LAWRENCE’S “ “ 10 DEC. 1 SIZEMORES “ “ 11 “ 2 BROWN’S “ “ 12 “ 3 HENSONS SPRINGS “ “ 13 “ 4 MILLVILLE “ “ 14 “ 5 PINE SPRINGS “ “ 15 “ 6 MOSCOW “ “ 17 “ 8 BETTS “ “ 18 “ 9 The last five days of the year I will be at Vernon. D. J. LACY Sheriff, & T. C. of L. C., Ala. $5 to $20 per day at home. Samples worth $5 free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine J. L. RANSOM, of North Alabama with Settle & Kainnaird, manufacturers of and wholesale dealers in boots and shoes, Nashville, Tenn. Orders solicited and carefully filled. GEO. W. RUSH with N. GROSS & CO., Columbus, Miss. Wholesale and retail dealers in fancy dress, and staple dry goods & ready made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, notions, etc. Will be glad to see his old friends and all new ones who may be pleased to call upon him. No trouble to show goods, on the contrary, it will be a pleasure, whether you buy or not. Satisfaction guaranteed, as to articles bought and prices. BILL HAMILTON with ROY & BRO., wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, notions, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, &c. Aberdeen, Miss. Highest price paid for cotton. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF U. S. MAILS The Columbus Mail by way of Caledonia arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays at 11 o’clock a.m. Leave same days at 1 p.m. FAYETTE MAIL Arrived on Wednesday and Saturday at 12 p.m. and leaves same days at 1 p.m. MOUNT CALM MAIL Leaves Wednesday at 7 a.m. arrives Thursday at 2 p.m. PIKEVILLE MAIL Arrives Fridays at 6 p.m., leaves Saturdays at 6 a.m. SCHEDULE OF MOBILE & OHIO R. R. Train leaves 6:30 am Train arrives 9:30 am Train leaves 3:20 pm Train arrives 6:30 pm Train goes through to Starkville on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Leaves Aberdeen going South at 4 o’clock p.m., returns at 8 p.m. Leaves Aberdeen going North at 7 o’clock a.m., return at 11 o’clock a.m. MCQUISTON & HEISEN, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants 96 & 98 Commerce St., Aberdeen, Miss. Farmers will make money by letting MCQUISSTON & HEISEN sell their cotton when they come to the city. R. A. HONEA & SON, Wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, Aberdeen, Miss. We would respectfully inform our friends, and the public generally, that we are at our old Stand next door to J. W. ECKFORD & Bro. (Old Presbyterian Block) and have in store and will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries. Bagging and ties, corn, oats, wheat bran, &c., which we will sell at rock bottom figures for cash. R. F. RAY, of Detroit, Ala. is salesman. MEDICAL M. W. MORTON. W. L. MORTON. DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store. DR. G. C. BURNS, Vernon, Ala. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. Masonic: Vernon, Lodge No. 389, meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, at 7 p.m. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FRANCIS JUSTICE, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District. SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala., Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District. JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration. EARNEST & EARNEST. W. S. EARNEST GEO. S. EARNEST. Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery, Birmingham & Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the Counties of this Judicial Circuit. NESMITH & SANFORD. T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties. THOS. B. NESMITH. Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. ALEXANDER COBB & SON, Dealers in ready made clothing, dress goods, jeans, domestics, calicoes, silks, satins, millinery, embroidery, notice, &c. Hats, caps, boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, leather, &c. Tin, wooden, Hard and glass wares, crockery, &c. Salt, flour, meal, bacon, lard, soda, coffee, molasses, &c. LAMAR DIRECTORY County Court – Meets on the 1st Monday in each month. Probate Court - Meets on 2nd Monday in each month. Commissioner’s Court – Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, April, July, and November. REPRESENTATIVES W. A. MUSGROVE and I. H. SANDERS COUNTY OFFICERS ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate D. J. LACY, Sheriff and Tax Collector W. G. MIDDLETON, Circuit Clerk JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery D. V. LAWRENCE, Treasurer J. E. PENNINGTON, Tax Assessor W. T. MARLER, Coroner COMMISSIONERS W. G. RICHARDS W. M. STONE J. J. BRANYAN J. A. COLLINS TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One copy one year $1.50 One copy six months $1.00 Rates of Advertising One inch, one insertion $1.00 One inch, each subsequent insertion .50 One inch, twelve months 10.00 One inch, six months 7.00 One inch, three months 5.00 Two inches, twelve months 15.00 Two inches, six months 10.00 Two inches, three months 7.00 Quarter Column 12 months 35.00 Half Column 12 months 60.00 One Column, 12 months 100.00 One Column, 3 months 35.00 One Column, 6 months 60.00 Professional Cards $10.00 Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates. Advertisements collectable after first insertion. Local notices 10 cents per line. Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten lines, charged advertising rates. $72 a week, $12 a day at home easily made. Costly outfit free. Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine. Bring your job printing to the CLIPPER. We print all kinds of blanks, deeds, mortgages, law briefs, cards, tags, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, note heads, statements, poster work. We propose to do all kinds of job printing as neat and as cheap as any city, either North or South, and our work is equal to any. When you want any kind of job printing done, please don’t fail to examine our specimens before going elsewhere. Blank Waive Notes for sale at this Office. The Light Running New Home (picture of sewing machine). A model of simplicity, Strength and Beauty, Never gets out of order. A pattern of perfection. Makes no noise. Does not fatigue the operator. Latest. Improved. Best. Agents wanted. Johnson, Clarke, & o., 30 Union Square, New York City. Orange, Mass. PAGE 4 THE SOUTHERN FARMER TOPICS FOR FARMERS FALL CARE OF CALVES – It often happens that calves make a fair growth in the early part of the season, while they get whole milk, or even a plentiful supply of skimmed milk; but when these are withdrawn, if suddenly, they are not able to keep up condition. If they have been supplied for some time with a good pasture, or fed green food, or hay in racks, and become accustomed gradually to depend upon such food, they will not fall off much in condition. But the skillful feeder will strive to keep his calves constantly growing – constantly developing every part of the system. And, as milk is withdrawn, it becomes important to substitute some concentrated food in its place, so that the nutriment may be abundant to keep up its calf-flesh. Any check in growth is at the loss of the feeder, for it will cost extra feed to regain it afterward, besides the loss of time. The pasture also, usually becomes less nutritious, and there is the more necessity that some extra food should be given. Here, the most important food that can be given for a substitute for milk, is linseed-oil cake or oil-meal. It is the food principally used for this purpose by the best English feeders. The calf is quite apt to become constipated when the milk is discontinued, and the oil-meal is slightly laxative, having a small percentage of oil, which has a soothing effect upon the stomach and intestines. It is also very nitrogenous, being, in this respect, similar to milk. It is not necessary to feed more than one pint of oil-meal per day to each calf. Calves may be accustomed to eat a quart of oil-meal and middlings mixed before the milk is wholly withdrawn. Oats are an excellent food for calves, and they should be taught early to eat them. The calf seems to have the power of digesting oats very well without grinding. A pinto of oats given to each calf at first, and soon increased to one or two quarts, will keep the growth steady. Oats are the best single substitute for oil-meal, but wheat middlings and oats make an excellent combination. A little corn mingled with these will do very well; but corn, as a single food, should be avoided for young animals. The albumoilds and phosphates are in too small proportion in corm to grow they muscles and bones. As a simple question of economy, calves should get a small grain ration all through August and the fall months. This extra food will pay the greatest profit, for it will add, as a general rule, two dollars to the value of the calf for each dollar in food given. Another important consideration is, that the better condition of the young animal the better it will stand the cold weather when it comes. This is the more important to western feeders, who do not provide warn winter quarters for their calves. A nice layer of fat on the outside is equal to a heavy overcoat to the human being. Every feeder must see that his success in raising good cattle will depend largely upon his treatment of the calf. AN OLD POULTRY RAISER, who believes in milk for fowls, says: It is meat and drink both. Some of the finest chickens I ever saw were raised upon the free use of milk with their food. Hens lay as well, or better, when furnished with this than upon any known articles offered them.” Cracks or joints in a stove may, it is said, be easily closed in a moment with a composition consisting of wood ashes and common salt, made into a paste with a little water, plastered over the crack. The effect is equally certain whether the stove be hot or cold. Make a composition of four pounds resin, one pint of linseed oil and one ounce of red lead. Apply it hot with a brush to the place where the L joins the main house, or for a dormer window that leaks, or round chimneys. For making water casks tight it has always proved effectual. If troubled with wakefulness, follow these rules: Eat nothing hearty after sunset. Calm your mind before retiring. Go to bed at a regular hour. When you wake, rise and dress at once, no matter how early in the morning. Never sleep in the day. These five rules observed will insure sleep. Lime is an old-fashioned fertilizer, but it should not for that reason be neglected. It is cheap, and rarely fails to pay well for its use when land is to be seeded to grass and clover. Forty bushels per acre of air-slacked lime usually spread from the wagon with a long-handled shovel upon the plowed ground, and harrowed in with the seed. It will do no harm to put on the lime immediately after manure if it is harrowed in at once. From all parts of the northwest we have reports of great shrinkage of milk – enough to warrant the belief, that from this cause there will be a falling off of the cheese product of fully twenty-five per cent, as compared with last year, while the universal change from cheese to butter in Iowa will still further reduce the amount. There will be an increase in the amount of butter produced this year over last throughout the northwest. Those who have stock to fatten and to dispose of in some way, should now feed them well. In addition to good pasture, give then a few ears of corn each day. Very few people will buy stock that is thin in flesh. Buyers want fat cattle, fat sheep, fat hogs and even fat horses and mules. If they are thin, many a sale will be spoiled. Corn put into stock will bring a much higher price than if hauled to market and sold by the bushel. Nearly every farmer who raises stock has some that it will not pay to keep longer. Just as soon as stock reaches maturity they should be sold. It is a daily loss to keep them longer. They soon eat themselves up – that is, they will soon consume their own value in food. Hogs that are nine to ten months old should be fattened and killed. Cows that are getting old should be disposed of. Two to three year old steers should be sold. Horses that are not needed should be put in marketable shape and sent to market. Get rid of the poorest, and feed the balance what they would have eaten. Hold on to the best, and continue to make them better still. In showing how extremely sensitive butter and milk are to foreign odors, and how rapidly they absorb them, Dr. Nichols states that he has known a choice pan of butter spoiled by a farmer walking in the dairy room with his cow-stall boot on, covered with animal excrement. We have thought, and still think, that farmers, in the west particularly, are too neglectful of the little things which contribute so much to the pleasures and comforts of themselves and families. Farmer’s lives, it is proverbially said, are not easy ones; that work is their portion, homespun clothing and coarse fare their compensation. However true this condition of things may be, or has been in the past, we are satisfied that the farmer himself, not his occupation or his farm, is , or will be hereafter, to blame. – [Burlington Hawkeye] Three classes of farmers deal out salt to stock very sparingly: Those who come from foreign countries where it is scarce or where the government collects a revenue on it; those who were brought up near the seashore, where the soil and air always contain traces of salt, and those who think anything purchased with money is too valuable to be fed to stock. All intelligent persons are aware of the fact that salt is quite essential to the well-being of animals as water, and that it is unwise to stint the supply of one as the other. It is not too much to say that stock of all kinds should have a supply of sat within reach at all times. Giving them salt once a week is not sufficient. If only dealt out at the close of long intervals, they will eat too much and suffer in consequence, while they will undergo discomfort before they have an opportunity again to partake of it. POULTRY – Beware of carbolic acid used on poultry. Unless you are accustomed to using it, you are more apt to kill than cure. Better to keep the chickens healthy by keeping them dry in coops out on clean ground, with good feed and clean water, and kill any sick ones, rather than kill all. Care, caution and common sense will raise more chickens than all other remedies combined. TOPICS FOR THE HOUSEHOLD BAKING MEATS – In baking meat and fish, besides keeping the bottom of the pan covered with broth or water, place a piece of bettered paper over the object in the pan. It not only prevents it from burning, but acts as a self-basting operation and keeps the top moist and juicy. QUINCE MARMALADE – Gather the fruit when quite ripe; pare, quarter, and core it. Boil the skins in the water measuring a teacupful to a pound of fruit. When they are soft, mash and strain them, and put back the water into the preserving kettle. Add the quinces and boil them until they are soft enough to mash fine. Rub through a sieve, and put three quarters of a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit. Stir them well together, and boil them over a slow fire until it will fall like jelly from a spoon. Pour it in pots or tumblers, and secure it, when cold, with paper sealed to the edge of the jar with the white of an egg. TOMATO CATSUP – Mrs. Endicot says in the Rural New Yorker: Select perfectly ripe sound tomatoes, cut in slices, and boil them until the pulp is cooked out. Rub it through a sieve to take out the skins and seeds, and return to the kettle for cooking. To each gallon of the pulp add three tablespoonful each of salt, ground pepper and mustard, and one each of ground cloves and allspice. Cook it until it is thick enough to run slowly from a bottle. Let it get cold, bottle and seal. I made what we call “farmer’s rice,” for dessert for dinner today. We all enjoyed it so much that there was not enough left for baby Katy’s supper, as I intended there should be. It is so easily and quickly made, I wonder it is not oftener found on country tables. I put about three quarts of milk on the stove in a pan. While it was coming to a boil, I mixed two eggs with flour until it was dry enough to roll through my fingers in grains. Then stirred it into the milk quickly, so as to keep it cooking all the time. Five minutes are long enough to finish it. Turn into a dish and eat while warm with plenty of cream and sugar. COOKING POTATOES – The potato is by no means nutritious, even when properly cooked, being but little more than a mass of starch and water, mainly water. It contains, however, certain more valuable salts designed for and adapted to the developments of the bones, and also now supposed to aid in the prevention and removal of the scurvy. The starch, more easily digested than that of peas, beans, etc. does but little toward sustaining the body, save to fatten and to evolve animal heat. To be fat is not to be in health; both fatness and cleanness, in the extreme, being equal evidence of impaired health. Recent chemical investigations have demonstrated the fact that a large percent of these more valuable elements intended for the true nourishment or for strength and solidity, is wasted by the ordinary boiling processes, as may be easily proved by an examination of the water in which they are boiled. It is far better to bake them, though it is well to allow them to soak for a few minutes – half an hour – in cold water before baking. Or they may be steamed, the skins remaining on that the least possible amount of these salts may escape. It is evident that paring them before baking or steaming must accelerate the escape of these salts. If baked, it is proper to say, that if eaten as most are without the removal of the parings, these when rough or unusually tough must materially irritate the coat of the stomach, tending to disease – inflammation. The same remark applies to the coarse and rasping hulls of some grains, as those of oats, etc., and the rough rinds of fruit. – [Dr. J. H. HANAFORD] A LAWYER’S PREDICAMENT A sensation was created in Atlanta, Georgia, Thursday, by a young woman meeting a prominent young lawyer on the street and presenting him with a two-weeks old child, alleging that he was the father of it. He refused to accept it and walked off, but she followed him down the street, carrying the baby. A large crowd of interested people followed in the wake of the principals, and altogether the young lawyer had a very unpleasant time of it. A STRANGE CORNER OF THE WORLD – from the New York Tribune It may be some time yet before the full significance of the daring voyage of the Vega along the north coast of Asia, with reference to navigation, is fully known. Professor Nordenskjold has not yet reported his views upon that point. He has merely told us a few facts. For instance, he says he has discovered that the coast of Siberia, west of the Lena, is a vast plain, devoid of trees, in the navigation to which an encounter with impenetrable iceloes is generally to be feared. There are no great islands out to sea there to prevent the wind from driving the ice down toward the land; and there are vast distances where few rivers empty into the polar Ocean, and by their warm current, preserve a space of open water along the shore. For several hundred miles in the vicinity of the Lena, however, great rivers pout into the ocean and large islands lie off to the northward and there is almost no ice along shore. East of the Kolima, toward Behring Strait, there are no great rivers, and although the climate is milder and the woodlands creep down almost to the sea, the frozen floes crowd closer to the shore, and in the fall and winter they are liable to bar the way to shipping. They gave Nordenskjold great trouble, and on the 27th of September they left him enchained in solid ice a few miles from the open water north of Behring Strait, and only 130 miles from the strait itself. They kept him there eight weary moths. While communicating these facts the daring Swede has not yet published his conclusions thereupon. If he has left us in the dark in regard to the commercial navigation of the Siberian coast, however, he has at least taken the pains to reveal the interesting nature of the region he has just passed through. When the ice closed in upon the Vega, and left the stout ship enslaved in those northern solitudes, Porf. Nordenskjold wrote a letter to Dr. Oscar Dickson, the main contributor toward the fitting out of the expedition, describing the scenes along the coast. the letter, dispatched on the 20th of February, has at last reached its destination, and is now published in the London Standard. The letter calls attention, in the first palce, to a group of island which are very remarkable from a scientific point of view. The islands, the New Siberian, open the book of the history of the world at a new place. The ground there is strewn with wonderful fossils. Whole hills are covered with the bones of the mammoth, rhinoceros, horses, uri, bison, oxen, sheep, etc. The sea washes up ivory upon the shores. In this group is possibly to be found the solution of the question of the ancestry of the Indian elephant, and important facts with regard to the vertebrates which existed at the time of man’s first appearance upon earth. How came horses and sheep in a region now locked in the fetters of an eternal winter, uninhabited by man, not now supporting animal life in any form, and almost impossible of access? Prof. Nordenskjold was unable to solve the question himself, and he suggests that it is of the utmost importance to science to send a light draught steel steamer to these islands for a thorough exploration. INFANTICIDE IN INDIA Infanticide is still common in India, notwithstanding the efforts of a special judicial department created to suppress it. Only girls are murdered. The infant is destroyed in the room when it is born, and then it is buried under the floor of the same room. On the thirteenth day the village priest calls, and cooks and eats his food in the same room. This is considered a burnt offering and by this act the priest takes all the sin of the murder upon his own soul, and the family is free from it. As soon as the baby is born its mouth is filled with the milk of the shrub aselipics gigantra, and than it is plastered over with mud. Respiration is impossible. When the first girl baby is wrenched away in this brutal manner, the mother cries and groans a good deal, but after she has lost two or three she gets used to it, and makes no resistance. After the murder and burial, and burnt offering, the parents again occupy the room and receive guests in it as usual. The requirement of a dowry in order to marry off a daughter is the chief reason for the practice. WRITING MATERIALS The materials used for writing have varied in different ages and nations. Among the Egyptians slices of limestone, leather, lime, and papyrus – especially the last –w ere universally employed. The Greeks used bronze and stone for public monuments, wax for memorandums, and papyrus for the ordinary transactions of life. The kings of Pergamus adopted parchment, and the other nations of the ancient world chiefly depended on the paper of Egypt. But Assyrians and Babylonians employed for their public documents, their historical annals, and even for their title deeds and bills of exchange, tablets, cylinders, and hexagonal prisms of terra cotta. Some of these cylinders, still extant, contain valuable records of ancient history. To this indestructible material, and happy idea of employing it in this manner the present age is indebted for a detailed history of the Assyrians monarchy; whilst the decades of Livy, the plays of Leander, and the laws Anacreon, confided to a perishable material, have either wholly or partly disappeared among the wreck of empires. A MINISTER ONCE told Wendell Phillips that if his business in life was to save the negroes, he ought to go South, where they were, and do it. “That is worth thinking of,” replied Phillips; “and what is you business in life?” “To save men from going to hell,” replied the minister. “Then go there and attend to your business!” said Mr. Phillips. THE NERVES AS A SOURCE OF TRIAL. Instead of being a vehicle for agreeable sensations some people’s nerves are a most distressing endowment. Such suffers, it will usually be found, are dyspeptic, lack vitality and flesh. What they need is more vigor. There is a means of obtaining it if they will but avail themselves of that means. It is Hostetter’s Bitters, a tonic which experience has shown to be of the utmost service to the diblilitated, nervous and dyspeptic. Digestion restored upon a permanent basis by the Bitters, ministers as it should to the wants of the system and its integral parts, of which the nerves are one of the most important, are properly nourished and invigorated. The various functions are thus more actively discharged, and obstacles to a return to health removed by increasing vitality. Instead of nervous prostration, new strength and vitality will be infused into the whole motive machinery. H. W. John’s Asbestos Roof Paint forms the most durable and economical protective coating in the world for tin roofs, exposed brick walls, iron work, barn, fences, etc., for which it is in every respect equal to the best white lead, while it costs only half as much. It is made in a variety of beautiful colors, samples of which will be sent fee on applications to 87 Maiden Lane, N. Y. To be of permanent benefit a medicine must reach the source of the disease. the reason why Scovil’s Blood and Liver Syrup is so successful in overcoming scrofulous, syphilitic and eruptive complaints is that it entirely roots out those impurities which give rise to them. The cause of the evil being thus removed and the normal purity of the circulation restored, the skin resumes its original clearness and sores and pimples disappear. Sold by all druggists. The genuine Asbestos Steam Pipe and Boiler Coverings are th emost durable, effective, and economical in use. H. W. John’s Manufacturing Company, 87 Maiden Lane, New York, are the sole manufacturers. For one cent purchase a postal card and send your address to Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, New York, and receive pamphlets by return mail, from which you can learn whether your live is out of order, and if out of order or is any way diseased, what is the best thing in the world to take for it. A neglected cough, cold, or sore throat, which might be checked by a simple remedy, like “Brown’s Bronchial Troaches” it allowed to progress may terminate seriously. 25 cts. At every great world’s exhibition for twelve years Mason & Hamlin Organs have been awarded the gold medal or other highest honor. This year at the Paris Exposition they have been found worthy of the gold medal. Wanted. Sherman & Co., Marshall, Mich., want an agent in this county at once at a salary of $100 per month and expenses paid. For full particulars address as above. Young men, go West, learn telegraphy; situation guaranteed. Address R. Valentine, Manager. Janesville, Wis. Prevent crooked boots and blistered heels by wearing Lyon’s Heel Stiffeners. Can be applied at any time. Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. Daughters, Wives and Mothers. …(too small to read) Truth and Honor. Query: What is the best family medicine in the world to regulate the bowels, purify the blood, remove costiveness and biliousness, aid digestion and tone up the whole system? Truth and honor compels us to answer, Hop Bitters, being pure, perfect and harmless – Ed. Independent. Free – Chromo Catalogue – families, everybody, lowest price. Metropolitian Art Co., 59 Nassau St., NY $72 a week, $12 a day at home easily made. Costly outfit free. Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine. $5 to $20 per day at home. Samples worth $5 free. Address Stinson & Co., Portland, Me. Men wanted – a reliable man in every county will pay $75 per month for 6 months. Write at once. W. P. Whitcher & Co., Cincinnati, O. $2500 a year guaranteed (too small to read) Mark Twain’s New Book, THE TRAMP ABROAD! Good times for agents ahead. Prospectuses for this universally looked for book now ready. Speak quick and secure territory. “ A word to the wise is sufficient.” Apply to F. F. Bliss, Hartford, Ct. Ear Diseases. Dr. C. E. Shoemaker (the well known aural Surgeon at Reading, Pa.) gives all his time to the treatment of deafness and diseases of the ear at this office. His success has given him a national reputation, especially on running ear and catarrh. Call or send for his little book on the ear, its diseases and their treatment – free to all. His large book (350 pages) price $2.00. Address Dr. C. E. Shoemaker, Aural Surgeon, Reading, Pa. The Smith Organ Co. First Established! Most Successful! Their instruments have a -----value in all the leading markets of the World! Everywhere recognized as the finest in tone. Over 80,000 made and in use. New Designs constantly. Best work and lowest price. Send for a catalog. Tremont St., opp. Walham St., Boston, Mass On 30 days’ trial we will send our Electro-Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those afflicted with nervous debility and diseases of a personal nature. Also of the Liver, Kidneys, rheumatism, paralysis, &c. A sure cure guaranteed or no pay. Address Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. Adelina Patti, Royal Italian Opera, convent Garden, London, Engl, June 16, 1879 – Messrs. Champlin & Co. Madam Adelina Patti asks you to send her immediately by the next steamer five dozen of your Liquid Pearl. Address if you placed, Madam Adelina Patti at the theatre. By order of Madam Patti. G. Franch Champlin’s Liquid Pear is sold by all druggists at only 50 cents a bottle. Beware of imitations. Champlin & Co., Prop’s Buffalo, NY Saponifier is the old reliable concentrate lye for family sap making. Directions accompanying each can for making hard, soft, and toilet soap quickly. It is full weight and strength. The market is flooded with (so-called) concentrated lye, which is adulterated with salt and resin and won’t make soap. Save money and buy the Saponifier Made by the Pennsylvania Salt Manuf’g Co., Philadelphia. The Newest Music Books. WHITE ROBES. A new Sunday School Song Book of unusual beauty. By A. J. ABBEY and M. J. MUNGER, Price 30 cents, for which specimen copies will be mailed. Examine this charming collection when new books are needed. Every song is a jewel. CARMEN. By Bizet. $2.00. FATINITZA. By Suppe $2.00. DOCTOR OF ELEANTURA. Eichberg. New and enlarged edition. $1.50. PINAFORE. Gilbert and Sullivan. 50 cents. SORCERER. Gilbert and Sullivan. 50 cents. The newest Church Music and Singing School books are VOICE OF WORSHIP. L. O. Emerson, $9.00 per dozen. TEMPLE. Dr. W. O. Perkins, $9.00 per dozen. The newest Voice Training Book is EMERSON’S VOCAL METHOD $1.50. Compact, complete and useful either for private pupils or classes. A new Anthem Book is nearly ready. The Musical Record is always new. $2.00 per year, 6 cents per copy. Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. C. H. Ditson & Co., 43 Broadway, N. Y. J. E. Ditson & Co., 922 Chestnut St. Phil $66 a week in your own town. Terms and $5 outfit free. Address H. Haley & Co., Portland, Me. Ridge’s Food for infants and invalids. The best food in the world for invalids and readily taken by the little folks. Woolrich & Co., on every label. Trust to Hunt’s Remedy Hunt’s remedy…(too small to read) Cure yourself. Just published, and selling like wild-fire, a book entitled EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. A practical household physician. A guide to promote health, cure disease and prolong life. By J. Hamilton Ayers, M. D. Fully illustrated $2.50. Sold only by subscription. The easiest book to sell ever known. Terms, etc., address G. W. Carlton & Co., Publishers, N. Y. City. Opium, Morphine habit speedily cured by Dr. Beck’s only known and sure remedy. No charge for treatment until cured. Call on or address Dr. J. O. Beck, Cincinnati, Ohio. 112 John Street. New Home Sewing Machine. Best in the World. Agents wanted everywhere. Address Johnson Clark & Co., 30 Union Square. New York. Orange, Mass. Chicago, Ill Teas! Ahead all the time! The very best goods direct from the importers at half the usual cost. Best plan ever offered to Club Agents and large buyers. New terms free. The Great American Tea Company. 31 and 33 Vesey Street, New York. Masonic supplies for lodges, chapters, and commanders, manufactured by M. C. Litley & Co., Columbus, O Send for Price List. Knights Templar Uniforms a Specialty. Military, Society, and Firemen’s Goods. The Rising Sun Stove Polish. For beauty of polish, saving labor, cleanliness durability and cheapness. Unequaled. Morse Bros. Proprietors, Canton, Mass. For two generations the good and staunch old stand-by Mexican Mustang Liniment, ahs done more to assuage pain, relieve suffering, and save the lives of men and beasts than all other liniments put together. Why? Because the Mustang penetrates through skin and flesh to the very bone, driving out all pain and soreness and morbid secretions, and restoring the afflicted part to sound ad supple health. Warner Bro’s Corsets. Received the highest medal at the recent Paris Exposition, over all American competitors. The Flexible hip corset (120 bones) is warranted not to break down over time. Their improved health corset is made with the tampico bust, which is soft and flexible and contains 120 bones. Price by mail $1.50. For sale by all leading merchants. Warner Bro’s 251 Broadway Lane, N. Y. H. W. Johns’ Asbestos Liquid Paints are strictly pure linseed oil paint, and contain no water. They are the best and most economical paints in the world. Send for samples to 87 Maiden Lane, N. Y. $3300 a year. How to make it. New Agents & Goods. Coe & Younge, St. Louis, Mo. $77 a month and expenses guaranteed for agents. Outfit free. Shaw & Co., Augusta, Ga. $777 a year and expenses to agents. Outfit free. Address PO Vickery, Augusta, Ga Shakespeare’s Complete Works and Dr. Foote’s Health Monthly, one year for $1. Sample copy free. Murray Hill Pub. Co., 129 E. 28th St., N. Y. Kidder’s pastilles. Sure relief. Price 35 cents. $10 to $1000 invested in Wall-Street stocks makes fortunes every month. Book sent free explaining everything. Address Baxter & Co., Bankers, 17 Wall St. N. Y. Big Pay – (too small to read) $1425 profits on 30 days investment of $100. Proportional returns every week on stock options of $20, $50, $100, $500. Official reports and circulars free. Address T. Potter Wright & Co, Bankers, Wall St., N. Y. Pure teas. Agent wanted everywhere to sell to families, hotels, and large consumers; largest stock in the country. Quality and terms the best. Country store-keeper. Should call or write The Wells Tea Company, 201 Fulton St. N. Y. Box 4580 Well-auger. Ours is guaranteed to be the cheapest and best in the world. Also nothing can bear our sawing machine. It saws off a 2-foot log in 2 minutes. Pictorial books free. W Giles, Chicago, Ill. Agents wanted for A TOUR AROUND THE WORLD by GENERAL GRANT. This is the fastest –selling book ever published, and the only complete and authentic history of Grant’s travels. Send for circulars containing a full description of the work and our extra terms to agents. Address National Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Petroleum VASELINE Jelly. Grand Medal Philadelphia at Exposition. Silver Medal at Paris Exposition. This wonderful substance is acknowledged by physicians throughout the world to be the best remedy discovered for the cure of wounds, burns, rheumatism, skin disease, piles, catarrh, ---. In order that every one may try it, it is put up in 15 and 25 cents bottles for household use. Obtain it from your druggists, and you will find it superior to anything you have ever used This Claims House Established 1865 – Pensions – New Law. Thousands of Soldiers and heirs entitled. Pensions date back to discharge or death. Time limited. Address with stamp. George E. Lemon, PO Drawer 325, Washington, DC Moller’s Norwegian Cod-Liver Oil. Is perfectly pure. Pronounced the best by the highest medical authorities in the world. Given highest award at 12 World expositions and at Paris1878. Sold by druggist. -----N. Y. Beatty Organ Beatty Piano. New Organs 13 stops, 8 set Golden Tongue Reeds, 5 cts. 2 knee swells, walnut case, warnt’d 6 years, stool and book $38. New Pianos Cured free! An infallible and unexcelled remedy for fits, epilepsy or falling sickness, warranted to effect a speedy and permanent cure. “A Free Bottle” of my renowned specific and a valuable treatise sent to any sufferer sending me his post office express address. Dr. H. G. Root THE WEEKLY SUN. A large, eight-page paper of 56 broad columns, will be sent postpaid to any address until January 1st, 1880 for half a dollar. Address. The Sun., N. Y. City The Estey Organ is the Best the World Over. Manufactory Brattleboro, Vt. Wells, Richardson & Co’s Perfected Butter color. gives butter the gilt-edged color the year round. The largest butter buyers recommend its use. …..(too small to read) |
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