Times Daily Index
1 Jan 1999 to 31 Dec 2002
©2003 by Ken Johnson
Presented here with permission of the compiler.
- P -
PAC raises $1.7 million for lottery 8-31-99,1B Pace, Annie R., obituary 3-3-02,2B Pace, Chris, academic achiever 5-27-01,6F Pace, Cynthia, academic achiever 6-24-01,9F Pace, Grace, L., obituary 6-10-01,2B Pace, James E., obituary 11-28-01,2B Pace, James F., obituary 11-29-01,2B Pace, Jason Lee, plead guilty to arson 4-13-01,1B Pace, Jason Lee, pleads not guilty to manslaughter 10-14-99,1B Pace, Jason, arrested for setting fire in Russellville 4-26-00,1B Pace, Jason, in jail accused of arson 4-27-00,5B Pace, Lisa 2-5-02,1C Pace, Louise, obituary 2-25-02,2B Pace, Lula A., obituary 8-26-02,2B PACERS program offer work/academic experience at Waterloo 8-30-00,1B Package stores suffer from rash of crimes 12-3-01,1B PACT program deadline extended 10-16-99,6C Padilla, Frank M. and Kathleen, get simultaneous promotions 9-15-99,4B Paganelli, Anthony Lee, academic achiever 7-29-01,8f Page, Tiffany, academic achiever 5-27-01,11F Pagel, Charles E., obituary 8-24-02,2B Pain, Helen, foreign student in the Shoals 6-6-01,1B Painter, Don and Evie 6-27-99,1F Painter, Jeremy, academic achiever 7-8-01,9F Painter, Robin L., obituary 11-30-01,2B Painting in Governors Mansion could be valuable 3-2-00,1B Palace Drug Store, renovated, reopens 5-24-01,1A Palace Drug Story being restored 1-15-01,1A Palakshappa, Deepak Agasanakatte 5-19-02,5D Palakshappa, Deepak, academic achiever 7-1-01,6F Palmer, Dan, decorates boat with American flag 12-25-01,1B Palmer, Dr. Elizabeth Gayle 7-7-02,8F Palmer, Elizabeth P., obituary 5-17-01,2B Palmer, Kathleen E., obituary 3-8-01,2B PALS starts with the young to stop litter 11-26-99,1B Pamerantz, Martin, moving to new climate 2-4-00,1B Pampinto, Joe, appointed to risk management board 7-5-01,4B Pampinto, Joe, is chairman of ARMS 7-4-02,7B Pampinto, Joe, reelected to board of Association of School Boards 10-21-01,6B Pampinto, Joe, reelected to Colbert school board 6-7-00,6A Pampinto, Joe, will serve on board of state association 10-11-99,1B Panc, Mae Y., obituary 6-7-02,2B Panhellenic Council call for alcohol free activities 7-5-00,1B Pannell, Jeffrey Parrish, academic achiever 6-17-01,5F Pannell, Lee Roy, celebrate new album 6-22-01,1D Pannell, Timothy Justin 7-28-02,10F Parade of Lights 12-1-00,2B Parade plans for the holidays 11-21-99,1B Parade set in Sheffield 12-2-01,7B Paramedic program started at NW-SCC 1-3-01,1B Pardue, Lura L., obituary 3-30-01,2B;3-31-01,2B Parent involvement in children’s education 3-13-02,1B Parent University set for Saturday 2-28-02,2B Parenting College workshop 10-25-00,1B Parenting kits available 7-25-02,1B Parenting Seminar sponsored by Baptist Association 11-27-99,10A Parents concerned over SAT test scores 6-25-00,1B Parents face further alienation 5-2-99,1D Parents file suit against Keller Hospital and physicians 9-19-99,6B Parents of kindergartners will attend school first 5-15-02,4B Parents oppose early school opening 2-9-00,5B Parents Share pictures on the web 3-18-01,1F Parents to challenge school ban on Confederate attire 10-26-01,4B Parish, Idebelle M., obituary 1-7-01,2B Park and Recreation director position to be filled soon 12-10-01,4B Park improvements may mean higher charges 2-22-01,1B Park improvements with State bonds 6-4-01,1B Park Place III under construction 7-31-02,1B Park System improvement considered by Council 2-6-00,1B Park, recreation conference in the Shoals 1-20-02,4D Parkenson, Kathy 8-19-01,5D Parker, Adam 5-26-02,9F Parker, Adam 6-23-02,7F Parker, Artillia D. obituary 6-13-01,2B Parker, Bradley 5-26-02,9F Parker, Brenda, becomes principal at Hatton Elementary 9-5-01,1A Parker, Carl B., obituary 2-14-01,2B Parker, Carl Jr., elected president of breeders association 6-20-99,6D Parker, Eleanor Lavinia, academic achiever 3-11-01,7F Parker, Frank, obituary 5-2-01,2B Parker, Janice S., obituary 12-13-01,2B Parker, Jason and Olive, enlisted US Navy after marriage 4-8-02,1B Parker, Jay and Debbie, anniversary 9-30-01,10F Parker, Jimmy H., obituary 8-22-02,2 Parker, Larry Oneal, charged with drug trafficking 9-9-00,4B Parker, Lauren Amelia 6-30-02,9F Parker, Mark, appointed Killen Chief of Police 10-13-01,4B Parker, Rachel Michelle 6-2-02,9F Parker, Richard, lead youth on traveling mission 8-5-00,1D Parker, Sam, fishing in the Shoals 1-23-00,6C Parker, Susan in Senate nomination runoff 6-17-02,1A Parker, Susan, claims Sen. Sessions ducking debate request 7-27-02,2B Parker, Susan, defeat Julian McPhillips 6-26-02,1A Parker, Susan, senate candidate 6-19-02,2B Parker, Susan, State Auditor, speaks to Florence Rotary 10-17-00,6B Parker, Terry S., obituary 6-29-02,2B Parker, Timothy R. 7-15-01,5D Parker, Wade 8-19-01.5D Parkhurst, Corrie, academic achiever 9-2-01,11F Parking deck controversy at UNA 7-18-99,1A; 8-1-99,1A; 8-4-99,2B; 8-26-99,1B9-1-99,1B; 9-4-99,1A Parking deck not delayed by worker unrest 4—27-01,1B Parking problems at Lauderdale Detention Center 7-2-01,1A Parkinson’s suffers given hope 1-13-00,1B Parks bill supported by House members but not financing plan 4-21-99,7B Parks bond bill killed 6-11-99,5B Parks bond issue is approved 5-12-00,4B Parks boost economy of the Shoals 9-28-00,5F Parks, Jonathan S., obituary 8-24-01,2B;8-25-01,2B Parks, Rosa, invited to speak to Legislature 4-28-99,7B Parkview Baptist Church 3-24-01,2D Parkview Baptist church, a miracle story 11-3-01,1D Parnell, Harriet S., obituary 1-22-01,2B Parnell, Lee Roy, performs at Helen Keller Festival 6-24-01,1A Parnell, Lee Roy, to headline Helen Keller Festival 6-2-01,1A Parnell, Marvin F., obituary 2-21-02,2B Parole board chief replaced 9-8-00,1B Parris, Alton, will lead “How to Pray” study 11-4-00,7B Parris, Jenny Lynne, academic achievers 8-5-01,9F Parris, Joel, volunteer profile 6-11-00,8F Parris, Molly 4-28-02,8F Parris, Molly 6-16-02,10F Parris, Molly, academic achiever 8-5-01,9F Parrish, Claudie G., obituary 1-7-01,2B Parrish, David Morgan 8-27-02,1B Parrish, Freddy C. arrested on drug charges 11-9-00, 8B Parrish, Gregory Scott 6-9-02,8F Parrish, Joan, obituary 9-12-01,2B Parrish, Lorene G., obituary 4-12-02,2B Parrish, Marie m., 6-9-01,2B Parrish, Mike, retires from Forest hills School to job in Bahamas 6-28-01,1B Parrish, Phil Edward, drown at McAfee Landing 6-26-00,1A Parrish, Shirley K., obituary 2-10-01,2B Parsley, Florence W., obituary 5-9-01,2B Parson, Cynthia, artists 7-20-02,1D Partick, Courtney Brooke, academic achiever 6-17-01,5F Paseur, Judge Deborah Bell, chosen for leadership class 9-2-01,7D Paseur, Judge Deborah, recusal result from family friendship 1-7-00,1B Paseur, Willey E., obituary 2-7-02,2B Pasquale’s to open this fall 7-26-02,1A Passion Play creates intense emotions 3-24-02,1F Pate, Deputy Clad, shot woman after attack 10-16-99,6B Pate, Holley Meranda 5-26-02,10F Pate, Lenora, raise questions about lottery 7-12-99,1B Pate, Scott Wesley 5-26-02,10F Patel, Kanti J., obituary 1-23-01,2B;1-24-01,2B Patel, Payal, academic achiever 4-15-01,8F Patel, Sajie Lynn, academic achiever 4-1-01,7F Patino, Alma, hispanic, set high goals 8-28-00,1B Patrick, Grady E., Sr., obituary 3-3-01,2B Patrick, Neely, enjoys callback for role in “The Miracle Worker” 6-22-00,6C Patrick, Neely, plays Helen Keller in “The Miracle Worker” 6-16-00,1E Patriotic day planned for seniors 5-22-02,2B Patriotism flying high in the Shoals 9-23-01,1A Patriotism rally set for Friday 12-6-01,4B Patrols increase for holidays 11-21-01,1B Patt, Jean S., obituary 6-11-02,2B Patterson, Ann D., obituary 4-24-01,2B Patterson, Ann D., obituary 4-3-01,2B Patterson, Betty W., obituary 10-3-01,2B Patterson, Carl R., obituary 1-17-01,2B Patterson, Dennis 5-16-99,1F Patterson, Joann, obituary 2-18-02,2B Patterson, Judge Don, legacy kept alive 5-2-99,1A; 5-8-99,1B Patterson, Lance, academic achiever 5-27-01,6F Patterson, Lisa , Chairperson, Chamber of Commerce 3-10-02,4D Patterson, Lisa, Chamber chairperson 7-8-01,4D Patterson, Lisa, wins Walton Award 12-12-99,4D Patterson, Marshall A., obituary 4-29-01,2B Patterson, Robert L., obituary 6-29-01,2B Patterson, William R. Jr., obituary 6-2-01,2B Patton Island Bridge 10-28-00,6B Patton Island Bridge corridor land cost set by jury 11-22-99,1A Patton Island Bridge 1-12-01,1A Patton Island Bridge access 12-13-00,8B Patton island Bridge completion in sight 1-9-00,1A Patton Island Bridge construction resume 4-29-99,1A Patton Island Bridge corridor clearance involve search for asbestos 8-7-00.1B Patton Island Bridge corridor clearing underway 10-30-00,1B Patton Island Bridge may be ready for traffic in two years 6-28-00,1A Patton Island Bridge progress examined 6-28-01,1A Patton Island Bridge progress is good news (E) 1-14-00,3B Patton Island Bridge project delayed 6-22-02,1A Patton Island bridge project demolish buildings 11-11-00,1B Patton Island Bridge project draws low bid from Montgomery firm 1-10-00,1A Patton Island Bridge project making progress 6-12-00,1B Patton Island Bridge to be finished A.S.A.P 7-31-99,1A Patton Island Bridge to be given a new look 4-7-02,1A Patton Island Bridge will not have curbs and gutters 7-28-00,1A Patton Island Bridge, corridor coming together in many stages 5-28-01,1A Patton, Cailee, miracle baby comes home 7-7-02,1B Patton, Huston 5-19-02,4C Patton, Jessica, academic achiever 6-10-01,12F Patton, Robert M. 8-31-00,6C Paulk, Mary J., obituary 9-4-02,2B Paulk, Ronald, obituary 9-11-01,2B Paving begins in Muscle Shoals 7-10-02,4B Pay Commission favored by Speaker and Lieutenant Governor 6-20-99,1B Pay increase for Florence teachers Oked 6-13-00,4B Pay raise for judges become law 6-10-99,3A Pay raise for State employees approved 5-12-00,1A Pay raise for State officials on fast track 2-6-00,3B Payne, Ralph, claims bank passed phony money 7-24-02,1A Payne, Stephanie, academic achiever 6-10-01,12F PayStation2 in great demand 10-30-00,1B Peace Missionary Baptist Church provide clothes and supplies 7-22-00,7A Peach crop vulnerable because of mild temperatures 2-21-00,1A Peacock, John R. 7-28-02,6D Peacock, John R., obituary 6-13-02,2B Peacock, Otis L., obituary 3-9-02,2B Pearl Harbor memories alive in the Shoals 12-7-99,1A Pearsall, Joyce R., obituary 5-22-02,2B Pearson, Reggie V., obituary 1-15-02,2B Peck, John L., obituary 8-5-02,2B Peck, Lanette Shelaine 6-9-02,8F Peck, Matt, hopes for volleyball national title 8-26-02,1C Peck, Matt, UNA volleyball coach, recruit talented players 8-25-00,1C Peck, Richard, retires as ECM Administrator 1-12-00,1A Peddlers One-Stop Market robbed 4-15-00,1B Peden, Bessie L., obituary 3-28-01,2B Peden, George T., obituary 9-3-01,2B Peden, Opal A., obituary 5-8-02,6B Pedestrian walkway under construction at UNA 3-28-01,1B Peebles, Ashley, enjoy spirit of giving 12-25-99,1A Peebles, Danielle, finalist in scholarship competition 9-9-01,10F Peebles, Denise, contribute to cookbook 8-26-02,1D Peebles, James D. Sr., obituary 7-24-02,2B Peebles, Malba C., obituary 8-2-02,2B Peeden, Jonathan, 5-19-02,10F Peeden, Jonathan, expands reading selection at jail 8-20-01,1B Peerson, James M., obituary 10-27-01,2B Peery, Charles, honored by Suntrust gift to library 12-16-01,4D Pelgrim, Robert L., obituary 3-7-01,2B Pelham, Carter, wins geographic be 4-6-02,1B Pellegrin, Kimberly Sides, hit and run death still unsolved 7-22-99,1B Pellegrini, Margaret, munchkin, sleepy head 3-1-01,3G Pellegrini, Margaret, played a part in “The Wizard of Oz” 6-29-01,2D Pellegrini, Margaret, star of “The Wizard of Oz” 8-24-02,2B Penchion, Boris Lydell, academic achiever 8-19-01,8F Penchion, Clara, teacher, attend space and rocket workshop 6-29-02,2B Pendergrass, Asbell L., obituary 3-31-02,2B Pendergross, Wayne, learns despite handicap 6-18-01,1A Pendleton Sam, witness historic civil rights event 3-5-00,1A Pendleton, Council President Sam, stirs controversy 6-20-01,1A Pendleton, Councilman Sam, sides with workers on union 10-6-99,1A Pendleton, Councilman Sam, support police 11-4-99,1B Pendleton, Sam, assumes position of Council president 3-19-01,1A Pendleton, Sam, concerned about street paving 7-22-02,1B Pendleton, Sam, Council President, demands order 4-3-02,1B Pendleton, Sam, Council President, warns speakers not to show disrespect 11-22-01,1A Pendleton, Sam, favor subsidizing the Renaissance Tower 5-16-01,1A Pendleton, Sam, fear gun shows put Florence at liability risk 5-30-99,1A Pendleton, Sam, says mayor’s budget needs work 10-7-01,1B Pendleton, Sam, wants Renaissance Tower to remain public 4-26-01,1A Pendleton, Sam, wants voters to decide futures of the Renaissance Tower 5-4-01,1A Penland, Ralph F. Sr., obituary 2-22-02,2B Potter, James G. Sr., obituary 2-22-02,2B Penn, Dan 6-27-99,6A Pennington, Amanda Rae, academic achiever 5-27-01,10F Pennington, Donald R., obituary 2-23-01,2B Pennington, Donald Ray, dies in two vehicle wreck 2-22-01,2B Pennington, Gerald and Caroline, starting anew 12-30-01,1F Pennington, Gerald and Carolyn, anniversary 12-30-01,5F Pennington, Omie, obituary 3-14-01,2B Pennington, Steven Lee, arrested on drug charges 12-12-00,6B Pennington, Tom, will not seek reelection 3-25-00,1B Pennington, Willie M., obituary 6-17-01,2B Pension bill for elected officials draws no opposition 4-20-99,1B Penson, Edward defends reputation as UNA consultant 3-7-01,1A People Against a Littered State helps out in Colbert 4-20-01,1B People of Color Outdoors bass tournament 5-20-02,1B People of the Shoals want to be involved 9-19-01,1A Perimutter, Jerry 6-2-02,8D Perkins, Christopher, academic achiever 4-15-01,8F Perkins, Hilyre Hayes 5-5-02,3F Perkins, Jeff, named fire marshal 8-11-02,1B Perkins, Jim and Mildred, anniversary 4-1-01,7F Perkins, jim, makes stew for Ficrst Cumberland Presbyterian 7-4-00,1A Perkle, Tommy, will offer SEDA compromise plan 11-1-01,1A Permenter, Joe W., obituary 2-14-02,2B Perrigin, Mary L., obituary 7-10-02,2B Perry, Capitola C., obituary 2-5-01,2B Perry, Clark 6-16-02,8F Perry, Floyd C., obituary 5-20-01,2B Perry, John, named paramedic of the year 1-20-01,1B Perry, Pamela G., obituary 7-20-01,2B Perry, Tasha Goodman, critically hurt in auto wreck 1-7-00,1B Perry’s, Shirley Tune, art exhibited at Kennedy-Douglas 7-8-99,1D Perry’s, Shirley Tune, paintings are a legacy of hope 7-10-99,6B Pest population not hurt by cold weather 5-1-01,4B Pet blessing ceremony scheduled 9-30-00,9B Pet Blessing Day held at St. Joseph School 10-7-00,3C PET scan machine broaden patients options 4-13-02,1A Pet stories rush to fill orders 5-23-00,1D Peters, Brian, says weather forecasting a science 11-6-00,1A Peters, Jonathan Martin, academic achiever 6-3-01,3F Peters, Nettie G., obituary 3-22-02,2B Peterson, Doyle H., obituary 12-11-01,2B Petitions on both sides of RSA debate 2-26-02,1A Shoals school systems prepare for layoffs 2-26-02,!A Petree, Mary A., obituary 5-7-02,2B Petrey, Franklin D., obituary 10-26-01,2B;10-28-01,4B Petroglyph finds home in Tennessee Valley Art Center 4-8-00,1A Pets and their care in the Shoals 6-8-00,1D Pets should be inside during Halloween 10-31-01,4A Pettus Museum displays 1851 flag 6-14-02,1B Pettus Museum opening during Killen Founders Day Celebration 8-19-99,1B Pettus Museum plan history camps 6-2-01,6B Pettus Museum plans camp for elementary students 6-5-00,1D Pettus, Cordie M., obituary 11-17-01,2B Pettus, Dottie 5-19-02,5D Pettus, Gary, nominee for Small Business Person of the Year 6-3-01,4D Pettus, Mary, win Democratic nomination for House seat 6-26-02,1A Pettus, Opal M., obituary 11-4-01,2B Pettus, Randy, hired as Bradshaw principal 4-10-02,2B Pettus, Randy, school administrator 10-9-00,1A Pettus, Reba G., obituary 9-2-02,2B Pettus, Ronald, continue lifetime hobby of collecting 8-19-99,1B Pettus, Ronald, Curator of the Pettus Museum of Killen 2-23-01,1D Pharmacies change from family firms to national chains 6-7-99,1A Pharmacies ready for Y2K 7-29-99,1B Pharmacies robber may have used a late model car 3-24-01,2B Pharmacy break-in prevented 4-7-01,5B Pharmacy robberies 3-23-01,1B Pharr, Robin, Counselor of the Year 11-22-00,1B Phelps, mary, win recycling prize 12-13-99,4B Phifer, Grace K., obituary 4-23-01,2B Phifer, Lorene, obituary 10-9-01,2B Phil Campbell Area food drive 12-9-001B Phil Campbell council fails to reappoint Larry Swindle 10-5-00,12A Phil Campbell Day Festival 4-30-99,7B Phil Campbell garbage problems 2-10-02,3B Phil Campbell leaders hold planning session 8-12-01,3B Phil Campbell receives gift 1-6-01,1B Phil Campbell receives grant 3-31-01,1B Phil Campbell school has new addition 11-28-00,1B Phil Campbell student arrested on drug charges 2-13-02,4B Phil Campbell Study Club antiques fair 9-18-01,1D Phil Campbell support economic development authority 2-7-02,2B Phil Campbell Volunteer Fire Department resigns 11-7-00,1A Phil Campbell Youth Complex 8-11-01,1B Phillip, Sam, radio, foundation of success 3-1-01,4H Phillips, Ailyn H., obituary 8-21-01,2B Phillips, Ann, offers personal touch at Corner Specialty Shop 4-11-00,1D Phillips, Ashea Le’Nea, Little Miss Labor Day Phillips, Ben, academic achiever 6-10-01,12F Phillips, Carrie R., obituary 4-9-01,2B Phillips, Charner C., obituary 3-4-02,2B Phillips, Christopher Lance 5-12-02,11F Phillips, Drew 1-28-01,3F Phillips, Emily Nichole, academic achiever 7-29-01,8F Phillips, Emily, academic achiever 10-21-01,7F Phillips, Emily, academic achiever 7-1-01,6F Phillips, Horace M., obituary 1-30-01,2B Phillips, James G., obituary 8-4-01,2B Phillips, James Randy, charged with possessing pornography 1-6-99,1B Phillips, James Randy, free on bond 1-8-00,5B Phillips, John W., obituary 3-12-02,2B Phillips, Margaret, writer of biblical fiction 3-11-00,1D Phillips, Ophella L., obituary 8-3-01,2B Phillips, Robert Edward, arrested on drug charges 7-28-01,2B Phillips, Sam 6-13-99,1A; 11-7-99,1A Phillips, Sam, biography aired 8-18-00,1D Phillips, Sam, has another hit 5-26-02,4D Phillips, Sam, honored by National Public Radio 9-17-99,4B Phillips, Sam, make music history 6-11-99,1D Phillips, Sam, right at home in the hall of fame 10-5-01,1A Phillips, Sam, subject of A & E ‘Biography’ 10-17-99,1A Phillips, Sam, subject of A & E ‘Biography’ 6-18-00,1B Phillips, Sam, subject of biography on A & E 6-16-00,1A Phillips, Sam, to be inducted into Music Hall of Fame 7-11-01,1A Phillips, Sam, win award 9-22-00,1D Phillips, Shelia, proud of her son 10-14-01,1A Phillips, Wesley, enter his rabbits in competition 8-25-01,1B Phillips, Wilbur Aaron, charged with car burglary 4-12-02,2B Phipps, Robert Dickie, arrested for sexual abuse 2-20-01,4B Photo exhibit will beat ECM later in this month 10-8-00,4B Photograph exhibits in the area 8-6-00,1F Photographs exhibited in found objects 3-8-02,5B Photography 2000 exhibit showcase diverse art work 1-17-00,1D Photography offers powerful lesson in American history 9-23-99,5B Photography students exhibiting their works 5-9-02,1D Physical fitness, an exercise in patience 4-10-00,1D Physical Therapy program at UNA draws criticism 2-2-01,1B Physical therapy program study at UNA 2-9-01,1B Physical therapy program to be studied by candidate for directorship 1-18-01,1A Physical therapy unit help people cope 8-3-99,1D Physicians deny claims in suits 10-24-99-3B Pickard, Dinver, obituary 7-14-01,2B Pickard, Justin David, academic achiever 5-20-01,.3F Pickard, William M., obituary 5-3-01,2B Pickens, Angie 10-14-01,6D Pickens, Dolly, obituary 3-16-01,2B Pickens, Helen G., obituary 4-13-02,2B Pickens, Joe W., obituary 7-20-02,2B Pickens, Reg W., obituary 5-31-01,2B Pickens, Ruth F., obituary 5-22-01,2B Pickens, Steven Wayne, sentenced 7-28-01,2B Picker, Rebecca Allen, attack jailer 11-10-99,4B Pickett Place tearoom and antique shop 5-9-02,1D Pickett, Bell V., obituary 10-26-01,2B Pickett, Jacquie, obituary 2-18-01,2B;2-19-01,2B Pickle, Bobby J., obituary 8-28-02,2B Pickwick hosting pro fishing tournament 11-4-01,8C Pickwick Lake attract anglers 6-27-99,8C Pier, Ashley, academic achiever 4-29-01,9F Pierce, Abby Rae 6-8-02,8F Pierce, Eugene and Debbie, anniversary 4-15-01,7F Pierce, James Voil Jr.5-26-02,9F Pierce, Leigh Ann 5-19-02,5D Pierce, Rayburn J., Lawrence commissioner, funeral held today 7-18-00,4B Pierce, Steve, appointed UNA trustee 4-6-00,1A Pierce, Steve, leaves the Florence Council 9-22-00,4B Pierce, Steve, will not seek reelection to the Florence Council 5-17-00,1A Pigg, Floyd G. Jr., obituary 8-13-02,2B Pigg, Noah, obituary 2-23-01,2B Pilgrim House 7-23-01,1A Pilgrim House, a drop in center 7-9-01,1A Pilgrim, Clarence, hospitalized after wreck 10-27-99,1B Pilkilton, Kelly 3-3-02,6F Pilkilton, Sue, winner of Northern Star Award 9-18-99,4B Pillegrini, Margaret, returning to the Shoals 4-20-01,1D Pillow brothers murdered after Civil War 4-12-01,1D Pilot Club helps needy 8-19-00,6A Pilot Club luncheon raise money for Dieburt Park and UNA 11-6-00,1D Pilot Club of Florence 9-5-02,1D Pilot Club of Florence plan trip 2-26-01,1D Pilot Club of Florence sponsor luncheon fund raiser 10-19-99,1D Pilot Club plan trip to Oktoberfest 9-18-00,1B Pilot Club planning trip to Purity Farms 2-6-01,3D Pilot Club sponsors trip 2-26-02,1D Pilot Club’s spaghetti luncheon 9-25-01,1D Pine beetle epidemic hits Alabama 7-26-00,1A Pine beetle epidemic in the South 9-5-00,1B Pine beetle in Deibert Park 11-30-00,1B Pine beetle infestation at epidemic proportions 8-15-99,1A Pine beetle infestation worsen 11-4-00,1B Pine beetle survey planned 5-31-01,1B Pine forest helped by rainy weather 8-6-01,1B Pine Street overpass bridge need repairs 6-15-01,1A Pine Street overpass to be inspected evaluated 11-23-01,1B Pine Street overpass to be repaired 10-4-01,1B Pinion, James wants tourism dollars for Alabama 8-14-00,1B Pinkard, Zetta M., obituary 8-7-02,2B Pipeline opponents rally in Montgomery 9-5-01,1B Piper, Angie Paige 4-28-02,8F Piper, Nancy A., obituary 2-18-01,2B;2-19-01,2B Pipher, Mary, share thoughts on contemporary life 4-11-99,1D Pirkle, Tommy, witness changes in mental health 10-14-99,1B Pirkle, Tommy, honored 5-28-00,12F Pitcock, Adam C. 9-1-02,7B Pittman, Brandi Lauren, 6-2-02,8F Pitts, April 6-9-02,8F Pitts, Bethel M., obituary 6-13-01,2B Pitts, Mark 7-21-02,8F
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