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Marion Co. Books
Please Note: The items below are listed for the
convenience of Marion County researchers and the county coordinators make no
guarantees or representations about the materials, nor do they have any
financial interest in any of them.
History) AND THE
by Sharon Morrow
5 Troy Lane,
Bedford, New York 10506
The Morrow family came to
Marion County, Alabama before 1830 from South Carolina via Dallas County,
Alabama. Some moved on to Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas. The Morrows of
Marion County, Alabama founded a church and operated a sawmill, cotton gin,
general store and post office. They called their homestead Elmira.
The book identifies hundreds of
descendants of David Morrow, born 1762 near Baltimore, Maryland, and his wife
Margaret Kelso, born in County Antrim, Ireland. Numerous family trees are
included. Over 80 photographs dating back to the turn of the century are
Census records, land records,
marriage records, and reference maps are included. Records relating to Morrows
dating from the 1600s are grouped by year, location and event in easy-to-read
column formats.
Families for whom more than twelve listings
occur in the book include: Akers, Armstrong, Ballard, Brown, Burlason
(Burleson, Burlison), Cantrell, Carr, Caudle, Clay, Cooley, Crowe, Davis, Donham,
Dunham, Dunn, Estes, Franks, Gann, Glas(s)cock, Glasgow, Green, Hall, Howel(l),
Johnson, Jones, Kelso (Kelsey), King, Lee, Loden, Markham (Marcam, Marcum,
Markam), Marr, Mays, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Moore, Morrow, Moses, Nelson,
Owen(s), Pearce, Pollard, Pope, Raburn, Robinson, Sanders, Simpson, Sims, Smith,
Stanford, Taylor, Templeton, Terrell, Thompson, Walker, Weatherly, White, Wiley
(Wylie, Wyly), Williams, Wilson, Woods.
The 632-page book is offered at
$35 plus shipping costs. Available from Sharon Tomback,
5 Troy Lane, Bedford, New York 10506 or email
- The Burleson Family by William Gene Burleson, copyright 1988,
now in the Eighth Edition June 2001. This book explores the Burleson
descendents in Marion Co., AL and surrounding areas, with a strong focus
onthe descendents of Christopher Columbus Burleson and Polly Ann May as well
as details about the descendents of William Carol Burleson and Martha
Elizabeth Wilson, parents of Christopher Columbus Burleson. Also included are charts showing the descendents of other Burleson related to this
family. Photographs/photocopies include family members, cemeteries, wills and land records, maps, the Civil War papers of William Carol Burleson and a brief history of Marion County. Cost is $35 (postage included) prepaid.
Contact Bill Burleson/147 Lewis Tate Road, Meridianville, Alabama 35759 (Submitted
by Judy Myrick Miller 4/22/03)
- SK Publishing- Marion County Census Books for sale
1850 Census &
1850 Map of Alabama-County Boundaries
- Marion County, Alabama Marriages 1887-1895. Compiled by
Rebecca Adkins, Mary Jim Black and Barbara Bussey. Bride and groom
cross reference, 65 pages. $8.00 postpaid. Order from Marion
County Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 360, Winfield, Alabama 35594.
- First Land Settlers in Marion County, Alabama 1820-1850.
Compiled by the late James C. Lawler. The book consists of 28 pages
with over 400 names of early settlers and the date they bought land in the
county. Gives township, range and section numbers for location in
the county. Also the certificate number for securing a copy of the
land patent. Contains maps of the state as the counties were formed.
Indexed. $6.00 postpaid. Order from Johnny M. Lawler, P. O.
Box 1506, Hamilton, AL 35570.
- 1850-1860 Land Settlers of Marion County, Alabama. Same
as above with around 1100 names and contains 45 pages. INdexed.
$9.00 postpaid. Order from Johnny M. Lawler, P. O. Box 1506,
Hamilton, AL 35570.
- 1850 Marion County, Alabama Census. Compiled by the late
James C. Lawler. $15.00 postpaid. Order from Johnny M. Lawler,
P. O. Box 1506, Hamilton, AL 35570.
- Marion County, Alabama Civil War Veterans Confederate and Union.
Over 1200 veterans' names are listed! A brief service record is
given for many of the veterans. Wives' names and place of birth and
death for both veteran and wife are included when known. The 1907
Census of Confederate soldiers residing in Marion and Lamar Counties and
part of the 1907 Census from Fayette County are included, along with
reunions, muster rolls, some company rosters, and many pension lists.
Names of veterans and wives are fully indexed in this 250 page, hardcover
edition. Order from: Dorothy S. Stalcup, 5410 Laurie Lane,
Memphis, TN 38120 $45.00 or purchase at Winfield Public Library,
Winfield, AL.
- The Descendants of Dr. Timothy Stidham. 7 Generations of
Stiddem-Stidham-Steadham-Steddom-Stiddom-Stiddum-Stidam, etc.
This long awaited book is revised and updated covering 8 generations from
England to the late 1800's in America. This book includes about 580
pages, numerous photos, maps, documents, data of the American Revolution,
War between the states, the early history of the Delaware Valley, The
Trail of Tears, to the settler's western movement. $50.00 (postage
prepaid). Order from: Jack Stidham, 402 Lee Drive; Morristown,
TN 37814 (423) 586-6557.