Nearby County Sites
Marion Co. Images If you have Marion County photos to share, please send them to the webmaster! Please tell us as much as you know about the photo - describe what's in the photo, where and when it was taken, how you came to have this photo, etc.
"This is my grandfather, Lemuel Burnett McWhirter, in the center leaning on a post with Sim Williams on the left and Lon Wright on the right. McWhirter was Postmaster and Williams and Wright were rural mail carriers. As you can see, it was made in front of the old Guin, Marion Co., AL Post Office. It was made in 1911." submitted by Glenda McWhirter Todd 4/13/2008
Civil War Veterans Reunion, Winfield Alabama 1900 - submitted by Jason Lewis 4/17/03
Photo is of the Marion Co. courthouse located at present site in Hamilton (not the Pikeville ones-not sure if there was one or two at Pikeville). This photo was taken around 1875 or 1876. It was completed in l883, destroyed by fire in l887. Submitted 2/19/2003 by Sabra N. Sudberry 2/14/2004 note from Sabra: The first courthouse was located at Cotton Gin Port (1818), near Amory; the second was located on what is now the main runway at Columbus Air Force Base in the home of Henry Greer (1819). The third courthouse was Judge John Dabney Terrell Sr.'s house at Pikeville (1820), so that courthouse that burned (in 1887) is the fourth one which was located where the present-day courthouse is. This was first called Toll Gate (1882) and later named Hamilton, after Judge Terrell's son-in-law, Capt. Albert Hamilton, who donated the land to build it on. A fifth courthouse was constructed in the same place, but also burned. The current (sixth) courthouse has been occupied since 1901. "According to my 91 yr old grandmother, Mrs. A. F. Northam, this is Ballard School, photo taken ca. 1929. Some also called it Taylor School." Submitted 10/17/02 by Alicia Northam Williams ![]()
![]() 1896 photograph of Marshall Johnson and 2nd wife Sarah Drummond. Standing in rear are 2 sons of Marshall: William Bazzie Johnson b: January 27, 1880 Bexar, Marion County d: July 24, 1965 Bexar. Luther Dell Johnson b: June 18, 1882 in Bexar, Marion County- d: December 6, 1956 in Red Bay, Franklin County. To Marshall's right are his son-in-law Henry Tice and daughter Cordelia Johnson. Marshall served as a Private in Co. K 14th Regiment, Mississippi Infantry, CSA. He enlisted August 1861 at Jims Creek, Mississippi and was honorably discharged April 26, 1865. Pension approved August 22, 1901. List of possessions: 315 acres of land, $150, 3 mules, 1 horse, 1 sheep, 1 cow, 1 clock, 1 gun, 1 sewing machine. Photograph from Tice family in Texas, J.W. Johnson. ![]() The Oldest couple sitting in the front are James Branson Peterson, and Cintha Evaline Nichols Peterson. In the back of the line to the far right holding a little boy in overhauls, is Arville Palmer Peterson, daughter of General Grant Palmer and Lucretia Robinson. The fourth face to the left from Arville Peterson is her husband, James Marvin Peterson. He is wearing a white shirt, and is standing behind his brother Larry Acolie Peterson who is wearing a tie. James Marvin's head is seen as between two posts of the porch. James and Larry are sons of Branson and Cintha. This photo was taken at a Latter Day Saints Church meeting. Photo courtesy of Barry C. Sutton ![]() To the far right in the back of the line is Richard Benton Harris. He was married to Maude Ford in 1906, daughter of Judge Parks Ford, and Mary Hamilton. She died about 1920 leaving two children Dick & Janet Harris. Benton remarried in 1926 to Minnie Rea Avery. Photo courtesy of Barry C. Sutton ![]() John Bruce Trull, born in 1882 in Alabama (probably Fayette County). John died November 5, 1916 of pneumonia in Marion County. He was the son of William Jasper Trull and Laura Virginia Kirkland. He's buried at Winfield City cemetary. Photo probably taken in early 1900's. Photo courtesy of Judy Myrick Miller ![]() Lourena Aston Trull, born in July, 1883 in Marion County. Lourena died 20 Feb 1965 in Winfield. She was the daughter of Archibald Young Aston and Cansady Idella Adkins. She's buried at Winfield City cemetery. Photo probably taken in early 1900's. Photo courtesy of Judy Myrick Miller ![]() Ganium Scroggin Lyons, born in August 8, 1833 Franklin County, Tennessee, the eldest son of John and Matilda (nee Kennerly) Lyons. John Lyons moved to Marion County in the early 1840's. Ganium Scroggin Lyons and his brother Thomas joined Capt. John S. White's Company, "The Sons of 76" which afterward became Co. H 26th (O'Neal's)Alabama Infantry Regiment. Sometime later Thomas joined Roddy's Cavalry. The photo here was made at about the time of Ganium's enlistment. The Bowie knife was left with a Lawrence County girl. Ganium returned from the war and reclaimed the knife, marrying the girl he left it with: Angeline Brooks (born January 28, 1846) they married on August 26, 1865 and had 15 children. Ganium died October 2, 1910 in Brandon, Hill County, Texas. Photo courtesy of Kirk D. Lyons ![]() "I received the photo from Pauline Masterson, great-granddaughter of Francis Marion Burleson (b. 14 Jan 1847; d. 14 Mar 1915), granddaughter of Hill K. Burleson (b. 12 Oct 1878; d. 3 Aug 1943) and Dollie Mae Doss.Dollie Mae Doss (b. 18 Sep 1882; d. 12 May 1943) was the sister of my great grandmother, Etta Doss Miller (b. 20 Dec 1875, AL; d. around 1917, Tarrant County, TX). The Burlesons and Dosses were from Marion County. Dollie was raised by George Tidwell and his wife, Elizabeth. Etta was raised by the Caddell family, who took her to Denton County, Texas in the 1880's." Photo courtesy of Debbie Taff ![]() James Butler Miller (b. 5 Sep 1874, Lamar County, AL; d. 4 Apr 1958, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, TX) and Etta Doss (b. 20 Dec 1875, AL; d. about 1917, Tarrant County, TX). J. B. and Etta married 18 Nov 1894 in Denton County, TX, having met after coming to Texas in the 1880's. Photo courtesy of Debbie Taff ![]() William David Mitchell and Zilla L. Frederick- married about 1873. Photo courtesy of Peter J. Gossett ![]() ![]() "My cousin sent me the attached picture of the "1925-26 Senior III, Guin, Ala." I don't know if "Senior III" means third group or just what, but my grandmother, Iva Lea Alexander, is fifth from the right. She is the daughter of George M. Alexander and Elizabeth "Betty" Burleson Alexander of Guin. George owned a store there at one time. Iva Lea married James F. Murff Sr. of Gattman, MS (and graduated from the same school the year before). Next to her, fourth from the right, is Robert Basol Hughes. He married Lillian Mary Murff, the above James' sister. Lillian probably went to school there too. Lillian and Basol's daughter, Mary Jean Hughes Box, is the cousin who sent me the picture. " Photo courtesy of Jan Murff Melton
This picture was made about 85 years ago and
was given to me by my aunt Lenora Nichols Fikes. They are the children of
Amarida Alonzo Nichols and Delia Jane Gann Nichols.
1st child-tallest blond girl is Elsie Mae Nichols,
b.28 April, 1907 and d. 27 Aug., 1938 buried at Plesant Ridge Cemetery,
Hamilton, Alabama.
2nd child-tallest boy is my dad James Clarence
Nichols, b.April 4,1909 Hamilton, Alabama and d. Oct.3,1980 and is buried at
Crestview Memorial Gardens in Adamsville,Jefferson co., Alabama.
3rd boy Larry Lawrence Nichols, b.18 Dec.,1911 and
d.2 May,1990 and buried at Hamilton Memory Gardens, Hamilton,Alabama.
4th girl Belle Zora Nichols (Belle) b.27
June,1914, d.2 Aug 2000 and is buried at Hamilton Memory Gardens in Hamilton
5th youngest girl Lenora (Lynn) Nichols b.7
July,1916 still living
They are the grandchildren of Rev. Larry Lafayette
Nichols b.30,Dec.1843 and d.19 Oct.1932 buried at Plesant Ridge in Hamilton
and Nancy Ann Wiginton Nichols b.12,Aug. 1843 and d.Feb.7,1926 and is buried
at Plesant Ridge, Hamilton,Al. submitted by: Betty Green
[bgreen47@charter.net] 7/22/2004
1940-1941 Class photo, it was taken in Brilliant, Marion Co., AL. This was my Father, Troy Wilson's class. Lori Wilson Knight Labyrinth4434@aol.com S. Addson was a classmate of my father Troy Wilson. Photo taken in 1942 in Brilliant, Marion Co., AL. Lori Wilson Knight Labyrinth4434@aol.com Mr. & Mrs. Bo Brindley/Brindly , he was the principal of the school my father, Troy Wilson, attended. Photo was taken in Brilliant, Marion Co., AL, in 1942. Lori Wilson Knight Labyrinth4434@aol.com This is a photo of Preston Frank's, he was one of my father, Troy Wilson's, classmates. Photo was taken in Brilliant, Marion Co., AL in 1942. Lori Wilson Knight Labyrinth4434@aol.com
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