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Pages from William & Susanah Daniel's Bible
Here is the Marriage page of the Daniels family bible ! Here it has William Daniel marriage to Susanah Daniels April 18 1824 ( They are the parents of Elizabeth Daniels Sawyer who was married to Dionysius Sawyer)
Here are the children of William & Susanah Daniels:
(1) Mary Daniel born Dec. 27 1824
(2) Elizabeth Daniel (Sawyer) born Dec. 19 1825
(3) Martha Daniel born March 15 1829
(4) Mindia Daniel born July 21 1830
(5) David Daniel born Sept. 24 1832
(6) Jasper Daniel born Dec, 2 1834
(7) Martha Ann Daniel born May 10 1836
(8) Catherine A. Daniel (Snider) born Oct. 6 1840 (She was my GGGrandmother she married Jacob Obanion Snider they had 8 children and one was Martha Elizabeth Snider who married Zack Lewis Smith)
Contributed by Keith Smith
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