Early History of Helena, Alabama

Helena, Shelby County, Alabama

Researched by Bobby Joe Seales


Main Street in Helena, Alabama, About 1910
Main Street in Helena (pronunciation huh-LEEN-ah), Alabama
About 1910

Jasper Roy from Helena and friends display the ruins of a captured whiskey still
Next to cotton, corn was probably the area's best cash crop.
Here, Deputy Sheriff Jasper W. Roy(1872-1929) of Helena and others
proudly display the ruins of a captured whiskey still (about 1917).

May 5, 1933 Storm Path Across Alabama

Much details about the deadly twister on May 5, 1933 that hit Helena and across Alabama with information, pictures and statistics are found in The Birmingham News, dated Friday Afternoon, May 5, 1933. "Helena, 29 miles southeast of Birmingham, suffered the most from the twister, which settled on that town at 3am., wrecked more than 100 houses and left more than two-thirds of the town's 700 population homeless... Thirteen dead had been counted for Helena late Friday, more than half a dozen had been so seriously injured they were expected to die, and half a hundred had been rushed to Birmingham and Bessemer hospitals by a constant procession of screaming ambulances that sped up and down the Montgomery Highway ...."



Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, October 5, 1944, "One of the landmarks of the Town of Helena was removed when the store building of Ruffin Brothers, near the L. & N. depot, was torn down. The building was sold to A.B. Baxley of Calera. Every piece of lumber that was in the building has been removed, leaving the lot as clear as it was more than 60 years ago before the store was built. Mr. Baxley moved the lumber to Calera to be used in a new building. He says he found in it some of the finest lumber he ever saw. Ruffin Brothers's store was one of the largest mercantile establishments in Shelby county. The firm did a large volume of business over a wide trade territory. There were three members of the firm, the late J.E. Ruffin (1856-1931) and J.D. (1861-1948) and N.L. Ruffin (1857-1947), both of whom still live in Helena. It is told how people used to bring their money in large sums and leave it in Ruffin Brothers' safe for safe keeping. They preferred to leave their money with this well known firm rather than deposit it in a bank. It is told too, that in the old days several attempts were made to burglarize the large safe but always without success." On November 6, 1878 it was announced that "J.L. Ruffin (1822-1888) and family of Coosa, will locate in Helena." In February 1879 it was noted in a local newspaper that "J.L. Ruffin and Sons (J.E., N.L. and J.D.) had recently opened a store."

"Images of America: Helena Alabama"
by Ken Penhale and Martin Everse
published by Arcadia Publishing in 1998
is an excellent paper-back book
with much early history and photos of Helena, Alabama.

INSERT: Essay Winners Named, Helena, Alabama, May 17, 1929 ... Winners of the essay contest on "The History of Helena" have been announced as follows: Miss Elba Taylor, first; Miss Ola Ruffin, second; Miss Iva Grey Flowers, third. The winner of first prize will read her essay at commencement exercises Friday night. The contest was conducted at Junior High School, sponsored by the P.T.A.

Shelby County Reporter
Thursday, June 6, 1929

"Prize Winning Article on The History of Helena"
By Miss Elba Taylor

(Elba Taylor Beck, 1914-1989, wife of Elmer G. Beck)

This ideally located small town in the western section of Shelby county, Section Fifteen, Township Twenty, Range Three West, nestles among the green hills and pleasant valleys of the Cahaba coal fields, while the limpid waters of Buck Creek, a stream made up of mountain streams and large springs, winds through the center and flows westward into Cahaba river a mile and a quarter away.

The first white settlers were headed by Colonel Griffin, who came about 1835. Among the early settlers were the Lees, Actons, Davidsons and Roys.

The oldest church in Helena is the Presbyterian, known as old Harmony. The first building was erected about 1850 and stood on the ground that is now enclosed by the cemetery. A new building, the present one, was built about 1880. The Baptist church and the Masonic Lodge built a two story building for church below and Lodge above in 1877. The present Methodist church was built in 1882. The Baptist built a new church in 1910.

The first school house for the public stood close beside the Old Harmony church building, and among the old teachers were Felix McLaughlin, Prof. Kirksey, and Ollie Cast. About 1878 Dr. F.J. Tyler got the people interested in school, and through his efforts a school lot was donated by J.W. Davidson, who owned at one time nearly all the land now comprising the site of Helena. A two story building was erected by public donations, a good school, patronized by distant as well as local patronage was the result. This school building was burned about 1889 and a three room school house, one story, was built about 1890. Later the town decided to build a new school house. The town voted bonds, and we have today a modern six room, one story building and auditorium well equipped, heated, and lighted. The school is valued at $25,000.00. Mr. J.A. Woodward has been principal for the past four years. The present enrollment is 261.

The springs of the surrounding community furnish plenty of pure water, including lime, freestone, white sulphur, red sulphur, and chalybeate, but most of the water supply for the homes comes from wells.

The old Ashville Public Road made a junction of the Elyton and Montevallo Stage Coach Road at Helena and this was the mercantile center before the railroad came, and Helena absorbed Hillsboro as Birmingham absorbed Elyton.

The first railroad to come through Helena was the S & N. A., extending from Montgomery to Decatur. It was completed so trains could get thus far from Montgomery about 1870, and it was extended to the present location of Birmingham during 1871.

In 1873 the Fell Brothers, Albert Charles, and Dickens, organized the Central Iron Works. They rebuilt the rolling mill which had been destroyed by the Yankees during the Civil War. These works changed hands and products several times before being dismantled.

The old S. & N. A. railroad was combined with the L. & N. railroad as it is known today; so we have the main line of the L. & N. with one line running north through the Acton coal basin and one running south through the Cahaba coal fields, known as the Birmingham Mineral. We also have the main line of the A. B. & C.

While located at this point Peter Boyles, who was at the head of the construction of the S. & N. A. met Miss Helen Lee, the beautiful daughter of Esquire Needham Lee, and was later married to her. As the Ashville public road was intersected at this point by the railroad, and a public grist mill which was patronized by the surrounding community was near by, it was a desirable place for a station, and Boyes through his influence, naturally had the Station named Helena in honor of his sweetheart, Helen Lee.

Helena was first incorported about 1877, and the first mayor was M.H. Williams, railroad agent at that time.

We have unlimited quantities of limestone adjoining our eastern limits and the whole Cahaba Coal Fields, cutting through our western limits.

The population has fluctuated somewhat, but it has never been more than 1,500 nor fewer than 500 in the last fifty years. The present population is around 750. There are at present approximately 100 homes in the corporate limit and 15 business firms, including stores, garages, barber shop, and drug store; also two secret orders - the Masons and the Odd Fellows. Each of these orders owns its own building.

C.T. Davidson operated a town telephone system here for several years, but financial returns would not justify; so we only have now the long distance system. The town is well lighted by electricity furnished by the Alabama Power Company.

Dr. Robert Hayes, Dr. Howard Hayes, and R.W. Cobb were once residents of Helena. R.W. Cobb was elected Governor of Alabama for two terms. All made good.

Every community consists of a group of people who occupy a more or less definite locality. Much depends in community life, upon the character of both the people and the locality they occupy. But the essential thing about a community is that the people who comprise it are working together under an organization for the common good.

If the people in our little community would cooperate, we could do a great deal in improvements. We could improve our churces and church property, making them much more attractive; make our homes and home surroundings sanitary and attractive; have a “clean up day” for our town, improving our streets, back yards, and destroy all the breeding places of mosquitoes.

Beauty in one's surroundings adds much to the enjoyment of life and therefore, also to one's efficiency in work and as a citizen.

Visit Helena Cemetery Census

The first official day of school for the Helena High School was August 7, 2014.

Shelby County Newspapers, Inc. launched on April 22, 2015 two new weekly community newspapers,
the "280 Reporter" and the "Helena Reporter" newspapers.
The final issue of the "Helena Reporter" was March 27, 2022.
"Today's news in Helena is tomorrow's history - thank you Shelby County Newspapers, Inc.!"

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