In 1925, located next door to
Siluria, the "growth potential" of the community that later became known as
Alabaster, was recognized by Joseph Elam Walker, 1880-1969. As
indicated in the Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, February
9, 1961, he was born and raised in Shelby County Alabama and his first job dated
back to 1908 when he became the manager of the commissary for Siluria Cotton
Mill Company. "Mr. Joe," as he was fondly called by his many friends, recognized
the growth potential of this little community that was located along Highway 31.
With pioneer courage he opened the first retail business here and
started rendering free delivery service to his customers. This store, known as
J.E. Walker's Furniture and General Merchandise, was a happy union of the "old
country store" and new merchandising ideas, where the customer could purchase
anything from a choice sirloin steak to a pound of tenpenny nails. Etched in the
foundation of the building is "September 1925."
U.S. Highway 31, a two-lane highway at that time, was
the main artery from Birmingham to Montgomery and played an important part in
the growth of the community. According to Mrs. A. Lucille (Scott) Farris, this
"two-lane highway" was first paved in about 1925. She further stated that in
about 1954 it became a four-lane highway. Described in the Shelby County
Reporter, dated Thursday, March 23, 1961, "It was during the depression
year of 1929 that a young man with pioneer courage started on a trip from
Birmingham down a tortuous, winding two lane road now known as Highway 31. He
stopped that noon for a bite to eat at Walkers Grocery store, the only store in
town. Foy Jones decided then and there that he had found the ideal location for
a furniture store. Thus came into being the second retail business to be
established in the now thriving town of Alabaster. \ With the growth of the
automobile industry, and being a mechanic by nature, Mr. Jones saw the need for
a garage and wrecker service. So, in 1932 he opened one of the first businesses
of its kind in Shelby County...." Foy Willard Jones, 1900-1973, is buried
in Elliottsville Cemetery in Shelby County Alabama.
Another Alabaster pioneer was George Lafayette Scott,
Sr., 1878-1965. The Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday,
January 7, 1937, indicate, "In 1922 he purchased half interest in the
Lime Company at Keystone but sold his interests to his partners, the Hammond
brothers, in 1929 and built his own plant near Siluria. Mr. Scott's plant is
known as the Alabaster Lime Company and his shipping point is known as Scott
Rock, named for him." Later, housing was built to accommodate some of the
employees and the community acquired its name Alabaster from the "white
calcium carbonate mineral." The Birmingham News, Tuesday, August 13, 1935, "The lime plant strike
(idle six weeks) was settled with the assistance of Newcomb Barco, Washington, conciliator from the Department of Labor.
Plants affected by the strike and which resumed operations Monday are those of Longview-Saginaw Lime Works, Inc., at
Longview and Saginaw;
Keystone Lime Works, Keystone; Superior Lime
& Hydrate Company, Pelham; Cheney Lime & Cement Company, at Landmark
(The "original" Cheney
Lime & Cement Company was founded in 1903 by Franklin Carter Cheney, Sr., 1879-1949, in
Blount County Alabama. In 1922 quicklime production facilities were established
at the Landmark plant, near Alabaster utilizing vertical kilns. The name Landmark,
which is still used in the plant name, comes from the CSX Railroad railroad
designation for the rail siding at the Cheney Lime & Cement Company plant. In
1941 there were 10 kilns and 200 men employed at the Landmark plant in Shelby
Newala Lime Works, Newala (Newala is located between Calera and
Montevallo), and Alabaster Lime Company, Siluria."
Other pioneers of Alabaster were Kenton Brant
Nickerson, 1880-1956, and William Jasper Maxwell, 1872-1959. As
indicated in the obituary for K.B. Nickerson, Shelby County Reporter,
dated August 23, 1956, "Mr. Nickerson had been in business in Siluria and
Alabaster for a number of years. He was one of the founders of Alabaster and was
actively identified with the affairs of that growing city. He had large holdings
of real estate in Alabaster, was a member of the gas and water board and a
director of the First Bank of Alabaster." The Shelby County Reporter,
dated September 10, 1959, indicate, "W.J. Maxwell dies at Siluria ... Mr.
Maxwell was interested early in the development and growth of Alabaster. He
bought an undeveloped tract of land, surveyed it as Maxwell's Addition, sold
lots and built houses on the property, thus helping the town to grow."
On June 19, 1933 a certificate of incorporation was
filed in Shelby County Alabama and Alabaster Water Works Co., Inc. was
established. Officers of the corporation were K.B. Nickerson, President; W.J.
Maxwell, Vice-President; J.E. Walker, Secretary/Treasurer. Their purpose was "to
establish, maintain and operate a water works system for the purpose of
furnishing water to the public within a radius of one-half mile from a deep well
owned by the corporation." The amount of the total authorized capital stock was
two thousand dollars. However, on February 14, 1939 a "Dissolution Notice of
Alabaster Water Works Co., Inc." was filed in Shelby County Alabama. It was not
until May 27, 1955 the Alabaster Water and Gas Board incorporated in Shelby
County Alabama. The objects for which this corporation was organized were "to
acquire, construct, operate, maintain, improve and extend a gas system and water
system in the town of Alabaster, Alabama, and in the territory surrounding said
The Union-Banner, Clanton, Alabama, Thursday December 23, 1937, "DRY ICE PLANT OPENING SOON IN ALABASTER. Enterprise Will Process Shelby County's Limestone. The Alabama State
Chamber of Commerce points to the new plant of corporation, now nearing completion in Shelby County, as the type of diversified industry greatly needed in the State. When this company beging
production about Janurary 1, next (1938), the new $150,000 plant at Alabaster will mark the entrance of Alabama industry into a field completely new in the State, Secretary John M. Ward, of
the Chamber of Commerce, said last week. 'This industry, one of the first large, modern plants in the south for the manufacture of solid (dry ice) and liquid carbon dioxide is another example
of the type of industrial development to meet existing needs in Alabama and is financed entirely with local capital,' Mr. Ward said. Among large users of solid carbon dioxide are ice cream and dairy products industries.
Soft drink establishments and bottling plants consume quantities of the liquid in the carbonation of their drinks, it was pointed out. The liquid product is also employed effectively in the
mining of coal."
"Alabaster Gets Own Postoffice," as indicated in the
Shelby County Reporter-Democrat, dated Thursday October 18, 1951,
"Alabaster, Alabama, will have a postoffice of its own, beginning November 1,
Birmingham Postmaster A.H. Albright announced yesterday. He said Alabaster
formerly was served by the Siluria postoffice." On Thursday, November 15, 1951,
"With the coming of November came the new Alabaster Post Office. The Post
Mistress is Mrs. Sara Reed. The Post Office in located in Mrs. Reed's Store." In
Memory, Sara Lucas Reed, 1922-1975.
Shelby County Reporter-Democrat, dated
Thursday, January 17, 1952, "Alabaster stands in the heart of the industrial
section of Shelby County. Hundreds of her citizens make their homes in this town
and vicinity and find employment in the textile mills, lime works, cement block
plants, etc. Some months ago, prominent citizens, and keen-visioned business and
professional men, began making plans to establish a Bank in this part of the
county, in an endeavor to better serve the people's financial needs in the
rapidly expanding territory. Sunday, January 20, the culmination of this
ambitious dream will be realized and the official personnel will be hosts at an
Open House in the new First Bank of Alabaster ... The impressive
roster of the officials of this bank are all widely and favorably known business
and professional men. Men whose names, combined with their own successful
achievements, warrant the faith and confidence of each potential depositor. They
are men who have through the years, been largely responsible for the phenomenal
growth of this section of our county. They include President George L. Scott,
Jr. (born October 2, 1905, died December 27, 1966); Vice-President, Dr. J.A.
Hines; Secretary, W.V. Hammond; Cashier, T.L. Cox, widely known banker from
Oneonta, Alabama, who will make his future home in the county. The Board of
Directors includes T.L. Cox, W.V. Hammond, J.A. Hines, K.B. Nickerson, J.T.
Phillips and George L. Scott, Jr. Monday, January 21, the Bank, with a capital
stock of $50,000 will swing wide its doors for business ... We feel sure, you
will join us in taking additional pride in Alabaster's slogan, "Watch Us Grow,"
as we together view the progress this section of our county is making."
Alabaster Bank Opened Monday,as indicated in the Shelby County
Reporter-Democrat, dated Thursday, January 24, 1952, "No rain-clouds of
economical depression, or thunder-heads of doubt as to business stability
threaten the fair skies of Alabaster, Alabama, as evidenced by the opening of
the First Bank of Alabaster on Monday, January 21, 1952 ... The building itself,
stands a credit to the architectural artists who transformed an old building,
formerly used for a garage, into a modern, streamlined structure, with both
exterior and interior reflecting careful planning on the part of the owners, who
wisely designed the commodious lobby, offices, vault room, director's official
quarters, etc., not only with an eye for elegance and good taste, but with
specified consideration for the convenience of its patrons and friends and for
the security of each depositor ... The first depositor ... Senator J.T.
Phillips, Textile Magnate, and public spirited citizen whose faith in his
adopted county is evidenced by his Textile Mills in Siluria and Columbiana. His
individual interest in Shelby County citizens is too well known for reiteration
...." The first bank tellers, Sue Wyatt and Virginia Johnson, received the
first deposit from J.T. Phillips. As indicated in the
Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, September 24, 1964, "It
has been announced by President George L. Scott, Jr., of the First Bank of
Alabaster, that, at a recent meeting of the Board of Directors, a contract was
awarded for the erection of new banking quarters ... The building is to be ready
for occupancy by January 1, 1965. The new bank building will be located on U.S.
Highway 31 and will be across this highway from the Shelby Memorial Hospital
...." George L. Scott, Jr. served as President of the First Bank of Alabaster
until his death on December 27, 1966.
The first attempt to incorporate Alabaster failed.
On August 26, 1952 there were seventy-three "qualified electors living within
the boundaries of the proposed municipality to be named Alabaster" that filed a
"Petition for Order of Incorporation." It was ordered, as a result of the
petition, that an election be held on September 23, 1952 at the First Bank of
Alabaster. However, this election never took place. The petition
that was filed stated "that there are at least four qualified electors residing
on each quarter of each quarter section, according to government survey or part
thereof." Because of a technicality, Emory Carson Farris filed in Shelby County
Alabama on September 23, 1952 a "Motion to Vacate Decree for Election." In the
affidavit filed by Truitt A. Farris, which stated on August 25, 1952
that he was 46 years of age and have lived in the Alabaster community since 1923
... and Willie J. Mathis, which stated that he was 51 years of age and have
lived in the Alabaster community since 1922 ... "Affiant further says that the
persons herein below named in this paragraph who signed said Petition reside
within the confines of: The SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 2, Township 21,
Range 3 West, Shelby County, Alabama, which land is included within the
boundaries of said proposed municipality. Said persons being as follows: J.L.
Lenning, George L. Taylor, Roosevelt Lasey, John Cook, and Archie Taylor." The
technicality was stated in this motion, "Whereas said five persons named are
not qualified electors residing on said quarter of said quarter section
described immediately above." On September 23, 1952 an "Order Vacating Decree
for Election" was given in connection with the Petition for Order of
Incorporation of the Proposed Municipality to be named Alabaster be and the said
is hereby vacated and decreed to be null, void and of no effect.
On January 6, 1953 the petition was again filed with
"notice is hereby given that more than forty-four qualified electors living with
the boundaries of the proposed municipality to be named Alabaster." The City of
Alabaster was oficially incorporated on February 23, 1953, filed
by the Inspectors, Truitt Farris, John A. Montgomery, and W.J. Mathis, were the
names of the 427 inhabitants residing in the said proposed town.
CLICK HERE for the names of the 427 inhabitants of the proposed town
residing as filed on February 23, 1953. The election was held Tuesday, February
3, 1953, and as stated in the
Shelby County Reporter-Democrat, dated February 5, 1953, "the
citizens voted 79 to 23 in favor of incorporating the town." Shelby County
Reporter-Democrat, dated Thursday, April 9, 1953, "A city election will
be held in Alabaster April 21 at which time Mayor and five councilmen will be
chosen by the eligible voters in this town. The following public-spirited
gentlemen are offering themselves for this public service. George L. Scott, Jr.,
prominent industrialist and president of the First Bank of Alabaster, and
Hershel Dunlap, former postmaster, are candidates for Mayor. There are ten
well-known citizens who are candidates for Members of the Council from which
five will be chosen. These include Carl H. Edwards, Jesse D. Barton, Paul R.
Adkins, Robert D. Cardwell, James Thomas Patrick, L. Curtis Payne, Truitt A.
Farris, Luther Adrian Kendrick, Willie J. Mathis, J. A. Griffin, Jr.."
"Alabaster Banker Is Elected Mayor," as indicated in the
Shelby County Reporter-Democrat, dated Thursday, April 30, 1953, "George
L. Scott, Jr., president of the First Bank of Alabaster, was elected first mayor
April 21, of the town which was recently incorporated. Scott received 86 votes
of the total 102 votes cast. Councilmen elected were Carl Edwards, Curtis Payne,
W.J. Mathis, T.A. Farris and L.A. Kendrick. Others in the race were Jess Barton,
J.T. Patrick, Robert D. Cardwell, John A. Griffin and Paul Adkins." A photograph
of the First Alabaster Town Officials is found in the Shelby
County Reporter-Democrat, dated Thursday, May 21, 1953. In Memory,
George Lafayette Scott, Jr., 1905-1966. The first city clerk was John
Allen Montgomery, Sr., 1922-1964. He was a pharmacist, employed by his
Thomas R. "Tom" Nash, 1892-1964, proprietor of Nash Drug Store
in Alabaster.
Shelby County Reporter-Democrat, dated
Thursday, January 28, 1954, indicate "At a recent meeting of the Mayor and
Councilmen of Alabaster, Dr. J.A. Hines, widely known physician and public
spirited citizen, was elected to serve, taking the place of Carl Edwards, who
resigned, when he moved to Calera to make his future home. Alabaster is becoming
one of the fastest growing sections of the county. This town was recently
incorporated and Mayor George L. Scott, Jr., and his alert councilmen, have a
program designed for future permanent improvements, second to none in the
county. Dr. Hines will strengthen and improve these far reaching plans by
working in full cooperation with the citizens of Alabaster toward achieving
these ambitious goals." In Memory,
Dr. John Allen Hines, Sr., 1896-1959.
The people of the City of Siluria on April 27, 1971
voted to merge with Alabaster. Siluria, the adjoining city, had incorporated on
May 25, 1954 with a population of approximately 600. Visit
Siluria Cotton Mill Company for further information.
Did you know that Alabaster at one time had a weekly
publication, The Advertiser? As indicated in the Shelby
County Reporter, dated Thursday, August 21, 1958, "The Alabaster
Printing & Publishing Company, owned by Phil H. Mannon and Rodney Rupert, at
Alabaster has announced that they are discontinuing a weekly, The
Advertiser. The newspaper, printed for Alabaster and the surrounding
area, has been published by the firm for one and one-half years. It was a
tabloid paper and edited by Phil H. Mannon ...." In Memory, Phillip Henry
Mannon, 1920-1979 and Rodney Haynes Rupert, 1927-1985. Does anyone know
where copies of these newspapers are? If so, please contact
Bobby Joe or Diane Seales. In 2008 the Alabaster Reporter began
publication of a weekly newspaper with their first issue dated August 9, 2008.
As noted in the Shelby County Reporter, dated December 4, 1958, "Notice is hereby given that at a call meeting of the Town Council of the
Town of Alabaster, Alabama, held on the evening of November 21, 1958, at 7:00 o'clock, in the First Bank of Alabaster, Alabaster, Alabama, the regular place for holding
meetings of said Council, the following Improvement Ordianace Number S-2, providing that a sewage treatment plant and a sanitary sewer system be constructed in the
Town of Alabaster, Alabama, was adopted by the Mayor and Council of said Town ...."
The Shelby County Reporter, dated
Thursday, August 21, 1958, "Work on the new Shelby County Hospital at Alabaster
is well under way and good progress is being made. Excavation for the foundation
has been completed, and a good solid foundation of concrete has been poured.
Half the footings have been poured and the walls are going up. The new hospital
will be two stories in height, 313 feet long and 36 feet wide. A wing 51 by 40
feet will be built on the second story to the rear of the main building. The
contractor has 300 days in which to complete the work; it is expected that the
building may be finished before that time." Shelby County Reporter,
dated Thursday, September 24, 1959, "Memorial Hospital To Open Sunday ...
Shelby Memorial Hospital ... First Unit of A County Wide Program of
Health Facilities. Construction begun July 1958; Final Inspection August 1959
... The new Shelby Memorial Hospital at Alabaster will be dedicated with an
impressive ceremony Sunday afternoon, September 27. Senator Lister Hill,
Alabama's senior Senator and father of the Hill-Burton act, will give the
dedicatory address. Congressman Armistead Selden will also be present for the
dedication ... Of the staff of 42 employees ... 33 are residents of Shelby
County. Of the nursing staff of 25, 18 live in Shelby County ... The Shelby
Memorial Hospital was designed by Birmingham architect, Charles H. McCauley.
Construction by Brice Building Company, Birmingham." Shelby County
Reporter, dated Thursday, October 1, 1959, indicate "1600 Attend
Hospital Opening, Seven Patients Received by Wednesday Morning ... The first
patient was received into the Shelby Memorial Hospital, Monday morning at 10:21
just three hours and 21 minutes after its doors were opened. (The name of L.C.
Hatcher stands at the top of the list. He was the first to be received as a
patient in the Shelby Memorial Hospital. Mr. Hatcher lives in Calera and he is
an employee of Buck Creek Cotton Mills. His physician is Dr. Warren Duke of
Siluria.) The dedication of the new Shelby Memorial Hospital will be remembered
as one of the outstanding events in the history of Shelby county. The completion
of this fine hospital is evidence of the spirit of progress that prevails in the
county. " Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday October 8, 1959,
"First Baby At New Hospital ... J.T. Phillips, Chairman of the Board, Buck Creek
Mills, Siluria, presented a check for $25 to Mrs. Robert Furline, Jr. at the new
Shelby Memorial Hospital, Alabaster. The check is for Mrs. Furline's daughter,
Shelby Jean, who was the first baby born at the new hospital. She arrived only
two days after the opening of the new medical facility." Shelby County
Reporter, dated September 5, 1960, "Memorial Hospital Anniversary... the
members of the Shelby County Hospital Board ... Mr. J.T. Phillips, Mr. D.B.
Smith, Chairman, Mr. Dean R. Upson, Administrator, Mr. T.H. Napier, Vice
Chairman, Mr. Rux Carter, Secretary, Mrs. Helen Bunn, Board Secretary, Mr.
Eugene Abercrombie, Mr. Roy Downs, ex-chairman, Mr. J.P. Terrell, Mr. Basil
Smith, Treasurer." Several photographs of the hospital and Board of Trustees are
in this issue of the newspaper as well as a History of Alabaster Area by Rev.
Lawrence Gordon Nunnally, Sr., 1886-1984. Rev. Nunnally was Alabaster's
Justice of the Peace.
to view photos of the One Year Anniversary of Shelby Memorial Hospital
... If you can identify any of those not identified please email
us at ...
Ernestine Yarbrough, who has been living in Calera
for nearly 70 years, was the first patient admitted to the Shelby Baptist
Medical Center's new South Tower on December 1, 2009. The five-story South Tower
and accompanying 370-space parking deck was completed in November 2009 and the
ribbon cutting and tour of the South Tower was held November 18, 2009.
Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, December
12, 1935, "A concrete bridge is being built over the John Allen branch between
Siluria and Alabaster. It will be completed in about two weeks."
In the early days, before the police department was
organized, Alabaster had a "night watchman." On the night of January 5, 1938 the
most tragic incident happened. As reported in the Shelby County Reporter,
dated Thursday, January 13, 1938, "John W. Nabors of Alabaster, died in a
Birmingham hospital Sunday of wounds he received Wednesday night before, while
on duty as night watchman at Alabaster. Mr. Nabors told police that he was held
up by two negroes while he was making his rounds. The negroes he said forced him
to walk about 200 yards from the center of town (under the bridge that goes over
John Allen Branch), where they took his gun and shot him four times in the back
and arms." In Memory,
John Wesley Nabors, 1881-1938. The local constable for that area was
William Francis "Frank" Fallon, 1872-1962. Shelby County Reporter, dated March 3, 1960, "Sorry to hear of the death of Mr. C.C. Brantley, night constable of
Alabaster, who died with a heart attack Saturday night while on duty. Mr. Brantley had been night constable for the city of Alabaster for five years and rarely missed a tour of duty. He
will be missed by all the commumity." In Memory, Clarence Cifton Brantley, 1890-1960. The brick "City Hall" was
completed in 1960 and at that time was the home of the Alabaster Public Library.
A photo of main street, Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, December
1, 1960, showing "part of the crowd of 2 to 3 thousand that came to Alabaster
last Saturday to see Santa who arrived by helicopter, and to take advantage of
the many, many bargains offered by the Alabaster merchants, plus the free prizes
dropped in ping pong balls from the helicopter" As described in the Shelby
County Reporter, dated March 9, 1961, "The main shopping area of
Alabaster is bounded by two traffic lights. At one end is the beautiful new town
hall and at the other the Curb Market owned and operated by Mr.
and Mrs. G.W. Simpson ... Associated with the business is Wallace, the only son
of the Simpsons ...." They also operated the ice house next to
their business. In Memory, George Wallace Simpson, Sr., 1888-1970,
husband of Eula P. Simpson, 1892-1989. George Wallace Simpson, Jr., 1924-1997,
Cpl. U.S. Army WWII is buried in Jefferson Memorial Gardens in Jefferson County
Another tragedy, that I personally recall, is noted in
the Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, September 18, 1958,
"R.J. Albright, Alabaster business man and a son of the late James Albright,
Montevallo, was found dead in his office in Alabaster, Thursday afternoon,
September 11. He had been shot through the head. Sheriff Hugh Sims, after an
investigation, ruled the death suicide ...." I recall the "talk about town" and
our family making the trip to main street to see the window in his office. It
appeared as though when they attempted to remove his name from the window "it
could still be seen." In Memory, Rufus J. Albright, born September 25,
1907, died September 11, 1958.
One of the earliest mention of "Alabaster" was in
the Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, October 1, 1925, "Trouble
Near Alabaster ... Sheriff Falkner was called to Smith's Stand, near Alabaster,
Tuesday night ...."
As mentioned in the Shelby County Reporter,
dated Thursday, March 2, 1961, "The main street of Alabaster is graced by a
store which caters exclusively to the woman. The Style Shop as the
store is aptly called, carries a complete line of the most modern wearing
apparel ... Its proprietors Mrs. Edith Malone and Mrs. Lou Cunningham ... opened
The Style Shop 18 months ago. The store was formerly owned and operated by the
late J. P. Wagoner, who until his death, ran it as a general merchandise store
... Mrs. Malone is the former Edith Riffe a native of Shelby County ... Mrs.
Cunningham is the former Louise Crocker ...." In memory, Joseph J.P. Wagoner,
"Every town has it's congregating place where small
talk, and art of conversation is it's most important product." As indicated in
the Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, February 16, 1961, we
are informed, "In Alabaster this place is known as Edmondson's Barber Shop. Its
proprietor is the 62 years young Percy Edmondson. Percy, as he is known to
everyone in this area, is a small jovial man whose stock of jokes is endless.
His customers come from miles around just to be entertained by his stories.
Percy started barbering 41 years ago, ten of which have been devoted to keeping
the heads of Alabaster neat and trim. His shop consists of four chairs.
Associated with him is his son Solon, who also wields a mean pair of clippers.
Enterprising Solon is also associated with the Alabaster Ambulance Service along
with W.C. Garrett. For a delightful half hour of entertainment while having your
hair trimmed - try Edmondsons ...."As stated in the Shelby County Reporter,
dated Thursday, March 2, 1961, "I have been informed that Solon Edmondson is now
the proprietor of Edmondsons Barber Shop." In Memory, Percy Wallace Edmondson,
1898-1966, and Solon Embry Edmondson, 1924-1995. Later, omce located on
main street in Alabaster is Edmondsons Barber Shop, that was owned and operated
by Alan Keith Edmondson and his son, David Michael Edmondson.
Another "vignette" as noted in the Shelby County
Reporter, dated Thursday, March 16, 1961, "Truly a Horatio Alger story,
Truitt Farris is a shining example of a successful business man who raised
himself by his own bootstraps: Truitt, a short stocky, jovial man with twinkling
eyes and a ready wit, was born in Talladega County 55 years ago. At the age of
eight his family moved to Shelby County and settled in the area, now known as
Alabaster. Truitt's first venture into business was a barber. He stuck with this
profession for 15 years. Being an enterprising young man and cognizant of the
growth taking place in Alabaster, he decided to give up barbering and open a
furniture and appliance store. Today after 15 years of perseverance, The
Farris Furniture and Appliance Store is one of the finest stores of its
kind in the county, where quality merchandise can be purchased at prices
competitive with the best that Birmingham has to offer. Mr. Farris is a director
of the First Bank of Alabaster, a member of the board of directors of the Shelby
Memorial Hospital, a Civitan, Mason, and a member of the Quarterback Club. For 8
years he was on the Alabaster Town Council. He is an active member of the
Siluria Baptist Church and a devout Bible student. Associated with him in the
business is his wife, Myra, a quiet, friendly civic minded person who devotes a
great deal of her time to Eastern Star and church work ...." In Memory,
Truitt Arthur Farris, 1905-1989.
William Arthur Farris, 1886-1955, and his wife,
Katie Bell (Day) Farris, 1881-1962, came to the Alabaster area in about
1913. The "Farris brothers" contributed greatly in the early history and growth
of Alabaster ... (1) Truitt Arthur Farris, 1905-1989. (2) O'Neal C.
Farris, 1908-1965. (3) Emory Carson Farris, 1909-1980. (4) Wesley
Mack Farris, 1914-1997. (5) L.O. Farris, 1921-2013. O'Neal and Carson
Farris had a Chrysler-Plymouth dealership and a garage located on main street in
Alabaster. In February 1962 O'Neal Farris opened the Clara-Neal Motel and
Restaurant in Calera, Shelby County Alabama, beside I-65 South. It was the first
motel located beside I-65 in Shelby County. At the time of his death "he was
serving his fourth term as Mayor of Calera." Mack Farris, as stated in his
obituary in the Shelby County Reporter, dated Wednesday, August
13, 1997, "... A native of Fayettville, Farris moved to Alabaster at an early
age. He began (in about 1935) his career in the dry cleaning business before the
incorporation of the city of Alabaster and later owned Alabaster Home and Auto
Supply. He also founded and operated Farris Building Supply and Farris Building
Company which developed subdivisions and commercial property in Alabaster.
(Alabaster Gardens was the first subdivision developed in Alabaster.) From
1971-1986 he was the owner and operator of Briarcliff Nursing Home and was the
founder of Citizens Bank of Alabaster. He was also a founding member of the
Alabaster Water and Gas Board, serving on the board for some 30 years. Following
his resignation from the board in 1997, he was made an honorary life member of
the Water Board by the Alabaster City Council ...." On May 24, 1942 in Shelby
County Alabama he married Annie Lucille Scott, daughter of George L. Scott, Sr.
and Annie Pauline Williams.
I recall receiving my first "Western-Flyer
bicycle" from Western Auto Store in Alabaster. Wow, that thing was "a beauty"
... a bright red bike with 26 inch white wall tires and a chrome plated luggage
carrier over the rear fender, a mirror and horn mounted on the handle bar, and
red handle bar grips with bright colored streamers hanging from them. It
was sharp! Also, I still own my first Truetone Stereo Hi-Fi record
player that was purchased from Western Auto Store in Alabaster. The Shelby
County Reporter, dated Thursday, February 23, 1961, best tells about
Lloyd Curtis Payne, 1914-1982. "One of the most enterprising merchants that
Alabaster can boast of is L. Curt Payne, who, with his wife, Maggie, are the
proprietors of one of the largest and most complete Western Auto Store
in Shelby County. Curt and Maggie as they are fondly referred to by all
Alabastians are natives of Shelby County. They opened their business nine years
ago. From the day the store opened it was a success, which was largely due to
the personality of the proprietors. Curt for years operated a large Shell
Service Station. Speaking of service, Curt's life has been devoted to service in
our community. He was a member of the town council for years, resigning this
position to run for mayor. The mayoralty race was the closest the town ever had.
The tremendous popularity and personal appeal of Curt gave the incumbent mayor
Mr. Scott a trying time. He lost by only ten votes. Among the many affiliations
that Curt belongs to are; the Corinthian Masonic Lodge, Civil Defense, Civitan,
Thompson Band Boosters, and the Quarterback Club. Mr. Payne is a Deacon of the
First Baptist Church of Alabaster. He employs four townfolks in his place of
business ...." In Memory, Lloyd Curtis Payne, 1914-1982.
As indicated in the Shelby County Reporter,
dated Thursday, January 28, 1965, "Shelby Memorial Nursing Home to Open Monday,
February 1st ... Congressman Armistead Selden will speak at Alabaster at the
dedicatory ceremony of the new nursing home, Sunday, January 31, at 2:00 p.m.
The new facility is physically attached to Shelby Memorial Hospital and will
contain 40 beds. The total area is 22,000 square feet. There are eight private
rooms and sixteen double rooms. Every room is individually heated and cooled.
Every room is equipped with wash basin and toilet facilities. Barber and beauty
care are available. There are physical therapy equipment as well as occupational
therapy rooms. There is a large dining and recreational room."
"Big New P. & T. Food Center Opens Monday, January 25,
In Alabaster" is indicated in the Shelby County Reporter, dated
Thursday, January 21, 1960, "The Grand Opening of J.H. Denham's new store in
Alabaster is announced for Monday, January 25. It will be a grand day for
Alabaster and Shelby County ... Ground for the new store was broken in October
... The store is equipped throughout with the most modern fixtures, selected
with great care for beauty and attractiveness in appearance and they are the
last word in customer convenience. In the new store there are 72 ft. of
self-service produce case; 48 ft. refrigerated; 60 ft. of self-service meat
case; 36 ft. of four deck dairy case and 20 ft. of ice cream case. There is
2,600 ft. of adjustable steel shelving with departmental fixtures to show the
location of merchandise. The self-service cases are pastel colored, new and
modern, to make an attractive store ... Mr. Denham has been in business in
Alabaster for 20 years. He had already, one of the largest stores in the county
... Associated with Mr. Denham is James S. Gould, his son-in-law, who will
continue as a valued member of the business ...." The P & T Food Center closed
its operation in Alabaster in 1985. In Memory, John Henry "J.H." Denham,
1897-1971 and James Shelton "Jimmy" Gould, 1933-2020.
The first Shopping Center in Alabaster,
"Grand Opening ... Alabaster Shopping Center ... November 18, 19, 20, and 21" as
indicated in the
Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, November 19, 1964, "...
over 3 acres of paved free parking ... for your convenience, 13 stores to fill
your every shopping need ... (1) Alabaster Bakery and Delicatessen, (2)
Alabaster Shopping Center Barber Shop, (3) Bargain Town, U.S.A., (4) Carlene's
Coiffures, (5) Cardwell's Furniture, (6) Gillis Pharmacy, (7) Marteen's, (8) P&T
Food Center, (9) Shelby County Florist, (10) Utopia Cleaners & Laundry, (11)
V.J. Elmore 5 & 10 cent Store, (12) Western Super Market, (13) White Auto Store
Many people had a helping hand in "The
Beginning of Alabaster." Others were (1) Paul R. Adkins, 1894-1965, and
his wife, Alice, operated a general merchandise store on main street. He owned
and operated the taxi service for Alabaster. Also, in about 1950 the first
apartment buildings, The Courtyard Apartments, consisting of five
(one and two bedroom) units in Alabaster were constructed by Paul and Alice
Adkins. (2) Edward Morris "Doc" Lathem, 1895-1934, owned the last
business located on the south end of main street know as the Rock Villa,
consisting of a garage, gas station and restaurant combination, and a
pool hall was located in the basement. (3) Robert Henry "Bob"
Seales, 1913-1959, and his wife, Willie. Bob and Willie Seales operated a
cafe on main street. Also, Bob was the first person to die in the new Shelby
Memorial Hospital located in Alabaster. (4) Waymon Sanders Rutherford,
1920-1986, his obituary dated February 20, 1986,
Shelby County Reporter indicate that he was the owner of
Rutherford Jewelry in Alabaster for 40 years. His business was located on Main
Street. (5) Jesse Roberts "Jess" Nabors, son of John W. and Piety
(Leonard) Nabors, died in Shelby County Alabama on September 17, 1953 at the age
of 71 years, and his wife, Anna. (6) John Atliff "Jack" Griffin, III.,
1906-1978, and his wife, Lillian Fay, owned and operated Griffin 5 & 10
Store. The building was owned by Charles Eugene Seales, my brother,
until his death. It was told by Mrs. Griffin before her death in 1991 that the
building was originally owned by her family, located in Wilton, Shelby County
Alabama. Her parents were Edgar Samuel Ambrose and Dora Lee Camp. In 1945 the
original building was torn down, and the material was used by Jack and Lillian
Griffin to construct their store located on main street in Alabaster. (7)
Samuel McAliley Scarbrough, 1892-1976. As indicated in his obituary, dated
September 9, 1976, Shelby County Reporter, "He moved to Siluria in
1941, opening a general shoe store to serve the rapidly developing cotton mill
town. This business became the parent of a chain of clothing and food stores in
Centreville, Alabaster, and Siluria." The Shelby County Reporter,
dated Thursday, January 10, 1946, indicate "S.M. Scarbrough is manager of the
large Yellow Front Store in Siluria." Two years after his retirement in 1957 he
came to Alabaster and resumed a business on Main Street for another twelve
"Remembering Alabaster's black history"
In addition, two people not mentioned in the above link of "Remembering Alabaster's black history" that
has been an advocate for the City of Alabaster were (1)
Mayo (Bunkley) Taylor that was elected and served on the Alabaster City Council from 1976-1980 as the first black female council member and while serving on the City Council the street
where she and her husband James C. Taylor lived was named "Taylor Lane." (2)
Bobby Lee Harris, elected and served from 1996-2004 on the Alabaster City Council, served as an assistant principal at Thompson High School from 1986-1996, and
"Progress Boulevard" in the Colonial Promenade that runs through the center of the Shopping
Center from "Alabaster Boulevard" to "Colonial Promenade Parkway" was renamed
"Bobby Harris Boulevard" on July 6, 2020 by the Alabaster City Council.
"New Housing For Alabaster Area" as indicated in the
Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, February 9, 1961, "A telegram
just received from our representatives in Washington reads as follow: Happy to
advise the Housing Authority of Columbiana, Alabama. Will shortly sign financial
aid contract with Public Housing Authority for 46 new low-rent homes in
Alabaster, Alabama. Estimated cost is $591,831." These plans were first
announced in the Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, June 5,
1958. However, the Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, March
30, 1961, informed us, "The Notice to Proceed was issued on March 24, 1961 and
work will start on April 3, 1961. Project No. Ala. 72-6A, Alabaster Garden
Apartments will consist of 28 units and Project No. Ala. 72-6B, the Valley
Apartments will consist of 18 units."
"Alabaster Lions Club Organized With 31 Members Charter
Night" as indicated in the Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday,
June 13, 1963, "... Charter Night ceremonies were held May 18, at Thompson High
School with the Homewood Club sponsoring the presenting the Charter to the
Alabaster Lions who now number 31 ... Officers elected were: Robert D. Cardwell,
President; M.C. Snider, 1st Vice-President; T.M. Allen, 2nd Vice-President; M.C.
Sparks, 3rd Vice-President; Secretary-Treasurer, Cecil L. Allen; Tail Twister,
W.L. Palmer; Lion Tamer John Day ... Charter members are: Cecil Allen, Thomas M.
Allen, Vernon M. Attaway, Thomas C. Cairns, Robert D. Cardwell, Roscoe Davis,
John T. Day, Bob Dyar, Thomas H. Erwin, Robert E. Ellison, John Griffin, Vernon
Foster, James G. Harrell, James L. Denham, Obie Davis, Wallace T. Reese, Noah
Hosmer, James T. Johnson, Melvin McGaughy, W.L. Palmer, M.C. Sparks, Reese
Lucas, Burell Brannon, C.E. Carter, Harry A. Jones, C.E. Lantrip, M.C. Snider,
Lawrence B. Tidmore, Howard M. Winslett, Raymond Smith, James Wyatt."
The "new modern City Hall" completed in late 1960 contained 6,400 sq. feet of floor space and
was located on U.S. Highway 31 South (201 First Street North). This building was
financed by floating a combination of Public Building and General Obligation bonds. Office space in the building was rented to the Town of Alabaster and to the Gas and Water Boards.
The funds derrived from these offices were applied on the revenue necessary for the retirement of the bonds. At that time the
main floor level contained offices of the Mayor, City Clerk and clerical workers. It also housed a
build-in vault, (Alabaster's first) library,
children's room, equipment rooms, restrooms and a Community room connected to a complete modern kitchen. The Police Department and City Jail, Fire Department and the Gas and Water
Board headquarters were housed downstairs.
The "newest" Court-Administration Facility (City Hall)
located at 1953 Municipal Way [located on the grounds where Buck Creek Cotton
Mills in Siluria once stood] was completed in October 2013.
Welcome to Alabaster ... "Watch Us Grow!"
"The Martin Luther King, Jr. Road" in Shelby County Alabama was named in Alabaster.
The dedication was held Saturday, January 15, 2011.
watch a portion of the 1959 THS Homecoming Parade on Alabaster Main Street
plus a portion of the 27 Sept 1959 Shelby Memorial Hospital Dedication Ceremony
~ SORRY NO SOUND ~ originally made on a Super8-mm home video camera
...At the age of 14 years I was fortunate to attend this Dedication Ceremony with my parents. ...
POSTCARD Shelby Memorial Hospital ~ 1959
This postcard was sold at the Ruby McDonald Hospital Shop, located inside the hospital.
Shelby Memorial Hospital & Nursing Home ~ December 1970
"80 bed hospital to be expanded soon - new nursing home will be built at nearby site"
[the left extension of the hospital was the first nursing home with dedication held January 31, 1965]
This photo did not appear in the book "Alabaster & Siluria: The Early Years - A Pictorial History"
published in 2017 by Bobby Joe & Diane (Brandenberg) Seales
"Bobby Joe Seales & Alabaster Mayor David Frings ~ June 2010
... Bobby Joe Seales compiled the wording on both sides of this historic
marker ...
Not located in the origianal Alabaster City Limits are some attractions that deserves to be mentioned, ...
as announced on April 16, 1953 in the Shelby County Reporter-Democrat by Eddie Watson,
"We are happy to announce that construction has been started on a new DRIVE-IN
THEATRE located on Highway 31, between Alabaster and Calera." As noted in the Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, March 29, 1956, "Thursday, March 29, marks the grand opening of the new Rebel Drive-In Theatre located half way between Alabaster and Calera on
Highway 31. In order to have the very best in entertainment, the most modern and latest equipment has been installed, inluding easy to handle light speakers, projectors for cinemascope pictures
on a large 90 by 60 foot screen tower, and a well equipped concession stand serving hot dogs, barbecues, sno-cones, popcorn, orange crush, Coca Cola, dairy shakes and all kinds of candy ... The
drive-in will open each evening at 6:30 and shows begin at 7 and 9 o'clock with admission at 50 cents. All children under 12 will be admitted free when accompanied by an adult ... Mr. Hubert Yon
(1922-1992), manager
of the new theatre, cordially invites the public to bring the children, come dressed as you are, and from the comfort of your own car, see the finest in entertainment at the new show place of
Shelby County, the Rebel Drive-In Theatre." The owner was Thomas Edwin "Eddie" Watson from Montevallo,
Shelby County, Alabama, born February 28, 1901, died June 25, 1995. He and his wife Georgene McCauley Watson,
1920-2017, are buried in the Montevallo Cemetery. They had no children. He was
known as the "Cinema Magnate of Montevallo." In 1956 Eddie was the manager/owner of the Shelby Theatre (which was earlier known as the Dixie Theatre) located in
Columbiana, the Rebel Drive-In Theatre located on Highway 31 between Alabaster and Calera, and the Strand Theatre
located in
Montevallo. Birmingham Post-Herald, Wednesday, February 12, 1964, (SEE PHOTO BELOW) "Eddie Watson (left) of Montevallo checks
damage caused by a fire in the
concession stand of the Rebel Drive-In Theater on U.S. 31 five miles north of Calera.
The alarm was answered by the Siluria Fire Dept. after the blaze was discovered by a family living
nearby. In addition to fire damage to the concession stand, the projection booth also suffered heavy water damage. Watson said he did not know how long the theater would be dark." By April 1964
it was open and back in operation. In the early months of 1969 at the Rebel Drive-In Theatre
is where I proposed
marriage to Diane Brandenberg, our engagement was announced on Easter Sunday,
April 6, 1969 at The First Baptist Church of Pelham where I was serving as Music
& Youth Director, and on December 6, 1969 we married at The First Baptist Church of Alabaster. (We had known each other since I was in the 7th Grade
of Thompson High School - I attended Camp Branch
School from the 1st Grade through the 6th Grade - and Diane was in the 6th
Grade of Thompson Elementary School.)
First came the Green & White Restaurant (opened in about 1953 and in 1962 was under the management of Miss Carrie Coshatt and Mrs. Virginia Day)
and for a short time the Green & White Service Station that
was located on the north end of the restaurant building, soon after came the Green
& White Skating Rink (located south of the Green & White Restaurant and
was under the management of Mrs. Sarah Nell Snow, 1932-2001, wife of Leslie M. Snow,
1926-2002. Their only child was Betty Ann Snow, 1949-1987, she had one child,
James Lesley Morrison). In September 1960 the "Big New Green & White Bowling Center" (under the management of Leslie M. Snow)
opened as noted in the Shelby County Reporter, dated Thursday, September 29, 1960,
"E.M. Snow and his son Leslie M. Snow announce
the opening of their newest recreation addition to their Green and White Restaurant and skating rink. They have added a new 20 lane bowling center equipped with the latest AMF automatic pin
setting equipment. The building is 60 by 140 feet, and of block construction, air conditioned and has a spectator seating capacity of 50. It also contains a refreshment bar and rental shoe
booth ... The new center is located 4 miles south of Alabaster on US 31 just across from the Green and White Restaurant and skating rink. We welcome the new recreation additions as a fine
asset to our county."
The Green & White Restaurant Is The Place To Go For Good Food
"You can eat, bowl, and roller skate, all located at the same place"
The city adopted new branding, and a slogan "Alabaster: City Unlimited", in 2021. Please continue to check back often, as I am
continually updating and adding more information, for your enjoyment, to "The
Beginning of Alabaster."
Copyright - Bobby Joe Seales - 2000