Cahaba-Coosa Chapter SAR History

Alabama Society

Sons of the American Revolution

Chartered 22 August 2003 in Pelham, Shelby County, Alabama,

22 AUGUST 2003

The "One-Year Anniversary" was held on 15 August 2004
to view the YouTube video that was presented on the one-year anniversary
of the 2003 Charter Banquet

Patriotic bar

"History Never Written Is Soon Forgotten"

Cahaba-Coosa Chapter SAR History

Chartered 22 August 2003 in Pelham, Shelby County, Alabama
First 9 Past Chapter Presidents
Bobby Joe Seales  [Founding Past President 2003 & 2004]
Scott A. Martin  [Past President 2005]
Curtis W. Posey, Jr.  [Past President 2006]
Curtis W. Posey, III  [Past President 2007]
D. Alan Dismukes  [Past President 2008]
Richard D. "Rick Price, MD [Past President 2009]
Robert "Bob" Melton [Past President 2010]
Donald L. Glover [Past President 2011 - Deceased 2-2-2018]
Richard B. "Rick" Booth [Past President 2012 - Deceased 4-12-2013]

First 9 Past Chapter Presidents
Not Pictured 2007 Past President Curtis W. Posey, III
Cahaba-Coosa Chapter, Alabama Society, SAR Website CLICK HERE

Stars and Stripes bar

Charter Members
At Time of Institution Ceremony and Charter Banquet
(T) = Transfer      (Y) = Youth, not considered as "Charter Member"

Anthony E. "Tony" Baker
Jerrod Allen Bearden (Y/T)
Joel B. Bearden, Jr.
Joel E. Bearden, Jr.
Randall E. Bearden
S. Edward "Eddie" Bowling (Y)
James Thomas Clark
Donald O. "Don" Cleveland
W. Edward "Ed" Cleveland
Glenn David Cook
Timothy E. Evans
Charles S. Farrell, Jr. (T)
George L. Farrell (T)
Harold D. Griffin
L. Garland Horton, Jr.
Terry Alan Leonard (T)
James H. "Pete" Lucas, Jr.
Jimmy Leon "Jim" Martin
Scott A. Martin (T)
R. Glenn Nivens
L. Wayne Nunnally
Robert E. "Robby" Owens, Jr.
Timothy A. Payne, II
Curtis W. Posey, III (T)
Curtis W. Posey, Jr. (T)
Richard D. "Rick" Price (T)
Bobby Joe Seales (T)
David Michael "Mike" Seales
Joshua Caleb "Josh" Seales
Shawn P. Sweeney
Ralph Middleton Thomas, Sr.
Jefferson D.G. Walker (Y/T)
Thomas G. Walker, Jr. (T)
Thomas G. Walker, Sr. (T)
Thomas Matthew Walker (T)
G.W. Whitfield
Jeffery S. Whitfield
Sylane Whitfield

Dual Members
At Time of Institution Ceremony and Charter Banquet
Ronald A. Bearden
Tom O. Caldwell, M.D.
Dr. John Fred Olive, III
Harold E. Walden, Jr.
Michael C. Wells

Charter Membership Applications Pending
At Time of Institution Ceremony and Charter Banquet
Raymond K. Nivens-Buse
James William Cox (Y)
Perry F. Edwards, Jr.
Jeffrey Howard Lucas (Y)
Richard James Lucas (Y)
Daniel Seth Martin (Y)
Danny J. Massey
Roger D. Massey
Terry L. Massey
Billy Wayne Minor
Elzie C. Minor
Charter membership was held open for one year.
The “One-Year Anniversary” was held on 15 August 2004

CLICK HERE for a current and complete list of Charter Membership

The Cahaba-Coosa Chapter, Alabama Society, Sons of the American Revolution
was sponsored by the Birmingham Chapter and on 03 May 2003 was approved at
the Alabama Society Board of Managers Meeting as the 15th chapter to be chartered
into the Alabama Society. The Cahaba-Coosa Chapter Institution Ceremony and Charter Banquet
was held on Friday, 22 August 2003, at the Pelham Civic Complex in Pelham, Shelby County, Alabama.
The Sons of the American Revolution is an Educational, Historical, and Patriotic organization.

The “ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY” was held on 15 August 2004.
to view the YouTube video that was presented on the one-year anniversary
of the 2003 Charter Banquet

to view the History of the 10th Anniversary of the Cahaba-Coosa Chapter
written by Bobby Joe Seales
SAR Cahaba-Coosa Chapter inducts 3 generations of new members at its August 16, 2015 meeting.
CLICK HERE for details.

Stars and Strips bar

... Former Alabama Society Presidents from the Cahaba-Coosa Chapter ...
2012-2013     C.W. Posey, Jr.
2014-2015    Bobby Joe Seales
2022-2023    William E. Daniel, Jr.
2024-2025    David Michael Martin, Jr.

Click Here... To read about the [2014-2015] Alabama Society President from the Cahaba-Coosa Chapter
Click Here ... To read about "Alabama SAR Convention Coming in February 2015"

Click Here... To read about "Alabama SAR Celebrates 125 Years"
Shelby County Reporter, dated March 26, 2014
Alabama Sons of the American Revolution President Bobby Joe Seales gave greetings to the Alabama Daughters of the American Revolution at the 116th State Conference at the Auburn Conference Center. Seales received the DAR Community Service Award at the DAR awards luncheon for his many years of service preserving the history of Shelby County as President of the Shelby County Historical Society and Executive Director of the Shelby County Museum and Archives.At the DAR opening night ceremony where he gave SAR greetings, Seales received his HODAR (Husband of DAR) pin. Seales’ wife Diane is a member of Shelby County’s DAR David Lindsay Chapter.

On July 10, 2019 in Costa Mesa, California at the 129th Annual National Congress
Bobby Joe Seales, charter member and first President of the Cahaba-Coosa Chapter,
became the 2019-2020 Southern District, Vice President General, National Society Sons of the American Revolution.
Click Here ... for additional information. Due to the cancellation of the 2020 SAR National Congress, because of the Coronavirus Pandemic,
all General Officers were held over until the July 2021 Congress.
Therefore, he served as the Southern District Vice President General, NSSAR from 2019-2021

Click Here ... To read about "The Cahaba-Coosa Chapter of the SAR awarded to Diane Brandenberg Seales on January 16, 2011 The Daughters of Liberty Medal, that ranks all other SAR medals awarded to women, for her dedication and years of service to the Cahaba-Coosa Chapter in Shelby County Alabama."

Click Here ... To read about "Alabaster's Mike Seales recognized by the Cahaba-Coosa Chapter of the
Alabama Society of the Sons of the American Revolution on August 19, 2012"

Click Here ... To read about "Cahaba-Coosa Chapter holds July 2015 meeting"

Click Here ... To read about "The Cahaba-Coosa Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution honored a late member and veteran,
Carl Quinton Black, during a grave marking ceremony on June 5, 2021"

Shelby County Soldiers of the American Revolution
The lands between the Cahaba and Coosa Rivers were settled in the early 1800's and an unusually large number of Revolutionary War veterans
found their way to what is today Shelby County Alabama. For further information on Shelby County Soldiers of the American Revolution visit ...
(1) David Lindsay, A Revolutionary War Soldier and (2) Other Known Revolutionary War Soldiers in Shelby County Alabama

Copyright - Bobby Joe Seales - 2005

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