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USGenWeb Archives for
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Lamar Civil War
43rd AL CSA Inf. Co. I - submitted by
Elisa Barnes Shizak
David Ballenger Civil War Letters -
transcription in progress - started 2/26/2004
Pension Application of Sophronia Moore, widow of David Moore,
Civil War
- Civil War
Pension Records from Lamar County - one page with "R" entries
- Lamar County, AL 1907 Census of
Confederate Soldiers
- Old Civil War Soldiers' Reunion Photos from the
early 1900's
6/19/02 submissions by Sabra Sudberry, Kay Music and Jason Lewis - updated
- Letter of Isaac H. Sanders to David
Ballenger April 26, 1862, sent from Yorktown, Virginia, 26th AL Inf,
Co. D. 6/19/02
- Reuben Warren
Guyton's Civil War Pension Application submitted by Michael Guyton -
- A. B. Hankins letter 1862 -
written home from the Civil War
Letter from George A. B. Hankins to his younger brothers, Stephen Franklin and Woodvil Simpson Hankins, Cambol County Tennessee Oct. 15th 1862
- Letter from George A. B. Hankins to his father, John Miller Hankins, Murfreesboro Tenn Dec. 27th/62
- Letter from George A. B. Hankins to his parents, September 28, 1862, with
postscript from James Wesley Moore to Eliza
Letter from
James Wesley Moore to his Father-in-law, John Miller
Hankins, September 24, 1862
I have links to a few of the Civil War papers concerning John
Leonard Weeks, my GG Grandfather. He fought in three different units.
The 16th Alabama Infantry first, then the 1st Miss. Cavalry, and then
Roddy's 4th Ala Cavalry. Here are the links to some of the papers on my
web site.
See Also:
Civil War Lookups - Fee Based
Note: These are included for your convenience and
we make no representations about the quality of services, nor do we have any
financial interest or receive any sort of compensation or fees due to their
being listing here. Use at your own risk!
CSA Military Service Records & Pension Applications
Look-Up Service provided by Alan J. Pitts
Mr. Pitts will do look-ups for a nominal fee. He has access to any CSA
service record and pension application made to the states of Alabama,
Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. At present,
his charges are $25 for a pension application or service record. Each
additional record is $10.
Mr. Pitts is perhaps the most respected and knowledgeable contributor to
Alabama In The Civil War Message Board, and will gladly answer questions
about the records and provide invaluable opinions as to what the records
mean, as they pertain to your soldier. This is a benefit that you will not
get from NARA, and he provides lightning quick service compared to the
Government. I have used his services on several occassions and was always
pleased. by: Barry N. Wyatt
Contact Alan J. Pitts at
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copyright is violated by their submission.
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Send comments about the state project to:
Richard White
Send comments about this page to:
Allison M. Saxman
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©2001, 2002, 2003 by Allison M. Saxman.
Thanks to
Rootsweb for providing space for this site! |