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No envelope

Lynchburg Va    July 3, 1861

Mr. Musgrove

        This is the first time I have had the opportunity of writing as we
have no time to write as you will see and when you finish this and I'll
promise to write every opportunity and make no appology in the future so
enough fo that.

        I left Fayette C. H.[court house] on Tuesday 18th June and walked
to Palmetto and was very tired and feet blistered. the next day we marched
to Millport 10 mi and got dinner. then marched ten miles camped out, next
day by 10 o'clock got to Columbus. the people treated us very hospitable.
next day took the cars at 2 o clock and arrived in Mobile next morning at 6
o'clock and at 4 got on Steamer Coquette for Montgomery and arrived Tuesday
at 12 o'clock and at 8 in the evening took Cars for West Point changed cars
for Atlanta then for dalton Ga then for Knoxville Tenn then for Bristolon
the Virginia line then lastly for this place and we got her the first inst
at 10 o'clock.

        if I had time I would try to give you a detailed account of my trip
but it would be as long as the morrel law.  sufficeit to say we had a very
rough time.  no sleep nor rest the whole trip. I have been the most bizzy
one of the crowd. We are not organized well yet our first Lietenant has
been drunk three or four times and two privates has been light once but I
do not want this made public.

        I am capt of my mess which composed of eight as follows R. H.
Shelton, D. A. Lowe, Wm Duckworth, A. H. Propst, Frank Brotherton, L. F.
Shelton, Mise Coleman.

        We were mustered into survice yesterday and I was examed by the
surgeon and was affraid that I would not stand the examination but the
surgeon said there was no danger of my leg brakeing out again which I was
very proud of indeed, but there was one objected and he will start back in
a few days and one that did not go into service at all. he was adviced by
the Capt and Col not to stand the examination.

        Our Regt is full and our Company is out on parage and I am cook
protem for to day. I suppose you know that I am 4th Corporal last and
highest officer in the ranks.

        The ladies were waveing there hakf [handkerchiefs] at us every
hundred yard along the R road and throwing boquets at us. when a man could
not fight for his Country amid such applause he ought to be drumed out of
the country.

        I wrote to Brother Edward when I was on the boat and sent it by Mr.
Walden who was going to Fayette C. H. direct. I have not had time to write
to my sweet heart yet it comes her time next and as postage is so high and
I have so little money I can't write to very many person until I draw some
money which will be two months as I learned yesterday from the Leutenant
Col. Allen Smith did not pay me a cent but I borrowed ten dollars from
James Moore for wich I under many obligations and I have not got but four
dollars at present. I had to lend some to boy that did not have any. there
is half that is out of money now and by the time pay day comes there wont
be two men in the company that has any money.

        We have plenty to eat yet but such cooking you never did see in
your life. we have little or no cooking vessels andwhat we have is made of
sheet iron and they burn every thing in a minute.

        I have to commence working so good by and I hope to get a letter
from you soon. direct yours to me Sidinham Moors Regment care Capt Traweek
Lynchburg Va. I think this is the 10th Regment of Alabama.

        There is beautifl senery all along the rail road. Mountians Rivers
towns depots in abundance.

        [in pencil] I wrote the above yesterday, and last night we received
orders to march to Richmond (I mean this Regment) and we were ordered to be
ready at a moments warning and I think we will start to morrow morning. the
boys seem to be in fine Spirits. We have no napsacks yet but I think we
will certainly get them before we leave here.

        There has been several little brushes along the line lately. We
have been successfull every time captured three ships by stratagem the Capt
Commanding was promoted to Col. at Alexandria there has been another fight
with favorable to the South. Thes are news paper sketches so you know how
to weigh them.

        It seems to be the general opinion that we will have to fight
certain when we leave, or rather when we get to our rendevous there has
been one regment left here since we got here ane three here now but all
ordered off. the men all say if they had to fight they want to be at it

        I hope to be at home in one year at the fartherest. I still think
there will not be much fighting. France has recognized our independence and
from the tendency of things every way our enemy is backing everyday.

        We have plenty to eat such as it is Beef Brown Bread and Coffe.

                                                Your Brother

                                                Lemuel Harris

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©2002- 2009 by Allison M. Saxman & J.W. Johnson