Elmore County ALGenWeb
Click here to see Maps of Elmore County
Elmore County Pages
On Line Resources in Elmore County
A good place to start your first visit.
Look Ups in Elmore County
[if you can help please volunteer]
Elmore County History
[with maps and documents indexes]
Elmore County Cemeteries
A complete listing of the Cemeteries and contact information
Interactive Map of Surrounding Counties
(a map with links to other Counties)
In Print in Elmore County
books available Elmore County
Elmore County Links
to pages related to Elmore County
Elmore County Vital Records
where to look in Elmore County
Elmore County Former County
(Places once in another county.)
Elmore County Genealogical & Historical Societies
(Listings of Societies with links)
Elmore County Researchers
(Lists researchers by surname)
Beneath the Lakes
(Contains information communities, churches, cemeteries, or historic locations)
Elmore County Maps
(Listing of maps and links.)
Elmore County Libraries
(Lists local, state and regional libraries)
Afro-American Research
(Lists links and mailing list info)
Elmore County Reunions
(Info can be placed here if submitted)
Native American Research
The Original Inhabitants of much of Alabama And Georgia)
Elmore County Military
(Contains items related to the military or wars)
Want to Help?
(Lists ways you can help with the website)
How to join the ALElmore list
(Lots of great info and help on the list)
k. i. s. s. I try to keep it simple! |
Elmore County Reunions
Announcements will be placed here for any reunions of interest to persons researching
families with Elmore County connections. Please send your announcements to Maggie Stewart.
- DEAN family annual reunion
24 June 1997
Alexander City AL
Everyone brings food. The hat is passed for donations to cover the rental fee.
Contact: John Robertson
- ROBERTSON reunion
4 Oct 1997
Tuscaloosa AL
Details not final.
This is the ROBERTSON family who lived at Kent from 1940 until the early 1980s,
none of whom live in Elmore Co. today.
Contact: John Robertson or
Alice Jones
- FINCHER reunion
More details coming on this. It is will be held in late June, possibly the 24th,
near Birmingham. In the meantime, contact John Robertson
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This page was last updated
Friday, 29-Mar-2019 03:11:45 MDT
Many Thanks to the Previous County Coordinator - John Robertson
ALGenWeb is part of the USGenWeb Project.
© 1998, 1999, 2000 John Robertson
© 2000, 2001-Present