1866 Colored Population
Schedule Bo. 2 Return of the Census of 1866, For Bibb County, Alabama
Transcribed by Ingrid J Marshall. This transcription is the property of Ingrid Marshall. Do
not copy for sale or distribution. Only heads of households are listed in the census with the
number (no names) of males and females in age groups. I have transcribed heads of households
only. To search for a specific name click on the find button in your browser. Some of the
names are illegible but I have tried to transcribe them accurately. If there are any questions,
please feel free to email me at usmarsh@cox.net
Sheet 1 pg 36
. Hannah Frost
. Jacob Garner
. Isaac Davidson
. Milton Davidson
. Solomon Davidson
. Thomas Davidson
. Washington Davidson
. Green Davidson
. James Moren
. Henry Bishop
. David Crawford
. William Mayberry
. Marshall Davidson
. Wesley Mayberry
. Turner Davidson
. Daniel Davidson
. Milton Carnathian
. John Davidson
. Emma Davidson
. Morris Watkins
. Lundia Davidson
. Gilford Davidson
. Charles Davidson
. Melia Davidson
. Ransom Watkins
. Patsy Davidson
. Charlotte Davidson
. Levi Davidson Sr
. Levi Davidson Jr
. Elvina Davidson
. Peter Davidson
. Reina Davidson
. William Blakely
. Alfred Davidson
. Charles Davidson
. June Blakely
. Rose Williams
Sheet 2, pg. 37
. Harriet Griffin
. Friday Cleveland
. Winnie Cleveland
. Mike Edmonds
. Sandy Crumbie
. Charles James
. Nelson Mayberry
. Dock Mayberry
. George Parker
. Lum Howard
. Henry Wilson
. Samuel Mayberry
. Jack Lightsey
. Milton Crawford
. Frank Duff
. John McSpadden
. Luvenia Rotenberry
. Reubin Brown
. Harrison Smelley
. Julia Findley
. Jane Cox
. ?Zebia Cleveland
. Adaline Kersh
. Wesley Hunt
. Russell Findley
. Green Smith
. Letitia Fondren
. John Shelton
. Margaret Garner
. S_ _ _san Cash
. John Cults
. Caroline Reid
. Shelly Crosby
. ___ily Coker
. _____ Carver
. ___and Corley
. ___lly Panell
. ___ns Corley
Sheet 3, pg. 38
. Hannah Corley
. Nelly Corley
. Jane Corley
. Alex Smithermen Sr.
. Winnie Smithermen
. Mile Lawrence
. Alex Smithermen Jr.
. James Smitherman
. Kittie Gardner
. Frank Hicks
. James Hicks
. Margaret Hicks
. Cary Allen
. Henry Cox
. David Houston
. Simon Houston
. Luey Sandford
. Louisa Jones
. George Miler
. Samuel Miller
. James Miller
. Damon Watkins
. Peter Watkins
. Jack Watkins
. Tony Watkins
. Robin Mayberry
. R_d__n, Thomspson
. Harriet Fondren
. Stacy Steel
. Charles Mclelyhand
. Wash Calhoun
. Lyllia Calhoun
. Thomas Adams
. Scott Boatman
. Samuel Vanderdop
. Brutus McDonald
. Larkin Corey
Sheet 4 pg. 39
. John Moore
. Joshua Moore
. William Rush
. Joseph Watts
. Robert Peters
. Abram Pratt
. Matildy Wallace
. Brilton Scott
. Henry Cleveland
. Allen Suttle
. Emily Suttle
. Thomas Suttle
. Prince Bishop
. York Hill
. Anthony Hill
. John Harris
. Lewis Vance
. Lenard Harris
. Jeff Crawford
. Jack Fondren
. Martin Fondren
. Alex Fondren
. Lucy Latham
. Jacob Risinger
. Ceia Sutton
. Jane Findley
. Peter Pierce
. Jack Elliott
. Lafayette Rotenberry
. William Wade
. Ann Latham
. Hannah Fulk
. Asa Waddell
. Jack Latham
. Dicy Smitherman
. Phillis Horn
. Joseph Horn
Sheet 5 pg. 40
. Harvey Horn
. Wade Smitherman
. Henry Latham
. Joseph Brown
. Hannah Cox
. Alfred Brigg
. Edmond Findley
. William Suttle
. Newton Bishop
. Jackson Cleveland
. Willis Smitherman
. Mary Latham
. Allen Jones
. Jane Simms
. Thos E Potts
. Henry Adams
. James Stanley
. Martha Moore
. Robert Moore
. Mariah Sandford
. Bill Palmer
. Sophia Atchison
. Sarah Brigg
. Frank Smitherman
. Hampton Latham
. Kittie Atchison
. Wesley Nix
. Alex Luve ?
. Martha Dubose
. Paralee Dubose
. Taylor Moton
. Josiah Moton
. Wiley Lenoir
. Richard Mcleany ?
. John Snader
. Griffin Smitherman
. D-rick Mcleany
Sheet 6 pg.41
. David Medlivain ?
. Noah Moore
. Ginnie Works
. Sallie Johnson
. Auntney Phillips
. Hampton Smith
. Owen Rinan
. Frank Williams
. Daniel Weaver
. Jane Anders
. Missouri Anders
. Aaron McGee
. Monroe Dubose
. Sophia Garner
. Henry Lawrence
. King Caguils
. Mill Gilmen
. Jack Lenoir
. George Tally
. James Jones
. Sinah Cox
. Canlep Christian
. Prince Brown
. Liley Christian
. Jackson Tucker
. Prip Christian
. Jiney Dunlap
. Milly Milinder ?
. Alex Dickerson
. Frank Oden
. Francis Tarpley
. Martha Vaughn
. Walker Broadhead
. Adaline Broadhead
. Dolly (M)Winten
Sheet 7 pg.42
. Jane Phillips
. Susan Lenoir
. James Goodwin
. Pippen Phillips
. Emanuel Phillips
. William McGee
. Andrew McGee
. James Vinson
. Charlott Vinson
. Frances Phillips
. Hester Dubose
. Rena Dubose
. Thomas Goodwin
. James Goodwin
. Perry Lenoir
. Calvin Broadhead
. Octavia Servell ?
. Rachel Washburn
. Hank Quinn
. Sandy Quinn
. Simon Cults
. Thomas Simms
. Gabe Findley
. Mariah Rottenberry
. Margaret Miller
. George Lightsey
. Richard Mc_ lvain
. George Howard
. Thomas Oakley
. Joseph Campbell
. Peter Abney
. Nelson Gardner
. Harriet Gardner
. Warren Nix
. Green Latham
. Castilla Christian
. John Atchison
Sheet 8 pg. 43
. Rena Garner
. Anderson Wilson
. Alex McDemot
. Green Wilson
. Anderson Palmer
. William Smitherman
. Scott Wilson
. James Wilson
. George Wilson
. Auntney Wilson
. Rachael Wilson
. Salina Reid
. Mike Foshee
. Henry Carlisle
. Lack Smith
. Daniel Andrews
. Berry Boyd
. Addy Thomas
. Levin Thompson
. Winnie Hays
. Lenard Watson
. James Wallace
. William Rice
. Mahala Prentice
. Fanny Wilson
. William Reish
. Samuel Bandersli--?
. John Nights
. Joseph Watts
. Irene White
. Julia Huckabee
. Emma Thompson
. Joseph Thompson
. Phillis Thompson
. Lizie Thompson
. Walker Morris
. Fountain Wickie?
Sheet 9 pg. 44
. Frank Ward
. Wade Ward
. Luke Thompson
. Joseph Watson
. William Ferguson
. Caroline Ward
. Jordan Thompson
. Lewis Cleveland
. Martha Wilson
. Rubin Marshall
. William Marshall
. Ester Marshall
. Joseph Marshall
. Thomas Marshall
. William Calfie
. Dolly Green
. Vincey Green
. Samuel Green
. Richard Hill
. Charles Allen
. Henry Thrift
. Mariah Hill
. Rufus Fondren
. Alfred Marshall
. Margaret Hill
. Charles Hill
. Martha Hill
. Harry Hill
. Elijah Hill
. Moses Hill
. Edinborough Green
. Wesley Hill
. Parker Hill
. George Hill
. Peter Calhoun
. Nancy Boyd
. Mary Thompson
Sheet 10 pg. 45
. Hank Calfie
. Allen Foster
. Doctor Alison
. Jackson Hargrove
. Martha Smith
. Elison Scott
. Eldridge Merit
. Isaac Scott
. Green Calhoun
. Lucy Simons
. Richmond Miller
. James Shuttlesworth
. Mary Parker
. Alfred Parker
. Samuel Parker
. Sandy Parker
. Martin Hobson
. Nathan Hardgins
. Salinah Wilber
. David Cults
. Warrenton Miller
. Charlott Miller
. Edy Miller
. Jasper Pratt
. Price Findley
. Selia Findley
. Henry Latham
. Louisa Latham
. Cridge Jones
. Frank Hiliard
. James Hargrove
. Scott Henry
. Randall Krout
. William Krout
. Georgia Avery
. Harrison Caddell
. William Avery
Sheet 11 pg. 46
. Tobe Avery
. Oliver Parker
. Samuel Avery
. Riley Avery
. Rilten Avery
. Susan Avery
. Shederick Avery
. Charles Avery
. Toney Kornegay
. Sarah Avery
. Randall Avery
. Hector Avery
. Thomas Avery
. Jackson Cults
. Doctor Hopkins
. Major Avery
. Nelson Avery
. Lydia Avery
. Thomas Cults
. Angeline Avery
. Mariah James
. Louisa Cults
. Jeff Avery
. Adam Edmonds
. Ela Edmonds
. Ben Smitherman
. Auston Harris
. Benjamin Harris
. George Harris
. Jupitor Harris
. Shepard Harris
. Martin Harris
. Serina Hrris
. Holand Harris
. Julia Harris
. Ephram Harris
. ? Jipie Mason
Sheet 12 pg. 47
. Andrew Mason
. Alex Mason
. Green Lee
. Simon McDemot
. Pelina Harris
. Jack Clark
. Lewis Clark
. Prince Clark
. William Clark
. Lucinda Mason
. Patsy Duff
. William Duff
. Charles Duff
. James Clark
. Vicey Clark
. John Clark
. Suckey Clark
. Carolina Fondren
. Ann Cooper
. Sarah Allen
. William Owen
. Charles Glap
. Rebecca Bishop
. Zachariah Harris
. Mack Bishop
. Jane Bishop
. Albert Mayberry
. Andrew Cleveland
. George Wood
. Ann Smith
. Ann Kellough
. Sterling Fondren
. Allen McMath
. Randal Printice
. Joseph Redford
. George Smith
. Frank Smith
Sheet 13 pg. 48
. Charles Carleton
. Frank Herrington
. Mariah Fancher
. James Smith
. Nelson Thomspon
. Dennis Green
. Alfred Wood
. James Wood
. Trim Ward
. Margaret Cromwell
. Dempson Thompson
. Thomas Adams
. Adeline Thompson
. Lucy Goodwin
. Burrell Goodwin
. Absulon Smitherman
. George Latham
. Richard Garner
. William Smitherman
. Bartley Garner
. Wash Johnson
. Charles Latham
. Matildy Findley
. Mariah Gentry
. Sarah Gentry
. Lucy Latham
. Charles Walker
. Charles Hill
. Noah Cobb
. Clishion Walker
. Jack Davis
. Green Jones
. Dinah Harbbert
. Richard Mcleany Jr.
. Thomas Abney
. Peter Raspberry
. Jackson Campbell
Sheet 14 pg. 49
. Alfred Barrett
. George Barrett
. Caroline Barrett
. Sarah Barrett
. Edy Davenport
. Ann Garner
. Ginnie Pierce
. Julia Tucker
. Phillis Compton
. Stephen Mason
. Joseph Foshee
. Andrew Foshee
. Viney Pierson
. Elcany Pierson
. Dolly Abney
. Clara Abney
. Mary James
. Morgan Mcgee
. Allen Inghram
. Henry Griffin
. George Perry
. Martha Sandford
. Allen Sandford
. Milton Walker
. Rose Sandford
. Hal Honeycutt
. James Barlow
. Ann Honeycutt
. Samuel Bryan
. Brown Goodson
. James Garner
. Wade Garner
. Stephen Atchison
. Louisa Nix
. Risey Latham
. Charles Walls
. Bryant Nix
Sheet 15 pg. 50
. Hetty Nix
. Curtis Gentry
. Eliza Hubbard
. Nathan Aldridge
. Milly Hubbard
. Jake Filts
. Martha Nix
. Elaina Clicklen
. Cajon Brizbee
. John Campbell
. Allen Hubbard
. Daniel Reid
. Sophia Simmons
. Isaac Collins
. Rody Simms
. Briston McGlaun?
. Samuel Neely
. Margaret Davis
. Squire Wooley
. Arthur Wooley
. Levi Hall
. Henry Hall
. Amos Hall
. Arthur Hall
. Allen Griffin
. Caroline Tally
. John Wilson
. Lewis Lenoir
. Ellen Reid
. Jinny McRimmon
. Aaron Latham
. Thomas Broughton
. Spartes Wood
. Silus Wallace
. Samuel Parker
. Top (Tob) Watkins
. George Fondren
Sheet 16 pg. 51
. Demby Conwell
. Robert Frost
. James Suttle
. Elbert Parker
. Ann Howard
. Shelby Ward
. Larkin Caddell
. Charles Lightsey
. Lucindy Caddell
. Robert Kersh
. Prince Cleveland
. Allen Kersh
. Stephen Hargrove
. Eliza Chism
. Mary Bishop
. George Person
. Lucy Lightsey
. Catherine Strickland
. Dilly Harris
. Gloster Rasberry
. Peter Rasberry
. Jackson Campbell
. Nancy Simons
. Robert James
. Emanuel Goodson
. Henry Sadler
. Presley Calfee
. Robert Calfee
. Frank Mason
. Benjamin Mason
. Adam Mason
. Suckey Atchison
. Martha Gardner
. Alex Gregg
. James Cobb
. Benjamin Davenport
Sheet 17 pg 52
. Auntney Gibbons
. Nancy Gibbons
. Richard McCleny
. Elizabeth Jones
. Nancy Simmons
. Amandy Rasberry
. Jacob Rasberry
. James Rasberry
. David Rasberry
. John Shelton Sr.
. John Shelton Jr.
. Nancy Reid
. Auntney Collins
. Richard Hays
. Lizzie Oden
. Benjamin Price
. Jane George
. Jency Atoway
. George Blocken
. Dicey Heedlsy
. Minard Williams
. Margaret Gardner
. Van Dill
. LaVina Wooley
. Silvy Reid
. Zizey Reid
. Dicey George
. Sallie Dupree
. Caroline Christian
. Eliza Rasberry
. Aaron Tally
. Ellen Hicks
. Lina Wilson
. Jane Webb
. Louisa Foshee
. John Christian
. Richard Jones
Sheet 18 pg 53
. Robert Christian
. Henry Bowling
. Amandy Atchison
. Samuel Bowling
. Nelson Webb
. James Hicks
. Columbus Webb
. Letitia Glopecock
. Jackson Harris
. Lewis Dobins
. Amy Cole
. Francis Duff
. Horris Davidson
. Amy Davidson
. Malindy Davidson
. Wesley Henry
. John Arnold
. Austin Goodwin
. Martha Hogan
. Harrison Bergin
. Jacob McMath
. Samuel Goodson
. Betty Butler
. Julia Butler
. Henry McCleavain
. Henry Hill
. Aaron Hargrove
. Jacob Miller
. Gilbert Miller
. Samuel Miller
. Wiley Hargrove
. David Hargrove
. Simon Murphy
. Abey Murphy
. Snid-k-Murphy
. Sarah Thompson
. Henry Hubbard
Sheet 19 pg 54
. Allen James
. George Miller
. James Hargrove
. Sidney Oldham
. Wilson Hill
. Sandy Calhoun
. Toliver Watkins
. Jane Hogan
. Ester Shuttlesworth
. Edmond Vance
. Ellen Vance
. Charles Thomasson
. Thelin Goodson
. Jeroy Goodson
. Jepey Banks
. Henry Banks
. Pleasant Banks
. John Banks
. Hester Banks
. Catherine Banks
. Oliver Banks
. Wiley Banks
. Thompson Banks
. Patsy Banks
. Larkin Banks
. Harvey Banks
. Webster Banks
. Marselless Banks
. Nancy Banks
. Annis Hogan
. Harriet Thompson
. Lewis Caddell
. Drayton Connell
. Jones Caddell
. George Henry
. James Parker
. Thomas Howard
Sheet 20 pg 55
. Jackson Parker
. Jones Mayberry
. Charles Mayberry
. George Mayberry
. William Parker
. Stephen Parker
. Winnie Shuttlesworth
. Sandy Shuttlesworth
. Mary Williams
. Jacob Yeager
. Perry Mink
. Elbert Wallace
. Henry Carter
. Reid Kellough
. Oliver Frederick
. Holly Carter
. Levi Carter
. Polly Carter
. Benjamin Smelly
. Joseph Wilson
. Turner Cleveland
. Solomon McGuire
. Edy Thompson
. Peter Madison
. Robert Espy
. Arthur Adams
. Ann Day
. Howard Cook
. Richard Ward
. Alfred Thompson
. Wiley Thompson
. Webster Huckabee
. Fountain Mickie
. Alfred Thompson
. Newton Wilson
. Samuel Huckabee
. Friday Wilson
Sheet 21 pg 56
. Edmond Sutton
. Antney Wilson
. James Thompson
. Albert Reives
. Joseph Wilson
. Watson Thompson
. John Huckabee
. Thomas Huckabee
. Henry Thompson
. Cromwell Huckabee
. Penny Huckabee
. Charles Bilinger
. Jacob Thomas
. Jerry Nabors
. Simon Mooreland
. William Vinnon
. Rachel McRimmon
. Sallie Mahan
. Samuel Bailey
. Mary Starr
. Ann Thomas
. Mary Wellington
. Mary Alvis
. Mary Macon
. Mary Biggs
. Lizzie Flinn
. Primous Ward
. Josephus Wood
. Bezie Oakley
. Sterling Fancher
. Tobe Nabors
. Ramsey Garner
. Samuel Cottingham
. James Cults
. Hanklip Cooper
. William Cottingham
. Charles Garner
Sheet 22 pg 57
. Taylor Galoway
. Richard Adams
. George Thorton
. Caty Lyon
. Edmond Kendrick
. Malinda Pratt
. Hal Goodwin
. Abram Hicks
. Robert McCleany
. Alston Goodwin
. Bill Kinnard
. Moses Goodwin
. Jane Goodwin
. Thomas Christian
. Mack Goodwin
. Peter Jones Jr.
. Peter Jones Sr.
. Henry Gladden
. Benjamin Jones
. Frances Smitherman
. Mary Smitherman
. Auston Smitherman
. John Roper
. Rice Collier
. Joshua Collier
. Edmond Caddell
. Ned Frazer
. Jackson Frazer
. Saliest Lightsey
. Caroline Frazer
. Bind Davis
. Richard Davis
. Mary Davis
. Toliver Watkins
. Jack Coker
. Andrew Abney
. Mary Brigg
Sheet 23 pg 58
. Rachel Snead
. Harris Davidson
. Wesley Henry
. Benjamin Kennedy
. Catherine Smitherman
. Amos Cleveland
. Jane Frederick
. Allen McRimmon
. Frank Ward
. ? Esix McRimmon
. Benjamin McRimmon
. Jane McRimmon
. Abe Lightsey
. Charlotte Lightsey
. Carter Wooley
. Henderson Moren
. Hannah Moren
. Lavinah Moren
. Hannah Cleveland
. Jordan Goodwin
. Cuff Hank ?
. Thomas Wilson
. James Duff
. John Wilson
. Monroe Davidson
. Solomon Elam
. Washington James
. Isaac Duff
. Sandy Duff
. Smith Parker
. Edward Duff
. Andrew Davidson
. Stephen Hill
. Charles Hill
. Dodson Hill
. Richard Hill
. Richmond Hill